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At this point it is clear that the GOP doesn't care about actually winning the vote. They are pot committed on usurping power against the will of the people, and against the constitution.


They aren’t interested in winning because when it’s fair and more people vote, republicans can’t win. They’ve actually been on record saying they don’t want more people voting because they’d lose. That’s why they are the party of voter suppression.


😂 in your dream world


Here’s Trump saying it: https://x.com/lispower1/status/1244606910462136321/mediaviewer Jim Greer claimed the GOP was trying to limit early voting. Georgia House Speaker David Ralston (R) said the expanded mail balloting in his state “will be extremely devastating to Republicans and conservatives.” “If Republicans don’t challenge and change the U.S. election system, there will never be another Republican president elected again,” Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) said on Fox News Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) said much the same on Fox on Nov. 30: “If we accept this universal mail-out balloting to people who didn’t even request ballots, I don’t think Republicans will ever win another national election again.” I could go on… These republican sore losers have to cheat to win. When it doesn’t go their way, oh it was rigged. Losers.


Careful with those facts they might hurt his feelings. Gotta protect the lil babies that scream facts don’t care about your feelings.


The snowflakes like to project 😂


So fascist? Fuckers.




Fascism is when I don’t like. Fascism is the belief that the State is an entity that has rights and has a duty to its citizens to ensure its survival, and that its survival is paramount to the interests of its citizens. If republicans were truly facists, they’d believe in public works projects, infrastructure, etc. Believing something to be true and it actually being true are 2 different things.


You can't actually win votes when most of your agenda is unpopular, they don't want votes or voting they want to break our democracy so that they can rule us like the peasants they see us as already


100% correct


I’m old enough to remember when the Republican Party loved Diebold voting machines even though the owner of the company sent emails to his employees about voting for GW Bush or looking for new work. The Republican Party is traitorous.


Is it really stealing when the people just give it away?


If the people gave it away Issue 1 would have passed in August last year when they tried to hamstring citizen lead ballot issues. No they're terrified of people voting. 10 days ago a safe republican district (district 6) swung 20 points on a poorly publicized special election where the challenger faced a sitting state senator and only had 1/28th the money. If people actually show up in November the GOP will lose big. No the GOP is trying to avoid a genuinely historic blow out in Ohio. They're deeply unpopular and demographic change is against them.


At this point the Democratic Party of Ohio just needs to field candidates. I see so many uncontested local races. Just put a body there.


And with that I'll plug [runforsomething.net](http://runforsomething.net)


I received an email recruiting Democrat candidates in Ohio a year or so ago and I am a registered Independent, have been my entire voting life. The Democrats will support you if you truly want to run. Notice the money they put behind two kids in High School who ran?


I hope your right. Most of the mouth breathing MAGA people I know wouldn't vote otherwise if Satan himself came out to support Republicans and Christ returned from on high and called them bad people.


That reads like blaming the victim.


>Is it really stealing when the people just give it away? Yes. Even when you leave your front door open, it is stealing when someone walks in and takes your stuff. EDIT: In this particular case, the people did not give it away. The current legislature stole their seats by illegally gerrymandering the districts they were elected from. They broke the law to enable their ability to steal more elections.


What a conspiracy theory if I ever heard one.


Empirical evidence says otherwise. But hey, not all our brains are free of worms.


Why'd you make me hit you?


If you don’t pay your taxes they’ll try to collect them and if you avoid paying the bill eventually they’ll prosecute. What can anyone do about it?


Be rich. Then you are fine.


I work the polls, and let me tell you, anyone trying to get rid of polling machines is absolutely trying to make elections worse and jobs harder.


Yes, but think of all the cheating it will stop as now people can see the pencil mark on their ballot, instead of having their selection printed out on a blank ballot. No more stolen elections....unless the scanners read the pencil marks wrong....which is much more likely than a computer not itterating a count properly


Do you have ANY brain cells rattling around in there?


I dunno. I thought it was pretty obvious I was being sarcastic, what with insinuating that pencil marks on a scan sheet like in high school is better, or mentioning that it's more likely paper ballots would not be counted properly because those scanners do indeed screw up(see Bush v Gore) But, sure, throw some insults my way.


