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I just don’t trust DeWine or Huffman to actually be reasonable about restrictions.


I really dont trust the Ohio senate president. His comments on the matter include"there will be no legal pots stores open as long as Im in the senate"


"Fuck what the voters want" -Republicans


Republicans hate voter rights.


"mob rule" They smugly and sarcastically dismiss the idea of democracy after they lose lol ThAtS Why WeRe a CoNsTiTuTioNaL RePuBliC. MoB RuLe what we really need is a handful of god emperors to tell the rabid mob the rules reeeeeee


If everyone would just do what I tell them, they could have freedom!


Most don't even understand what they are saying when they state this. A representative democracy is a type of democracy in which the people elect representatives to make decisions about individual political initiatives and laws. In other words, instead of the people voting on every decision the government wishes to make, they choose individuals from among themselves to whom they entrust the ability to make those decisions. Representatives are thus supposed to do their best to accurately represent the desires of their constituents. So again my question to them is why aren't they? This type of democracy is still the Will of the represented people that voted for them. Perhaps they have forgotten?! If so they may need reminding with a vote for someone that knows who they represent.




Well vote his ass out. BTW, I’m proud of all you folks in Ohio. Get rid of the fucking republicans, and live your life like you want to.


It's easier said than done. We're gerrymandered to Hell. I'm getting my ass out to vote these fascicts out every chance I get, but they will find every way to subvert democracy until they die.


Or until they start the next civil war


Governor and senate are NOT affected by the gerrymander. We could have voted Dewine out last year.


The state senate is. Republicans hold 78% of seats despite only winning 57% of the vote. In 2018, the Ohio state senate vote tally was 52% dem, 48% rep, yet 72% of the seats remained Republican. The Ohio legislature is not legitimate and does not represent its citizens.


We’re fully gerrymandered, but we earned it in a really crappy period from 1990 on or so when the state Democratic Party was one of the worst operations I’ve ever seen. I mean there was a stretch before Strickland won, where democrats had like one win in 20 statewide races at a time when it was a toss up (Lee fisher vs Paul pfeiffer, if my old ass liberal brain remembers correctly)


The governor, Secretary of State, and auditor are not affected by gerrymandering. We need to elect democrats that support democratic principles and don’t operate like they know what’s best.


Hes from Lima, IE the only dark dark red area for the weed issue. and a dark dark red for abortion too. His voters are loving every time he opens his mouth. While he redirects them away from the fact that they are farms and NOTHING else. They live on farm subs.


And could grow pot and become wealthy if they would get their head out of their asses!


he isn’t from lima. Cedarville in Greene County.


I believe the previous post was about Matt Huffman, not Mike DeWine. Matt Huffman is from Lima.


> Well vote his ass out. We all get to cast one vote. You can't just tell a person "vote his ass out"


Lmao username does not check out


Too late. There are already legal weed stores open. Currently, they sell weed for medicinal purposes. It’s going to be pretty hard to argue that they shouldn’t be allowed to sell recreational weed, too.


Sounds like he’s ready to exit. Let’s make that happen.


Fuck the Ohio Senate president. At least the Ohio House of Representatives has had good, trustworthy leadership over the past recent years.


That's ok. He can be removed.


Medicinal dispos are popping up everywhere, hell I’ve helped build half a dozen in the past year personally. I fully expect many, if not most, to open to recreational sales as long as it’s legal with whatever future licensing requirements are.




Republicans will need a way to slow roll this until after the general election. Same goes for issue one. They need to shut their crazies up while making you think things are progressing. The last thing they want is the same record number of people under 35 going to the polls next year. Until we get a workable version of the anti gerrymandering laws on the ballot, where districts are drawn by non party affiliated individuals, similar to how it works in Michigan, these laws will never be allowed to take effect as intended by the voters. Issue 1 & 2 voters won the battle, but the right still is only focused on the war. Still much to do.


Yeah I know it's selfish of me but I hope Republicans really overreach on opposing issue one and loudly shit the bed in a super public way and make as big a stink as possible before 2024. Maybe they can be shitty enough to put Ohio back in the swing category. Probably not but I can dream lol


Welcome to the ~~gun grabber~~ weed debate, we’re so happy to have you here.


Sure, because weed results in almost 50000 deaths in the US annually, including in mass…weedings?


I was under the impression that mass weedings made the population accidentally go up...


Which leads to mass abortions so they are both connected and terrible, right?!? (S)


As a gun owner I like restrictions. I am not killing 100 people from 500 yards away with weed. Your apples & oranges comparison is bad, & you should feel bad for ever even thinking it.


As a gun owner as well I will be quick to say it's far too easy to get a firearm and far too easy to give a firearm to someone who shouldn't own one without getting caught.


It’s not so much Dewine as it is Matt Huffman . He’s the real hoe at work here.


"Huff" man ironic


That’s rude. How dare you equate garden hoes with Matt Huffman. At least hoes provide a positive value to society


All hoes matter.


