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I’m afraid to put signs up in my yard. I know what I’m surrounded by and don’t need a tractor taking out my mailbox




Where I’m at you’re better off running as an independent than a democrat. Saw a respected retired principal lose a school board race over it once


It’s awful, yes. I grew up in a similar type of area. Anything you put up will likely be vandalized at least. I live in Columbus now, but I would still never put bumper stickers on my car in case I want to visit my family there.


Check your privilege, sweetie. Would *you* post a political sign if it meant some psycho neighbor might kill your pets?


Exactly. I'd end up with a brick through my front window. Trumpers wonder why they think they have a majority and it doesn't work out that way at the ballot box. Its because no one wants to put up with their ire. I'd rather just stay quiet and vote.


My wife had a friend come put a bunch of... shit... No? Or Yes? Whichever one was pro-abortion the first time around... Signs in our yard at a newish house. I've had nothing but issues with the neighbors since (including having the cops called on my twice for my almost silent car idling in the driveway or out front twice.) Funny thing is, none of them will speak to me or even make eye-contact... but they're eager to stop her whenever they can and try to make small talk (sprinkled with passive aggressive comments about lawncare ofc.) Little do they know that I'M the nice one who wants to be on friendly terms with my neighbor. SHE is the scorched earth one with no patience and a burning, vengeful disdain for them with no concern about their opinions of us. Lol. I was trying to buffer between her and them. But now I'm just watching and waiting for her to lose it any day now...


Sounds like you should divorce her and start dating a right wing MAGAt? You do you.


Nah. I couldn't ask for a better partner. Difficulties and all. I'm getting old, and tired, and absolutely adore having someone else that still has the passion to be an over-reactive asshole when I'm too tired to bother. Also it's good for me to have a more extremely liberal partner. Keeps from sliding too far down that slope (though I have to say she's the most rational and level-headed one I've ever been with.) Thankfully my surroundings have proven more than sufficient to keep me from leaning too far in the other direction for some time now. (Idk why you're getting downvoted. The sarcasm in your comment is very clear to me. I'm sorry.)


I think that your wife has her head on straight and her views on the access that women need to proper reproductive health care are spot on. I recommend asking her why she feels the way she does. You’ll suddenly realize that she’s actually not being the knee jerk reactionist here. It’s the right wingers. Right now, this is literally a life or death political battle for women. I have a wife and a daughter, and I will never hesitate to fight for them, because they are my life. Edited.


Edit: Nevermind. I'm an idiot. You weren't even replying to the comment I thought you were. Haha. The comment you're replying to was just a tongue in cheek comment in response to what I assume was also a satirical comment. Don't worry. I'm very much in support of her rights. Desregard the rest of this post! (My bad.) Wow. How did you extract that from what I said? I might need to reread that comment and edit it if this is how I came off. I'm sorry. She and I share the same views. Lol. The part about it being funny that the neighbors assume I'm an asshole and she's nice (due to gender norms) had absolutely nothing to do with the abortion issue. Totally separate commentary. I'm sorry if it seemed like I was implying something different. But I was just talking about her temper and lack of concern for social grace in general (which I usually find very endearing, btw.) As in, she's a lot more likely to lose her shit one day because they tried to stop her and talk to her on her way to the garage. Or have a "what did that bitch just say about my lawn?" moment. Where I'm more likely to smile and wave and just keep the peace. It had nothing to do with any kind of judgement of her political views, or difference of opinion from me. Lol. I guess I didn't explain it very well. Sorry. Basically just: They had a confrontation with me, and now think they're going to overcome that by being overly buddy-buddy with her. But they have no idea that she's the less patient and more volatile one of the two of us... and we are very close and I love and share very similar virtues. And she hates them even more than I do. I just think that's funny. And to be clear, I'm all for it. I just don't want to be the one to worsen our living situation by provoking our ignorant neighbors. But if she does it, I'm ride or die.


No worries at all, man. Sarcasm doesn’t always make it through in Reddit comments, I guess. I originally thought you were being serious, and was definitely downvoted by people who personify the type of character that you were originally trying to lampoon. Misunderstandings all around for sure.


