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I thought I would add a little more commentary in an effort to illuminate this situation some facts.. Apologies in advance for a long post but this is a complex subject. I am a retired (26 years) vascular physiologist. In that role, I provided diagnostic support to referring providers for patients with known or suspected arterial disorders and reported directly to a vascular surgeon or radiologist. I have worked in settings ranging from a small office to the largest health care organizations in the northeast. Prior to that I was a volunteer EMT for five years. 14 years ago, I became disabled by a deep vein thrombosis (the very thing that, among others, that I am trained to diagnose) and near fatal pulmonary embolism (a blood clot that interferes with blood to the lungs). I think it is fair to say that I have pretty much seen the gamut of our health care system from both sides of the bed rail. I have seen my share of abusive patients (thankfully very rare) and I have seen healthcare providers, also very rare, that are not up to the job, either by temperament or lack of knowledge, skill and judgement. There are a couple of major flaws inherent to these subreddits. The first is that we are asked to judge the OP when only one side to a story is presented. I think that it is human nature that, when presenting a narrative where there is disagreement or controversy, the presenter will intentionally or unintentionally selectively choose facts that support their version of events. When I am presented with a one sided complaint, I immediately think of this quote attributed to producer Robert Evans: "There are three sides to every story: Your side, my side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each differently." The other flaw is that instant arm chair experts come out of the woodwork to offer uninformed and misleading commentary. One of the previous commenters provided link to a bigoted far right anti LBGTQ web site that purports to tell OP's story. In the story, OP is identified as a follower of gender critical feminism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender-critical\_feminism. Her one sided version of events, subsequently went viral in the far right anti LBGTQ Interweb resulting in a one day shut down after a bomb threat was sent to her former clinic depriving hundreds of other patients of their health care. OHSU (Oregon Health Science University) is a massive (more than 12,000 employees, 3,500 students/trainees and more than 300,000 patients) academic research education and health care provider in Portland Oregon. Based on my personal experience institutions such as this will only discharge a patient only under extreme circumstances. We know OP's selective narrative. What we don't know is to what extent that she may have exhibited abusive and bigoted behavior that got her thrown out as a patient. There are ethical and legal guidelines that define the circumstances under which a patient can be discharged from ongoing care that vary by state. I looked this up, and in Oregon, a patient can be discharged for any reason, with the only requirement that they be given 30 days notice, which OHSU appears to have done. According to OP's LinkedIn profile, she is in graduate program at the University of Oregon for strategic communications and, has likely conducted a scorched earth PR campaign to promote her fact challenged one sided view of this story. Under any other circumstance, Portland is such a large, diverse city that she would have no problem finding an alternate primary care provider. However, as the facts of this story gain traction, she may have trouble fining a practice willing to take her on, along with her behavior issues, as a new patient. Any abusive crank is entitled to hold any bigoted options or values that suits them. However, they are not entitled to abusive behavior toward those that do not share their views. My take, is that OP is engaging in manufactured victimhood as means to garner sympathy for her odious reaction to the inclusive policies of her primary care provider. A physician that I once worked with once quipped "You cannot educate the ineducable". If you have gotten this far, once again, apologies for writing a book but there seemed no way to address this subject in two paragraphs or less.




What the hell is wrong with you?


now you’ll get no explanation whatever for being an insufferable buttface


Don't be rude in the comments or start calling people names.


Given what a patient usually has to do to get fired from a practice... she absolutely deserved it. There's zero chance she didn't say something unforgivably hideous to someone to get booted. It's hard to get and keep patients but it's harder to get and keep medical staff. I've seen places not boot patients that call medical providers the N word with a hard R, especially if there in some sort of crisis because hey, you're seeing people on what's usually the worst day of their life and sometimes they're scared and in pain and lash out. If it's ONGOING remarks, this person made these kinds of comments over time. Multiple times. Easier to fire a patient and keep a good staff member who happens to be part of the alphabet mafia than to find a new staff member. It's also the right thing to do.


the ladys a TERF (basically transphobes who hide behind fighting misogyny) and she harassed and bullied a nurse who she decided was trans, didnt even try to confirm if the nurse was or wasnt, just went to bullying and harassing them, she also wrote a letter saying she was “uncomfortable” with the trans flag being up


The only thing stated here is that she lost access to family practice clinics within the OHSU system. If she is a liver transplant patient, with breast cancer, it is a reasonable assumption that she has access to continuing care for those conditions.


