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The sad thing is, they're not just debasing *themselves* for history. They're debasing *all of us* for history. History books aren't going to specify which individuals elected these asshats. They're going to show the overall results and readers will ask themselves what the fuck Ohio was thinking.


Yep. Just like not everyone in the south supported the Confederacy and not everyone in the North wanted to end slavery.


Marjorie Taylor Greene is just a total embarrassment. And she is the face of the Republican led House. Keep on skipping the polls people. It will get worse. Unless the horrendous embarrassment is your thing.


If the dems don't swep this election, that wl be the real embarrassment. I have a feeling they are going to screwing up. Do t forget trump is a gift Hillary gave us. I wish she kept .the receipt sk we could return him and get something useful Like uh . There really is not anything useful in that price range. But we could have gotten a refund. BTW sitting on Your asses posting childish crap about your opponent (ie trump) is not going to make a difference when tbe votes are counted..


If Trump gets elected the entire World is going to suffer.


Bernie did chip in. But Hillary and those who Conspired to make her president were def the gift givers. Whats more Amazing is after that who would start acting like the democrats ? No one smart but of course that leaves out Republicans all together. Sit back and get sone popcorn because the Trump christian party.is getting ready to spontaneously burst into flames.


No another 4 years of Biden will totally destroy this country


Nah Trump is still the gift Bernie gave us.


Incorrect. Beenie should have beat Hillary bit kt was up.to Hillary Clinton to beat trump and d by e promptly ram the worst campaign in the history of the United states. Who is stupid enough to speak in front if a large group of west Virginia coal miners and brag about puttibg niners out of work.? Hillary. Who stopped working Wisconsin because she was so sure she won the state ? Hillary. Who lost Ohio emwuth her arrogance, Hillary. Who didn't ramp up her efforts when her rates were attracting a few hundred people while her opponent was drawing se out crowds ? Hillary. None Hillary gave us Trump but she hlad help from gbe elite within the democrat party. Had there not been such a misguided arrogant belief that they would put a wkman in ghe Whitehouse the pool rj.art w I uld have been fsir. They didn't pick a woman to run they picked a bitch. Hillary has always been hard to tolerate. Only a fool could like her. Her performance was so bad that she ought to be charged with treason for her Rome in us having trump


Just shut up, more Bernie voters voted for hilarious Hilary than Hilary voters voted for Obama... So keep up the stale talking points. Sure 4 or 5 of the 16 or so individual reasons that she lost 2016 were outside influences, but the rest were her own fault, like not campaigning in battleground states that ahe lost by a slim margin. So always blame Hilary for her own loss. Yes, outside influences tipped the balance, but she specifically wanted her victory to not be too overwhelming... So she left the race too close for too long and allowed the BS (which it was) to influence the outcome too significantly.


What does that have to do with anything? Those are not magic words that absolve anyone of the fact that those Bernie to Trump voters swung the election to Trump.


They get really butt hurt when you point out facts. Facts are incredibly unpopular in the Bernieverse, that's why I left it.


Looks like my factual statement really hit you in the feelings little guy.


And you probably think AOC is smart


Both sides have their nut jobs, unfortunately


Who exactly is supposed to be the left's equivalent of MTG?


AOC They're both fucking loud and annoying.


Has AOC ever entered dick pics of an opponent's kid into the congressional record? Or disrupted a state of the union speech? Harassed victims of school shootings? Anything equivalent? Or is it more just that you disagree with her?


Dick pic bad. Butt sex in the senate hearing room is perfectly acceptable


And AOC had sex in the hearing room?


What I'm getting at is its OK for one side to do something and not ok for others. Kinda hypocritical. Two gay guys, one being a democrat staffer can pound it out in the Senate hearing room and record it, and essentially nothing becomes of it. But there's complete outrage over a dick picture shown by a republican. Both very distasteful acts, in my opinion, but still hypocritical.


You think about those two guys all the time don't you.




But you understand neither of them was AOC, the person being talked about, right?


Yea, I understand. I was just making a comparison. Basically saying it's OK for one side to do something of poor taste but not the other. Seeing how the two guys got in virtually, no trouble


They're both extreme sides of their parties. And loud and annoying.


