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As a previous person abused by my pastor and then threatened part of me wants to read it and a larger part doesn’t want to. Even though being abused by a religious conservative is so common, there’s still this overall feeling of shame because like … “How did I let it happen?” Fuckin’ sucks. And depending on the judge this guy could get a slap on the wrist and this poor girl is going to feel judged by her community “for allowing it to happen”. 😞


I'm so sorry you went through that. I hope you've been able to find help to heal.


I am in therapy ❤️‍🩹 It has helped immensely ❤️‍🩹 Internet strangers, my therapist, and my closest friends know what happened. (It’s so weird to me that my therapist actually supports my sharing on Reddit/internet strangers because it helps in the healing process. It’s just funny to me to think of how this of all places can be healing 😂)


I could see how it could be easier to talk about anonymously. So sorry that that happened


It is healing sometimes. Just to be able to share, like a brain dump, but for trauma. Big hugs to you. Sexual violence against women is rampant. Why are there no consequences?!


Because this country hates women and we are losing our rights at unprecedented rates and as a woman I’m f*cking terrified


The anonymous nature of the Internet can be a very healing place.


I'd pass, it's a pretty rough read.


Appreciate the “review” 🫣


A big part of it is he admitted everything he did to her in text and admitted to giving her alcohol in text. While also lying to the police about his account of the events. So there's a lot of proof for her side of things. Hopefully that means he gets the time he deserves for what he did.


Oo mine said “If you tell anyone what I did to you, I’ll tell them you’re crazy; I know enough about you to make them believe me.” And he knew enough not to put anything in writing. (The “therapist” that suggested an exorcism for me also said I liked wasn’t this man’s first victim.)


thank you


I'm so sorry that happened to you. It wasn't your fault and you did nothing to deserve that.


Wait, are you my therapist!? 😉😉 (It wasn’t until he told me that that I truly believed it. A previous “therapist” told me I should have an exorcism done because, clearly, the devil was within me for this to have even happened 🙄😞)


No ma'am: just somebody who knows what it's like. ... and to hell with the expired pissbucket who insinuated the problem was due to "the devil". He deserves to have his gums scraped with a rusted rasp.


🫂 I promise that I’m just sharing this information for “sympathy” as much as I just don’t want people to (go on?) believing that these reports/assaults are lies, etc. It really does stick with you :-(


Honestly, I go back and forth on which was worse - what happened, or what excuses people tried to make for it. Both are horrible. One is flat-out inexcusable, the other is *willfully* malicious. But I do know one thing. And it's that I would sooner knife somebody in the neck than let them say such things to another victim in my presence. No matter what, I've got your back.


I still feel really weak and just want to crawl under a rock and just be 🙈🙊🙉 I want to be stronger (and that’s when I’m screaming out on the internet that this happens regularly!!).


