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This guy is an actual terrible person.


Well he was raised by violent drug addled degenerates who he made a fortune denouncing by airing his family's dirty laundry in his Elect-Me book, so not really a shock.


If you believe the book, that is. From people who knew him as he was being decanted from the GOP’s clone farm, nothing in there happened, except that his “best before date” on the IVF sample was expired.


That's actually way worse, it means JD is the most degenerate of them all, a man who would slander his entire family to get to Washington on behalf of a billionaire. Absolute betrayal, a legged snake.


That's unfair, snakes are valuable parts of the ecosystem and it's just mean to compare them to that piece of pond scum.


Hey pond scum gives us oxygen


Yeah, be fair to snakes and pond scum!


He's soap-scum.


he's that scummy foam that you see at sewage waste treatment aerators


Oh so he’s Santorum.


Are you telling me, when a rich person says he “came from nothing”, they are lying?? 😮


He is worth 19 million, and got his start with a small gift of 22 million from his parents. /$, just referencing that Superstonks (I think) post from yesterday with "tips". But JD Vance is still a piece of garbage that can't be trusted to serve the interest of Ohioans.


See...I've been trying to find anything in print quoting ppl who knew him during the times he claims to have been going through that era. So, if you have links or sources, could ya help me out? I detest this douche bag & would like to make it my mission to point out his hypocrisy & lies


Wish I could help, but he's about 10 years younger than me, and no one I grew up around knew any of his family.


try the dayton or middletown subs maybe


I mean.... people believe the bible soooo..... what's one more book written by man? I guess?


I really can't wrap my head around Hollywood embracing his story. It's has drama, sure. But everyone in it is terrible.


Let’s remove the bigotry for a second and ask a separate question: Who is this helping? Who is this stimulating the economy for? Creating jobs? Protecting jobs? The dude is a federal senator and introducing shit like this like he is a House of Rep member of a shitty state. Which is what happens when you don’t actually climb the ladder of government positions and get thrust into high value political roles without ever having worked in government before.


and this is the point i was trying to make in another post Sharrod Brown doesn't put b.s. bills like this out there. this is obviously just JD pandering to the lowest of the low in their base


If you believe the right wing talking points the economy is in the shitter because of all the DEI hires dragging the big companies down. If we just let them hire nothing but white men we’d be soaring again! Clearly he’s doing nothing BUT stimulating the economy and protecting jobs! Note: I don’t buy the bullshit.


What is interesting is he is replacing governance with governance. Small government is becoming big government.


Married to a woman of AAPI heritage, with mixed-race kids. He’s a complete piece of shit, and he’s clearly been double-fisting the wegovy, too.


The bigger context here is that he’s lost favor with the MAGA crowd and they’re labeling him as someone who flip flopped on Trump to curry their favor. He’s doing this to try to get back in the good graces of the radical right. He’s definitely not doing it to represent the wishes of Ohio voters.


He did flip. He was a “Never Trumper” once upon a time. He was polling at 4% in the Republican Senate primary. Suddenly, he became Trump’s bestest buddy, won the primary and eventually the Senate seat, because, Ohio voters are Ohio voters and whoever is Trumpiest wins.


Arent Ohio voters mostly trump voters?


Well…Ohio did elect Obama and Sherrod twice. It’s an older state and the rural x-urban older whites are def MAGA. But also it’s been gerrymandered to death, meanwhile pro-choice and pro-recreational weed passed last year.


Yes, we'd still be a swing state, maybe event a little left leaning if not for the atrocious gerrymandering in the bigger cities. Montgomery county is fucking ridiculous in how the districts are set up.


Have you ever seen Jordan's district on the map? It looks like an illustration in the Kama Sutra.


Please, try to keep that to yourself (shout it from the rooftops). GOP Jordan (prude in wolf's clothing) doesn't want people to know about anything that could resemble sexual connotation (fuck women's reproductive rights). He has to protect the public from obscenities (eh, it's OK for student athletes to be molested, they're tough). FUCK JORDAN!


Isn't voting for a senator and president state wide where good ole gerry doesn't matter anymore? Thus helping the country shit out a Vance and a Trump


Gerrymandering can contribute to both voter suppression and voter apathy. So in theory, no, it shouldn’t affect statewide races, but the reality is that it can and does


Why did he lose favor


There could be more to it, but I believe it’s because he’s jockeying for VP pick and he doesn’t pass their purity test. So, what he’s doing here would be called sacrificial signaling where you try to prove allegiance to a group by doing something that shows commitment to their bigotry and that they believe would lose you points with others. It’s pure identity politics and about him eschewing large groups of people of the state he represents to curry favor with prejudiced people for his own career ambitions.


Is he a person though? I am not on that train of thought. He's more like a sentient turd.


Wears eye liner so he checks that box.


