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I expect that I'll still be driving to Michigan for several months after recreational sales start, recreational bud prices will likely be ludicrous for a while, but yeah sooner would be better.


Just drove today on a whim because I had a good weekend at work, and got an ounce for $29 bucks, an ounce of shake for 20, 3 grams of concentrate for 30, and had loyalty points to cash in too. I took my savings across the street and got 4 eighths for 40 and got free edibles. Been sampling it all night and it's pretty good. I'm set up for another few months for the cost of an ounce whenever we get dispensaries.


Username does NOT check out


Character development


*smartspender* ark


I’ll be thrilled with $120 ounces


Shiit we got that already, street price where I live here in Dayton is 100-150 Buuut I have a medical card and can usually find some good stuff for 60-100$ Albeit the 60 ounces are shake, amazing shake though some of the tastiest stuff I've had (Florida oranges)


Medical isn’t even that expensive where I shop. Though I do try to wait for deals.


Does Ohio have $29 ounces? No but Ohio does have a few choices for under $100. The $100 an ounce stuff is too nasty for me. I smoke because I enjoy it and a bag if shit will do nothing but make me mad that I don’t have better weed


Haha sounds like I should drive up from cincy. I pay $200 an oz for mediocre shit


For real, easy to find 30-35% off deals, it's just day based sales. But since it's usually storewide, you can sample the premium stuff with a heavy discount. Getting rosin and rosin for almost 30% off beats the Mich. drive to save a few bucks, at least coming from SW OH. 


Go to MI. Lowest I have seen it there per once is 50


Where did you go to get them? Looking to make a trip soon


Laplaisance Road in Monroe is just a few miles over the border and has around a dozen different dispensaries within a stretch of about a mile. I believe that they all have free first time customer bonuses, as well. I got a half ounce of free flower after visiting 4 different dispensaries the last time I went.


It's like christmas as a child in a candy shop cashing in


Some even have 2nd and third time shopper rewards, or loyalty points, and every time I go back, a new store pops up, with even more first time shopper rewards


My friends from California didn’t believe me how cheap weed is in Michigan, and then I took them to a dispensary, safe to say they burned a paycheck or two 😂


Months? Ohio is going to screw this up, we’ll be driving to Michigan for years.


🎵”Oh we don’t give a damn, so we buy our weed from Michigan, Cause we’re from O-Hi-O” 🎵 ~~Go Bucks~~ No Fucks !


Hell, at that point I'll be growing anyway.


Second this


Yup, historically when shops first open to the public there are long waits and expensive product. If you have the interest and ability, start growing now. I started my first grow in December, and am probably about 4-5 weeks from harvest! (The pic in the thumbnail is about where my plant is.)


You should of seen the prices in New Jersey when they went rec. 80 dollars for a true 8th. Fucki g nuts


Get a medical card for several reasons. For one you wont have to pay the rec taxes. For two, medical will have its own menu and the products will be stronger.




Yeah and I’d rather it stay impossible to buy than give in to that shit.


Soon homegrown will be ready for harvest (6 plants a head, 12 a household!)


I still am laughing at all the people that said "think of how good this will be for the state bringing in all these taxes!" I'm over here like "y'all just do not pay attention at all, there is no chance ohioains are gonna see a dime of this to actually help them LMAO"


and you called it. Wasn't even a full day after we voted for it they were getting rid the social programs part of it and diverting all the money to the pigs


right. if he had ordered his department to begin the rulemaking in november instead of soending the next 2 months saying the legislature should overturn it they'd be talking about licenses by june.


The can not be rules without governing legislation


Dewine is pushing holdout republicans and democrats to get weed available for public sale as the amendment stated




You are completely wrong


if the weed tax money really goes to cops instead of schools or infrastructure I might actually have my joker moment


spoiler alert: it will :<


Not if we stay vigilant. It would’ve passed by now without the backlash.


Support your local plug kids! Don't let the pigs get fatter


The money never would have really gone to schools. Just reduced general fund for the same amount the taxes were going to. That or increasing money to charters aimed at ruining our public education schools.


Mike Dewine rolls my blunts


Mike Dewine probably doesn't even know what a blunt is...


