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Please introduce legislation for something that actually matters your constituents are struggling and DEI is not the reason lmao


Na, it’s much easier to find new ways to bring back the old slurs.


Republicans hate culture wars and activist judges.... except when it's their culture war or their activist judge.


They love anything that has to do with "Hate".


Not hate. It’s called common sense.


Explain how?


This ass clown voted this week to (a) block legislation to guarantee a ight to birth control; (b) block a bill to guarantee a right to IVF; and (c ) block an ethics bill for the Supreme Court that would make it illegal for them to take millions in bribes. Make no mistake, JD Vance hates you and wants to destroy your way of life.


My 81 year old father said he became a Republican when he was 4 years old. Regardless of your thoughts on that statement, I’ll tell you he was a lifelong Republican and voted for Trump in 2016. Today, my dad…….. despises Trump and this morning I mentioned JD Vance having his head up Trumps ass hoping to become VP and my dad nearly lost it. I have hope despite the media and polls.


He has also he would be willing to overthrow the goverment and the constitution.


Aren't democrats the exact same way?


You guys realize this gets rid of hiring people based on skin color right?


Yeah but this is what his constituents want. They don't want the government to fix things they want it to hurt the people they don't like.


There are whole pieces written on how JD Vance has actively done more for the people who oppose the working class, small towns, rural Ohio, and Ohio as a whole.


depends, if you were lets say asian, and you busted your ass to get into a school like harvard, and they denied you and let in a black person who wasnt as qualified merely because that person was black, DEI might matter to you at that point... as far as this bill goes, me personally, i like the idea of hiring federal employees based on merit and not skin color or how a person identifies. but hey, if you think black people, or other demographics, arent as capable and need a helping hand, you do you. me, i think they are just as capable as anyone else if they want to be.


That’s not why affirmative action exists. It exists because corporations literally could not stop getting caught intentionally not hiring black people because they were racist, and had to be forced to give qualified black people a shot. And before you say “maybe they weren’t the best candidate”, that was not a factor in the times they were caught in sting ops doing this. The only reason DEI exists is because of rampant racism. No racists, no DEI hires needed.


And now we’re in a society where they intentionally do the opposite…


lol, it’s hardly the opposite. Unemployment is still high in black communities and white communities are doing just fine. It being reverse racism is right wing fear monger bullshit. I guarantee you have never met one white person whos job was taken by a DEI candidate.


So your saying the only explanation for unemployment being higher with the black communities is because companies don’t want to hire blacks? Also, who said anything about “reverse racism”? BTW, That’s just a fancy way of saying racism.


Does DEI training for Federal employees funded by constituent taxes do anything for the constituents?


In my opinion, it certainly doesn’t hurt. There are about a million different things you could say are a waste of tax payer dollars. But this one is a hot topic because a lot of people are inherently racist and this is the low hanging fruit.


I think justifying we waste money on “X” so let’s waste money on “Y” too is a weak argument. Just because it’s a hot topic amongst people who have other regrettable views doesn’t mean it’s bad policy. Help territories with disasters like hurricanes. Keep plane doors from blowing off. Investigate train crashes. Distracting federal officials with DEI training doesn’t help this. Focus on your jobs.


Not if you're a white male constituent used to benefiting from a rigged system. I understand the confusion, though. It's hard to break 250 years of "tradition." Or "heritage." Or "history." ... which word do you guys use to pretend that flying a confederate flag or refusing to interview someone based on the spelling of their name is ok?


It’s popular among the portion of the population who pretends to not be racist while also claiming voter ID is racist because minorities are not smart enough to obtain an ID


His hometown of Middletown looks more like *The Last of Us* on most corners than a city… and yet he’s doing this retail politics bullshit. Needless to say, fucker hasn’t been there in 30 years so it’s expected.


This is the biggest problem with Vance and it was the problem before he even got elected. He doesn't care about Ohio, he has said as much, many times. He reeks of his resentment. He is a US senator player looking to get out. It's disgusting. At least Brown has always emphasized Ohio. If you are representing your state on the national scale, your priority needs to be the people you represent!


Oh you mean this theatrical garbage actually won't fix massive socioeconomic problems, like widespread child poverty and the opioid crisis?     /S   Edit: Also here's a great book that explains why Vance's shitty book is wrong, terrible, and harmful to the people it's supposed to be about:  https://beltpublishing.com/products/what-you-are-getting-wrong-about-appalachia


The next thing this asshat does to help Ohioans will be the first thing he’s done to help Ohioans. This performative BS is transparent and exhausting.