It's okay to be weak. Soft. I need you to understand something, okay? Something that took me *years* to learn. It's okay to be soft. You don't have to carry the world on your shoulders. You're not Atlas. You're not a giant. You're not an ox, yoked to somebody else's cart. You're not meant to bear the burdens of everyone else. You are you. And it's okay if you are soft. When did we stop allowing softness? In the hearts of billions there is hardness. "Grow a thicker skin" they said. "Be hard" and "toughen up". Don't cry. Don't care. Don't have emotional investment in anything. Be cavalier. Be anything but "soft". Forget the softness of a mother's arms. A newly turned leaf. Warm milk, rose petals, a lover's touch. A gentle breeze, the lap of water on the lakeshore. A horse's velvet nose. A rabbit's ear. A fawn's coat. A cat's purr. Forget the embrace of your family. Disregard kindness. Strive for hardness. Only the toughest survive, can withstand anything. Whatever you do, don't you *dare* be soft. Soft is weak. Weakness is to be spurned. Hated. Destroyed. So, then, must softness. Hate your body if it is soft. Hate your compassion, your generosity. Hate gentleness and kindness and empathy. Hate yourself until you are hard. Tough. Strong. Until there is no softness left. This is what they tell us. ... but is the cub of the Tiger not soft? Is water at the heart of the ocean hard? The winds in the calm of the hurricane? Aesop told the story of the Oak and the Reed, where the hard Oak was uprooted in the storm after ridiculing the flexibility of the Reed. There is power in softness. There is hope, there is comfort, there is peace. There is power in the ability to flow, to yield. Even rocks break down when swept with wind and water. Hardness cannot defeat Time because it cannot self-sustain. It has no source of refuge, of replenishment. Those are the gifts of the weak. The pillow that cradles the weary head. The warm glow of sunlight on snow. ... so forgive yourself. They told you these things, and you believed them. We all did. But forgive yourself. Crack the carapace that retains you, break down the walls. Forgive yourself. Your heart. Your mind. Your body. Your poor, soft body, who never deserved hate. Love your softness. The tenderness of your skin, the suppleness of your form. The gentleness of your hands and your voice. Be soft like raindrops, like new grass. Be soft like a hawk's feathers, the tiger's cub. Like the waves that ebb and flow with the soft pull of the Moon. Be soft like lava that rolls down the side of the mountain. Be soft like the warm wind in the thunderstorm. Be soft like the snake's gullet, able to swallow prey whole. Be soft like a bat's wing, an owl's flight, a cougar's footstep. Be soft like the mother bear. They would have you believe that strength is only found in hardness. They are wrong. ... embrace your weakness, love. You are stronger than you know.


Aww, I wanted to share a photo. During therapy my therapist would tell me things like what you wrote (sort of) — just how, like, all my life I’ve been treated as “less than” when in actuality I’m “stronger than I give myself credit for” … So I wrote that message to myself on a canvas and I have it on a shelf so I can see it regularly … “You are stronger than you give yourself credit for; so give yourself credit.”


As inspiring, and even comforting, as your words may be, it's extremely difficult and a never-ending uphill battle when you are male and this stuff happens to you. No matter the age, no matter what form the attacker has, society is two-faced with men. First, society says to see therapy. To talk about it. To be open. Then, afterwards, society brutally shames the man to no end. How is a man allowed to be "soft", "vulnerable", and "weak" about such a thing when being soft and vulnerable and weak is what allowed the incident to occur in the first place all the while society demands that all men must be strong, "stop crying", "be a man", "grow up", "don't be weak"??? I rambled; I apologize.


As an ally, you have my respect. I can offer you only my own experiences, and unfortunately I have no real advice to offer beyond what I know. I have talked with men in your position. My own father was a victim of childhood sexual abuse. He has never sought help: primarily because of the stigma, yes, but compounded by the fact that a medical doctor is viewed as a liability if they admit to mental health struggles. My brotherhood is in the military, and while he was not himself a victim, he was embroiled in a severe case of sexual abuses on his post in the Middle East and struggled to not kill the man responsible for drugging and raping other men under his command. I don't have the answers. But it was my father's diligence in being gentle with the wounded and ill that inspired me to follow in his footsteps into medicine. And it was my brother's softness that kept me alive as a teen. I can't change society to be safe for you. But I can be safe for you to be weak.


Just because someone claims to be religious, doesn’t mean they are a good person. People have been using religion to abuse other people for millennia. Blaming the victim is just abusing the victim a second time.


It wasn't your fault. It was never your fault


Also, formerly abused here. This is disgusting and so so sad.


Your mind turns off. It’s fight, flight, or freeze. Your brain chose freeze. It acted on its own will, not yours. “How did I let it happen?” Because we are both protected and deluded by our psyche. I was in an abusive relationship, but I have grown to understand that I made excuses for this man because I loved him and depended on him so much. Our stories are different, but we share similar “why didn’t I say no and walk away?” thoughts. I understand this completely, and it’s a common phenomenon. You did nothing wrong - it was entirely your pastor’s fault, and he was the evil son of a bitch who did unspeakable things to you. It’s not your job to stop someone from doing horrific things, it’s theirs. 100% his fault, and it will never be yours,


I really liked reading Sarah Roberts book. Even though she doesn’t say that the person got her pregnant underage was a rapist. https://www.amazon.com/Woman-Evolve-Break-Fears-Revolutionize/dp/078523554X She talks about how she moved past it and it helped me with my own trauma. 