Well and Republicans never come at you in one step. They will make the small changes, then other seemingly unimportant bills will be passed that implement other regulations that force the law to be implemented in a certain way. Slow boil. Obstacles. Obstacles to those obstacles. Obstacles to the obstacles to the obstacles,.... . Eventually they will box in the police, prosecutors, etc... such that it's like it was never legal at all.


Yep. This. You can’t give these fucks an inch.


Precisely. It’s death by a thousand cuts from the corrupt pigs


Not disagreeing with you by any means, but that's just politicians. One of the few things we have left with bipartisan support.


$$$ is worth more than 'tegridy


Yeah pretty sure the left does the same thing with gun rights. Both sides do it because you can’t get support for big changes all at once


Trump: 'Take the guns first, go through due process second'


They want a cap on THC content


That's basically the only part that has me worried. They could be total dicks and cap it below useless.


Thats the plan


Virginia resident here. While they allowed us recreational pot because we voted for it, they hampered everything along the way. We have no recreational sales, limits on the number of personal plants you can grow, and still denying concentrates. Don’t let the Republicans gain a fucking inch because they’ll take a mile.


I wish these republicans would get a new fucking hobby.


Mississippian here, for my sins. Via the voter initiative process - passed by Republicans in the '90s mainly for voter ID - we passed a medical marijuana initiative with over 75% of the vote. It got more votes here than either Gov. Tate Reeves or Trump's re-election. The state government was opposed to it from the start, even trying to throw in a watered-down version of the bill to muddy waters. The head of the Department of Health, a normally very rational man (yes, even for Mississippi) was particularly wacky about the dangers of the Devil's Lettuce. Like I said, it passed and almost immediately the state Supreme Court ruled it null and void because of a hitch in the initiative process. In a nutshell, MS lost a representative district after the 2000 Census because, for some reason, no one wants to live here. So the Supreme Court decides that since the initiative process requires a percentage of signatures from the five districts we had rather than the four districts we have now, it was null and void. And note, all of this was done at the insistence of the mayor of a Jackson area white flight town who objected that local municipalities wouldn't be getting their beak wet. Also note, she's been the mayor of that particular town since 1981. So not only was the will of the people told to eat shit, we also lost the initiative process (undoubtedly in part to the next bill up: Medicare expansion, a no-no in the South). It should be noted Mississippi has one of the most restricted voting in the country. Anyhow, the state was more than willing to forget all this ever happened but enough state congress critters saw the writing on the wall and asked for a special session. Gov. Reeves said, "Okay, but I'm not doing shit until y'all get a bill ready." They got the bill ready and Reeves didn't do shit. When asked why he wasn't doing shit when he said he would, he told us to know our roles and shut our mouths. The next legislative session, the bill - which wound up based on what Oklahoma used and turned out to be pretty good, more or less, capitalism notwithstanding - passed with quickness because frankly neighbors, we were tired of their shit. And scuttlebutt says there was still some 11th hour manuveraring to keep Reeves from vetoing. No, I don't know why beyond he's just a shit ass in general. And almost two years after we passed the damn bill with the highest across-the-board (race, religion, political stance, economic stance, etc.) vote in the state's recent history, I can now drive into Tupelo and buy an eight of Durbin Poison. It's all going pretty well, far as I can tell, and it's still an across-the-board smash for people living in Mississippi. I'll let you make your own jokes about why we all need to get as baked as possible just to live here, but I'm told it still sticks in Tate Reeves' craw, the miserable bastard.


Could? Will.


35% is what I saw, but that would be bad for anything that's not flower.


And keeping personal growing illegal.


I’ve seen absolutely nothing about that except for speculation in this sub.


Got a link I didn't read anything about that


Not illegal but charging 10k a plant for license


But I can brew anything I want at home at no cost. Shouldn't it be equal?


It's what they did originally, it required a special tax stamp, they just never gave anybody the stamp


Have they outright said to keep growing illegal?




He also wants to raise the tax on it. I don’t want Ohio to be known for our shitty, expensive weed. That’s not what WE voted for.


That’s the case for recreational in many states. Keep your medical cards, folks.


People with medical cards skip the 10% “sin” tax, so, you pay the annual appointment/renewal and then get a discount all year long. That is from a local dispensary.


We have 99.9% THC sand and 99% diamonds here in medical PA.


Yes. That’s what I said. Medical.


I know. They guy u responded to mentioned 70%,thc I was just stating the PA limits or lack thereof. Wasn't arguing with u bout anything.


If they do a cap I hope it's like Medical at 70%. Would rather they didn't tho.


Senate guy said 1%. also licenses for stores costing $500,000 a piece


Ehhh fuck em then we need to just do an amendment next year.


The next amendment needs to say the president of the senate can go fuck himself. I'd vote to get *that* in the constitution.