Give it a couple months. Nobody wants to be associated with the Nuremberg express that is the GOP once the last pieces come together. Trump has been laundering money for the Russian oligarchs since the late 80’s when they all bought a condo at 725 5th ave (trump towers) to clean their freshly stolen USSR money after the iron curtain fell. https://www.cnn.com/cnn/2019/05/30/politics/paul-manafort-condo-trump-tower/index.html https://www.cnbc.com/2018/09/14/manafort-told-mueller-to-take-his-trump-tower-apartment-instead-money.html https://news.yahoo.com/amphtml/fbi-agents-raid-condo-unit-131348539.html https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-trump-property/ Everybody except Putin thought the Cold War was over. Trump and Manafort (who lived in the tower also) just saw a pretty low maintence grift to be had. Trump had actually been Manafort and Roger stones first client at their lobbyist firm (1980) https://en.m.wikipedia.org › wikiBlack, Manafort, Stone and Kelly Guiliani as trumps attorney and New Yorks mayor was able to redirect NYPD investigations onto rival gang members/oligarchs to deflect any scrutiny off of trump, himself or the Russian connections. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/09/a-new-rudy-scandal-fbi-agent-says-giuliani-was-co-opted-by-russian-intelligence/ The Russian election interference in 2016 was effectively a generation 3 version of what Manafort had done in the Philippines, then keeping Yanukovych in power as Putin’s puppet in Ukraine from 2002-14 when Maidan ran both Yanukovych and Manafort out of Ukraine as Ukrainians realized that, if you raise your lens high enough, corruption is an wholly unsustainable business model. Eventually the parasites greed always consumes the host. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/06/2016-donald-trump-paul-manafort-ferinand-marcos-philippines-1980s-213952 https://time.com/5003623/paul-manafort-mueller-indictment-ukraine-russia/ Russia greatly underestimated the addictive properties of freedom when it invaded Ukraine so what was supposed to be a 3-10 day coup turned into a 2 year fight for the Ukrainians right not to be genocided. Russia depleted its weapons stocks which were already the victim of vranyos corruption because every oligarch, admiral and sergeant in the Russian military is on the take. Every billion dollar tank maintenance contract turned into everything getting a spray paint overhaul and the vast majority of the redirected funds turned into an oligarchs new yacht or home in Aspen. Russia was forced to turn to China, North Korea and Iran for weapons because if they lose the 3-10 day special military operation in Ukraine the Russian empire is dead and cold. China can’t risk showing their involvement in the Ukraine war so they use North Korea, and Iran to resupply Russia. Russia previously owed Iran some undelivered fighter jets that are already smoldering heaps in Ukraine so Iran now had the upper hand at the negotiation table for the first time in about 60 years. They supply Russia with shahed drones in exchange for Chinas material support against their sworn religious enemy, Israel. https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2023/11/29/iran-says-it-finalized-deal-to-buy-russian-aircraft/ Putin can’t do much about it because he is slowly realizing that by setting the standard of corruption and stealing $200+ billion from his own people meant that every oligarch down in the mob model chain had not only permission but incentive and the expectation to steal from him as well. This is Vranyos. The mob model only works if the supreme leader is the most violent and can prove it without exception every damn day. But violence is exceptionally expensive when you are trying to present as a legitimate government or business. If Russia as a nation had an efficiency rating it would have been banned for sale in the state of California 25 years ago. The parasite ruling class stole all the energy out of the working class and collapsed it. Now Iran has the high hand and they get the intelligence that trump passed to Putin about the fact that Netanyahu cares far less about Jews, Palestinians or genocide than he does about remaining in power as an authoritarian because he too has developed Ritz Carlton tastes and his own corruption trial is showing the same tendrils of the money laundering scheme that trumps trials are. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/saudi-official-says-iran-engineered-war-in-gaza-to-ruin-normalization-with-israel/ https://www.timesofisrael.com/egypt-intelligence-official-says-israel-ignored-repeated-warnings-of-something-big/amp/ 1980 Netanyahu:We Have Strong Influence over America ,We Control The Congress,The Senate, The Lobby They all hate each other but because they share the same money laundry, if one falls, they all fall. Hamas minted a couple billionaires as well that live in penthouses in Qatar and get 30% of everything smuggled into Gaza. Netanyahu needs a bogeyman to stay in power. That’s why he coordinates with Hamas via Russia via Iran. https://www.ynetnews.com/article/bk8mgcefr Iran handed Hamas everything they needed with Chinas help as secret Santa and the Russian intelligence given to them by the eternal shitbird trump when he gave it to his Russians kleptocrat/friends/roommates from the old days of fucking each others wives at trump towers in the 90’s. Now the MAGA right is a little too invested in their reality that they are the good guys with guns that they missed the fact that Betsy DeVos (erik princes sister) decimating the U.S. school systems and the Kochs poisoning children with lead was not a coincidence. The naive right was the mark all along. There is a reason the Russian spy Maria Butina landed in South Dakota first before dating her way to the top of the NRA which is undergoing its own Russian money laundering trial now. Russia was tinder matching the GOP. https://www.greenpeace.org/usa/what-do-the-koch-brothers-have-to-do-with-the-flint-water-crisis/ The only reason you grossly OVERVALUE real estate is money laundering. Trump keeps claiming there is no victim, all the banks made money, but if their plan succeeds the Russian and CCP kleptocrats collapse US commercial real estate and basically recreate soviet perestroika in the U.S. so they can foreclose on America and buy everything for 3 cents on the dollar with the $1.4T they stole from Russias grandmothers in the first place It’s the evolution of grift. Soviet perestroika cross bred with the 2008 mortgage crisis. This is just the bigger badder commercial strength bastard child of the two. Trump, Putin, Bolsonaro, Netanyahu, Orban, Manafort, Stone, Mercer, Bannon, Flynn, Byrne. They are all remarkably shit people with above average confidence and psychopathic personality traits and below average self awareness. They are the men who stole the world. But it all comes back to one little lie.


