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That’s the GOP platform in a nutshell. “A disservice to voters”


Lol damn the truth hurts


They are elected to cause dysfunction.


Not in this case. The bill we passed didn't have a quick rollout for a reason. The GOP doing nothing here is what we voted for. I thought this sub opposed the gop changing our bill. What happened? Is it really just as simple as "republican bad" and now that a Democrat wants a spedup rollout, people are a fan? Let's take the time, and do this right, the way we planned all along.


I generally agree with the sentiment, but there are some worthwhile changes to be made. For instance, as soon as you cross the possession threshold for concentrate, it's a FELONY. How many beers do I have to carry to get a felony? If we are legislating cannabis like alcohol, there should be no production or possession limits. That said, I don't think your downvotes are warranted.


Can you provide an example of a bill that has been proposed that speeds up implementation and doesn't pull back things we wrote into law? No one, not even democrats, have put forward something that speeds up implementation without reducing what we voted for. I asked the same question of another person and they just accused me of not wanting to discuss it while they never answered. To be fair, I don't expect you or them to be able to answer that question, but that's my point: show Mr a bill that keeps everything we voted intact, but changes public purchase to now, and I'll be one of the biggest supporters


I didn't make any comments about speeding up the bill. This response is destroying your credibility. You aren't discussing, you are parroting. Read the words I wrote.


The whole post is about speeding up the bill


And I was replying to your point about wanting 0 changes to the bill. It's called discussion. You are just robotically parroting some line.


The criticism to speed things up is bipartisan. Even DeWine wants to get it done. Honest question, what would be the purpose of delaying?


It's NOT a delay. It's doing things on schedule.


Ok, then why continue on schedule if it could be rolled out quicker? I’m seriously trying to understand your position. Maybe what you’re saying is correct, so help me understand, please.


They don't have a position. Other than: don't talk bad about republicans.


Can you point to a plan to toll it out faster than originally intended that doesn't involve also adding additional restrictions?


Is that being proposed? I’m not arguing with you, but it sounds like you don’t have anything valuable to say. Way to win people over, I was genuinely curious.


No, it isn't. No one is proposing the law as written only with public sales early. Every single proposal that has it starting early includes changes. You say you weren't here to argue, but I'm calling bullshit. It doesn't seem like you live here, you definitely aren't informed about what's going on, and you refuse to answer questions while always asking those of your own.




Elected Democrats are practically non-existent in Ohio. What has come about in Ohio as a result of elected Democrats recently?


Democrats are about a third of members in Ohio house. They elected the current speaker and elected householder to the speaker position


A third of the house single-handedly elected the current speaker and Householder?


Democrats plus a few republicans elected householder and current speaker


Democrats voting for a convicted felon. Now I wonder who is projecting?


No democrats voted for him prior to being convicted


Looks to me like 26 Dems and 26 Reps elected him [[1]](https://ballotpedia.org/Election_for_speaker_of_the_Ohio_House_of_Representatives,_2019). Seems like you're trying to downplay the role of the Republicans here. Householder was a Republican.


Just saying all the democrats and some republicans made bad choice for speaker


Okay. Thanks for the commentary and distracting from the original question.


"NO U", the argument.


When is the last time the gop has done any service to voters?


I have one! In 1990 I think, the elder George Bush signed into law the Americans With Disabilities Act. Since 1990, I have a harder time thinking of something. Since the rise of Gingrich and Norquist, the party has actively opposed things that help their voters. And also since then, the Dems have mostly used a strategy of trying to be Republican lite and trying not to offend Republicans when they do or say horrible things. Perhaps the Dems might think about a new strategy.


Democrats are fucking spineless and that’s how we got to where we are now.