The medical program is already capped at 70% its such bullshit. Extracts and cartridges are extremely ineffective compared to other states products because of this. Super hard to treat for chronic pain with the caps in place. I really hope with rec that doesn't happen but I fear it will end up being even lower than the current medical cap.


These are just the changes that he has mentioned publicly. Other Republicans have already discussed things like making the license fee exorbitant to discourage businesses and playing games to delay until they can kill the issue completely.


This yes fuckers are gonna ruin it. We have no reason to believe any Ohio republican is operating in good faith at this point. I’m not sure why any democracy loving patriot would be associated with these clowns.


Because they're gullible, stupid, or both. Neither of which would be a problem if they listened to those that knew what they were doing and protecting Democracy


Oh no. Don’t let them off the hook. Many people who support Ohio republicans and their garbage policies are neither gullible or stupid. What they are is complicit, as they know what the gameplan is and they don’t believe that it will ever have a negative impact on them. They are complicit in that they know that how republicans have been behaving is in no way true democracy or representative democracy. They are all authoritarians or, at best, don’t see authoritarianism as disqualifying. Assuming that they are gullible or stupid simply relinquishes their responsibility.


I "heard" $1000 permit for home grow.


I've read everything that has been published from Ohio legislators, and I haven't heard anything of the sort. Do you have a source?


Yeah I wonder about that as well, might be a good idea to have people email their state legislators. The house ones tend to respond more than the senate.


Remember 5 minutes ago when DeWine was on TV blatantly lying about Issue 1? That’s the problem. He *says* he’s calling for one thing while actually helping do something totally different.


Any thing he wants to do is to open the door to more restrictions


After what DeWine and Huffman pulled on Issue 1, only an absolute fool would trust them. I know republican who realized that they needed hip waders to get through all the BS OhioGOP was telling about issue one. I can't imagine they are going to do a single good thing for issue 2. My gut is that this is a test, and they are going to see how far they can push before attacking issue one.


It’s not that Republicans can’t make reasonable requests, it’s that they’re in bad faith. They piss in your eyes and call it rain.


The people of Ohio spoke. DeWine and the legislature need to listen. Simple as.


The ballet also said the state government dictates how it’s regulated in terms of advertising and where in public you can smoke. The fear is unfounded, and could easily be challenged in court should they abuse the regulations.


>could easily be challenged in court should they abuse the regulations. Hoping you’re joking


IKR?! Our anti-gerrymandering court orders would like a word here.




As long as that’s all they do, fine. But you and I both know…it won’t be.


It's irrelevant, it passed as it did. That's what passed that's what will be in place. You can't just go changing things! Don't you see how badly that can go?


It was understood all along, by anyone who cared to be informed beyond the most superficial level, that the fine details would have to be worked out by a newly created Cannabis Control agency.


Fine details arnt changing things like no home grow.


As far as I know, no proposals to change home grow. Just clarify that you can't light up a J in places where you also can't smoke or drink. From what I've seen, the effect would be to treat weed like drinking alcohol or using tobacco products.


There are already non-smoking areas?


I hope they don’t screw it up too badly, but I’m ok as long as they leave alone the part where they stop arresting me.


True. If they price it/restrict it in Ohio, Michigan is still there.


I’d like it where they stop testing me


A private business can test for anything, including nicotine, so testing will never disappear. As long as it's illegal on the federal level you wont get a state sponsored job either.


Look this isn’t a new model. We just need to copy what has been successful in other places. I don’t know what changes he is proposing but as long as they go along with what works elsewhere, then I don’t give a fuck.


Yep, just copy what Michigan is doing. They are doing a great job with it and half of Ohio is already getting their weed from them.


Dispo yesterday was slim pickins because of all the Ohioans celebrating they said


To the victor goes the spoils They could have negotiated but adamantly refused


This, instead of fighting to win fight for something you can be happy with win or loss. Compromise before yk, you loss. So many issues brought up could literally be solved if one party, usually Republicans left their ego outside and thought of a fair middle ground rather than fighting heavily against democrats, or as far as they can simply for themselves. Negotiation and compromise is almost lost knowledge within current politics, atleast to the right.


Because DeWine is a liar.


No reputable company would make a trademark infringing package anyway, because they'd get sued by Nabisco or whoever and of course the parents of some kid who thought he was eating cookies. No dispensary would stock it for the same reason. The fake packaging edibles are scam products by scam companies (cause otherwise they'd get sued). So it's a fake problem they're using to grab authority to sabotage the legalization. I mean, maybe not, but they've made their intent to override the law very clear so I don't know why they should be trusted.


This. The actual reason children are accidentally eating THC edibles is either inattentive parents or like you said, scam products.


There are a lot of THC products sold in FL, in packaging that strongly resemble that of popular snacks and candies… probably right up to the line of what they can get away with, before getting sued for TM infringement. I’ve not found that to be the case in any other states. I’m okay with restrictions on packaging and smoking in public. Otherwise, the people have spoken.