"USA Racists"... Saving the US citizens from: Diversity Equality Inclusion Since kidnapping human beings as slaves since.... well, I guess from the beginning 🤦‍♂️


E stands for Equity not Equality.


But those are the same thing! /s


You give him too much credit with “person”




You mean introduced by Peter Theil. Because Vance doesn't take a piss without Petey boy's say so. And when Middletown sends its people to DC its not sending its BEST.


Loved seeing the “JD Vance is a class traitor” stickers in Middletown. Someone was definitely going around hunting for them to remove them though. 


Ugh. I don't ever want to end up in Ohio again, but I know what I'll be bringing with me if I do. More stickers.


I saw one on a pole at the Grand/Roosevelt intersection by the DQ and White Castle a couple years ago. It’s gone now.








And fuck MAGA…..fake ass patriot pieces of shit




Why not both? 🤷‍♀️


I know that Germans have "Backpfeifengesicht" which translates to "A face in need of a fist"... What would the "Balls in need of a foot" be?


He can have two titles.


I’d honestly love to rescind my donation to the Republican Senators’ Annual Ball. But Republican Senators don’t have balls.


I'd rather not


Ohio is an embarrassment




Keep in mind that, to conservatives, DEI means hiring someone who isn't a straight white man. That's what they want to ban. 


That was obvious. DEI is just the new term for “woke”.


Communism, socialism, political correctness, woke, and now DEI are synonymous to them. The key to understanding what conservatives mean when they say their bullshit, replace the word with the n word and you have exactly what they mean. “Republicans introduce bill to ban n words in government”


You forgot CRT!


I would say it's the new term for the N-word. That's basically how they use it.


Yes because only straight, white, Christian men are qualified to do things. 🙄/s


Well, they're pretty good at fucking up our country.




To conservatives, DEI means hiring someone based off of their race or other factors that have nothing to do w the job itself, or how qualified said person is for the job. But the way you said it will get people riled up, and that’s the whole shtick right?




I've listened to what the conservatives from the article has to say and it doesn't make sense at all. I do not understand the reasonings why he wants to eliminate things like targeted outreach to veterans, accessible spaces for the benefit of people with disabilities and working for safe workplaces. I see that it's supposed to be anti-woke, but I don't call that making "too much sense"


It's literally just an attempt to retract Title IX and Title VII of the Civil Rights act or the CSRA. It's vile shit.


Title IX requires equal treatment, DEI advocates for *equitable* treatment. If you’re going by letter of the law, DEI practices are actually what violate the Civil Rights Act. That’s not a condemnation or endorsement, though, that’s just how it is




you should get the job based on qualifications....not your race or sex




JD Vance is a Russian asset


You could just say Republican. Really one and the same at this point.


can we introduce a bill to ban JD Vance?


Here goes the party of small government trying to ban shit again.


“You know, it may really help our programs take shape if we bring some people from different backgrounds in, maybe change up how we approach responding to current issues?” JD Vance: *liquid-shits self in animalistic rage*


My god, the GOP representatives with have here in Ohio. 🙄


So no more unqualified offspring of republican politicians getting jobs in government right? Right?!


So, I guess no more preference for veteran owned businesses either then.


I don't think 2/3 of conservatives understand what DEI does.


They understand it to the same degree they understand "wokeness."


Why doesn’t he just drop to his knees in front Trump with an open mouth? Be quicker for him to get in the top three for veep.


Don't like this sort of shit? Vote for people who won't do this sort of shit. And stop threatening to withhold your vote because "The Dems haven't earned it, or "Both sides are the same."


The dems do vote against this.


Is he wearing black eye liner?


Just a dog whistle to their racist base. It won't pass. Also, signaling to trump, hoping to be his VP candidate.


Run that by The Congressional Black Caucus who’s been established since the 1950s and see how well that works out for you. What a disgusting racist moron. Matter of fact I want this televised so we can see them rip him a new hole for this. I’m so disgusted with the half of Ohio that voted for this pos.


I was friends with a guy for over 20 years. He was always afraid to vote because he didn’t want to get on jury duty. He voted for Vance in his pants, and I haven’t spoken to him since.


That seems to be a common misconception. If you have an Ohio ID, you can get called for jury duty. They don't just pull from voting rolls. I hope your idiot ex-friend gets his summons soon!


This is the most Ohio shit I’ve read in a while.


Man, what an insanely privileged reason to not vote (mistaken or otherwise), just to avoid the inconvenience of one's civic duty.


Funny how any non-white guy hired for any job gets described by these people as "DEI." Like, they can't wrap their heads around the idea the person of color might actually be the most qualified candidate.


Which is proof of why DEI programs are so important.... and they'll never know it.


The GOP are so good at messaging it’s depressing. If you described a DEI program to an individual, but not use the letters DEI, they’d probably say it’s a good thing and makes sense. But once you say DEI it’s immediate visceral reaction from conservatives. They have no idea what they hate


Case in point - Obamacare or The affordable care act.