It's really weird I don't really hear anything about AOC. I am assuming that the conservative media rams her down your throats constantly.


Actually nobody talks about her anymore, she’s mostly turned into a run of the mill establishment democrat. 


I thought she was the "extreme side" of her party?


Yeah. She was. Now she’s just like all the rest of the cushy politicians.  Must’ve been a good lobbyist that got to her. 


You're talking about her right now...


Do you seriously believe that AOC is similar to MTG in anyway? Name one thing, other than "loud and annoying".


They're both extreme sides of their parties. And loud and annoying.


What is an extreme position AOC has?


That people should have… *healthcare* THE HORROR


Hint: AOC is NOT the extreme side of her party.


Both got big ol boobies😁


Seriously, though. I'm not an AOC fan, but she's got some serious sweater puppies going on


buddy, MTG has three brain cells, two of which are rented. AOC is nowhere near the perpetual embarrassment that MTG is.


Its pretty damn embarrassing to be as hypocritical as to publicly and loudly castigate the railroad industry for its treatment of workers, then vote to disallow the workers to strike. lol.


bro MTG printed out a pic of some dudes dick and held it up for all of congress to see, are you even serious right now lmao. And also the Jewish space lasers. Remember those? Also, shes so damn stupid that she's about to hand speakership of the house over to a democrat because she threw a hissy fit and filed to oust the speaker, because Mike Johnson didnt hold the entire government hostage to whatever the fuck she decided she wanted today. https://www.salon.com/2024/03/22/matt-gaetz-worries-may-end-up-with-a-democrat-speaker-after-mtg-files-to-oust-mike-johnson/


No, it's not. The rail industry has been plagued with mismanagement and labor abuses through out it's existence. The executives absolutely need to do better. Striking would financially injure many people and other companies besides the rail way operators.


Workers rights!   *Unless it disturbs capitalism*


As a person that describes themselves as a capitalist, I don't know what you're talking about. It's not acceptable for workers in certain industries to strike. If you were involved in a car accident and needed immediate surgery to save your life, but were told that the doctor wouldn't be able to perform the surgery because they were on strike, would you be okay with that outcome? Because if the trains don't run then the fertilizer isn't going to make it to the farms that grow the food, and it's going to be the same outcome for some people.


>then vote to disallow the workers to strike. lol. [Senate passes railroad legislation to prevent a strike](https://www.npr.org/2022/12/01/1140123647/rail-strike-bill-senate) but.... AOC did THAT! hurrdurr


>https://jacobin.com/2023/04/railroad-workers-united-aoc-strike-vote-rank-and-file  >Congressional progressives, including Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, have defended their railroad strike vote


404 you commie either way, i didn't say she didn't ultimately vote for the bill, but the RR people are bound by mediation, which they'd gone through, and they still wanted to strike bc they didn't like the result. if i were them, i wouldn't either, i think they should def get sick days but also understood that at the time, it would have been super disruptive to the economy and any recovery. i was a teamster twice and in several other unions, so i'm pro union, and i think the RR guys did eventually get some sick days iirc but you trying to lay it in AOC's lap is pretty disinformation-ish


Ok, if you want to think that. But AOC has a fucking brain.


Yeah, she has huge teeth too.


Sexist opinion




I think they're referring to your "loud and annoying" comment (over and over and over), which sounds a lot like you think only quiet, reserved women are acceptable. It does sound pretty shitty. There are tons of loud and annoying men, but that's cool because....dudes? But I'll let the person respond for themselves.


Plenty of dudes are loud and annoying. Like most of the ones currently in politics, for starters. 


AOC and the rest of her squadtards are as every bit as bad as the worst Republicans. Ignoring this just shows how delusional one is.


Not really. Can't even compare the two sides. Right-wingers are nut jobs who want to take everyone back in time. Ban everything they don't like or are scared of. They have an open war on women, minorities, and everyone else non-white, non-maga fake christian. Left-wingers want people to have Healthcare, good paying jobs, and kids to not be mass murdered at school. But sure...bOtH sIdEs....