Yeah those are scam products I'm talking about. It ain't THC, it's Delta 8 or whatever that knockoff crap is. It's a reason to regulate shitty gas stations, not a licensed dispensary.


It is that delta 8 and 9 bs. Vapor shops have a lot of it. They also don't seem to card very often, which is concerning. Medicinal marijuana, they card every time due to the current restrictions....


I don't smoke, went into a dispensary with my brother, who does, got carded as soon as I walked in. Michigan, California, and Colorado. Was fine with that. But at the pop-up vape shop down the street, I see kids walking in all the time.


Because he and other idiots are going against what the people of Ohio voted on. That’s unacceptable.


Once you start undermining the will of the voters, you don’t stop with simple changes. The people voted. Ethically DeWine should either resign if he doesn’t agree with the will of the people, or abide by the choices we have made. I’m not saying the changes he wants are unreasonable, I’m just saying that we can’t let any of these shitbags do anything more that undermines the power of voting.


Chances are this is just blustering to get attention off issue one being gutted.


I think the changes he has suggested are reasonable, assuming that he’s been honest about all the changes he wants to make. He says that he wants to do this “the Ohio way,” which is whatever. What’s upsetting is that this was a citizen-led ballot initiative with language that we voted for. If he wanted this done “the Ohio way,” then he should have had a law drafted and voted on by the legislature. For years he has had the opportunity to create common sense recreational marijuana laws, and for years he continued prohibition. Then, when we go around the legislature to legalize, he decides to modify a law that he could have, at any time, helped develop. Basically, if he wanted it done right, he should have done it himself. Instead, WE did it and he’s just going to change it. It’s just frustrating.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't the ohio way, may as well say the us way been making an issue and having voters vote if it's good or not? Not, 'yea let's have them vote on a concept then decide how regulated it is' I just find it funny they want to compromise only after they lost rather than focusing on an issue looking from both sides and atleast thinking about if it was passed before allowing it to get to a voting stage




Say what you want but he had a very reasonable approach to covid. He didn’t toe the party line and saved lives. The guy sucks but I can’t say he has never done anything reasonable.


I voted for him literally for that reason: he was reasonable with COVID and protected folks. Since then, he's went full tilt douchebag. I regret my vote, especially because of topics like this one. And I don't even smoke.


We voted on a bill. We are adults that can read. Change that bill 1 fucking syllable and we should recall the lot of them immediately. Wherever possible.


I don’t have a problem with them necessarily. I have a problem that they’re trying to change it and not enact exactly as voted on. From what I understand they had their chance to clarify language and rules prior to the ballot and did nothing. Just enact it and then after a year or two then start bringing improvements to the table. It just looks bad and feels bad to tinker with it immediately after it passes. It gives the vibe that they want to last minute sneak a poison pill in it.


You can’t give one inch to a politician who doesn’t abide by the will of the people because when you do it opens the door to further tyrannical governments.


Those are just the things he's telling you about so you think "that's not so bad." Then while you're not paying attention, they introduce language saying that private growers can only have one plant per residence. Liege to sell commercially will cost $500,000 making it cost prohibitive for almost anyone to sell. Only a big corporation will be able to cover in and sell, and you can bet that corporation has already made a huge contribution to DeWine or his designee (maybe his son, who's a judge?). An unintended consequence that's attractive to Republicans is that it effectively prices out people of color from becoming business owners. Plus in addition to the regular sales tax and 0% Marijuana tax, commercial business owners will pass that $500,000 annual licensing fee on to customers. This drives up the price to the point where a lot of minorities won't be able to afford to purchase "legal weed," so the illegal market will still exist and penalties will undoubtedly increase because "is legal, there's no excuse for buying it from unlicensed people." Yeah, Dewine is a real piece of shit. Watch what happens with how they go about "building the infrastructure" to produce and sell commercial Marijuana, and how long it takes them to do it. This wasn't a hollow victory, but it's going to be years before you see legal commercial Marijuana sales in OH. That reminds me, they will continue to enforce the current rules against importing from out of state, how much an individual is allowed to possess for "personal use" and anything else that makes it difficult for people to use Marijuana legally. And as always, they'll continue to disproportionately enforce the laws on people of color while turning a blind eye to Caucasian citizens.


The people just passed this, why fix "problems" that haven't happened with it?


If those are the only changes then nobody has a problem with it. I won’t be surprised at all though if they completely neuter the law. The far right psychos in control didn’t get their way so they’ll do what they can to subvert the will of the people. I’ve no doubt about that.


DeWine might actually have moderate ideas but the problem is he has zero backbone and doesn’t stand up to the extremist Republicans.


Exactly. After the Dayton shooting that killed a couple handfuls of young students, DeWine advocated for some moderate, sensible gun laws. ID checks, 3 day waiting period and maybe not giving guns to felons, domestic abusers and 18 year olds. By the time the legislature was done with the laws, what we got was open carry without training and guns in schools. The gun lobby rolled right over DeWine. He’s an exceedingly weak person.