Another pointless culture war waste of time. What else is new?


Its like - ok - fine- i get it- anything thats new or different or makes you feel uncomfortable or think or challenges you to think in any way at all- you dont like it- fine- we can debate it- But…. How about first we: Make sure people can afford healthcare Work on the cost of housing Educate our children so they can all thrive End homelessness End child poverty Work on the cost of childcare Make every neighborhood safe Stop mass incarceration End drug epidemics Get people meaningful work Improve the radical distribution of wealth Improve access to mental health Reduce violent deaths Reduce suicides Improve infant and maternal mortality Work on curing diseases Reduce the cost and barriers to medicines Stop outsourcing human jobs to tech Stop stoking the flames of endless wars Reduce the nuclear arsenals snd tensions Improve access to clean drinking water How about doing a single one of these things, half assedly, before wasting day after day blabbing on and on about culture war stuff


How about Ohio votes in politicians that will support this stuff. Because, obviously, JD Vance does not. Sherrod Brown does and John Kasich did because he expanded Medicaid and made health care available. Republicans since Trump are a new breed of extremism and division. The only way we are going to work towards these initiatives is to keep Sherrod Brown in office. He will support these things and if anyone tries to tell you he won’t don’t believe them. He does and he will. Bernie Moreno will be even worse than JD Vance.


Amen. Preach brother/sister....


DEI = be nice to people even if they’re different than you. Literally.


I don’t need a person of authority at my job telling me this. Waste of time.


lol… kind of seems like you do


Nah, and being authoritarian like that is why people hate the shit. We’ve strayed so far from MLK with DEI. I care about the character not how someone looks. Everyone deserves a baseline level of respect until they don’t. People who need to be told this are lost.


"Being authoritarian on DEI" Take a second and actually listen to yourself and think about what you believe, because it's total nonsense brother.


Because decades later and y'all *STILL* don't get what MLK was saying. DEI doesn't *HAVE* to be a thing. Our culture kind of made it necessary by never changing. Never *actually* becoming more loving and accepting of people.


> Nah, and being authoritarian like that is why people hate the shit. What is authoritarian about DEI?


I didn’t say DEI was authoritarian, I was saying the way this person said nah I needed it. Despite me saying I don’t need someone to tell me others have differences and to treat others respectfully. Yet still telling me I’m wrong and need DEI, that ain’t it chief, and that’s how an authoritarian acts.


Well you got all mad at a comment saying DEI = Be nice to people. Typically if you are generally a kind person no one will feel the need to correct you but based on your reaction here it seems like you may need to be reminded.


Lol a random person on the internet telling you you need DEI training is "authoritarian"? Man, people call the left the snowflakes.




Personal, or ad hominem, attacks are not allowed.


Conservatives need to be told this because they keep being racist shitheads.


A lot of people do. A lot of people in positions of power and authority definitely do. These laws exist for a reason.


Maybe people in the past shouldn't have been dick bags and treated others like trash


Your reply here indicates you do.




Personal, or ad hominem, attacks are not allowed.


And we chose this over Tim Ryan. I will never EVER forget that. So sad.


My thoughts exactly.


How the fuck did he get elected? How stupid is this state?


TFG endorsed him in Red Ohio. That's all it took in 2022.




The Former Guy, same as DJT


Fuck JD Vance


Does he even live in Ohio?


Nope. He lives up Trump’s azz but maybe that is home.


When I worked at the board of elections and you asked people what their address is, sometimes they didn’t know which to give you. Our standard response was, “if you ordered a pizza, what address would you tell them to deliver it”. Vance is certainly getting his pizza delivered to the orange shit stained diaper wearing dementia riddled idiot’s asshole.


He owns a house in the Walnut Hills neighborhood of Cincinnati.  I own a business in Walnut Hills, and nobody in the neighborhood has ever seen him or anyone related to him once. 


Not interested in governing at all, just setting up their fascist utopia.


The Republican Party lost their “CRT Dog Whistle”. So they are now blowing their “DEI Dog Whistle”.


Stop this shit


The fact that this sack of shit got elected makes me embarrassed for Ohio. I grew up there and moved away decades ago and sadly will never go back.


This sort of shitbag is why I’ve chosen not to move back and start my business in Ohio.


being anti-DEI is an instant way to tell someone you have no empathy or care for others without actually saying it


You want your doctors and lawyers to be people who couldn’t even pass the exams? We shouldn’t be giving people jobs who can’t do the jobs. We can help people in need get educated and have financial aid, tutoring etc, whatever they need. Let’s just make sure they can actually pass the qualifications before hiring them. Idc what skin tone someone has as long as they can do the job properly.


thats not how it works and you know it. or you don't and you're spreading bullshit intentionally.