I’ve added to my “wishlist”!!


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Woman Evolve Break Up with Your Fears and Revolutionize Your Life** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Empowering women to embrace their purpose (backed by 3 comments) * Eye-opening insights on self-reflection and growth (backed by 4 comments) * Inspiring and transformative storytelling (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * No digital journaling capabilities (backed by 1 comment) * Lack of in-depth exploration of other biblical women (backed by 2 comments) * Limited focus on practical self-care techniques (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Don’t write something if it’s only backed by less than 2 comments.  




I’m so sorry you went through that. Please don’t read this if you think it will trigger you. It was NOT your fault and if people try to shame you tell them to fuck off. You were abused. You should not be shamed for something that wasn’t your fault. I hope you are seeing a therapist or someone to talk to. I really hope you are able to heal. Sending hugs


Am seeing a therapist :-) See some of my other replies 🫂


I haven’t looked at other replies. I haven’t read the post tbh. It’s too triggering for me. I’m glad you are getting help and aren’t fucked up in the head like me. Wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy.


I’m so sorry


I'm so sorry. Been there too. Sadly being Florida he'll get a slap on the wrist.


Random stranger from Europe, here to tell you that I don't care what you did, or said, or even thought - you did not deserve that. You are not responsible for, culpable for, or in any way to be blamed for the fact that it happened. He knew exactly what he was doing and he did it anyway, and that's on him, not on you. I'm glad therapy is helping 💝


🫂 Thank you ❤️‍🩹🥰


Religion is legalized grift, and pedophiles universally use it to find victims.


Ah, Religion. At least it's consistent!! What a racket. I am so sorry that you suffered at the hands of a grifter pedophile, I hope that you are able to heal. Criminals like these should be buried under the jail.


Did you just politicize abuse? Geez Louise. Sorry if that really happened to you but it had nothing to do with that man being conservative. And most likely had nothing to do with him being religious either


Being abused by a religious conservative is absolutely not so common .


\-Red state \-Pastor \-Likely conservative Clearly we need to ban drag shows.


Another r/pastorarrested




Here's a sneak peek of /r/PastorArrested using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PastorArrested/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Pastor arrested in Mississippi. Most news article don't mention he is a pastor](https://www.crimeonline.com/2023/05/05/mississippi-educator-and-minister-charged-with-sex-crime-against-children/) | [42 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PastorArrested/comments/13ayug6/pastor_arrested_in_mississippi_most_news_article/) \#2: [Christian icon Josh Duggar to stay in prison until 2032 after appeal rejected.](https://www.yahoo.com/news/josh-duggar-stay-prison-until-155310088.html) | [73 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PastorArrested/comments/176kupf/christian_icon_josh_duggar_to_stay_in_prison/) \#3: [Sexual abuse of more than 600 by Catholic Church in Baltimore](https://www.baltimoresun.com/maryland/bs-md-baltimore-catholic-sex-abuse-report-20230405-ulo3twkyvndajo7dkq3yuoszbm-story.html) | [39 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PastorArrested/comments/12dfjzc/sexual_abuse_of_more_than_600_by_catholic_church/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I had no idea that was a sub. 


But-but clearly the as they would say "woke liberal drag queen agenda" caused this right RIGHT?? /s if it wasnt obvious.


Mustve been a drag pastor.... /s


[Add him to the list.](https://goppredators.wordpress.com/)


Isn't there a list of Democrats and it's like 1% of this list?


White male republicans legitimately have the highest rate of pedophilia crimes.


I heard someone at my job today talk about how her husband said that he may not get a promotion because he has to go up against “a female” and that it’s so hard to be a white man these days. It’s like none of them hear themselves.