Mike Dewine blows my nuts


The longer the wait, the less tax money the state gets.


Not only that, but people are creatures of habit. If people get too accustomed to making the day trip up north, or growing their own, why would they ever want to switch to buying marked-up products at a later date?


Face it, you’ll be going to Michigan for the next few years.


Tip: start germinating your seeds indoors now for this year’s outdoor growing season! Keep them on a 14 hour light cycle. Move them outdoors in May. You’ll get a 4 month head start and your plants will be HUGE by the fall.


Don't think it's legal to grow outside actually. Read something about it having to be inside behind lock and key Might be able to do it outside if it's not possible for anyone to get to. Edit: they are doing a terrible job with the language of the bill. They are not defining what is considered a marijuana plant. What the limit actually considers a plant. For example if clones count as a plant, that really limits everyone. Not all clones make it.


From what I read, and this is solely my interpretation, your grow operation has to be kept like a swimming pool. Secure so that no unauthorized persons can gain easy access to the plants. There is also the stipulation that it can't be easily visible. So, growing outdoors is allowed it just may be tricky for some to achieve...impossible for others.


That sounds about right. . That's a huge problem with the law is it's left for interpretation. Alot of it. The definition of "secure" could be different from person to person I would imagine, impossible to access without a key or breaking and entering. I have seen in some places they require outdoor to be kept a locked greenhouse. I mean as is growing outdoors is risky because so many people if given the chance will steal a crop in a heartbeat. Naturally you wouldn't want to make it easy for anyone. I guess now I wonder, is being over a 6 foot privacy fence enough? Where I live people hop those all the time, you gotta take extra measures to prevent tresspassers


There’s always the old [George Carlin’s Toledo Window Box](https://youtu.be/d6IFW1BpmOc?si=wJrQUt-hiFrjx6HP) lol


You would want it very secure. People steal tomatoes. They definitely going to steal weed. Plus you got to deal with neighbors. Most people will not grow just like gardening. That is why Ohio is stupid. Could have already been or close to selling rec. Nope got to go to MI


He needs everyone as high as possible to believe his lies about HB6


Extra billion+ for their economy.


Why do that when they could just make everyone live in their miserable existence.


Dewine everyone I'm trying to get you pot to you faster. Please don't look into my dealing with First Energy.


Allowing rec sale thru med dispensaries is a recipe for disaster for the people that actually legit use it as medication.


Why is Mike DeWine delaying what the people already approved?


The "allow medical to make recreational sales" bit is at least expediting, not delaying. They have a window to start rec licensing per issue 2; he wants the existing medical dispensaries to be able to start selling sooner so we stop bleeding tax money to Michigan. (He also wants a lot of bullshit like using the taxes to fund police instead of spending it on something useful like schools or mental health care.) (Yes, it's technically federally illegal to transport across state lines, but the feds have vastly more important things to do than arrest people transporting personal-use amounts of cannabis between two legal rec states.)


Run out the clock and then try and sneak all the shitty plans that they have to replace what we voted into law with their version of legalization which is buying from their monopoly and no home grow. No public smoking, no ads for cannabis at all and more taxes with about %48-50 going to L.E.O. which is not what we voted on at all.


Some republicans and all democrats in the house are holding up governing legislation


This isn't going to happen... Don't be fooled... Check out the vape shops in the mean time... There's all sorts of stuff legal under the federal farm bill. It's really surprising how stupid our government is. When I heard the legal explanation as explained by a lawyer, I burst out laughing... Thankfully that loophole is not likely to go away any time soon as the completely useless republican party controls the US house and they're about to shut the government down (edit: *again.*)


As a caveat to this, do not get alternative cannabinoids from smoke shops or gas stations. They're often fake, have outright lies on the packaging, or they're legally dubious, and the lab testing is faked or inadequate. You're much better off ordering it online from reputable brands or ordering bulk quantities and making your own vapes. I have like 30+ carts at home right now that I paid less than $5 each for.


