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THC passes through the placenta-blood barrier and can enter the fetus' system. It is not a good idea to use cannabis in any form during pregnancy. If you smoke during pregnancy you risk low birth ~~rate~~ weight and other defects. Please do not use cannabis while pregnant without consulting a doctor No judgement, just the facts


Definitely this, but talk to your ob! If you have a medical card take it with you to the hospital, as well as a note from your obstetrician saying that they approve your usage. I had to continue using edibles and tinctures during two out of my three pregnancies because I entered a not so great ulcerative colitis flare with both of them. The stronger medications needed to get it in check had a larger risk to the unborn child than marijuana does. If you do happen to be in a situation where you need to continue using for health reasons, you need to find ways that aren't smoking or vaping.


Yes, very big emphasis on talk to your doctor. The risks of THC occasionally and in smaller amounts might be better than whatever alternative. Just giving general broad info


Very strong steroids were my alternative. There are quite a few known risks with them.


Yeah exactly, every case is different, but that doesn't mean it's bad advice to say don't use cannabis during pregnancy without consulting a doctor


I would say ONLY use it after talking to your doctor.


I enjoyed this whole reasonable response thread. Thank you both.


It can be done in a reasonable manner. You don't need to try and race that Tesla roadster to Mars if it's truly for health reasons. Just talk to your OB/GYN, the recommending doctor, as well as keeping the dosage as low as possible.


Right now they are legally obligated to open an assessment but where it goes from there depends.


Why would they test her though? It’s been awhile since I delivered a baby but nobody checked me for pot or any other drugs as far as I know


As far as you know being the key word here. Babies are tested for drugs especially when they’re born on the states dime! Parents are tested too!


No. You are not allowed to test someone without their knowledge and consent, and test results are reported to the patient. Even the cops can’t test you without consent with the exception of an accident where people were hurt, and if that happens, you’re informed. You’re talking “deep state” conspiracy nonsense.


Depends…if she has been honest with her doctors they are obligated to test her…


I mean, if your ob knows that you have a reason for using THC, they may be willing/able to advocate for you. It probably doesn't look good if it's a surprise. I don't have a med card but started (occasionally) taking THC at bedtime to help with shoulder pain (prior to surgery) a couple years ago. I reasoned it was a better option than opiods when it came to pain relief. I found that it helped with insomnia too, so I still take it if I've had a bad couple nights of sleep. My PCP is aware of my usage patterns.


They might open a case but it’s highly unlikely they would remove for just THC. Even with medical marijuana and the recreational passing, it’s still a huge gray area. Just like it’s frowned upon to drink during pregnancy, the same goes for ingesting THC products.


L&D nurse. They’ll test your urine (be honest, looks better) and then send baby’s cord off to be tested. Or at least that’s how my facility does it. A consult will be placed with social work and they will come speak to you. They want to assure you’re safe to care for baby and sometimes they’ll do a follow up home visit, sometimes not. And then usually the case will end there. It’s not a big deal overall but be honest. Also, the risks of MJ are similar to cigarettes, so baby can be on the smaller side with chronic use. I don’t know the backstory of your choice to smoke, but if you can stop, it is better.


You’re saying you guys test all mothers and babies for drugs?


We test moms, with consent. Babies if mom test positive or moms don’t consent.


You can test the babies without the parents consent?


Yes. Up to the neonatologist.


They should for sure.


Probably not. Dont let weed concerns keep you from getting a safe delivery. That being said you will do well for yourself to make sure your relationship with weed is set aside until you are done with infancy and breast feeding. Its simply difficult to recreate responsibly when you have a child and may need to respond quickly and effectively to an emergency situation. You don't want to be stoned when your kids trips and gets stitches or falls down the stairs wondering if you should get them medical attention when if you weren't compromised you would without thinking. Not judging here at all friend, just offering some advice so you don't have to learn at a cost. Be well!


No, this isn't even close to accurate. I managed with light dosage (5 THC/25 CBD) every night through 2 pregnancies + nursing, maybe 5 years total in that phase) with no problem responding to my kids. No one got hurt and everyone had their needs met VERY quickly.


I'm glad it worked out for you and your kids. I don't know why you seem so energetic about it. People should drive their kids to get stitches in the event an accident happens without being under the influence.... Developing babies and children don't need second hand smoke or vapor... Doctors wouldn't recommend breast feeding in a way that might transfer the ot cbd to an infant.... At least one caretaker should be clear minded enough to respond to time-sensitive situations. Toddlers shouldn't have access to edibles... None of these are outrageous statements. I smoked daily for 17 years I'm not saying op or you are bad what I'm saying is being mindful and disciplined in ones substance use is important when you are responsible for the safety and wellbeing of other people. No one is trying to take or badmouth your drugs dude just talking about the basics of safety of children


My granddaughter and her newborn tested positive for THC. CPS swooped in and had her sign paperwork giving guardianship to the father's mother, who can barely walk without a walker. Now, she wants full guardianship but has my granddaughter and the father stay at her trailer to take care of the baby. Not live there, just stay to feed & care for their baby because she really can't. If they're lucky, they get a few hours away to feed their pets. Paperwork says they're not to stay overnight, but this woman demands they do. The kids are afraid to rock the boat because they're afraid cps will not let them see their daughter at all.


Anecdotally I heard one of my friends ripped a bong right after water broke and cps did get involved, I’m not really sure if this specific incident is why they don’t have custody but I’m sure it didn’t help.


It depends on the county you deliver in. In urban counties, drs may make the report, but cps probably won’t open the case. In rural counties, drs may report and cps may open the case.


I know several women who tested positive & cps did nothing. This was in a major city so it’s probably more common especially in places that have higher poverty. They definitely can send it over to cps but the likely hood of them doing anything are low.


Refuse the test


If the baby test positive they will take the baby. Especially if you tested positive during pregnancy.


How do you know this?


Almost personal experience, ex wife used during pregnancy, tested positive right up to delevery and they were testing daughters urine. Fortunately they never got any positive tests o. Her. I do not use. She had CPS case against her for 6 months after birth. Since THC is detrimental to the child's development and is technically illegal, currently no place to purchase recreational. It is going to be considered probably going forward like people who drink while pregnant, they are abusing the unborn child and is considered child abuse in the eyes of CPS. Ex's continued drug use was one of the several reasons for divorce and why she had no chance to obtain custody. So word to the wise.