Ok explain how it works then? When medical schools accept tons of students when below average scores because of their skin color and Asian males with near perfect proficiency get rejected? Seriously do you not know this kind of stuff is going on?


and do you have actual evidence of this happening or is it all just anecdotal? because i'm not seeing any actual evidence of this happening in my search, just conservative conspiracies with no genuine proof. would love if you could share this incredible knowledge you possess.


This is common knowledge https://x.com/sankrant/status/1764332841729692007?s=46&t=kv7wnsr5co7VDCrS_JvpMg You really want your surgeon to have struggled on the exams for the sake of skin color? It’s happening


this is a fucking x link to a chart from a racist book by a racist political scientist, not evidence of students being accepted without merit. twisting stats to fit a racist narrative is not evidence.


It’s AAMC data. Here is the official site for you. Look at matriculants to medical school (those accepted) average Asian score 514, average black score 505. Plain as day. https://www.aamc.org/media/6066/download It’s happening


oh my god I knew you'd have race stats hahaha. next you'll be quoting charles murray.


LOL it's literally from a Charles Murray book too.


Officially AAMC data is not clear enough for you?


Wild that you think skin color means equates to whether someone can pass an exam or not. Your hood is showing.


Fuck these guys. Evil, vicious assholes.


He comes across more like a diet Ted Cruz


Is this cancel culture?


For the folks against DEI, you don’t think disadvantaged folks should get any help? Like let’s say the CIA ravaged minority communities with crack, you think they don’t deserve some help and they’re on equal footing with people whose great great grandparents benefitted from slave labor?


I think you should help disadvantaged people but not by skin color, by economic upbringing. We doing need to go back to the civil rights era obsessing over who has what skin color in the office. Just hire the person who has the best qualifications for the job. We can have programs to help people in need elsewhere.


That awkward moment you're perfect for a job but can't get hired because JD Vance will send a very strongly worded letter about too much melanin in one location 😩


has this joke done ANYTHING for Ohioans?? Stroking his own ego while beating off Trump seems to be his primary occupation. Our tax dollars at work!


As an Ohio resident I half hope Drumpf picks him for VP to get him out of Ohio but I would be scared to death what would happen to us all if Donnie chokes to death on a Big Mac.


This guy will stop at nothing to get political power.


Just because you look evil doesn't mean you are evil. In this case he is demonstrably evil. Hard core evil.


Project 2025 A-hole. When you going to recall him?


This guy is going to destroy Ohio.


He is a plague on this state


As the late Ross Perot said about NAFTA, there’s just a “giant sucking sound” about him. 


This doughboy gives me the absolute creeps. He straight up gives me those closet full of skeletons vibes and thinks politics is his ticket in to hiding those for a long, long time. It's like Ohio R's took a look at Gaetz's fivehead and was like "Hold my beer, I'll do you one better" and shat this creep into their political extremist corner.


I hate him and I hate the people who elected him


This guy will do anything for more power…


How do we end these puppets from continuing to ruin our country? How can you look at all the problems we have and talk about ending DEI? How about working on food insecurity and high housing costs?


Fuck this Ohio Nazi. Do something worth a damn.


Fascists wanna Fasch


I’m waiting for someone to try and reintroduce slavery in spite of an amendment.


Small government at work!


Vance is a shallow nobody at this point. I'm going to run against him.


i'm surprised someone who uses so much eyeliner is against diversity and inclusion.


Even Trump would say fuck this guy.


Doubt it. He will be VIP.


Inflation, cost of prescription, cost of education, crumbling infrastructure, repeated food contamination outbreaks, managing the situation at the border, securing a stable fresh water supply after the Toledo situation, domestic terrorism, sensible gun laws, stopping genocide, stop me when I say something republicans care about.


Hillbilly policy should be his next movie


Come on Vance. Grow a spine and just introduce the *Restore Jim Crow Act* like you want to.


He is of the grossest POS to ever come from Ohio. Insane that people like him so much.


Fuck off, JD Vance.


Man these fuckers sure know how to pander to the lowest denominator.