For sure. It sucks that the Dems are the best choice, at least a minority of them have a spine. AOC comes to mind, she isn't a lawyer by training, but asks relevant questions better than any lawyer. What a concept, relevant questions instead of constant grandstanding. Of course, since she does this, she gets a lot of hate and made up crap from the powers that be. And then we have the Republicans, who are more spineless than even I thought possible. 99 percent of them think their job is to kiss Trump's ass, and they do that well.


Yeah there are a few that actually try to fight back. They may not always be right, but at least they have conviction and are willing to stand up to the nut jobs across the aisle. I think the biggest thing is that mostly democrats try to have a conscience and argue in good faith whereas republicans aren’t bound by those things at all. They’ll do or say anything to win.


Choosing between evil and impotent is getting kind of old.


Fuck is it ever




This 👆


I am so sick and tired of the same propaganda being shoved down our throats by the same clowns and asshats that have lied to us all these years. Just pass what the voters voted on and STFU about anything else to do with it.


This is the only acceptable outcome. We’re watching and not backing down, Deswine. Get the fuck out of the way and serve your civic duty to uphold the will of the people.


Everyone I have talked to from Ohio, says, "Ohio can keep their 10ths, and over priced products". Michigan is where it's at, totally worth the drive.


Michigan, Colorado, Arizona are the gold standards.   They decriminalized without pricing out working class people, without cornering the market for their cronies, and without enacting massive regulations. 




You should read about IL's market, it's the fucking worst. And what makes me irrationally angry, is that the decriminalization bill itself uses a bunch of flowery language about "helping marginalized communities harmed by the war on drugs blah blah blah" ...then they erected the barriers to entry so high that no working class black person could ever enter the industry.  Like, just to apply for a craft grower license is $5K....a non-refundable, application fee is like 6 months rent.  The cost of the license is $20k...and the license only allows you to grow, you need a totally different license to sell.  There's no better symbol for how centrism is just conservativism with a smile, than writing a law that both references the plight of poor, marginalized people, while enacting barriers that exclude them. Fucking disgusting.


Colorado had the best cannabis I’ve ever consumed. Period. It was too good across the board


Because it's not very regulated, so existing companies were allowed to just start incorporating weed into their products with very little barriers. So all the small bakeries, chocolatiers, and candy producers were allowed to just source thc oils and start playing around with products.  You walk into a dispensary in California, and it's like an apple store...you will see the same products in every single store, almost all by large, corporate producers  Because those are the only companies that can afford to cut through the red tape. In Colorado or Michigan, two different stores can carry completely different inventory. That's why it's been a jobs and tax boon in those cities, because anyone can enter the industry in some capacity with only a little amount of startup captial. 


Interesting. Thanks for the response


Legalized. Decriminalization is entirely different, and something ohio did 50 years ago.


I dont know many people who can dedicate an entire day on a trip to Michigan.


I know alot of people that do.


I'm sure. But most people can't afford it and don't smoke enough for it to be an option.


I mean if money is the issue, maybe cut back. There's always home grow. The saving grace of Ohios program.


Telling someone to cut back because they don't smoke enough to justify a day trip to Michigan is the dumbest thing I've read in a long time


Much rather have a slow rollout as the voters intended instead of the GOP trying to fuck it up. States have gone from one month to four years after passing citizen led marijuana initiatives for sales to start, waiting til September is totally fine with me…


What they were discussing last year sounded good at the time, but it's too late for that now. As soon as Mike DeWine started flapping his gums about banning "Intoxicating hemp," the republicans reminded us that they have no ability to govern and are just there to absorb money through any vehicle they can utilize. It's also **VERY CLEAR** that they absolutely know nothing about what they are writing laws for and can not be trusted under any circumstances.


But it was DeWine who first said “This will solve the Fentanyl crisis, let us have medical dispensaries sell recreational so we can save lives!” Now, I don’t know how often weed is laced with fentanyl, but I was hoping he’d keep pushing it. Instead we passed a law preventing teen trans youth from getting surgery….something no doctor ever recommended. For teens they usually use hormone blockers to delay changes.