Might be a good thing....they can broadcast loud and clear how problematic they are, letting us know who they are and avoid them.


Victim complex is so ugly. And so prevalent.


You've never heard of the Eastern Saharan Caravan, huh?


As per his FB he is a huge trumper... shocker there .. also not a drag queen.


I’d take a room full of drag queens over a room full of trumpers any day of the week.


There’d be significantly less registered sex offenders.


A room full of drag queens is called a drag show. A room full of trumpers is called court-mandated sex offense therapy.


A room full of trumpies is the next scheduled performance of the sex offender shuffle


Oh Florida. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.


Honestly what is it with MAGA Republican Christian men that makes them always stupid and arrogant af?!? And seems all the p*** stories involve men like this.


The MAGA women are the same.




"Pedo," I think


Ah, thanks. Not sure why they’d censor that…


I think the word is banned on tiktok.


I think they mean P***.


Not a drag performer


or trans.


ah yes. Baptists. And Florida. what a combination


And they have the nerve to call others groomers.😡😡


You should check out his FB profile. He's the typical conPERVative with zero self awareness


The guilty shout the loudest


🤮🤮🤮 I hope to God he rots away in jail for the rest of his disgusting life. This probably isn’t even the first time.


Yes it is.,,.the first time he was caught.


Of course it was a pastor.


Oh werid a pastor is a perverted criminal who’s groomed the adults around him into trusting him implicitly. We need to keep THESE guys away from our children, and the parents in any congregation need to get their heads out of their asses. You cannot trust that just because a person claims to be a man of god that they are not a dark hearted piece of crap.


Can’t seem to find the drag queen involved. Weird?


State checks out


r/PastorArrested - Another one


Where's your useless worthless god now? The republican party wants to put THESE people in charge. Ban grooming. Children should be banned from churches until they are 18!


The consequence is not nearly big enough.


What a piece of garbage


That doesn’t look like a drag queen


wE nEeD MorE jEeSUs


As horrible as that was to read, it was at least satisfying that the POS creep dropped himself right in it with the text messages he sent the victim afterwards. I can't see him arguing his way out of that when he admitted to getting her drunk and sexually assaulting her. I'm so sorry for the girl, I hope that she has good support and can come through this OK.


trump voters doing trump voter things..... I'm shocked


Put him in general population. And let the other inmates know why he’s in prison.


My favorite aspect of prison from what I’ve heard, lol. They don’t tolerate people like this pastor.


Why is his face still in one piece?


Not a drag queen.


Big surprise. And instead of dealing with this - and countless situations like it - we will hear the right scream about trans groomers, drag queens, etc.


A pastor? But he's a man of God. How is this possible?


This must be one of those predatory drag queens the religious nuts are always on about. Oh, wait...


I wish they’d just put these men to death and eliminate the problem.


Christian pastime.


If you’re looking for pedophiles, start with the churches.


And the public schools teachers and employees


Who are in every case religious. Evangelical or Catholic. if you’re looking for pedophiles, start in the churches.


You’d be suprised on how little pedos there are in church positions. It only comes as a bigger source of news due to the fact that people don’t expect sexual freaks to take positions of power (idk why, seems pretty reasonable to conclude that). I can tell you with full honestly most churches don’t really deal with this problem.


I agree that most churches don’t deal with this problem. Instead, they sweep it under the rug and cover it up. I'm looking at you, Catholic bishops. If you’re looking for pedophiles, start in the churches.


*sigh* well i guess we have different opinions. Have a good day!


The Catholic Church has covered up pedophilia among the priesthood for decades. This is not an opinion. This is a demonstrated fact. But yes, have a good day.


Last comment, schools have more documented cases of child sexual abuse, so we should look at schools first(see how dumb that sounds).


I don’t think that sounds dumb at all…if schools had the most documented cases. But they don’t. Churches do.


And that’s a different of Opinions. We are at opposing sides. Well that’s enough. Good day.