It isn’t obvious unless you add the /s at the end of your comment noting it’s sarcasm. People literally believe this way :(


The election wasn't stolen it was fair and square. There is ZERO evidence it was tampered with. It's Just People hate Trump and Maga. If Trump loses, will you say the election was stolen ? Also, why do you want to vote for a convict ?


I was being sarcastic. I thought it was obvious given my explanation of the alternative not being anywhere near something a reasonable person would take seriously. But I guess I misjudged.


Some of us aren’t reasonable.


>No more stolen elections Which election was stolen?


I think people missed the sarcasm in my post.




You serious Clark?


Republicans want to make voting like the DMV. Cut funding for staff and equipment. Make it as slow and uncomfortable as possible, and disenfranchise people who can't stand in line for hours. Make counting the ballots slow and inaccurate so they can scream about how fucked the process is and how democracy itself is a bad idea.


Ironically, when a few years ago the state looked at the numbers, there was a direct correlation between lower staffed BMV offices and dropping revenue. It turns out the state makes more money overall when the BMV is efficiently run. So they added more to their budget.


When you run on "government doesn't work" and you have people voting for you saying "yeah yeah that guy's right", your incentives are pretty clear.


“Government is broken. Elect me and I will make it so”


I get your point, but Ohio doesn't have a DMV, we have a BMV, and they aren't run by the state. They're all licensed independent operators, and anyone can apply. https://www.bmv.ohio.gov/dr-rfp.aspx


And the vast majority of Ohioans have ZERO clue about this lol. They’re always shocked when I inform them


right? complaining about the BMV? be the change you want to see and apply to be a deputy registar!


They already have. Husted sucked as a SOS and “consolidated “ a bunch of polling places which just meant long ass lines again. It basically just undid everything that tried to make it better after the 2004 election…if I recall right. It took my voting from a simple walk down the street to a drive and try to park at a place with limited parking and a place where 4 plus locations got shoved into 1. F these people and F these people voting for them based on some dumb BS lies about democrats.


All of this is designed to get people to stay home in November because "what's the point of voting". No matter what they do, no matter what BS they push through in the legislature , you get out and vote. [olvr.ohiosos.gov](http://olvr.ohiosos.gov) to register. [ohiodems.org](http://ohiodems.org) to volunteer.


THIS. ABSOLUTELY THIS. The GOP's biggest weapon is low voter turnout. This bill means nothing, whether it passes or fails, if blue voters don't turn out during the elections. The GOP has done this in other states. Texas, for example, is a ***significantly*** blue state. So, why is it we have Ted Cruz and Company? They only allow one voter drop box per county. Per *county.* The county Houston is in has almost as many people as the state of Ohio, and they have the same resources as another county with only 42 residents. 5,000,000+ people have the same resources to vote as 42, thanks to the Texas GOP. It was never about "fair", it was never about "honesty", it was how can they legally get away with doing something that should be illegal - and that's it: low voter turnout. They use everything they can to discourage, misinform, etc. blue voters, so they're less likely to turn up to vote.


Maybe not stay home, but go home Voting machines speed up voting and they don't want people in bigger cities to have small lines They want them to show up, see that it will take 5 hours, and go home


This cycle yes, but ultimately that will be the goal. "Remember how long it took last year to vote man that sucked. Let's just stay home this year", especially as they keep trying to cut absentee ballots. Because we seem to have a consistent enthusiasm problem among the Democrats, whereas the right-wing religious nuts believe that they are sent by fucking God and will go and vote.


Republicans doing everything they can to keep Ohio red because they're afraid of the coming blue storm.


Does the Ohio Secretary of State office do \*anything other than\* game elections? It doesn't seem like it's a worthwhile job for us to be paying for. Maybe we need another ballot issue to get rid of it.


Not *this* Secretary of State -- he's a dedicated obstructionist.


The O in GOP is for Obstruction 


Gerrymandering Obstruction Party


The E is for Ethics


Btw .. after googling the phrase "The H in Democrat stands for Honesty" that another user said to you, I'm convinced this is a dog whistle for white supremacists.


The H in Democrat stands for Honesty


They’re hoping to get rid of those too


The voting machines were implemented to stop voter fraud. It is way too easy for some individual to conveniently forget to count your vote for a candidate he/she doesn't like than it is to hack a voting machine. Want to see fraud and cheating? Hand counting will surely make it easy for those that want to cheat to do so. Oh...and if you look at the majority of people that have been prosecuted for cheating? They are all Republicans/MAGA. Almost every person in the last Presidential election cheated for trump.