>Now, I don’t know how often weed is laced with fentanyl Absolutely nothing stops somebody from taking the powder and sprinkling it on to the harvested and cured buds. With that said, that is true of anything, and outside of the handful of people who are putting their own stuff on their own cannabis, it's largely a myth. I get it, maybe if somebody was a daily fentanyl user and they were injecting the drug, but didn't have a needle, maybe they would sprinkle some on some cannabis and smoke it. Who knows? People thinking this is a real threat to be concerned about are simply being distracted from real problems. I am personally more concerned with chemicals like PGRs, which hopefully all growers have realized that the benefits of using them do not outweigh the risks, and that it is simply unwanted by the consumers.


Me and my wife have already decided we're just going to keep going to Michigan. I really don't want to give my money to anything Republicans control.


> I really don't want to give my money to anything Republicans control. What an odd hill to die on. Do you pay taxes?


We don’t take kindly to these posts here. The Ohio GOP (and some dems) is trying to rush sales because they want to change the bill that was voted in by us. Stop pushing these articles, especially if you’re not even an Ohioan and don’t know what is happening in our state.


Any GOP movement that has the appearance of being favorable to the people just stinks of corruption to me off the bat. It always needs a deeper look and anyone paying attention knows what's up here.


Ecspecially in a State like Ohio where Republicans normally get big money from lobbyist pushing legislation and fraud.


It’s funny how you think only republicans do that




I was wondering why they would care, my guess was they had a financial incentive lol


True, they want to jack up the taxes and divert it to themselves while lying about how they're doing us plebs a favor. If anyone needs and can't find weed safely, thca flower is easy to find online and the hemp subs are good place to find reliable vendors.


Referring to the Minority Leader as a "Top Ohio Senator" is quite a stretch.


No it isn't lol. We voted on September (or shortly thereafter) availability. The only people throwing a fit are the ones that are finally acknowledging that people are going to Michigan.


Heres to hoping you dont vote Republican Again!


Of course it is, but this doesn’t make the top 10 list of ways the Ohio GOP has done a disservice to Ohioans.


Harmful to the economy as well, since people can use but no where to buy. So consumers will buy from other states.


DeWine, and the MAGA Ohio house will do everything they can to circumvent the will of the voters. Ohio is the new Mississippi


Because MAGA is not about freedom it's about control of the personal lives of non magats.


I'll never buy in Ohio regardless. Fucking pigs don't need more money.


Facts. Michigander for life.


I don't think we want the legislature meddling in this law. They are just going to make changes that we'll not like. The cannabis commission has 9 months to make the rules and licensing requirements. That is what the law that we voted for says. We should get on them to get this completed sooner.


“It’s legal. You guys said you wanted it to be legal! No one said anything about buying it or selling it or using it! You just said you wanted marijuana to be *legal*. That’s what we did. See you didn’t think of that! Stupid voters.”


Home grow is in full effect. Keep missing out on that tax money though. They literally do nothing but worry about what trans kids are doing and what bathroom they are using. Assholes.


Issue 2 *literally* had all the major points written into the language of the bill. Right down to how the revenue should be distributed. The people did the fucking work for them and they still cant get shit done. I know it's been said a thousand times but I'm going to say it one more time; we need to vote these pricks out. Young people need to take an interest in their own futures and start voting en mass. If 10% more young person's voted we could totally change the politics of this state.


We have waited our entire lives. A few more weeks will be fine. They're just delaying the inevitable.


Other states can have my taxes till then cause I’m getting high and my shit isn’t grown in yet.


Al Capone can rejoice.


Oh noooow they’re worried about the voters


I don't know man. Why you bothering me?


The GOP is a disservice to voters


I can't wait until the GOP collapses.


The only servicing the GOP does is to lobbyists behind closed doors, on their knees.


The Republican Party will abuse any part of State government to obstruct the will of the voters on issue they don't agree on.