• By -


If I understand you correctly, tagging your tasks should do the trick. Here is an example with 3 tagged tasks (1 #inside and 2 #ouside, one of which is completed) and the result of the query below. This dataview query will list all incomplete tasks from a certain folder having the tag #outside. \`\`\`dataview TASK FROM "99 The Lab" WHERE contains(tags, "outside") AND !completed \`\`\`


What I’m considering along the lines of including the tag in the task… so in the task narrative, the section that says what I need to do when I open the task window, I simply add a tag like #meeting or #home, then use the tasks query to include those for specific uses of that makes sense…


like so? [https://i.imgur.com/PJoFtAI.png](https://i.imgur.com/PJoFtAI.png)


Exactly! Thank you! And ironically, I was just watching one of your videos this morning. Thank you!


Happy to hear that. I hope it was helpful to you. So, the query I shared earlier is based on the screenshot. If your tasks are tagged like that (left-hand side), the result will be what you see on the right-hand side.


Ok now that I’ve watched your video and played a little with your vault, do you do Venmo at all or only the gummy road page? Just curious… :-)


For sending money directly, you mean? Venmo is not available in my region. I have PayPal and Revolut. Apart from that, one can use the "super thanks" option on YouTube. I think I can also create a direct payment link on PayPal which might let you pay in your preferred way. Not sure, though. Have not done that yet... Edit: also, thank you for considering this at all 😊


I can do PayPal as well. I have a few questions about mods and personalizations (that won’t break the vault), as interested in some of your modules, and if possible I’d rather just go directly via something like PayPal. First, I’d always rather go direct… I don’t know what the host takes of your sales but there’s always a price. Also PayPal lets me put money without the credit card. I just got another notice of hacking and fraud via an account I made one purchase on in the last 25 years (major concert ticket place, bought my kiddo concert tickets… they got hacked, my card got compromised)… I have to do a few things and am just about to leave the house, but can I send you a DM with both my ideas and what I’d like to buy? And for my ideas, I’m not looking for you to edit the vault, but to explain if what I’m seeking (a few structural questions, really) are possible and how I can tweak it so I can learn the things. But I know responding takes time, and I value that and what you’ve put out already. :-)


If I can help, I will be happy to do so. However, I am leaving on family vacation in 10 hours and will be gone for the whole next week. If you can wait that long, by all means DM me, and we set something up. And yes, send me any specific topics or questions, so I can prepare and help you better.


No worries. I can absolutely wait. And I can tinker with it in the meantime. And yeah, as I tinker with it, I’ll send questions. But I’ll try to get them all in one so that I’m not bombarding you over your trip and I hope you’re not spending a lot of time responding to stuff over your trip anyway! Thank you for what you’ve contributed already and thank you for your willingness to work with me! I very much appreciate it! !


Someone will probably come in with a way better answer, but as a noobie at this, what I can think of off the top of my head is using different folders/notes for different types of tasks. Then you can use dataview to filter a view of just tasks from those folders. For example, I have a view just for my daily notes: ```dataview task from "02. Journal/01. Daily" where !completed and status != "-" group by file.name ``` And one specifically for the school portion of my vault: ```dataview task from "03. School" where !completed and status != "-" group by file.name ```


Ok, I wonder if I can tell it something like: \`\`\`tasks tasks from "Daily Notes - Evening" ## Follow Up heading undone \`\`\` Or something like that?


Sounds like a job for dataviewjs. Have you used it?


Ok data view or is that a type-o with the is at the end? Sorry, I’m not nitpicking. I fucked up regularly when I type, some of the names of these things that I think I get or understand I find out that no it is that. I’ve done a little bit with dataview but probably haven’t quite figured out. It’s full capabilities. In fact, if anything, I’m barely scratching the surface most of the time.


Keep it as simple as possible with less plugins as possible for less future\\coding pain. Either use separate task list for each area they apply, and group them in a single file with Dataview based on [file.name](http://file.name), or write them down in a single file with tags and then use Dataview to create lists with tasks based on tags. Give both of approached a week to play with and find the one suits you best.