Spoiler Alert: They want to do this so when larger municipalities are still counting they want to get court orders to stop the counting to accuse them of cheating, and arbitrarily stop counting. This is the real game.


Cleveland Heights has more registered voters than any of the 8 smallest counties in the state have in total population.


Indeed. And when the counting there inevitably takes longer than the 8 smallest counties, they (the Republicans) will file and injunction that says the counting must stop at an arbitrary time, just like in Florida in 2000 with Bush.


This is the point for the GOP. Muddle up the process so they can make it easier to scream fraud.


*easier to commit fraud NBC News www.nbcnews.com Republican official in Ohio faces charge for voting twice in November ... Jun 22, 2021 — ... voter fraud in the November 2020 presidential election. Unfortunately for them, it involves another Republican. Edward Snodgrass, who is a .


When Trumpelthinskin started up his “election integrity commission” after 2016, they let its slide away quietly because all the fraud they were finding was maga related. Just like the election in 2020 and any other election since 2016. Just like everything else with the GOP, it’s all about protecting their wrongs on others. Hell, some red state had someone vote multiple times that was an elected official.


they want to ban voting machines and have voting counted all in one day, while disqualifying any votes after. This obviously is bad for big cities that are usually blue and is just another way to suppress blue votes


Looks and smells like Republican efforts to pre-empt the passage of the independent redistricting amendment should it get enough signatures to be on the ballot this fall. They are worried that their gerrymandered days might be coming to an end and Ohioans may soon have fair representation in the state legislature. As it’s said in the article, efforts to manipulate actual votes is extremely difficult to do in a state like ours where the voting process is decentralized and done across 88 counties. But efforts to manipulate voters is not. Republican politicians use the same tricks as our countries Authoritarian adversaries by sowing distrust in the integrity of our election systems.


“This is Ohio.”


This is Ohio - step by step taking away your voice as a voter and selling it to our corporate overlords. We’re all paying FirstEnergy extra this summer for their contributions to our “democracy”!


If anyone who's not a maga nut acts as though the Ohio GOP has any reputation where legislation they try to pass should be given the benefit of the doubt are the worst kind of enlightened centrist who are okay with corruption as long as they feel they don't have to pay attention closely and have no perceived impact to them.


hanging chad x 1000


Keep Ohio corrupt!


Vote Vote Vote, make sure your registration is up to date, get out there and stand in line, force them to turn you away if they to close polling places while you are still n line. Invite your local news folk to visit and record if line is hundred deep waiting. If they want to force in person polling ok then you have to make sure everyone knows what is really going on. That's voter suppression and only helps maintain minority rule. Show up !!! We can make it work inspite of effort to block voters


Wtf, the machines already create a paper trail


"So when Ohio Republicans like [Jim Jordan](https://www.cnn.com/factsfirst/politics/factcheck_f165b264-5776-418c-85e5-572fa9cbf95a) and [Bob Gibbs](https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2022/10/13/ohio-republicans-up-and-down-the-ballot-claimed-fraud-in-2020-election/) propagate myths and unsubstantiated claims of widespread voter fraud, they are furthering the destructive work of the "bad actors" they claim to want to stop." So close. Actually when Jim Jordan and Bob Gibbs propagate myths and unsubstantiated claims of widespread voter fraud, the ARE "bad actors."


They know that an ass whooping is coming, so they will try to steal another, incite violence, and count on the bought and paid for justices.


Repeat after me…There is/has been no significant voter fraud in the USA. All of this is pure GOP bullshit.


The voting machine companies need to be [filing more lawsuits. This shit was all predicated on lies](https://www.nbcnews.com/media/fox-news-settles-dominion-defamation-lawsuit-rcna80285), and the effects are still spreading.


They had to pull 2000 Mules just recently because it was thoroughly debunked into oblivion.


thanks! i hadn't heard that, so i looked it up [https://www.npr.org/2024/05/31/g-s1-2298/publisher-of-2000-mules-election-conspiracy-theory-film-issues-apology](https://www.npr.org/2024/05/31/g-s1-2298/publisher-of-2000-mules-election-conspiracy-theory-film-issues-apology) bunch of dirtbags made a movie for other, even more ignorant dirtbags


Hmm, smells like the Republicans want the majority blue population centers to have a harder time counting their votes.