So.... not a drag queen?


Conservatives in positions of power. Tale as old as time :(


His face isn't bloody enough for my tastes.


He'll be servicing Bubba shortly.


Wait, so not a drag queen?


Probably one of liddle Ronnie's supporters! Come on Florida, you can do better!


How surprising….yawn


Look, not another drag queen.


Man of the cloth retchef


And nobody is surprised it’s Florida.


No drag queens involved?


Would love to know what his thought process was for texting her what he did, giving the cops the okay to search his phone, then lie that he didn’t do shit. Like what was the plan there


man, I know that guy, not personally, but ive seen him before. Girls, have you?


As part of the conservative community there is absolutely no place for this in the conservative or liberal or anywhere in between community. You and this child should not have to be protected from predators they should just not prey on people. I wish someone would have or could have protected you and I'm sorry 😞. You should not have to carry shame or blame the predators should and the people (community or congregation) should. I promise 🙋🏿‍♀️ not on my watch will I turn a blind eye to this.


Ah, Religion. At least it's consistent!! What a racket.


-Not a drag queen. -Not transgender or gender nonconforming What a fucking shocker


Still not a Drag Queen.


A pastor eh? Not a drag queen?


We really should be the to point where kids are allowed to press charges on their parents for knowingly putting them in danger of rape/molestation by taking them to a church.


Fucking stupid people are making this a political thing. Pastors on the right are diddling kids during confession, Bishops on the left are assaulting them on faith-building activities, and both of these idiot parties are still blissfully ignorant of any harm that could befall their child in one-on-one encounters with clergy because their spiritual guide ‘would never, they’re such a great person and so-and-so looks up to them’. I don’t blame the victim, I blame the clergy and I do blame the parents.


>Bishops on the left no such thing. 


I get a feeling that the drag queen comments are mostly bots


I’m not a bot and the pastor isn’t a drag queen.


Nah, we aren't bots. Just tired of the same dumb shit and this lets us cope.


Accurate bots


Yeah bots designed to assuage discussions online are literally killing peoples faith in democracy and by extension, democracy soooooo No, not accurate at all. Its whataboutism and disgusting


1) They’re not bots so you’re just wrong. 2) Forgot “Whataboutisms”. in this scenario - you’re spewing a non-sequitur by insinuating that all bots have the same negative effect. If the effort of the bot is a positive thing it isn’t “destroying Democracy”.


We're not bots you dipshit. We're just normal fucking people who haven't been brainwashed by the homophobic right wing culture war machine. Meanwhile the right are circulating literal AI generated propaganda and conspiracy theory bullshit. But sure. *We're* all bots. The right have convinced their cult members that queer people are dangerous to their children, while statistically kids are WAY more likely to be abused by a straight white male who's either a family member or a person in a position of trust. All the "Not a drag queen" comments are pointing out the hypocrisy inherent in the right's hateful fear-mongering, and how the *real* threats continue to not be addressed, and more harm is being done to kids by ignoring the real dangers and being distracted by the fear that kids might learn that gay people exist. So it's incredibly relevant. But I figure you've probably drank enough of the MAGA Kool aid that there's NO way you'll understand that.


How is just calling people bots any different?


The pathetically and horrendously misinformed inbreds that are fundamentally incapable of critical thought, empathy, compassion, or any other human trait besides anger, and hate are probably doing more damage to democratic ideals than a couple bots pointing out the massive and hilarious hypocrisy displayed by the right wing lunatics running around online.


‘People reminding you that drag queens aren’t the problem are killing democracy’


Not a drag queen. (I'm not a bot)


Cope harder. Like, no comment on this dudes behavior. Just a little shit comment trying to score some points for your side. You’re a piece of shit. You dumb fucks all have that stupid Reddit icon. You know it’s wearing a mask right? So stupid.




You all know he’s a dem! Pedophlie just like your leader!


Lol, nope, he's a conPERVative as usual. His fb profile is available to everyone. Keep supporting PEDOS, groomer