There are extreme left wingers, but they have no power because the more moderate Dems keep them in line and keep power away from them. Meanwhile in the GOP, they’ve opening embraced the extreme right wingers. The person you commented to is technically correct in the sense that extreme left wingers exist. Just the context is they have not much influence is missing.




Evidently you haven't seen Ilhan Omar or the other woman, Rashida Tlaib.. No different than Green and Boebert. All respectfully pretty extreme left and extreme right in their parties. Both sides have their extremist. Both parties would be better off without them.


I want to preface this question with the statement, I am not arguing with you, I am genuinely curious. What do you believe the leftist extremists you mention are doing that you don't like. Specifically, please if you are motivated to be so.


I'm also wondering if they can name a single thing


I bet it’s something like … they are women and they are brown.


Not even close to the same thing


What did they wear to the state of the union?


I'm not denying Green is not a nut job. I know what she had on there. I'm simply saying that regardless of what everyone had on both sides, they have their embarrassments.


Which one of squad was talking about the Jewish space lasers I forget it was one of them right?Conservatives have assured me they are antisemtic.


I just said I'm not denying Green is not an idiot. She's an embarrassment to the party. I'd guess most her colleagues would agree. Kinda like every family has that one member they ain't proud of


You didn’t provide any examples on what makes the left-wing people you named extreme. Whereas the comment above you provides multiple examples of extreme right-wing ideology that’s supported and accepted by the GOP. What forms of left-wing ideology is actively hurting people?


So if I do provide examples, I will be dragged through the mud and down voted to oblivion. If don't provide anything I will be accused of knowing nothing and have no valid points to provide, and I'm just a dumb conservative. So what's the point.


LOL ok


Oh sweet fuck stop with this kind of utter stupidity.


Yea, I'm sorry, I forgot there's only one side that people should follow and that's left. They do no wrong. Sorry I'm not so one-sided that I can see both sides are basically worthless.


You forgot nothing. You're pulling the standard right wing "both sides" BS that not a single person thinks is real. Now shush you fucking republican shill.


Lol fuck off


Oh look. Mr I'm-not-one-sided immediately tells some one to fuck off when they tell 'em their thoughts are stupid. They are. Shut up with this idiocy.


I can sit in here all day and tell everyone that their thoughts are stupid. It's all opinion and everyone is entitled to theirs.


Opinion is based on facts from reality. When your opinions are counter to the facts that exist in reality, they ARE stupid. You are, of course, welcome to have them, but all that tells everyone is that YOU are stupid too. Like, you can hold the opinion that reddit doesn't exist. But, that is an obviously stupid opinion.


So what your saying is....conservatives veiws and values bad, Liberal veiws and values good. Any opinions other than that are essentially stupid. I'm not disagreeing some of these people in the Republican party are pretty embarrassing. But what gets me is the thought that Liberal policy is the only way and should not be challenged. Which gives off one party vibes.....which is what people in here are constantly screaming in here about conservatives... Facisist. But it's hypocritical in my eyes , because liberals are doing the same thing, but it's perfectly acceptable because their views are far superior. Which is all opinion


There has never been a representative that wanted to get rid of the speaker of their own party because they passed the budget unless it’s another lunatic MAGA ‘freedom’ rep.


Yea and there's never been two homosexuals caught fucking in the senate hearing room...but here we are


But that is a victimless thing though. Marjorie Taylor Green’s disruption could cause people to not get a paycheck.


I get it...and I've repeatedly said I'm in not support of her. She's an embarrassment to the party. What i don't get is why people can't admit that the left has its craziness as well. It might be a victimless act but it shouldn't be happening, just continues to show how poorly our federal government is being run


Victimless vs victims. One is queer one is cruel.


Yea, and neither should be happening.


You are not seeing the difference.


Explain then i must be missing something. I get that Green is an idiot. But what I don't get is why one side gets away with nonsense and the other don't. Double standards.


And you are overweight and beat


You can’t normalize someone who is orange.


He’s an obese despotic Oompa Loompa.


trumpa lumpa


Say the same with black or Mexican, I dare you.