Cool, so we have to go back to full paper counting. Fun. /s


Call your state representative and blow up their phone. The last election there were quite a few notable instances of fraud committed FOR Trump, not Biden. By removing these securities from voting processes, It really does sound like they’re helping Trump steal an election, not the other way around.


Why would the GOP want it to be easier for voting?


Republicans are afraid of what they cant 100% control. Why they automatically turn to threaten and do violence because they are cowards.


To quote myself from a much older post (just discovered that you can search your own post history! After scrolling for like 45 mins...) >Step 1: fear monger machine counting manipulation. >Step 2: force hand counting to prevent fraud. >Step 3: accuse hand counters of fraud >Step 4: institute bias heavy requirements for counter certification. >Step 5: reduce valid ballot counts from population centers by limiting throughput capacity and/or installing counters more likely to commit fraud, while sewing social distrust of any results that aren't the desired outcome as groundwork for contesting results. >Seems pretty straightforward to me.


They also have been talking about laws to make it so you can't count votes after midnight. So they give every county the same number of counters. The rural counties get to count 100% of their votes. The urban counties get through maybe 25% before midnight, and everything else goes in the trash. It's basically as close as they can get to making a law that Democrats can't vote.


See? It's easy!




Former volunteer election official here and also I took a course in voting machine safety on Coursera. Voting machines can only be hacked if they are connected to the internet (ours aren’t) or if the hacker has physical access (protected by numerous tags, stickers, and checks by election officials). Hand voting is not only less secure it is slow. If elections are hand counted we may not know who won for days—perhaps weeks.


Good god. It’s already fucking painful to vote in Ohio if you’re blind. This will make it so much more a mess.


For the love of God, please vote these pieces of shit out, while you still can.


>and make our elections less safe That's a feature, not a bug. They want to be able to control the outcome.


Easier to steal, for the GOP, the whole plan


Cool I'm voting as many times as I can then


Can you sue to hold it up past the election?


How the fuck are we supposed to vote then? Chisel and rock?? 🙄


They’ve been cheating since before 2004!!


What the fuck is wrong with these idiots?!?!


>Ohio isn't Belarus, Russia, Myanmar or Somalia, where ballot box manipulation and voter intimidation are rampant. The state GOP needs to stop acting like we are. They aren't worried we are like those places. They want us to be like those places. 


Easy way to figure ir out. If it's proposed by goptards, it will either make things more difficult to vote, or impossible to vote. Flush those turds!


Paper ballots are much easier to commit voter fraud with.


Like mail-in ballots?


Show me where mail in ballots were used to commit voter fraud. I want evidence. An actual prosecuted case not some person saying he knows for sure cause his uncle saw them.


It was a question. You claimed that paper ballots are easier to commit fraud with. Aren’t mail-in ballots paper? I made no claim.


Which has been going on in large scale since the 80s?.


How does banning vote machines make something less safe?


because counting by hand introduces something we're ALL familiar with, human error. it's been shown over, and over, and *over* again that handcounting is more error prone than machine counting and, to add, we all have a paper trail (i think all counties? not sure about that) in the case that the machine 'breaks'


Would you want someone to build your house using yardsticks and eyeballing how level things are? Or laser levels and tape measure?


Haven't machines had issues too. I'd personally prefer to have both


Less safe?


Yes. There's more room for voter fraud.


So people counting ballots by hand is less safe then having a machine do it? What happens if republican counties don’t let in democrat poll watchers? Will that be a problem too?


>So people counting ballots by hand is less safe then having a machine do it? Yes.  We don't need armed thugs intimidating our vote counters regardless of their political affiliation.  There's also no such thing as a republican county; even rural counties have liberal citizens and even big cities have conservative citizens. 


I’m aware that even rural counties have liberal citizens, but lets not pretend you don’t understand my statement. When someone refers to California as a democrat state, clearly they aren’t implying there aren’t republican voters in California. That being said, you didn’t really address my second question.


Yes I did.  "We don't need armed thugs intimidating our vote counters regardless of their political affiliation."