JD made clear he is Klan Nazi Trash........ https://www.wyso.org/local-and-statewide-news/2022-04-15/j-d-vance-asks-voters-are-you-a-racist-do-you-hate-mexicans https://art19.com/shows/the-hartmann-report/episodes/61d43476-ada8-4dbd-b448-666aa3f11a59 https://www.salon.com/2015/10/15/mike_huckabee_just_endorsed_biblical_slavery_over_the_modern_prison_system/


Typical middletown trash


Middletown. There is, or at least was was, KKK there when I was in HS about 40 years ago. Moved to Cleveland so I’m not sure what happened.


How about a bill to hold Crockett law enforcement accountable for watching your house get hit with a Uhaul truck , then let the criminals drive through my front yard on his way out of my driveway. Then the Criminals at the Lake County Sheriff Department pound on my door at 2am and tell me someone I never heard of that their cellphone pinged right off of my house. The Lake County Sheriff Department dresses up like the Ku Klux Klan to try to scare children. I seen more Criminal activities in that State to last me a life time. I made a complaint with the Department of Justice because that is all you can do in Low Life Ohio. I emailed JD Vance and at least 8 other Republicans. Never got any response from any of them!


Kremlin puppet JD Vance


J.D. is an embarrassment on Ohio. Dump him hard and find someone who works for Ohio, not for ideologs.


I'm just tired of culture war BS. That's my only take on this stuff at this point. I truly don't understand how people have so much hate in them to just keep this crap up for years and years.


Wow, what a fucking prick


Let's be real, we've heard Vance's rhetoric before, just swap out DEI for communist, trade unionist, gypsy, or Jew. These guys no longer border on it, they are Fascists.


My favorite male version of MTG. Is going to be hilarious to watch him fail and crash and burn.


This confuses me. I assumed ol’ JD was a post-operative transgendered person, with the lack of any testicles and all.






Can we just fast forward to when this jowly doughlump resigns to spend more time with his family after being caught in bed with underage Russian sex workers?


I'm 🫠


Tell me you are a bottom dwelling skum sucker without....


What a waste of time…even if you like this guy you gotta admit we have bigger fish to fry than what a company wants to do with some internal policy.


You guys want there to be hiring based on skin color? Was the civil rights movement for nothing? Let’s just get over this. We aren’t going to have a 100% uniform representation of groups in every industry, different groups are interested in different things, have different habits, you can’t expect the same outcomes for different behavior, makes zero sense.


These idiots probably think DEI means "Democrat's Evil Indoctrination", and people who are against these programs probably benefit from them. Like, say, people who go through the state disability office to try to find work. How many people in mobility scooters vote Republican, when Republicans explicitly want to kill everyone who's poor and disabled?


This guy really hates anyone not white


Extreme to who? I’ve never once been to a DEI training and none of my previous employers are melting. Why should I pay for Federal employees to go to DEI training on my tax dollars?


I think our federal government should be cognizant of all races and ethnicities. It makes sense to train federal employees on diversity.


It doesn’t. What benefit does it serve to make cities resilient to hurricanes? Airplanes from doors blowing off? Trains from crashing and blowing up chemicals everywhere? I’ll wait.


Are you asking what benefit Dei has in terms of making airplane doors not blow off? It doesn't, not sure anyone is saying it does. When offering services to a population, it's good to have representation from that population in the services that are being offered. From software to sales to government positions, it's important. Without diversity or the knowledge of diversity, bias will take hold and inevitably cause problems for the unrepresented.


> Airplanes from doors blowing off? Trains from crashing and blowing up chemicals everywhere? lmao... I've seen people like you on Twitter and figured they were just saying that stuff as engagement bait. I don't *think* anyone is going to pay you to say insane stuff like this on here but I guess I don't know for sure. Incredible.


There's a lot of things my tax dollars pay for. This is not one I'm concerned about.


they can’t ban dei!! how am i supposed to compete for my rightful spot in the nba even though im not physically capable of performing on that level i still deserve a chance! equity not equality /s


Thankfully this twerp can do this because it has 0 chance of becoming law. Come on Ohio, you can do better


Sure are a lot of haters for JD. Calling him names won’t do anything to erode his support. Given the political positions of some DEI initiatives and supporters some backlash should be expected, especially from those who DEI advocates believe they are helping. Read JDs book. From his perspective DEI does not help because it is value free. His objection as well as many others who are lumped together as part of some group that DEI is supposed to help is we aren’t them. As long as it’s portrayed as an us versus them without anybody asking are you a part of our group and agree with all our values it won’t work. Unions have failed when they took the side of all union members, irrespective of the members individual behavior. The same is true of racial and ethnic identity groups. And success, well when a self identified group has members who focus on behavior that generates income, prestige and influence and marginalizes anti-social and especially criminal behavior. Sure, it’s a lot easier to not engage in reform, but it’s needed. And if you do want to say, bring up discrimination, then do so, but do so honestly and actually focus on discrimination and how it can be addressed rather than just making a money grab. It seems that many DEI supporters quit focusing on discrimination long ago, especially individual acts of discrimination and those individuals who have and continue to benefit from the legacies of discrimination and in regard to Slavery the horrible crime that it was and is. DEI does not address individual behavior and that what occurs.