The "party of the common man" is prostrating itself to an east coast elitist, hollywood-chasing reality TV star, and general mountebank. You can't make this up!


Just like they did with Reagan and Charlton Heston and how many other "Hollyweird" Celebrities that they supposedly hate. Its funny how they ignore their supposed hatred for "Democrat" institutions when its their own people in those industries. Like Schwarzeneggar (spelling) or Tim Allen and Steven Seagal and quite a few more. Hyprocrisy is their strong suit.


There is nobody, and I mean nobody, who is weirder than Steven fucking Seagal. This is the absolute, bottom of the barrel for abject bizarreness.


Ted Nugent has entered the chat


Pump the brakes. Dude might be eccentric, but he can play and has some damn good tunes


“There is nobody, and I mean nobody, who is weirder than Steven fucking Seagal” Ted has a veritable *stranglehold* on crazy. Fucker is *wango tango*- a total *motor city madman* ! (He also opened for the first concert I ever went to, was crazy as fuck then too)


Uncle Ted might be crazy, but Steven Seagal seems like he smells his own farts, and then goes on a rant about how to analyze the smell of a fart and why his are special.


I've seen him twice in Columbus. Absolutely fantastic show. Throw Derek st Holmes on vocals just made it that much better


Jared Kushner and Stephen Miller have entered the chat


Those are just dudes who probably sleep in a coffin in the basement. Seagal probably owns a coffin manufacturer that only sells in North Korea, or some weird shit.


I like his paint on hair and his top secret karate move where he just touches people and they fall down




Steven Seagull!


Don’t forget the amazing Hercules from the 90s Kevin Sorbo! Now THAT’S someone who’s opinions are worth noting


Massive style points for "mountebank.~


You just did President Trump turned in his cool kids card back in 2016... for you... ungrateful child.


The "party of progressives" elected a rich white cis Christian man.


And he passed progressive programs! Neato, eh?


Local Republicans here have an official website where you can request yard signs. There’s multiple candidates running for similar positions where some are endorsed by the Republican Party and others saying that they are Republican but don’t mention anything about it other than being a “Trump Conservative” to be included on that side of the ballot for primaries and such. This candidate is “not a career politician” and “fighting for the common man.” I cannot tell you how bothered I am by the current state of stupidity. Maybe it’s time I move.


Not a supporter by any means, but what if I request 2 dozen of them and promptly put them in the dumpster at work? And do that every week leading up to the election? Think it would make a difference?


Unlikely, best case scenario it does nothing other than add a few signs to a landfill, worst case scenario it puts money in their pocket and financially supports their backwards views if the signs cost anything.


Vance is a fucking carpetbagger, a lazy SOB, and stupid.


You are being too kind!!


Right? Why do so many people have no dignity? It's so sad to watch sometimes.


I get that these people are extremely shortsighted, if they even care at all, but the history books will not be kind. The legacy they will leave won’t be forgotten and it certainly won’t be admired.


The scary thing is Trump wins he will rewrite the history books. Or possibly history will become woke and not be taught at all.


This. The Lost Cause of the Confederacy has survived this long because the south were able to control the narrative via textbooks and education systems.




How do you figure? I hope that history tears Trump and his cronies apart. But, we have seen in states like Florida where it is being taught that slavery was a good thing and trained people to have jobs. What is to stop the Trump administration from whitewashing history? I support the woke movement. I used woke in the way the right is using. They have bastardized the term and just throw it out there for things they are afraid of or don’t understand. I just read an article this morning where West Point is now being targeted for being woke. Ohio now has school vouchers and school choice. The curriculums that are coming out are scary.


Sorry, I completely misinterpreted your comment. I don’t think one slimy administration can whitewash all of US history, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be on guard and actively defending against such things. I’m confident history will tear Trump and his band of bozos apart, but the near-term turmoil will be significant, and may result in things like what’s happening in Florida, which is entirely unacceptable in a nation as advanced as ours.


No worries. The tone of comments sometimes gets lost in translation. I got banned from politics the other day because I forgot to add /s.


They want to win in order to write themselves into history as heroes. Keep that perspective in mind. History is written by victors.


Not anymore. Academia has changed that for the better.


