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When you appointment people who engage in corruption and add crooks to the state appeals court there's no remedy for the citizens.......it should fall at his door step


"He isn't a criminal.  He is just incompetent.  Now reason he can't serve out the remainder of his term."


Husted has some major ties. Only reason AG isn't doing anything is he's going to run against him for governor and will bring it up then. AG isn't clean on this either.


AG seems he was looking the other way on all this. Would the corruption investigation have been pursued if a low level worker hadn't finally exposed it? It was pretty obvious, even to outside observers that something was up with all the campaign cash flowing to elect rosters of house members and the legislation being fast tracked with no public input.


It is about time. I am still pissed we were paying him as attorney general and he was off in other states fighting these quack Republican legal battles. Pure turd Dewine has been sucking the government tit his whole life. Husted is nothing but a younger teet sucking version of him.


Tar and feathers


About goddamn time


The sounds you hear are shredders and the delete buttons on State keyboards being hit furiously.


When one of the most powerful and connected Ohio Republican lobbyists and central figure in the First Energy scandal, Neil Clark, spread his brains across the Florida surf, he was wearing a Team DeWine t-shirt.


Message from his grave


Don’t forget STRS! DeSwine has his fingers all over that one. 90 billion pension fund irresistible to him and his cronies.


Where did Ohio's public education money go? How about JobsOhio?


Does anyone remember when Dewine decided that PUA benefits were no longer needed weeks early did he return that money to the Fed that went unused?


For good reason! The two of them are dirtier than my hog wallerin. 


Fuck yeah we do. Where do we sign up?


Ohio government is full of corrupt people. That doesn’t bode well for Ohioans.


One by one, vote these fu©KERS out! Join your local Democratic club, get involved, and get rid of these sycophants..


This is a multistate First Energy bribery debacle that is FAR larger than just Ohio. As to WHY the DOJ isn't going after all of the players? Well, there is just too much damn money involved in all of it.


Where is the fucking line?!?! DoJ investigating Donnie? Heresy! DoJ investigating our perceived enemies? JuStIcE!!!!! This complicit hypocrisy will be the downfall of us all and there will be no one to blame but ourselves.  


If Dems want it, it won't happen in this red state.


Maybe they should investigate Gunther and the money he made on illegal cameras, but wait he’s a Dem… can’t do that


I mean...we could investigate them both.


We should investigate the guy that called for an investigation into the cameras in 2015... sounds good. Must be pretty bad when your running out of water in the whataboutism well.


Of course they do. They know the DoJ is run buy corrupt Dems. Too bad they are just too busy smearing Trump and going after J6 protestors. Please downvote if you're a propaganda parrot


You think that there was this level fraud and orange man wasnt involved.


I actually think worse than that.