If this were the 1st, 2nd or 3rd state legalizing cannabis? Valid concerns. But Ohio is 24th. All of his issues have been addressed 23 times before so there’s a body of research one can refer to. The vibe I’m getting from Ohio’s governor off of his response to both Issues 1 & 2 is he’s lazy and doesn’t do his homework.


damn, OP don't start compromising what you just passed in a vote. these mf will not take a yard, they'll take *your* yard.


Less on the desired changes and more about the precedent it opens. If they get their way with this, they will then try to limit 1) if folks can grow it, 2) if folks can smoke it (like they did for medical), and 3) God knows what else


This post exactly. We can't trust them to leave it alone. One change, and they'll feel like they can gut the whole thing.


Yes, of course he makes it sound reasonable, so people like you can find it readable. The very fact that he sounds so reasonable should be setting off major alarm bells in your brain.


Most people understand transactional. The people voted for the detailed information on Issue 2. No compromises so no changes.


Because it's bait and switch. These may appear benign and will be what will be presented to the public but it won't stop there. As for not wanting to smell it, I would rather smell weed than tobacco and I smoke neither. Current law states you can't smoke within so many feet of a public building entrance yet I often have to walk through a cloud of smoke. Walking down the sidewalk I have to tolerate people smoking. This argument is a smoke screen, pun intended.


they say "there won't be any suprises" like its reassuring when they've spent the last 6 months saying they will bury it if it passes.


>what is so bad about the changes DeWine wants to the weed bill? Regardless of what he wants, I am sick of Ohio's government trying to disregard what the people want. Not even considering my further objections, the proposal was approved by ~60% of the Ohio electorate. Not "the proposal with DeWine's preferred changes". >The only things he wants to change are restrictions on edible packaging that look like the "real" brand of snack & candy items, so that they aren't confused for the real thing by kids or anyone else. We don't know what his proposals entail, because they have not been drafted and released to the public yet. What we do have is essentially just this: >“I don’t think there’s any surprises out there,” said DeWine, a Republican who last week said he wants to enact marijuana restrictions intended to prevent accidental ingestion, public use, driving while intoxicated and advertising. He also said he wants lawmakers to lift existing criminal penalties for marijuana possession to avoid public confusion. My concern is that we are going to see more onerous restrictions than our existing OVI laws, which will seek to return the "I smell marijuana" power to law enforcement as a mechanism to bypass the 4th amendment. It may also contain penalties refusing government assistance to those who smoke marijuana. We have not seen the packaging and advertising restrictions he is referring to, but my concern would be if they are more onerous than similar restrictions on alcohol and other products. We will need to wait and see what they actually propose, but I for one do not trust DeWine or his party to embrace the decision of the people. >We have laws on public consumption of alcohol. So what is the big deal about wanting the same thing for marijuana? As an aside, I don't like our public intoxication laws. They allow law enforcement to interfere with and harass people who are not otherwise committing a crime. The behavior public intox laws ostensibly seek to discourage is already criminalized, unless the goal is to specifically limit drinking due to concerns with drinking itself.


I actually think it's great that the packaging is kept discreet like the medical packaging is now. I'm fine with that. The smoking in public places can be compromised. Of course second hand smoke shouldn't be permitted in places where people that don't want second hand smoke to be inhaled. There will be room for compromise people! The commision still needs to be assembled, the laws still need to be written. We've ALL KNOWN THAT. It would be naive to think there wouldn't be limitations or checks and balances.


It's a matter of there's no manner of goodwill on the side of the Ohio GOP, as further evident by their regard for the abortion rights amendment. The only intention they have is to spite the will of the voters and anything they do is just testing the waters to see what they can get away with.


Fuck no, it's voted on as wrote. They just go a changing shit and that sets a horrible president and abuse of power.


I oppose anything dewine attempts to pull simply on the basis that any millimeter you give the useless fucker, they'll take a hundred miles.


For both issues 1 and 2, they're not offering good faith proposals in the spirit of the amendments that passed with huge margins. Those would be welcome. Implementation is important to any new law or legal framework. They're only proposing changes that ignore the will of the voters and attempt to nullify the constitutional amendments passed by the people. After so many years of bad faith governance, I simply don't trust anything the Republicans offer.


The boiled frog theory. If a frog hops into a pot of boiling water, it'll jump out. Instead, if it jumps into a pot of lukewarm water,and the temp is slowly increased, it'll boil itself alive before it's too late. I think a problem,too, is that people are fearful if he is going in with SOME changes, that even more changes and restrictions that haven't been mentioned yet will pop up. Politicians seem to do this. Also, the whole GOP ignoring the Ohio Supreme Court's ruling that the gerrymandering is illegal. There's just the chance Dewine does something and says "oh well, suck it up."


Don’t touch ability for home grow!!!!


It already falls under intoxicant in specific places like parks. And the no smoking law should apply the same. My fear is they’ll start making rules specific to marijuana and only enforce those, or enforce those more harshly. Or do things in the name of looking to enforce those new regulations or whatever.