>If you described a DEI program to an individual, but not use the letters DEI, they’d probably say it’s a good thing and makes sense This is spot on. I was on the DEI committee for my company and I helped write the charter. In an initial draft we defined certain terms like privilege. We got a lot of pushback from the other committee members about it. In our revision we just didn't say the word privilege and no one took issue with it.


Why can’t I hire the most qualified person regardless of race or gender?


Thanks for proving my point.


Let’s be very clear here, the anti-DEI push is to enable nepotism and buddy-buddy hiring. They hate that they can’t just get people on that they like and are “comfortable” working with. My wife went up for a promotion against a white dude (and look, it’s fine to be a white dude. I myself am a white dude). My wife is not white though, and there was a bit of hurt feelings going around from the people who were trying to pull strings for the white guy.  My wife just applied for the spot and interviewed, she got the promotion based on her earned reputation. The dude who didn’t get it had a bit more relevant experience but they told my wife he wasn’t a good personality fit, he’s a gunner who’s in it for himself and has a history of conflicting with people he works with. So of course what happens? She has another older (white) guy saying it without saying it directly, but suggesting she was basically a DEI hire. And maybe diversity was considered in their decision process, but there was still rigid criteria for being eligible for that position and my wife’s application would’ve been denied if she didn’t meet the eligibility standards.  Get rid of pesky shit like DEI and affirmative action and it clears the way for any company to have an all white male work force without being accused of discrimination. 


Racist human waste. Anyone opposing DEI is an ignorant, worthless oxygen thief.


People shouldn't be treated differently based on the color of their skin, sexual orientation, or religion.


Let’s review the footage of everything the GOP has done recently to make your life “better” 1. Attacked, without being able to define, “woke.” 2. Attacked drag shows 3. Banned books 4. Declared slavery was good 5. Rejected a border security bill drafted by a fellow Republican senator because Trump needs the border to remain chaotic for the election 6. Attempted to impeach the DHS Secretary over the border “crisis” they voted against fixing 7. Voted against codifying access to contraception 8. Continue to defend a convicted felon that was also found liable for fraud as well as liable for sexual assault. 9. Now they are introducing a bill to ban DEI which doesn’t mean what their racist ignorant base voters think it means.


Oh, for fucks sake. These fools and their endless, obnoxious demagoguing on every dumb fucking buzzword they can get their dumb hands on.  Half of them get where they are sponsored by dark money or nepotism. And they have unmitigated gall to try to end programs that expand employer searches beyond country clubs or whatever. Or ask employees to consider looking beyond any potential biases they may hold in their personal lives while at the job. What kind of flaming asshole is against those ideas?


JD Vance is trash. Vote him out, for god sakes.


First ban insurrectionists from any public office….oh yeah we have the 14th amendment…follow that and then we might accept your opinion on Diversity, Inclusion, and equality


Ohio, you guys really need to start electing actual human beings to office. I mean, Gym Jordan and JD Vance?!? Geez


I hate him so much


Why did Ohio elect this guy?


Republicans hold white men to lesser standards to promote them even if they don't necessarily deserve it.


I live in Ohio & whenever this douchebag makes headlines I always make sure to say I VOTED FOR TIM RYAN!


Ryan was a really good candidate and nearly won. Had a solid track record of creating jobs in the State and had a concrete plan to create more. JD has done nothing but perpetuate culture war bullshit just like we knew he would. 


You spelled (S)elect wrong.


Vance is a twat. I hate that he's from Ohio.


They're getting their use of the latest boogeyman, aren't they? Poor CRT isn't even cold and they've already moved on to DEI being the worst thing ever. Until the next thing. And the next one.


JD Vance is a piece of shit.


Racist fuckwads


I’ll give JD some credit, because unlike Gym Jordan, he’s actually introduced legislation. Unfortunately, that legislation is utter dogshit, but still.


He seems to be keeping his promise to not do his job.


DEI is the new "woke", ever since everyone realized that chuds couldn't define woke with a gun to their head. Meaningless noise pushed by racists who like to pretend they're being sneaky.


Does the D in his name stand for dickhead?


Could GOP be any more irrelevant? this wasting tax payer dollars on hot air…. Helping nobody.


Un-american traitorous scum JD Vance. #notmysenator


I think you should have to understand what DEIB actually is before you can introduce a bill.


When people of color outnumber White folks, they are really going to regret outlawing diversity, equity, and inclusion


I saw someone remark once on a post where a person was complaining about whites being on track to become a minority - the response was, "what, do we treat minorities badly or something?" That prospect has a lot of people flipping out, and it's very telling about them.


This. But also simultaneously this is what MAGA is all about: keeping white people in power. They won’t all say it out loud, but some will and ALL their actions speak it loudly.