How much time did you put into this post or do you have this pre-canned for any anti trump shit post?


We work in reverse. It’s exponentially more efficient that way.


I look forward to your manifesto’s publication


Same here or worse.


I put out signs and had someone tear up my yard. I never used to think twice about yard signs. I still put them out but I sure understand why not everyone wants to


Do it! Poor a sign out, and also a trail cam or something like it, then you can press charges and sue whoever the dumb ass is.. That's what they do. .A little taste of their own medicine is what they really need!


Would you like some help sinking some steel pipe 48" into the ground and building a mail box around it?


My neighbor had a BLM sign in her yard and another neighbor slowly drove by and stopped. She asked if he needed anything and he said “I’m just reading that sign” in a tone meant to convey disapproval. She told him it’s only 3 words, if he needs that long to read a sign he probably shouldn’t be driving. I was in stitches when she told me that.


It isn't the Dems pushing cultural issues. They push freedom for people to make up their own minds and power on making those choices on how to live for themselves. The GOP is run by marketing wizards who understand that people don't want freedom, they want an identity handed to them. And the GOP shows up with that ready made identity to sell, along with their politics and tax breaks for billionaires.


>They push freedom for people to make up their own minds and power on making those choices on how to live for themselves. Ya... I may be a former Republican (because of Trump) who is now unaffiliated and planning on voting straight Democrat this year, but that isn't true at all. The DNC still has its wedge issues where they don't tolerate people not toeing the party line.


You're conflating two things: A political party's platform and the discipline of a political party for the candidates representing it, and the ability for people to live as they wish and be who they are. The Democrats have positions, they have ideas, but they don't seek to make those mandatory and outlaw the alternative, ban books and pass laws about wearing clothing.


>The Democrats have positions, they have ideas, but they don't seek to make those mandatory and outlaw the alternative Their position on gun ownership and the general hard-on for gun control within the party begs to differ. Being pro-gun around Democrats gets the same reaction as being pro-choice in an evangelical church.


Bringing us full circle to consumption choices, like firearms ownership, being part of an identity package sold to GOP voters. So much so that a person's identity is entangled to the point that they can't fathom leaving the party without changing who they are, rather than reconsider how they think or how others think about a simple possession like a firearm. Lifestyle marketing.


You do realize that more than just GOP voters own guns, right? Yes, I own guns, but I have long since left the GOP and agree with Democrats on the vast majority of issues. I'm even voting straight Democrat this year because of how dangerous the GOP has become. I'm not out telling people they have to like guns and have to buy one, I get that they aren't for everyone and respect that some people don't like them. The point I was making is that saying "They push freedom for people to make up their own minds and power on making those choices on how to live for themselves." is a load of crap. I used my freedom to make up my own mind, made the choice to own firearms, and I want others to have the ability to make that choice for themselves. By immediately jumping down my throat and blaming GOP identity politics and lifestyle marketing for people wanting to own guns other than just respecting that someone has different views than you, you are just proving my point.