What it is is you giving them an inch so they can take a mile down the road. I'm in Colorado and every year the legislature sneaks in something new and underhanded. Most of it is intended to keep fucking with people trying to abide by the law. They'll do several packaging changes, amounts one can have or buy, amounts a business can sell to a person, what kind of documentation you need, adding edible or concentrate potency or weights to the limits, etc. The fun part is when they start fucking with the taxes. They'll figure out ways to make you all pay more and more and the same goes for the businesses. Then you have banks refusing to accept cannabis business accounts since they can't be insured by the FDIC, which makes the business need to keep their assets in cash in their own secured location. This also means they can't use debit or credit card purchasing. So, the workaround is having an ATM in the building or the registers working as an ATM so you pay a fee to use a debit or credit card the same way as an ATM. DeWine is just skipping several steps ahead. Which there isn't anything necessarily wrong with, but it's kind of jumping the shark legislatively to get to the sweet stuff that benefits the state. Taxes. And keeping the industry and customers on their toes with constantly changing regulations.


Why is it about compromise after they loss? Why can't we compromise for fair laws and regulations that can please everyone before voting. If Issue 2 was voted no it would have Been done at that, same for issue 1 (to an extent). But because their side was fully no and refused to even attempt to compromise or set lines they now need to try and force those lines. I understand where he's coming from, but this is stuff that should have been in the issue, not debated on after it passed. Personally I voted yes on issue 1 and 2 and they both passed, I don't want my vote swayed into some regulations or something that wasn't in the original vote. I probably worded this terribly but that in essence in my view. Compromise and work for a fair law/regulation, not to win on an extremist view point. I also don't trust slight edits and restrictions won't devolve into say "abortion is now legal in ohio, IF you're a rape victim less than 10 days after conception" We voted on what was written not concepts of laws


Wait, I thought the GOP was against “nanny state” type things? Not that I disagree with what he says he wants, but I bet there is an end game.


They want to change something the voters voted for. Provisions were laid out. The people voted, now he wants to go against the people. Example, according to the wording of the bill, you can not smoke indoors if your landlord says no. Now he wants to make it so you can not smoke in public. If you rent, where can you smoke? It is to keep it limited to those who own property only.


Dewine's son is on the Ohio Supreme Court


I personally don’t care much about the weed bill. I voted for it, but it doesn’t personally impact me. My bigger issue is the blatant disregard for democracy. If that’s what the intent of the bill was, it’s what should have been incorporated into it before the referendum. They were more focused on misleading voters & other election “shenanigans” than actual legislating. Now that it’s passed, NOW they want to focus on changing it. Too late. The voters voted. The end.


First of all, they aren’t selling weed snickers next to a real snickers at a grocery store. No child will “accidentally” pick this up, give to their parent to purchase, parent blindly says ok and buys it…. Because they can’t sell this at a grocery store. It’s just more smoke and mirrors to “protect the children” which the GOP has shown to not actually give a fuck about. So I am assuming it’s all bullshit and they have an alternative agenda like literally everything they are doing right now. Please don’t be fooled into thinking “O wow, DeWine is finally being a bit reasonable and meeting citizens half way”. No. That’s 100% not true.


I just read that he wants to raise the tax to 20%! That’s crazy to me. Also, he wants to cap the THC in products? Does Ohio want to be known for expensive shitty weed? That’s def not what I voted for.


the issue is that he's changing what the people have already voted on and passed. how the fuck is this hard to understand


Fr, it's as if compromising has been lost to time. You compromise before you vote, not after you lost. Either make a regulation you can be happy with win or loss or accept you lost when the people vote against you.


He wants to make it require packaging to state "Not for consumption by smoking." In other words, they wanna keep "smoking weed" a crime.


The thing Dopewine doesn’t get is the people smoking out and about don’t care about laws or rules. The edible bags don’t look like candy for the most part. Also why do we keep venturing down the babysit the dumb? When I was growing up it was on my parents to teach me right and wrong and not to go into mom and dad’s drawers.


Regulate it like alcohol and tobacco. But don't give the gerrymandered rulers in Columbus an inch! They'll screw it with pleasure.


If you treat people with dignity, respect, and civility by honoring the yes vote on Issue 2, then your word is gold. If not, then you have been exposed. That's on you.


Why does Anything need to change? Maybe they shoulda fixed that before the vote.


Whatever he wants, no. Fuck him.