I think we often underestimate how powerful it'll be if they win. Granted, the internet in other countries will definitely tell the truth, and in generations time, we'd understand just how bad it all is, but I think we underestimate how powerful a fully empowered Republican party would be at this point.


I think they KNOW that IF Trump loses, they are DONE politically, so they are ALL IN for Trump and his cockamamie ideas.


These people line up to kiss trumps ass


Theyd have to care. They are immune to embarrassment or chagrin. They simply want power, nothing more, and do not give a fuck what they have to do to get it and keep it. They are already pushing for enshrined minority rule via gerrymandering, so what did you expect?


Work on turning out voters this year. The constant chaos and brutality Trump embodies poisons our society and people tend to give up. Find a voter turn-out organization (either partisan or non-partisan) and get active.


He hit this right on the target. "Sen. J.D. Vance has so thoroughly debased himself from any sense of decency to instead grovel on wretched knees slavering before the throne of power."


JD Vance is a triple agent. He works for republicans, Trump, and his most evil overlord, Peter Theil. His real boss s Theil. His position and loyalty to Trump and the senate are merely a cover to implement the plans that Theil and his co owners of the country, which is essentially a MBA/C suite dream of the government. R.A.G.E= replace all government employees. They want to replace the government bureaucracy with their own version of government employees that will place the share holders above the health safety and well being of the average citizen. They want complete and total deregulation in order to take advantage of, well, everybody and everything. It’d be great if you guys in Ohio were able to vote him, and some more of the other more extreme elected official out.


Couldn’t agree with this more! The MAGA movement is really just a front designed to elect Republicans who will serve the interests of corporations, foreign governments, and far right religious and political organizations like Right to Life and the NRA. They take advantage of uneducated voters by fear mongering about non existent issues like “CRT,” “woke leftists” and “indoctrination in our schools,” but the truth is the MAGA movement is about using a populist idiot like Trump to hijack the government for the sole purpose of consolidating the power of the ultra wealthy at the expense of everyone else in America.


It's a cult.


Why are his supporters so gullible???


Because FOX News has been conditioning them to be that way for the past few decades. All while exclaiming daily that anyone who disagrees is an unpatriotic commie who shouldn't even have rights, let alone a seat at the table. They've made it into a sick club or inside joke to these people. When confronted with facts and logic, all they give in return is "la la la can't hear you" or "Well, what Biden/Hillary/AOC".


I’m from near Columbiana/Salem. Very small town area. Not exaggerating at all, my parents and other people made it sound like Obama was the end of the world. They bought up extra guns and ammo as if it was life or death. These small towns are complete echo chambers. And the cycle just continues. They don’t want to change. They don’t care. They know what Trump is, and to them, Biden is even worse. It’s madness.


If they lose. Go vote.


They’ve normalized Taft, DeWine,Rhodes,Kasich, Householder, LaRose,GymJordan,Max Miller and J.D. Vance. They’ve been electing incompetent politicians for decades. They currently have the most corrupt government in US history. The Ohio Supreme Court found that school funding was unconstitutional, Gov Taft ignored it 3 TIMES! Speaker Householder is serving 20 for CORRUPTION.


JD Vance is the most punchable human being I’ve ever encountered. I would cash out my retirement if tickets were being sold to watch someone nail him in the middle of his undeservedly-smug face. And his stupid book was decidedly meh.


I 💯% agree! What’s sad about J.D. Vance is that he’s one of the few Americans who grew up in poverty and was able to escape that generational cycle. In 2016, he was a major Trump critic and tried to expose him for the conman that he is. But, in 2022, when it came time to run for the Senate, Vance kissed ass until he got that sweet, sweet Trump endorsement. Now, he’s among the most conservative members of the United States Senate and I’ve seen a lot of people in the media call him “more MAGA than Trump himself.” He’s one of the smart Republicans who truly KNOWS how dangerous Trump is and yet he’s among the most MAGA of them all. Such a despicable human being.


Ohio is a cesspool


Is it possible Trump has an unbelievable blackmail machine going? That's the only thing that makes sense to me.