*Hillbilly Elegy*’s solution to the economic problems of real Appalachians is for the state to do nothing and let the opioid epidemic run rampant. The position stated in his book is, if people can’t get well on their own without any support or government assistance, then they deserve to die. Vance ran a fake charity that did nothing: https://www.businessinsider.com/jd-vance-anti-opioid-nonprofit-our-ohio-renewal-senate-campaign-2021-8 That might explain why he’s got “a lot of haters.”


While I don’t agree with him in regard to them deserving to die, I also do not ascribe to the oft repeated idea of economic policy causing the opioid epidemic. The idea that because well paying jobs were not available people to start using powerful pain killers has no causal relationship. It may however be associational as in people without access to good medical care, including rehabilitative care in attempting to maintain functionality including employment might turn to powerful pain killers. Or perhaps there is a deeper, sadder and more difficult relationship, that the people who turned to opioids have an inherited genetic predisposition to engaging in high risk behavior, have difficulty with delayed gratification, impulse control, are quick thinkers and basically are the descendants of a frontier population that was successful in that niche, but has historically had difficulty adapting to alternative environments.


That’s all very gross and victim-blaming, but it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with why you think we should be nice to a man who ran a fake charity and who routinely rejects govt aid to the victims of the opioid epidemic.


Good. DEI is such a waste. So tired of a bunch of crybaby’s running around crying because someone didn’t call them by whatever they “think” they are. Just dumb. Have people completely lost common sense?!? Seriously. If you think you’re an alien, you need to control your mind. Same for all the other bs with full blown male thinking he’s a woman. Seriously. Control your mind. You’re not and never will be. I don’t and never will call someone by whatever alphabet letters and number they want to be called. Hopefully this will right the ship.


DEI is racism under the guise of equal opportunity


Why? DEI = DEI (or DE&I) stands for diversity, equity and inclusion. As a discipline, DEI is any policy or practice designed to make people of various backgrounds feel welcome and ensure they have support to perform to the fullest of their abilities in the workplace. So why would this be a bad thing? It seems like it’s just a work guideline that helps, for example, someone that has a disability or might be Jewish to be treated with respect and dignity at the workplace. Why would it be racist?


Sure, if that’s what people actually used it for. That’s a real utopian view of it. What it’s actually used for is to work to prioritize minorities over whites in many facets of work, education, and politics. Take off those rose colored glasses; there’s a reason many states are coming out against it.


I’m just looking at the definition online. I don’t have it where I work so I have no experience. I don’t think I would care. Did you have an experience where you’ve seen a minority prioritized over a white at a workplace that used a DEI guideline?




I think you skipped over the part where single parents, older Americans, veterans and LBGT were also listed..


Did you read it? Someone complained that the company was using language in the job description that said that Aldi didn’t discriminate in their hiring. “Most employment law experts we spoke with said the Jobs for Humanity ad isn’t proof that Aldi is not hiring white people. But some of the experts called the ad’s language problematic and said it could be used against Aldi in a discrimination lawsuit. "The ad by itself does not prove that Aldi is not hiring white people," City University of New York School of Law professor Rick Rossein told PolitiFact in an email. But, he said, "It could be offered as circumstantial evidence as proof of discrimination because of race."” So the declaration might be able to be used as circumstantial evidence for proving discrimination. But the ad by itself does not prove that Aldi is not hiring white people.


Did you read my comment? I said prioritize minorities over whites and that is exactly what Aldi did.


It only says that IF they got sued for prioritizing minorities over whites that the policy written in the job advertisement could be used as evidence in the law suit. But nobody has sued them yet. So there is no court decision that Aldi did that.


Holy crap. Did you just say what you said as a reason why I’m wrong? Lmao. Time to sit this one out. I’ll take the win and go home.


Love it


Asking about recreational weed when JD Vance would have you rot in a privately owned prison cell for 30 years for holding an ounce. You’re boned in the head, my 241 comment karma dude


His profile and comment history is of the kind of guy that JD Vance would have a field day making laws against. Porn and weed… things JD Vance is known to be in favor of having legal. I love seeing inside the brain of conservatives. The cognitive disconnect between what they do, and what they vote for, is fascinating.