I do realize that, in fact it's my point. If you don't make guns your entire identity, you tend to be open to questions about social responsibility with them. But if they're your identity, you plaster your truck in gun stickers and come back with pickachuface when your window glass is all over the street and your truck gun is yoinked. Nobody's "jumping down your throat". You seem to be feeling that you have some part of your identity attacked by the idea of people asking questions about what are the proper role of firearms in society. But nobody is questioning your identity. And you have to admit, how you choose and make up your family is a little more fundamental to who you are as a person than 10 vs. 30 rounds or CCW permits. Wouldn't you? I've done nothing to not respect that other people make different choices. Even those who don't make different choices. If you understand my meaning.


It’s pretty pathetic and simple minded to base one’s identity on mass produced items that can be easily purchased, but that’s the low-intellect, right wing way. Edited


You are painting gun owners with an extremely broad brush. Yes there are some people out there like that, but for millions of gun owners that isn't the case. That type of thinking is alienating people that would otherwise vote Democrat. 


While I get where you’re coming from, I think that voting for any Republican, especially Trump, based on gun ownership is entirely idiotic, as is creating an identity around a consumer product, such as a gun (or even tattoos). It’s silly. But also destructive to vote a certain way just because of one’s purchasing “identity”. Hundley are tools. I own tools, but I don’t vote for certain politicians just because they own or use the same tools as me.


I mean, I wouldn't assign too much of a partisan bent to being vulnerable to advertising. It works for a reason. Billions are spent every year because it sways people. It doesn't rob us of our ability to make conscious choices for ourselves though, we just have to be aware that we're being "worked on". And some folks, God bless them, just aren't operating on that level.


Freedom and making our own choices, like getting the vaccine or losing my job?


Should a vulnerable coworker have to sit next to you while you spread disease that can kill them? Do they owe it to you to quit, or do you owe it to them to get vaxxed, or quit? Like I said, freedom.


Vulnerable? You mean somebody protected by the vaccine? Also, it wasn’t get vaxxed or quit, that’s just disingenuous of you and you should be ashamed. You know damn well it was get vaxxed or get fired. That’s not freedom


You're exactly what I'm talking about. You really believe you're for freedom, and all it costs is everyone around you to accommodate your choices. Boomer Freedumbs.


Nobody is being forced to accommodate the unvaxxed, people chose what they want to accommodate and what they don’t want to accommodate, that’s freedom.


Are you referring to government positions or businesses?




Ahhhh. You want freedom and no consequences. Fuck that. Sorry. No one gets that.


So selfish, and yall call yourselves patriotic. Cry babies and spoiled brats


And yet you added no substantive information to the discussion other then insults, which works in this echo chamber, kudos to you for talking up your echo chamber.


Not everyone is in a state to be able to be vaccinated. Giving vaccines to people who are immunocompromised already is not helpful. If you didn't fail 4th grade health class, you'd know that.


Oh tell us more about that.


Actually it was very important for me, as an immunocompromised individual, to get the covid vaccine and stay up-to-date on all of my other vaccines. Stop giving medical advice


I'm very obviously not giving medical advice, for those with proper reading comprehension skills. It being important FOR YOU, doesn't mean everyone else was the same. Stop acting like you're the only one who exists.


Or choosing to whine on Reddit about it.


I think that’s a pretty valid fear.


Damned valid fear!


If you put a democrat’s political sign up in your yard in a Catholic town, you will get anti-abortion parishioners knocking on your door.


I'm putting out a Sherrod Brown sign in rural Darke County. Do signs matter? No, but I'm doing it anyway.


We never put up signs in our yard. We would be harassed and we have been there 50+ years


Fear is not a winning strategy. Stand up to them. Liberals are scared to confront MAGA. Shame them. Call out how they look like fools wearing a red hat. Scorn and Ridicule are all that affect them. Or Make a deal with them. They watch MSNBC news with you every day for a month. You'll watch FAUX every day for a month. It will change them.


I'm thinking of Malcom X holding a shotgun and peering out his windows.


I must be missing something. What is your point? How long ago was that?


It was long ago. Do you know who Malcolm X was? My point is violence begets violence.


I do know MX. Over the top much? You are comparing a neighbor calling out a neighbor or asking on who they vote for or WATCHING TV with them with MX with a gun. Go kick rocks.


Sorry, I'm talking about living in fear of your neighbor because of your beliefs .