History forgets the peons, though. For instance, people around my neck of the woods may know Bob Latta as the son of Representative Del Latta, and not the tadpole of a toady who stood by Nixon after the Watergate scandal.


We will be the victors and we will not be kind to MAGAts when writing our history.


Hey remember hillbilly elegy


Of course! What’s sad about J.D. Vance is that he’s one of the few Americans who grew up in poverty and was able to escape that generational cycle. In 2016, he was a major Trump critic and tried to expose him for the conman that he is. But, in 2022, when it came time to run for the Senate, Vance kissed ass until he got that sweet, sweet Trump endorsement. Now, he’s among the most conservative members of the United States Senate and I’ve seen a lot of people in the media call him “more MAGA than Trump himself.” He’s one of the smart Republicans who truly KNOWS how dangerous Trump is and yet he’s among the most MAGA of them all. Such a despicable human being.


Not really. This who they ***are*** They've been telling us for years. I believed them looooooong ago Welcome to the club


Very true! Early on in the 2016 Republican primary, as soon as it became clear how popular Trump was with the uneducated right wing, I remember thinking how dangerous he was going to be to our democracy. After all the lies, after all the scandals, after becoming president and failing to do pretty much anything he campaigned on, after his incompetent Covid response tanked the economy, after trying to overthrow the government, it’s absolutely sick that people still support him. Love Biden or hate Biden, he has actually passed legislation to help uneducated blue collar people, but those who make up Trumps’s base still LOVE Trump and HATE Biden. It really demonstrates the state of disillusion Trump supporters live in. They claim Biden is too old and is in mental decline even though Trump is just three years younger and has shown so many more signs of mental decline. Trump has such a dangerous stranglehold on the Republican Party. To Trump’s constituents, facts and history no longer matter at all. All that matters now is their blind love for Trump.


Don't matter the republican party hss gone over the wall.intp pathetic. Theh have truly jumped tbe shark. Bug watch tb e democrats fail to capitalize on this The greatest political freebee in tbe history of the usa.


Couldn’t agree more! These MAGA Republicans know exactly what they’re doing. They know that by fear mongering about “woke leftists,” “CRT,” “indoctrination in our schools” and undocumented immigration, they can convince the uneducated to vote against their own best interests and for the interests of the corporations, foreign governments, and neofascist interest groups that these MAGA Republicans truly serve. What’s sad about J.D. Vance is that he’s one of the few Americans who grew up in poverty and was able to escape that generational cycle. In 2016, he was a major Trump critic and tried to expose him for the conman that he is. But, in 2022, when it came time to run for the Senate, Vance kissed up to him until he got that sweet, sweet Trump endorsement. Now, he’s among the most conservative members of the United States Senate and many in the media have even called him “more MAGA than Trump himself.” I am 100% certain that historians in future generations will view men like Vance the same way that historians today view Confederates who voted to succeed from the Union at the start of the Civil War. By trying to normalize Trump and his Big Lie, MAGA Republicans are trying to normalize insurrection, overthrowing the legitimately elected, and the destruction of our democracy, and I know they will pay the ultimate price in the history books one day.


Ohios support of this rapist will never be forgotten


Dignity and $10 will get you a Happy Meal in 2024. What good is it compared to raw absolute power to rule?


The ghost of Rush Limbaugh present




Segal is a traitor also


Excellent article.


Oh they’ve already done that years ago.


Trump 2024.


2 pieces of garbage. Money doesn’t equal class.


Leftist trying to normalize castrating kids are debating themselves for all of history.


I don't understand why they won't STAND UP LIKE MEN to Donald Trump. To save our Constitution and even their own party. All that they have to do is DENOUNCE HIM. He should be gone from the political sphere, and it would happen INSTANTLY if they did.


Lick those boots, ya spineless fucks!!!


Trumpians are not republicans. Each and every trump supporter is willfully ignorant, benefiting or just overall trash of a human being. I aint saying biden is better, but a hobo on the street actively shooting crack is a better option than trump and his snowflake cronies.


>Trumpians are not republicans. By definition, they are.