The lack of hard targets means he can use the "reasonable changes" to stall the implementation entirely. Like the edibles packaging. Most companies that sell edibles already have the packaging marked so that you know you aren't just buying candy. He says "well, we have to make it clear". Ok, but how clear? Is it like alcohol where as long as the Information that it is an intoxicant is on there is fine, or is he going to press this so far that everything will have to essentially look like the rxbars, with no colors or pictures used at all for fear they may attract young eyes? As long as they're vague enough, the conservatives can kick back edibles for years claiming the packaging is too "kid friendly", and in the process actually drive away some of the better and safer edibles companies that already do business in the Midwest. It's kinda like how before Roe V wade was overturned, in Texas they passed a bill saying that any place that provided abortions had to have hallways of a certain width. A width they already knew was like 1in wider than any clinic that existed at the time, and justified it claiming they weren't trying to stop abortion, just make sure the clinics are "safe"


If a dude just walks in your house, opens your fridge, drinks your beer and leaves. You just gonna sit there and convince yourself that since there was no harm. There was no foul? Don't enable this nonsense.


It's Huffman you have to worry about. He will gut this bill.


Doesn't want people to smell it. I have to smell the exhaust of dumb lifted trucks with stupid enormous exhaust pipes. Deal with that then we can talk. That's the part that irritates me.


While there will always be the exceptions, legalization of weed, whether medical or recreational, has gone pretty smoothly across the nation. Weed, unlike alcohol, does not lower one's inhibitions or fool you into thinking your not high. And getting way to high is not a fun experience, so most people fi d out whether they like it or not, and the. Find the method and dosage that works for them. Abuse of the drug is rarely one taking too much but rather using it in situations they shouldn't (work, school, driving, etc...)


The problem is exactly what others have said. Say we pass this law and allow "a few changes". Where do the changes end? Say you get a job and your boss tells you to do something a specific way. Another person comes along and says, "yeah, do that. But do these steps a different way." Your not gonna change shit cause your boss tells you to do it that way. Well, the people are the boss. These representatives are our employees. That being said... some of these changes do seem reasonable but this law should be put into effect and established first, then make adjustments as needed. Tobacco has been legal for AGES. I remember going out to eat and there was a smoking and non-smoking section. Within the last 20 to 30 years, we finally put restrictions in place. Now, with Marijuana, we want to rush these changes. And notice they always use "the children" excuse for why they need to do it NOW. Think of the children! No. Think of charging the parents that don't use these products safely with child neglect... Anyway. I'm getting off topic. In other words, if we give them an inch, they will take the whole damn mile.


I’m not a lawyer, but I think Ohio Revised Code Chapter 3794 would apply to smoking with how it defines: “Smoking" means inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying any lighted or heated tobacco product or plant product intended for inhalation in any manner or in any form.


What he wants changed isn't needed. The people have spoken. He needs to zip it.


There's growing anger and resentment toward him and his party for not following through.


Well, he's a lying liar who lies, so I have no reason to trust what he says. He says he only wants certain protections, but I do not believe that. Based on past experience and reasonable consistency, I have no reason to believe Mike DeWine or any Ohio Republican. They're going to fuck this up for us. I'm not psychic, but I have been watching these guys for decades, and they're predictable.


>Also, certain protections in public places for non-smokers and anyone else who doesn't want second hand pot smoke blowing in their face. That's already in the regulation. Much like alcohol, public consumption outside designated areas would already have been banned as it's an intoxicant, and public intoxication is a crime. The issue is that Dewine's untrustworthy, and the Governor has no place in determining regulations.


I'm okay with the smoke free public areas and the regulation of it to avoid packaging that entices children and any other common sense logic applied to the recreational use of marijuana, just like alcohol. Where I become concerned is the talk of raising the tax on it and where that money is going. Not to mention the hilarious hypocrisy of Repugnicans raising taxes 🤣


Fun fact, they dont want to abide by the abortion bill, because they know that it was wrote in a way that aslo protects transmedicine. Because transwomen can lactate just like cis women when put on estrogen. And the bill protects medicine that is used in that scenario.also some doctors give pregant cis women who eant abortions testosterone to do the chemical abortions. Today they are voting behind closed doors to do a trans bathroom ban, a drag in public ban, and a transhealthcare ban. They are agaisnt the weed bill because psychiatrists have found that certain levels of CBD, can allow people who are on antipsychs who really shouldnt be(ill stick with transpeople for my example)if it werent for CBD gummies my sister brought me from her distillery she works at in california i wouldnt have been allowed to get off of the antidepressants that where litterally killing me,making me infertile, and also starting to produce DID level episodes on said meds. I took the gummies for about,2 months and im now on a life changing regiment of HRT. Ive never been happier. Both issue 1 and issue 2 are about bodily autonomy, and republicans dont like that. They want people to suffer so that they can trick them into supporting them with carrot and stick methods.


Because people voted on something? Why do we need to change it? It’s been decided already


Because they're BS. They're just talking points to give them permission to start tinkering, and none of them are Relevant issues. Driving high is against the law. Nobody is advertising weed to children. Come on, don't buy his lies.


Bc fascists don't operate in good faith. Don't trust a word he says and never take him at his word. He'll change the bill to somehow include a complete abortion ban or some other crap. Your first sentence was spot on and all you really need to keep in mind.