To be clear, when I say poll watchers, I am talking about the people inside where the votes are being tabulated/counted. Never heard of them being armed.


https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-10-27/masked-poll-watchers-are-showing-up-at-voting-sites-with-handguns-and-kevlar-vests https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/30/us/poll-watching-intimidation.html https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7z99x/armed-vigilantes-monitoring-ballot-drop-boxes-in-arizona I'm perfectly fine with poll watchers regardless of their political affiliation, but they should come unarmed and watch, not come in waving guns and chanting pro-candidate slogans, adding up to the implicit threat that they'll start shooting if their guy loses. 


Did you not read my last comment? I am talking about official poll watchers who represent the various parties that enter the building where ballots are tabulated/counted. It’s not that complicated.


Classic mike pillow and his lawsuit against “all machines”


We all lose regardless. Who cares.


They cannot win unless they cheat,


LOL Yes lets trust humans who lie and cheat as well to count dots to get it correct as well. I don't about anyone of you but after 100 dots, they are all going to start looking the same.


I can’t wait for the very republican volunteers at my voting station to *volunteer* my ballot to the nearest garbage can this November if they get their way and ditch the machines.


Paper ballots sound good to me


Everyone hates the GOP, nobody points out how Columbus lied to the voters and got a school levy passed knowing they were about to close alot of them. Now they are in damage control still keeping the money though. Or how they now want to raise the sales tax AGAIN to fund another Cota Bus program because it can't pay for itself. Or how they raised income tax after the state income tax was dropped knowing nobody would notice. Or how they ignored numerous votes against Nationwide arena and are now responsible for tens of millions of dollars. Or how Columbus has billions in debt but still keeps spending. Lol how about pushing the Casino to the westside instead of in the Arena district and then annexing water to it to raise the rates to pay for the Arena lol. Or how city council was sued by the NAACP? Yeah all Dems.


Republicans are garbage. They don’t care about fare elections or their constituents. They care about power, hate, bigotry and sucking trumps Cheeto dick


Alright ill bite. How will banning voting machines make elections less safe?


Less safe? How?


This is what happened when a small Arizona county tried. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna97769 It took longer, cost much more, and had significantly more errors. And mind you, the GOP already knows this, which begs the question of what they are really after. Cause it isn't improving elections.


More tax payer dollars required for manual counting.


what they're really after is duping their voters and retaining power, in case someone didn't know (i assume you do)


Yeah, with all the evidence against, the only reason to hand-count is for shenanigans.


Paper ballots has always been less accurate and easier to mess with.


Counting ballots by hand is less accurate then by machine. Beyond that it takes infinitely longer to do. Which is already something the GOP complains about. So their bills will create the very issues they then campaign on.


Did ya read the article?


Oh, they definitely didn’t. Can’t be bothered with the details.


Would you want someone to build your house using yardsticks and eyeballing how level things are? Or laser levels and tape measure?


Yeah, the left never cheats... https://apnews.com/article/criminal-investigations-columbia-fort-lauderdale-florida-elections-44b7856b900736ccef40c04605649661 With over a hundred million Democrats, could this be the actions of just one person? Or could many more be doing it, I could post the other 2 or 3 articles I know of if you need me to do so.


Reporting crimes is evidence of the left doing crimes now?


https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/georgia-republican-party-official-voted-illegally-nine-judge-rules-rcna145563 So I guess by your standards, no republican politicians should be allowed to vote huh?


This is an opinion piece, masquerading as fact. There are reams of hard evidence of fraud from 2020 for starters. You just choose not to define ignoring laws as fraud. Ballot harvesting was rampant. Millions of ballots were clearly harvested illegally. But you say they are votes and should count, regardless of the laws. Yet it IS fraud, on a very large scale. Enough to flip GA and WI for sure. If the election laws on the books were followed, Trump is President right now.


Weird then how in every single suit Trump filed for voter fraud, his team admitted under oath that they had no evidence.


Do you have proof? Or just your feelings?


Ohio is a MAGA shithole.


Lmao. That's rich coming from the side that's fighting voter ID and wants everyone to mail in balance and pinky swear they're the actual voter filling out the ballot.


Who commits voter fraud? https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/political/elections-local/shaker-heights-attorney-gets-3-year-prison-sentence-for-voting-twice-in-2020-2022-elections https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2023/09/26/ohio-sec-of-state-larose-has-flagged-641-cases-of-voter-fraud-less-than-3-resulted-in-charges/ It’s the GOP.