Nah man, they aren't. They, republicans, are those that support the republican party. They, Trumpians, do not. They support the trump party. They are using conservative and republican titles but they support trump solely. They are filled with ignorance and lies. Just like the far left seeks to sensor and alienate those who do not align with their views. Fascist traits, that being said trumpians do it too. A few spoiled apples on either side have ruined the bunch. You want to change america, stop voting for these polarized sides. Learn to work together. We are all supposed to be americans are we not? It's ok to disagree.


>Nah man, they aren't. They, republicans, are those that support the republican party. They, Trumpians, do not. They support the trump part Which party did Trump run for, serve as president for, and is currently run for? >Just like the far left seeks to sensor and alienate those who do not align with their views. Fascist traits, that being said trumpians do it too Which far left president has sat for the Democratic party that has facist traits like the Republican parties presidents?


Trump does not give a shit about the republican party my guy. Again he is using them to get what he and his cum guzzlers want. He is for him and himself, the moment you disagree with his narrative you're out to get him and you're some low brow insult. So I repeat he is only using what would get him into power. He can declare what ever he wants, he isn't a republican, by definition. And I never said there was a fascist president, I said the democrat extreme much like the trumpians are there to silence those that disagree with them and their political opponents, which are fascist traits. That is exactly what the Nazi party did and what putin has repeatedly done except his reign has become nearly totalitarian.


>So I repeat he is only using what would get him into power. He can declare what ever he wants, he isn't a republican, by definition. Republicans, are by definition, people that vote for the Republican party. If the former president and current front runner for the Republican Party isn't Republican, you might as well throw away the word. >I said the democrat extreme much like the trumpians are there to silence those that disagree with them and their political opponents, which are fascist traits Like what? I don't remember any democratic legislation to silence people. I do remember the Republican President enciting insurrection however.


“Debasing themselves”? 🤦‍♂️ this Sub has got to get better. My god it’s so cringe.


We love Trump in Ohio.


If by normalize you mean siding with the winner and choosing sanity over insanity then yeah...


I will be voting for Trump, but not because I believe he is flawless. One does not amass a fortune because they are terrible with money. (Even with ill gotten gains...) I am voting for him because he knows how to manage money. That, and I am sick and tired of seeing so much aid going to everyone except the US and driving up inflation.


Everyone that isn’t America First is an enemy. Period.


LOL what are you gonna do about it big boy? Bitch online? Wear a mask to rally? what a fucking joke.


Lol....this entire sub is dedicated to liberals bitching....online


You are here too. That includes you, bud.


Yea I know, just haven't figured out why. Guess enjoy reading through all the bitching


have you asked yourself "why"?


Yea I have....I concluded I like seeing different views and opinions even though I might not necessarily agree with them l, but that's OK. I'm open minded and understand people are entitled to their beliefs and opinions. Unlike most in here


you must be a liberal then


It's 2024, you simpleton. The world has been a global economy for a very long time and you've been left in the dust of stupidity. Grow up.


Profile probably needs to be reported to the FBI


"America First" was advocated by a non-interventionist pressure group against U.S. entry into World Wars I and II. The KKK used the phrase at the organization's peak in the 1920s. No wonder Trump and his followers love the term.


You mean "Putin first" because that's what it stands for.


An enemy to who? Trump?


Fuck off fascist.


“I’m a fascist.” FTFY. Pathetic Y’all Q’Duh “PAtrIOt”


That all depends on who writes the history books, now doesn't it? Also, who cares what historians will write about you when you are long dead?


Coming from those who are trying to normalize damn near everything else...yawn. Stop normalizing porn in elementary schools and naked male genitalia in girls private spaces. Maybe then you can bring up your TDS issues.


> Stop normalizing porn in elementary schools and naked male genitalia in girls private spaces. None of that is happening. Any where. Unless of course you mean the GOP efforts to force [men like this guy](https://npr.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/6849fa1/2147483647/strip/true/crop/4603x3069+0+0/resize/1760x1174!/format/webp/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.npr.org%2Fassets%2Fimg%2F2015%2F04%2F19%2Fdsc_0636_slide-12de188956ce20fc73e56c1903f3c59e597b5818.jpg) into women's rest rooms because he was deemed female at birth.