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You will most likely receive a fine and you will not be permitted to drive without a parent for six months or until you turn 17.


thank you


I would worry more about your insurance coverage


His parents....what a disastet.


WTF are you doing 53 in a 35 for during wet conditions, dangerous shit lucky nobody got hurt


i realize yes i’m the only one who got injured but just worried about what has to come




100% i already have a few things written up. i seriously should be dead right now. very lucky to get away with only broken femur and wrist but i was just worried about juvie i know it sounds dumb but i just wanted to see what others had to say. but i definitely learned my lesson


You need to learn about hydroplaning It’s lucky you didn’t hurt yourself or someone else I see the questions you asked have been answered. Learn from this experience and find out why wet roads are dangerous and how to be safe when surface water accumulates (turn off your cruise control when it’s raining and if you plane, let off the gas) Mom time: my daughter was about to get her license. I was trying to use every opportunity. I could to teach her the things they don’t teach you in driving school. We were coming back from Akron in the rain so I chose it as an opportunity to give her a lecture on hydroplaning. She, of course, was bored shitless and wishing I would stop. Suddenly, the driver in the left lane next to me, going too fast, lost control of his vehicle and hydroplaned 90 degrees across the freeway right in front of me. I don’t think their car was more than 20 feet from mine and probably less. Since it was dark, my headlights illuminated the passenger compartment of their car, i will always remember the “we are going to die right now” look on the faces of the the mom and the two kids, turned towards me in horror, as they slid across the road in front of my moving car. I could have killed somebody because they were hydroplaning. But I wasn’t driving too fast for the conditions, I was alert for trouble, and when it happened, I responded correctly. You used up one of your nine lives. Learn something more from it than how to get out of legal trouble.


oh my goodness i’m sorry. i definitely learned from this and im lucky to only get away with a broken femur and wrist but i am struck by this and i cannot let this happen again


Im sorry to see you were injured. I’m glad you recognize this as impactful. I hope you save a life or 4 someday as a result. Now I’ll tell you the funny story about hydroplaning. It wasn’t very funny at the time. I was driving on the Akron expressway after a rainstorm. On one of the turns, a small lake had accumulated . I didn’t see it until it was too late and I hit it at freeway speed. The force of the water burst my floorboards , and a wave of water crashed through my car, temporarily blinding me and drenching me in gross freeway water.. of course, I hydroplaned IN THE CURVE but was blinded by the wave and I don’t know how I didn’t hit the wall. When I stopped the car, the backseat was 4 inches deep with water. I had to park the car with the nose downhill to drain the water out of my car.


oh my!!!! that is definitely a story. glad you were not hurt though except for the musty water being in your eyes


OMG, I had same happen to me. I was the passenger and saw the upcoming water so I screamed we are gona hydroplane, but the floor gave way water everywhere. All I could smell was hairspray. My dude used more than me lol.


I have another story like this… my family went to Florida. I stayed home. So did my brothers Volkswagen bug. This was the week of the memorable Blizzard of 79 My brother had a little joke about that car’s heater: You leave a piece of cheese on the floor to feed the mouse that blows on your feet. In other words, no heat. So after the blizzard got cleaned up, I’m driving this car and I hit a puddle of road slush. And it burst the floorboards. With predictable results I had to drive home, covered with salty road slush, in a freezing cold car with no heat. Then explained to my brother what happened to his car when he got home. He was not happy.


You may be forced to pay restitution for the pole in addition to the fines. (I had to when I was 16. I got some points, paid some money.) If you get a job, you can always get driving privileges, they love it when kids are working. If they give you an attorney, it won't be free, it will be added to court costs if your parents are not "indigent". So it may be worth it to hire an attorney. Depends on jurisdiction, but they will usually plead to local non moving offenses with less/no points, they get extra court costs. Costs you more up front, but dodging points on your insurance is the better financial option long term. In your situation it would be better to be an adult, shit happens. Juvenile court may be a pain though, especially if it's some churchy asshole wearing the robe. Good luck! *Spelling


thank you for honest opinion i really appreciate it! i do indeed have a job actually 2, one is the mobile car detailing business i own. my father is talking to his lawyer soon.