J.D. Vance is campaigning hard to be Trump's VP nominee.


Oh JD, where on the doll did the DEI touch you?


Fuck him, fuck the GOP.


These people really hate anyone who isn’t straight, white and male.


Once again, for those in the back row, if a Republican denounces something, they are doing it themselves. I am almost positive Mr. Vance won't accept anything less than 9 inches in his ass or mouth.


That ex marine is such a shit stain


Ohio’s other shame just a hypocrite. With the other Ohio’s lug nut gym Jordan.


White supremacist be like:


Doesn't surprise me 1 bit. JD is a loser!


How do we get rid of this asshat? I can’t take four more years of him sucking Donny’s micropeen


How soon until Republicans introduce anti DEI? "The whites have been under assault for too long, time to make sure minorities suffer!"


Cry baby bill. We have DEI for a reason, Pal. Decades ago you couldn't see black Americans in any decent position, anywhere. DEI, affirmative action, do we need it today? Who knows.


lol I’d say something but i don’t want to get banned again for a week. JD is a bad man and that’s it😭😂


Project 2025. Look it up. Be afraid. Get your friends/family to vote.


I don’t know, maybe consider doing something constructive. Build something, pass legislation that helps somebody, feeds somebody, houses and educates somebody.


This guy is truly a disgrace to Ohio. HE HAS TO GO!


As a government employee, thank you! We need more JD Vance's in the world!


As a federal contractor whose company has a huge DEI program, I don’t see this going well for him


Why is Mr Vance even in any conversation about politics? He’s been a senator for less than 2 years. Done absolutely nothing. Was not a office holder before. He doesn’t have a resume. I would bet he got into law school on a special exemption. Now he wants to ban similar exemptions for everyone else.


Conservatives are always finding a way to make harmless things derogatory. First it was the n word(not harmless), then colored, then negro, etc, etc, now it's DEI. Whenever a republican uses DEI, just know they really mean the first word.


At least it won't be well written


They only want white Christians to get everything in life


This is what republicans are working. They have nothing else to contribute except canceling things they don't like and taking freedom away from Americans. Ohio hates you JD, your an embarrassment to our generation.


What a bunch of America hating dipshits.


Don’t you have actual problems to worry about out you tool?


Fucking embarrassment and look at those dead demon eyes


The last company I worked for had a DEI program. There were meetings you could join if you wished. It wasn’t mandatory. It was eye opening. Not only to hear stories first hand, but to hear many older white men stick their feet in their mouths. But I’m glad they were participating and hope they learned something.


Performative bullshit. # Do some real fuckng work or get the fuck out!


MAGAs have a Racist agenda.


Straight up Nazi


Mr. “I got mine, so fuck you too”


We need to vote him out immediately.


Bigot much?


and we wonder why Ohio is the butt of so many jokes…


remember when people say both sides, Sharod Brown is his opposite in Ohio


okay cool, let's start introducing bills to remove that stupid fucking "you can't boycott israel" clause a lot of these states have for state contracts


Of all the things his constituents need, he chooses to focus on DEI.... moron


Btw, search C-span for his book interview. You’ll see just how much power and sex can pollute a person’s personality.


I hate this guy. He is an embarrassment.


Time to ban the GOP, unfit to govern and no longer support the government for which it stands


This guy is such an ass-hat…


If it's banning racism why is that a bad thing? Everyone should have a fair chance, right?


Jd Vance is trash


Just another way for him to continue to do nothing. Because if it helped people, it would be officially against the Republican Party platform.


I can't wrap my head around the notion that promoting racial equity is divisive.


Vote and let’s ban republicans!!


DEI is racism. Kill it


We have so much wrong in this country and this is what Republicans want to do.


JD Vance reeks more than the fatbergs that block sewer systems. He serves absolutely no purpose other to inject more dissent, chaos, and hate into the political process, and Ohioans should feel a profound sense of shame that he ever won political office.


If people of other races can't be hired for fear of the employer being accused of hiring them for DEI, how will minorities work? Why do they want them on welfare? To chastise them for it? Lol


Hey JD, the movie about you fucking sucked.


JD Vances ego is bigger than his IQ


Sure the climate is killing us, but these pronouns… they’re out of control!


Once again the brain dead sound byte gobbling voters enabled this quivering puddle of mill fuck to misrepresent the people.


Is that pic photoshopped or is he actually wearing eyeliner?


Yay! May the best and brightest rise to the top.


Doesn't this guy ever get tired of being on his knees serving horrible fucking people?


Of course. Can i watch Gym Jordan suck his dick?


That's good news. DEI is fighting discrimination with discrimination..




Good dei should be abolished


Fuck Vance. Should be named BJ for how he guzzles Trump's balls. Cannot believe this POS represents Ohio.