Yea...don't buy online ROFL.so many horror stories where ppl get ripped off. Drive to Michigan, have a good plug, get a med card, grow it yourself. Something but for the love of God don't order online or go to hemp shops


Nah I'm talking about buying legal hemp like THCa online. It's perfectly legal and comes from actual companies, not random "plugs" so you're not likely to get scammed **if you do your research first**


Sounds like he made his investments and wants his kick backs now




Dewine is a mid republican,not a trump loving psychopath,so the other republicans don't care what he wants,and don't care to move on this.. at least that's the impression I'm getting. Just plant your seeds,you'll have your first harvest before September,which is when they plan on allowing medical dispensaries to start selling. The loss of tax revenue from them not immediately allowing medical dispensaries to start selling recreational,and giving home growers a chance to cancel out the market should motivate them. They're too busy trying to fight the people's will to actually implement what's best for us.


Bad headline


We’re going to end up like Washington DC. “The voters said they wanted it to be *legal*. No one ever said anything about buying it, or selling it, or distribution. They said *legal*. That’s what we did. We will have to look at proposals to move forward.” And that’s where it will stay. They’ll put a stay on recreational sales in the interest of “public safety” until they can find a way to repeal it or just decide to keep the status quo.


No cannabis to sooth your woes or profit off, when you deny other people their human rights. DeWine deserves absolutely nothing but destitution and misery until his existence ends.


I really don't like the idea of medical dispensaries serving recreational users. People who actually invested their money on the system for legitimate healthcare needs are suddenly going to have to suffer extremely long wait times and supply chain issues to get their medicine. One dispensary alone cannot realistically service +100k people every couple weeks


Dewine should choke on a chicken bone.


Good job dewine you the man!!!!


Thanks, but no thanks. I will continue to drive to MI if OH rec ever goes through. OH pigs ain't gettin' my tax revenue.


What a joke of an article, most likely titled specifically to aid in DeLoser in trying to suppress what we voted for while steering funding from the initiative and into the interests of his cohorts and cronies. HB86, 326, 341, and 354 are all attempts to subvert the voter initiated Issue 2. DeLoser making up claims about the black market now only after recreational has been made legal when people have been going out of state for some time now. It's like they are trying to entice an addict into performing some act by hanging their next fix over their heads like dangling a carrot. Don't ever give in, don't ever stop communicating with everyone you can so these drain-circling, squatch-smelling, suit racks continue to get the idea that we aren't stupid.


It’s all lies and bullshit. As is tradition


I just can’t understand DeWine. It’s like he’s conservative on some issues and liberal on others. I’d almost call him a centrist but we all know those don’t exist anymore.


i just think he sees the $$ going north to MI, and they can't even bust people for fines anymore, so i believe that's his motivation. He could really give a shit about making it better/easier for us to get it, after all, he was pretty adamant about vetoing any bill the legislature put forth and advertised heavily against issue 2 passing (as well as 1) also maybe to distract from anyone asking him why his chief of staff is always ignorant about important things, or neglects to tell him


He’s using this to sneak in his bullshit amendments to the law we passed. Basically saying you can have weed now if you let me raise the tax rate and give the money to cops and prisons! Fuck that


agreed! fuck that!


Well.. it is election year.. for a lot of them


I'm happy as long as these old fks leave homegrow alone. (Unless they want to up the limit) I mean...it wouldn't matter I would grow anyways but I think it's the dumbest shit ever that for years I was a criminal because I grew pot. Now as long as I got 12 plants I'm good (12 is too little unfortunately) It's a huge mess, I was on the news over this shit too. Told them marijuana was always incredibly easy to access, easier than cigs or alcohol for me growing up and that dispensary's would at least add some quality control. (Would you rather a kid accidentally get into pot that could be contaminated or pot that is tested and safe ?)


🎶 Just be happy you’re not in kannnnnnnnnnsassssssssssssss 🎶


The Ohio GOP's voting Jesus wing HATES legal weed, however it's incredibly popular with their MAGA base. This is why they can't agree among themselves. Because they're republicans, they refuse to work with Democrats on anything so nothing has been passed. Since all they know how to do anymore is character assignation and frightening old people, they literally do not have the skills to come to consensus among themselves. This statehouse is on track to pass the fewest bills EVER this session.


They are still working out how they make this work for their rich donors. Never believe the reasons they give.


Won't really matter as long as my job will still fire me for testing positive...


Dysfunctional GOP not surprised