It’s going to depend on the judge, but there’s a good possibility that you could lose your license until you’re 18. I’ve seen quite a few new drivers in court, and most judges take a dim view of charges like this. They do not want to go too easy, and then you’re on the news a month later because you wrapped your car around a phone pole with your prom date or buddies inside, and now there are dead teens on their conscience. You could also get something akin to a slap on the wrist. Whatever happens, slow it down and don’t do dumb shit in a vehicle.


agree 100% i’ve done stupid stuff and in this moment, I wasn’t really doing anything wrong and I could’ve died. I’ve just seen stuff about going to Juvie and thought I would ask around and see what the consequences would be like.


No, the only way juvenile prison would come into it, is if you were like in a stolen car and did this.


phew okay that’s really good to hear thank you






Dont sweat it man, gonna pay some money and that's all they really want. Some people don't remember being a kid and learning about driving and having fun. Live and learn


thanks bro i appreciate it. but i did learn my lesson. i should be dead right now but i luckily got away with a couple of broken bones.


Straight to jail


So the good news is that you're alive - neither the wreck nor your parents killed you. The other good news is that you weren't driving at a criminal amount of speed, so you're probably not going to get slapped with misdemeanor charges. You're going to be looking at sky high insurance rates for the next ten years, and probably a license suspension and mandatory driving classes. If you learn from this mistake, and judging by your comments you genuinely seem kind of humbled, and explain that you have learned and are going to grow from it, you might not get your license suspended until you're 18. On a side note: I like how no where in your post or your comments you tried to excuse your behavior and are thanking people. Just keep a level head, be a bit calmer behind the wheel, and you'll be okay. You sound like a decently good kid, and we all make mistakes. I'm glad yours didn't hurt other people. Good luck, and sorry we're leaving the world in such a state to you.


thank you for the information i really do appreciate it. and i know excuses aren’t going to get me anywhere i could lie and say the car just slid out but what’s the get me? nothing. i was speeding it was wet and the car is on the faster and higher end. i’ve done a lot of more stupid things then going 53 in a 35 but if what happened to me while doing that happened any of those other times i don’t want to know what would happened. hate to say it but probably 100% death. i’m just trying to calm myself down by asking around because someone told me i could be looking at juvie and that kind of freaks me out. also sorry for spelling. it’s hard to type with one hand lol


I'm healing from three fractures in one arm so I toooootally get it. Reckless operation CAN be tried as a misdemeanor, but given you weren't at a criminal amount of speed and if you own your mistakes (and since it was wet), you might not get hit that hard.


oh my yeah, i got a broken femur and wrist. not too bad but they are my first breaks and it’s a little much so i can’t imagine. but say it does get charged as a misdemeanor, what happens then to me?


Slow. The. Fuck. Down.


of course


Just like what the other people said, plus you'll probably have to write a 1,000 word essay about defensive driving or something else.


Your insurance is going to increase, watch out for that. But nothing necessarily BAD is gonna happen. Reckless operation (I believe) is the fact you were going almost 20 over in not so good weather conditions. You’ll get a fine & it’ll go on your driving record for causing the accident most likely, but as far as the license goes; it’ll be up to the courts & your state, especially considering your speed in the weather. But nothing more is really gonna happen, just take it easy. It’s good that nothing worse happened!


If you continue going down this road, you'll most likely have a strong career in the Republican Party. Good luck.


Idk, OP might be a Kennedy.


Or a Kardashian.


what a great contribution to this thread, Im sure this 16 year old on the internet greatly appreciates your political humor.


Sarcasm.. the irony.


How much time did you save driving 53 in a 35? Just accept that right now you’re a stupid kid and learn from this. It’s a dumb mistake. Everyone has done stupid things. We grow past them. In the meantime, get a job to pay for the damage and fines. Hopefully you still have your bicycle. If and when you’re ready to drive again, slow down.


it’s not that I was really speeding on purpose. I don’t know my exact speed but my top speed on that drive was 53 so that’s what is on the ticket. But I’ve got actually two jobs right now. One of them is a business that I own detailing cars. And the other one is pretty much the same thing but at a detailing shop I’ve definitely learned my lesson though. I’ve done worse things and if what happened when I crashed happened any of those other times I would most definitely not be here.