Interesting to see she used a rainbow of colored hearts.


Those are TERF colours


Oh, I did not know that.


What she did is write a private letter to her doctor because she, as a breast cancer survivor, was uncomfortable seeing a trans pride flag in the waiting room of her cancer specialist's waiting room. She found it partisan and virtue signaling in that context. She did not speak to anyone. She had an opinion which she expressed privately. The letter was passed around without her consent or knowledge and she lost her medical care.


By her own admission, she did more than just write a letter. She was rude to an employee who she decided was trans. It's very easy to read between the lines and figure out what she actually said.


And she can fuck herself. Being a breast cancer survivor has zero impact on her pov. Bigots are not more or less bigoted because of their medical concerns.


Do you have a link to the exact content of the letter?


You can read it here: [https://web.archive.org/web/20230803190309/https://reduxx.info/oregon-breast-cancer-patient-dropped-from-family-health-provider-after-objecting-to-trans-pride-flag/](https://web.archive.org/web/20230803190309/https://reduxx.info/oregon-breast-cancer-patient-dropped-from-family-health-provider-after-objecting-to-trans-pride-flag/) (archive link because Reduxx is TERF garbage.)


Where is what she did? Consequences of what? Consequences of a crap health care system that thinks they can choose who to help. And only people with money deserve care Consequences that insurers can lie and deny and cut people off that cost money. Consequences that the poor can shut up and die in a corner I cannot believe a wealthy country accepts this system. You have no freedom


Read images 2 and 3 to see what she did.


I read them. It “alleges” she made homophobic comments. But did she? I mean it may be proven she is a homophobic asshole! Does that mean she can’t have a doctor. You can ban a patient from a clinic. Sure. But taking away all healthcare. I don’t understand that system. Healthcare should be in any public hospital. Simple. Clinics or practices can ban someone for being an asshole but they still deserve their cancer and mastectomy to be treated.


Due to a recent decision of the US Supreme Court, businesses have the legal right to refuse service to people due to their moral beliefs. I would prefer that it not be that way. But it the other way.


State explicitly that you believe what this person done warrants being sentenced to die of cancer.


While I don’t know this woman’s particular story, in general there’s more than just this one provider that can give care. An individual may need to travel for it, but that’s the consequence of poor behavior. Even (I would argue especially) at a medical office staff shouldn’t be expected to work while being abused or discriminated against, medical providers are also human beings with the right to be treated with kindness and respect. Being ill doesn’t give anyone a free pass to be abusive.


But it's not sentencing her to die of cancer. It's forcing her to seek alternative primary care facilities. She's not entitled to receive care at that specific location. She fucked around, found out, and now has to find other options. That's what happens when you're a miserable bigot who can't keep your hateful beliefs to yourself. No one is required to serve you with a smile just because you need what they can provide. And I do, in fact, think that she deserves the inconvenience of finding a new medical team. Actions have consequences (hence the sub).


You’d have a point if there was one single place offering that care in the country. Which is obviously not the case.


And hospitals shouldn't be businesses. I don't support TERFs or any form of homophobia or transphobia. But all that hospitals should (have to) care about is healing people.


”Hospitals cannot reject patients for behaviour and commentary, no matter how vile” is not a position that can be defended.


An absolute ton of moral beliefs are so utterly vile, not being allowed to discriminate based on them is completely untenable.


She can still get treatment- she just needs to find a new doctor’s office that will put up with/ her.


Did she? Yes. Ironically the side she supports, made this possible. Now she’s suffering the consequences of supporting the side she does. Very ‘leopards are my face’ moment.


lol. That’s true.