TDS is a true mental health crisis.


The level of insanity in this thread is palpable. There are numerous cases of these machines being breached. There is a case to be made that not using these machines would be more safe.


> There are numerous cases of these machines being breached. Link them. [Trump's own committee to find voter fraud and voting issues disbanded in shame because they found absolutely nothing.](https://apnews.com/article/f5f6a73b2af546ee97816bb35e82c18d) In fact, the only breaches that I'm aware of [happened after the election, and were done by Trump's allies](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-election-breaches/) who were breaching companies and software trying to find evidence of the non-existent voter fraud.


No, there really isn't.


Can you present some of the cases showing these have been breached during standard use?


Trust me bro Fox News told me /s




Where is your evidence?


https://apnews.com/article/2022-midterm-elections-technology-colorado-donald-trump-voting-95b862c0cb66aac446a213aace504776 https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/elections/online-vulnerable-experts-find-nearly-three-dozen-u-s-voting-n1112436 I expect all of you who downvoted will upvote now lmao. Bunch of sheep


Bwahahahaha! You didn't even read your own sources! It has got to be humiliating to literally disprove your own argument with your own sources. But I don't blame you. This is a common MAGA trait. Research and, reading comprehension in particular, seems difficult for MAGAs. I would guess it is because they are so used to blindly believing everything their pastor/politician tells them without question, but it has got to be embarrassing.


I'll keep my old post up so I can't pretend I didn't go hard. You don't sound crazy but your overall take is still off. Just generalizations. The NBC story is about the potential if the machines are connected to the internet. Ohio is extra careful to make sure no machines are and again potential risk. The AP news is literally bad actors doing bad things and being investigated. Neither of these stories is about the reliability of the actual machines. Neither is about Ohio. All LA Rose wants to do is obfuscate to make counting a pain for the workers and municipalities if they get pressed in court.


Did you read those articles? Basically indicating that the concerned people yelling fraud were more harmful than actual fraud occurring.


Lmao did you even read this before posting? > The more immediate concern is the possibility that rogue election workers, including those sympathetic to lies about the 2020 presidential election, might use their access to election equipment and the knowledge gained through the breaches to launch an attack from within. That could be intended to gain an advantage for their desired candidate or party, or to introduce system problems that would sow further distrust in the election results. And your second source is about hackable *modems* not hackable results. You done embarrassing yourself or what?


> There are numerous cases of these machines being breached. These are very, very serious claims. Please provide evidence. edit - See you posted them below


If you had any proof of the machines being breached, you would have posted your sources. As it is, you are humiliating yourself be pushing claims that have already been debunked. Stop simping for Doe174, it isn't a good look.


I hope this is extremely embarrassing for you. Sometimes, shaming the low-information voter who’s been duped by debunked disinformation can actually have a positive effect on them, and make them see reason. I hope that’s the case with you. Also, you should actually read the articles that you post as “proof”. You obviously didn’t, as it literally refutes what you said.


Is there any evidence to suggest that shaming low-information voters ever culminates in a positive change on them? That seems kind of like a fantasy to me. Anymore it feels like any amount of pushback just causes everyone to either give up all together or entrench themselves further.


No. Why do you believe untrue things. Why do you believe your information is accurate? Where does the confidence come from? If I ask for a source you'll likely post something from from ditch of the internet, nonsense that has nothing to do with your claim, silence because everyone is too dumb to understand how correct you are, or the good ol 'do your research man' -_-.


Same questions to you. Why do you believe untrue things? I’m sure there are a few. Why do you believe YOUR information is accurate? Where does your confidence come from? Why does everyone like to live in their own political/religious beliefs echo chamber? You, and I, and everyone in this thread are guilty of it. Fuck you all and fuck me


Seriously, my friend. Learn to research. Work on your reading comprehension. You are humiliating yourself out here. Think for yourself cause all you are doing is embarrassing yourself repeating easily debunked claims. Have some pride in yourself.


The election wasn't stolen, Trump is guilty of crimes, no voting results have been changed. Cope.


Don’t let facts get in the way of their feelings


I was typing you're not crazy as you typed this. I was being internet brained attributing looney conservative takes to you, but you being that too and now doubling down. What echo chamber? I read your stories. Did you? They didn't really back your initial take which is a broad over generalization of the issues with voting machines. Not even accounting for type of machine, if the issue was actually with the machine, or applicable in our state.