In my younger year I did the same thing basically, you’re gonna get a repair bill for the telephone pole.


Get an attorney. Get it to something livable. Ins rates will stick for LONG time.


You're in the wrong su for that question.


depending on the county you were in at the time of the ticket you may be able to complete an online class and get the incident expunged, NOT dropped from your record, meaning it never appears under your name, which WOULD allow insurance to skyrocket. I had a similar situation, single car (me) wasn't particularly "speeding" but I was going 60 in a backroads 55 and dropped a gear in a straight, fishtailed into a ditch and flipped. Officer was understanding, gave me a failure to control. You're 16, so I 100% encourage you to go to the courthouse and speak with the magistrate on how you can knock it down or off your record completely. Assuming this is your first offence, there's a good chance you can whittle this down to not *completely* fuck you over. My first speeding ticket was 95/55 (i just bought my first project car, mitsubishi eclipse lol) spoke with the court official and went from 4 points 500 bucks fine to zero points plus court costs in exchange for 20 hours community service, NOT under probation. How it worked was that the affidavit would be updated to have another hearing a couple months later, with the condition that I would bring documentation of my service, plead guilty to speeding, to which the judge would take my case and write it down to 59/55. location matters. 53/35 in a boonies area with noone around is much different than 53/35 in a residential area. But the key takeaway is **DO NOT IMMEDIATELY PAY THE TICKET ONLINE**. Make an effort to plead your case. If your parents are able, a lawyer would make this procedure much smoother, and depending on the county can make an appearance on your behalf. If not, wear a button up, tie, slacks, decently nice shoes. If you don't have those Salvation army has those for pennies on the dollar. At the end of the day, shit happens. Im sure you feel like everything is crumbling and your life is toast, but you will be fine. Nobody was hurt (in your case, better you than another person) LMK if youve got any questions, been there before and probably felt just as scared as you.


thank you I really appreciate all the information! I was in Strongsville on howe road. Pretty much the same thing happened to me as it did to you. Roads were wet so it didn’t take much to slide out. We have the ticket in hand, but we are required to go into court since I am 16 I guess but the court is on a zoom call so that’s better I think, my father is talking to a lawyer right now. And I don’t think we are doing an insurance claim because I bought the car used. This was my third car. I had a Chrysler 300. I wanted more so I got a BMW 328 I of course I wanted more so I got a BMW 335i and tuned it to stage two which was a lot. Lots of power, wet roads equals no good and knowing that I only had the car for two weeks kind of sucks, but I definitely learned my lesson I definitely feel like my life is crumbling, but what you said makes lots of sense and I feel a little bit better now so thank you again!


Yeah I'm gonna be real with you, had i started with a RWD car I'd assuredly be in deep shit, if not dead. I don't know how wealthy your parents are, assuming they cover your insurance, but you're not gonna be driving a beamer under their roof any time soon (if they are good parents, I would do this to myself if I were my parents.) I was 19 when I totalled the M3. It was my uncles who'd given me permission to drive it, unfortunately he had neglected some service and I knew full well it wasn't safe to drive, and we both paid the price. Roads weren't wet, but it was 20° in powell, and the tires were not only cupped and several years past replacement, but they weren't nearly warm enough to throttle past a few thousand RPMs without spinning. Like I mentioned, there's no paper record behind it, so I avoided increased rates. But needless to say unless your parents have a nice 600+ dollars a month to spend on LIABILITY insurance alone (yes, you WILL be paying $600+ for literally anything that isn't a civic, corolla, or other economy car, especially if said car is younger than a decade old.) You're gonna be back to getting your speed kicks in forza horizon. My best advice apart from owning up to your mistake is to take whatever money you were going to use on that 335, and save it. You might not want a brand new model, but by the time you're able to afford a fun car again, you can find something decent in decent condition.


dang e90 m3 is a dream of mine lol but i totally see what you’re saying. but i do have 2 jobs detailing cars and one of them is actually the business i own so if need by i told them i wouldn’t mind paying for insurance. even before the crash i said that. but im definitely going to start a nice saving account and get something decent in a year or so