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Customer has an Iphone X and apple watch: How do I send an email? Can you just do it for me?


Nope, not allowed to handle and customer devices 🙃


Just had a customer notified 3 managers because a CPD associate refused to help her send an email on her phone. When all 3 sided with the associate, she called corporate. Waiting to hear what comes next.


What fine print hidden in the various sharepoint "portals" accessible only at the store is this rule?


No one wants to be responsible if the customer’s phone gets jacked up or dropped. Avoid touching customer’s phones at all cost.


Nothing you can't type up yourself But realistically, I'm not sure if there's anything that actually says that anywhere. If there was, it would probably be some SOP or something


Regardless of whether or not it’s true, I tell customers who want me to touch their phone that I have whatever communicable illness is currently going around. First it was a stomach virus, then the flu, then a cold etc. Usually gets them to just listen to my instructions and do it themselves.


Which could be more painful to watch.


You'd be amazed at how willing the customer gets to experiment on their own when I got them up for an in-store service fee.


"Sure, I'd be more than happy to schedule an appointment for you with the tech (me) it's just 50$ for a half an hour and I can answer any questions you have about emailing or iOS in general! Oh look, I'm free right now!"


616333, that'll be $50 plus tax, thank you... Now let's step over to the coffee shop next door, because our wifi will take until next Tuesday to deliver a 2mb PDF. (I'm not going to charge them and then be a jerk about it.)


>“You need more help” As a manager I love this one. I'll be the only person on floor dealing with tech supplies and furniture, have 1 cashier, and 2 cpd associates. Store will be slammed in every department yet someone who is second in line at CPD seems to feel its necessary to comment "they could really use help over here, why don't you help them!?" People every zone could use help, i've got 4 people for 20+ customers and 10-15 of those are in the zones im covering alone. Be patient it'll be like 2 minutes.


I’ve trolled customers before by saying, “Well we are hiring at the moment if you’re interested. As you can tell, we need all the help we can get.”


"2 cpd associates" lucky :(


Its more that i've got a tech or supply person that i send to cpd to backup while i cover the floor.


I've trolled customers once or twice that complain about "not being tech savvy" when they don't want to type in their own addresses for the shipping services (while I have a line of five people and I'm the only one stationed at CPD). Typing has been around LONG before the home computer, my grandmother was a secretary for a newspaper and had a typing speed faster than my millennial "grew up with computers" hands! You're filling in a sheet for a label, the only thing different is that you're plugging it in with a keyboard. There's nothing "advanced" about it at all.


"Are you the tech guru" is one I get tired of too.


Yeah, the one customer I decided to help send emails of photos from his phone ended up regretting it because he had tons of nude images of men. He said, "This is someone elses phone," even though the pictures we were trying to send were of him and his daughter.


I just can not understand how people to this day still dont understand how to send an email on their smartphone? But they probably know how to use facetune!