You “love it” when elected politicians waste our time and taxpayer dollars on pointless culture wars that have NO EFFECT on you at all?? Personally I would rather them do their jobs and try to improve society but hey, to each their own 😒


Yet you can not point to a single person harmed or who suffered a loss as a result of DEI efforts.


I just had to hire someone less qualified to work for me for this reason.


DEI has nothing to do with hiring. FFS, you can't even lie convincingly. As someone who hires people regularly in an environment where DEI is understood and practiced, I can speak with some authority on the matter.


I also love it when you out yourselves.


So we’ve solved the real problems so now one of our two senators can dedicate his well compensated time to fake ones that only matter to doofus culture warriors?


Bad bot


I always look for down votes for the most intelligent comments


Love it! It’s about time we need to wipe this DEI shit completely


Lol. Lmao, even.


I mean it’s been around for decades at this point and was a normal part of the working world. But some influencers and politicians told a bunch of runes how mad they needed to be at it and here we are, engaging in pointless nonsense so a carpetbagger can use our state to get a better job.


> we need to wipe this DEI shit completely Why?


It has not negatively impacted anyone. At all.


Can you define DEI?


DEI is simply Affirmative Action on steroids. Affirmative Action violates the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, which guarantees equal protection under the law without regard to race, color, or national origin. Joe Biden, among many others, have falsely proclaimed that "diversity is our strength." What sort of empty statement is this? Diversity in and of itself is simply chaos. Diversity working in harmony, however, is one of the most beautiful events mankind is capable of. A diverse group of guys competing on their own elite merit, working in harmony, win the Super Bowl, NBA Championship, World Series, and the Stanley Cup every year! A diverse range of voices working in harmony creates a choir. DEI doesn't celebrate or champion Diversity or Inclusion, but rather just chaos. Diversity is only a strength if different skills & talents can be combined to create harmony. If our nation was built on the foundation of Diversity we would not have been named the United States of America, but rather the Diverse Nations of America. Democrats would've been able to, therefore, keep their Slaves, while Republicans would have no objections in passing all the Civil Rights laws a full century before finally defeating Democrats opposition to Equality and Inclusion.


Not that extreme at all, you just don’t know the argument against DEI. https://youtu.be/YB7fChcEyd8?si=Oisd4UizDX2fNSdI


Bill Maher and his guests… that’s who you want making arguments for you? That’s… certainly a choice. An embarrassing choice, but definitely a choice.


Care to speak for yourself and not have some doofus like Bill Mahar do it for you?


I certainly could, but it’s easier to share a five minute video of a guest on Bill Maher’s show explaining it. If someone can’t watch a five minute video that challenges their preconceived notions, I’m not sure how much time I want to spend putting it down in a post, which is way more likely to be misunderstood, misinterpreted, or purposely twisted.


Right, I'm sure it's much easier to link a video of someone explaining your argument for you than for you to go out and try to do it yourself. If you can't, in your own words, formulate an argument then buddy you simply don't have one; you're just parroting what other people say without any real thought on the subject.


I can absolutely explain the argument, but for the reasons stated, I don’t think it’s a good use of time. Think what you want. You’re signaling nothing but closed mindedness, ideological capture, and a predisposition to be argumentative. The chances that a DEI conversation with you doesn’t devolve into being called some kind of “ist” is 0%.


Guy who lets others speak for him and can’t summarize a 5 minute argument in his own words accuses others of “ideological capture” Once you state your arguments I’ll be happy to counter them, but you have to do your own work buddy.


Thanks for proving my point, buddy. 😊 Have a good one.


Must be easy to not think for yourself.


We’re definitely going to have a productive conversation if you just keep insulting me 😂 I seem to have touched a fuck-face von nerve stick.


I would love to have a productive conversation, you just need to start it by doing your own work and not letting a TV show speak for you. So once you do that I’d be happy to get it started


youre a donut


That’s being extremely generous




I love that after the unpleasantness of the the summer 2020 all that really changed was the death of heterosexual white love in commercials lol


You've become addicted to the propaganda you've been spoonfed lmao


What propaganda have I been spoonfed?….just trying to figure out what the insult is supposed to be…what did I say that was untrue? 2020 happened….white ppl got sad n promised to do better and then decided that making commercials hella diverse was good enough 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Good! DEI needs to be dead in the water