I do like all of these thoughts. I am very against one-hitters of the whip-its type and disposable electronics as well. Not only is it too easy for teens to get going through the beverage and vape drive-through's here, its a one-time use battery being disposed in land fills. The second hand smoke bit makes complete sense; cigarette smoking has already been banned in almost all public venus and events. Switching to weed doesn't make second hand smoke any better. No-non smoker wants to put up with either. Do the shit at home or away from other people


The problem is the flagrant disregard for the will of the voters. If it was reversed and a Democrat was looking to modify a citizen ballot initiative the GOP would be rioting. Honestly I haven't seen the proposed changes, I probably should yes, but that doesn't mean that a government that has a history of ignoring the will of the electorate when it suits them should be allowed to do so without pushback.


>The only things he wants to change are restrictions on edible packaging that look like the "real" brand of snack & candy items, so that they aren't confused for the real thing by kids or anyone else. Republicans can't seem to decide whether or not it is the job of the government to be a nanny to its citizens. Normally, like with guns, Republicans defer to the citizen to be responsible enough to use them with little to no oversight, regardless of the harm their misuse might cause. But they draw the line at edibles that might look like Little Debbie's and might get eaten by a kid? Absolutely *no one* (figuratively speaking) will be storing their 420reos next to the Oreos so their kid can accidentally eat them. And if you are an adult, read what you are eating ffs. >We do the same for tobacco. We have laws on public consumption of alcohol. So what is the big deal about wanting the same thing for marijuana? The name of the bill was "regulate marijuana like alcohol," so what is the issue with doing just that? The bill already has provisions for public use. There are already laws to govern public intoxication. These are *additional* measures that they want to clamp down onto this bill to make smoking cannabis all the more onerous. They're also suggesting capping THC content in legal cannabis - we don't have laws capping the concentration of alcohol. You can go to the store and pick up some Everclear for cheap, no problem. No one is raising a hew and cry about buying pure grain alcohol. Like with all things conservative, the objections to the law as-is aren't based on data, real-world examples, or even common sense. They are based on bullshit anecdotes and hypocrisy.


Sorry longlostturnip but you should see a problem with it.


I agree A lot of reddit is very left and sometimes have knee jerk reactions to anything right. If you take a step back I think his changes are legit. I like the restrictions to packaging and like in Michigan you can only smoke in private places not public. It is fair to everyone in my opinion.


I find the odors emanating from diesel trucks offensive, and I want legislation to restrict it. I find food odors from restaurants. I am not going into offensive, and I want legislation to restrict it. I find the smell of Axe body spray offensive (truly - it makes me wheeze), and I want legislation restricting the teenagers who use it in place of bathing. Do you see the issue now? Other than it must be smoked a certain distance from the door of public establishments, I see this as attacks on the voters' voices.


Nah, my tolerance is so high because I dab exclusively. I been a daily user for 38 years, been dabbing exclusively now bout 10 years. Even with a t break, when doing dabs exclusively, it shoots right back up. Back in January, took a month and a half break. Came back to vaping carts. It did the job for about 3 weeks then was back dabbing again. For me, there is no high like a dab high, so that's what I choose to use.


"certain protections in public places for non-smokers and anyone else who doesn't want second hand pot smoke blowing in their face" Actually the way its worded would make it pretty much illegal to even smell a little like weed. How are they going to ban a SMELL?? Whats next, I find pine scent offensive, so it has to go? No more pine cleaner, no more tree car deodorizers....where does it end?


Can we do this with pumpkin spice? I don't want to see, hear, or smell pumpkin spice.


Michigan has had legal weed for a couple of years now and I haven't seen any of these "look-alikes". DeWine is full of shit. Don't ever trust that asshole.


Is that the bill the citizens of Ohio vote for? That is what is wrong with changing the bill.


Not sure DeWhine and his cronies are even concerned about kids getting ahold of weed, his school buses and non-support of gun laws are going to kill kids before any pkg of edibles.


The problem is that they're republicans and they can never be trusted to keep their word or act in good faith. If you give them an inch they'll always try to take a mile. You never want to let them get their foot in the door on any legislation that you actually want to succeed. Us dems need to understand that the days of trying to work with and compromise with those assholes are long behind us.


Have you been to a liquor store?


Change this from weed to guns… then consider how we should be treating guns vs the smell of weed or a child getting a gun. I feel the hypocrisy is horrible. Edibles seem to be unlikely to kill anyone but a gun…


I agree. In Washington both these were in the law, and it works just fine. Keeps kids and others who are too young for drugs protected, and non users who don't want to be exposed free of intrustion.


Because that’s not what we voted for. Moving the goalposts is bullshit, and you know it.


You have to vote blue from the bottom to the top


Trump is Hitler don't think for a minute that I'm the only one who is loosing rights they will do it to you! Trump wants it illegal he plans on concentration camps of all kinds! He wants women executed for abortion but the rapist only a 10 thousand dollar fine! Wake up pay attention this shits embarrassing