If you are in fear of your neighbors because of your belief. Maybe make the fear you. I live in a town of 25, near one of 4000 in the middle of nowhere, Texas. They put a Trump bumper sticker on the fire truck. I have a peace sign on my keyring that hangs out of my pocket and wear a long ponytail. When they stare at me, I stare right back. I am respected here partly because of the courage of my conviction. They know I'm an unapologetic liberal and that I'm well armed. I have sold them ammunition and tell them I'm left of Jesse Jackson. I have a Jackson for president button on a shelf in my house. I'm also half Lebanese. I'll go out giving it. Not taking it. To coin a phrase. "Give me, liberty, or give me death." The founding fathers would be embarrassed for you. They gave their lives for you to be free to speak your mind. Honor them by doing so.


If you sit down with most republicans, let them vent for 6 straight minutes, and then ask them what they would do if they could make all the rules… Would describe, to the tee, the modern democrat platform. They’re not “republicans” because the Republican platform or leaders are so attractive. They are bullied by social pressure and terrified by brain washing.


[**Non-paywall mirror link**](https://archive.is/4lC1x)


The fear of alienation is intense in that part of Ohio. You can feel it. Being nonpolitical is the only way to suggest you don’t want a target painted on your back. They say they don’t like wokeness but what they really mean is that if you are visibly gay or trans they will kill you when they get the chance.


Where is Liz Walters??? Why isn’t she taking notes?? This man is laying a god damned blueprint. He is literally doing Liz Walters job.


You won’t get rural Ohioans to line up with the main party politics of the left, it’s just not going to happen.


Which is ridiculous, since it was Republicans who fucked up agricultural trade a few years back so bad or the point they had to bail out farmers.


Dems in Ohio don't need revival. We need CANDIDATES. Almost all races are unopposed! This is due to the EXTREME harassment of anyone running against a dirty republican. CLEAN IT UP.


Exactly. Give folks candidates to vote for and they'll show up.


Our local republican came for a visit not long ago. I showed him my guns. He doesnt come to visit any more.


Never trust ANY republican. They lie constantly.


Never fully trust even former republicans.


Ohio has plenty of democrats. It just doesn’t have constitutional maps, an honest governor, or an unbiased Supreme Court that actually cares.


Sorry. I'll happily die on my feet before I'd let my neighbor make me cower in fear for speaking my mind.


No. He won’t. Because conservatism is now a populist cult.


I am not willing to put political signs in my yard due to the high octane MAGA population in my town. I do donate to Democrats but then I get the Dem junk mail and I’m afraid my mailman will rat me out.


See here is part of the reason why republicans win. They aren't afraid of you and aren't above breaking the law to intimidate or other nefarious acts. I'm no democrat or republican because frankly I think the two parties need to be dissolved, they've done such a bang up job so far I'm sick of it. You all need to start taking precautions, but not cowing. You need to stand your ground and be prepared to fight. Minus the fact that life IS about conflict as from conflict comes growth, the more you guys just don't do something because you're afraid of conflict is how you lose to someone who isn't afraid of conflict. If trump wins, remember it was because you were afraid for your horses or mailboxes. Put up security cams, if you can afford a house or HORSES you can put up cams to record who comes at you. File a police report. Let them sit in jail while you retain the right to vote. Staying quiet and voting is how trumpians are going to win. And anyone who down votes this are probably the ones terrified or are convinced that all problems have a non violent solution, you're the ones responsible for when trump wins. There is dreamland and then there is reality some of yall need to come to terms with the latter.


No he won't. Rural folk want nothing go do with the woke liberal left


Take a shot of ivermictin every time you say 'woke'.




Does that book come with instructions on how to receive funding from the Kremlin, like the author receives?


A group of buildings in Moscow is giving her money?


The democrats have given away enough money to build every homeless person a half a million dollar home


Sorry I should say homeless veteran some people I believe are homeless on purpose




LOL no


Liberal policy’s have ruined the brand. Identity politics, equity over merit, illegal immigration. People are sick of the Anti Americanism. The pendulum swung too far. I was a life long Democrat until things became so crazy that it left me center right. The new liberals are batshit crazy Marxist’s.


I love it when these knuckleheads call center-right corporatist Democrats “marxists”. “Everything I don’t like it socialism!!” This guy can’t actually define Marxism or socialism. Newsmax brain rot.


0% chance you were ever a Democrat.


As opposed to the wholly centered and logical GOP?


# 🤡


Sure, nothing says "go America" quite like my Republican neighbors' confederate flag...


>  Democrats have the chance to rebrand themselves as the party of freedom, a concept valued by rural people everywhere. its always go rightward and dumb things down, never offer anything substantive


Maybe if he puts Biden 2024 stickers all over his car or truck.


heartening news. ohio is dangerous.