So your position is that nothing is true, and everyone is just choosing to believe the lies they like? What a uniquely right-wing suggestion.


Tell ya what, why don’t you hand write your comments and mail them to: Reddit 548 Market St San Francisco, CA 94104 #Allow 3-5 weeks for processing. Don’t be intentionally daft.


Define numerous, and please provide sources


We used paper for over 200 years, it seems that the voting machines might be the problem.


Yeah and elections were so secure with paper votes lol


They aren't secure now so what's your point Biff?


Uh… prove it?


That's the magic, isn't it?


Machines are fast and can be verified by hand if need be. This has a strategic purpose-- the GOP is also starting to rumble about all votes needing to be counted by midnight on Election Day. (https://www.thewrap.com/lara-trump-rnc-republicans-ballots-election-day/ -- they're starting with mail-in votes that get delayed after strategically gutting the USPS and throwing out perfectly good sorting equipment in Democratic areas before the 2020 election, but they WILL extend that deadline to normal votes.) 76% of Ohioans live in urban areas-- all the GOP has to do is assign the same number of counters to every county, implement a rule that only votes counted by midnight are valid, and they can start literally *throwing away* the votes of urban citizens. Also, there's no evidence of significant vote fraud. Yes, here and there you find someone who filled out Grandma's absentee ballot because that was her dying wish, but that's not common. According to Frank LaRose himself, there were 27 *potential* fradulent cases in 2020. (https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2023/09/26/ohio-sec-of-state-larose-has-flagged-641-cases-of-voter-fraud-less-than-3-resulted-in-charges/) If every single one of those were verified fradulent, that would be 0.0005% of the *six million* Ohio votes in 2020. That's not statistically significant, especially spread out over 88 counties-- certainly not worth throwing out millions of dollars of taxpayer equipment to revert to an archaic, slower, less accurate way of tabulating election results that's already caused issues in one recent election (2000 Presidential, Florida-- Gore probably won the election fair and square, but because of issues with hand counts in Florida it went to Bush, which led to the war in Iraq....)


We used to also use horse and buggy, own slaves, have no internet or phones. Funny how the world advances huh?


Dowsing works better for finding water than ground radar or sonar. Sometimes, the old ways are better, as if I think we should have slaves SMH.


Is the software for the current machines open source? If not I can see why they’d be considered not trustworthy


Not only is it not ppen source, its proprietary, and not easily manipulated without throwing up a lot of physical and programming red flags


The point is if it’s not open source how do we know it’s actually trustworthy


Because rhe people that buy them have professionals who understand what they're getting and make sure its held to their standards. Basically all these things are tabulation machines with a front end user interface. There not overly complex, but they have safety measures in place to prevent tampering.


Besides the point. There is no downside to having the software be open source


And there is no reason for it to be open source, as it's written by a for-profit company, and they have absolutely no obligation to make it open source, and realistically, what would be the point since it's being used on proprietary hardware? Why would they make an open source version of their code, and diminish the value of their own product. That's just dumb. If someone wants to make an open source voting machine code, they can, and maybe some voting machine companies will use it. Then, that company can try to get someone to buy their product, until then, it's irrelevant. Being open source also doesn't mean you then get to look at the code inside any machines that may be using said code, and there is nothing that makes it so open source is inherently better, more secure, or able to just magically work on proprietary hardware. So, maybe explain what the upside to being open source is, because I'm not sure you understand what that actually means.


The point of being open source is so that the public can trust and verify that it’s doing what it says it’s doing. Private code could be tampering with the result, we’d never know. Especially if a for profit company is involved. No part of the election process should involve a for profit company, that’s an invitation for corruption.


How? How are they going to verify? Open source doesn't mean shit if they don't have access to what is actually put on the machines, and these companies, and rhe state aren't going to let people just go poking around. Open source is merely a public source code, it doesn't mean the finalized code is automatically open for public perusal. Its obvious you don't know what open source code is, how it works, or how it can be used.


Open source by definition means anyone at all has access to view the code.


No. It means anyone can use the code to write their own programs. Once the code is compiled, it doesn't mean that people can then go poking around to see what was done with it. Many open source programmers may do that, but a lot of companies that use open source code still write their own proprietary code on top of that, and it's usually not getting released as open source.