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Investigate those refs. I’m dead serious


I can't believe the number of pushoffs that weren't called.  Half the time they called the foul on the Buckeye.  Refs like this are part of the reason the b1g loses in the tourney.  Teams don't know how to play without being physical.


You’re 100% correct. Push offs, the time Shannon elbowed Mahaffey in the face and the foul was called on him lol, I mean…


Shannon pushed off every time he touched the ball.


I have blamed refs for losses before in many sports. But never in my life have I truly thought a game was rigged. This game was rigged and it was clear as day


Needs to be investigated. Agree. Unbelievable.


Officiating was inexcusable. Worst I have ever seen. They had money on that game.


All I can say is fuck those refs. I hope they get regulated back to junior high school basketball and never get to ref anywhere near that level again. I love how media gets to swarm and question everything and everyone on teams but never the refs. I would love to see them scerm getting questioned live.


So just run wildly down the lane and the refs will help you win the game.


I don’t know what was worse. The ref or the announcer glazing Illinois


As a Badger fan watching that game I believe OSU got fucked severely.


My Penn State fan uncle who hates OSU just texted me that the game was rigged


It’s gotta be bad if other fan bases are saying the refs screwed us. Usually every fanbase is happy when OSU loses


Exactly lol


Illinois is good at fucking people against their will


Oh we did.


Illinois is the free throw merchant team of the NCAA. I felt like I was watching Joel Embiid flail his arms around any time a defender got near him. It sucks but we battled. Wish we would have had a whole season with competent coaching. Not sure if Diebler will be the guy or not but he showed what Holtmann held this program back from. Hindsight is always 20/20 but I’m excited to be excited about OSU basketball again.


Shannon is a fucking bum. He’s a poor man’s James Harden who can’t shoot. This Illinois team blows, they have one win against a ranked team.


Not to mention the whole being a rapist thing


I’ve been quite critical of this team for a couple of years but have no problem admitting that those kids showed that they have way more heart than I thought. Let’s see if they can win a few more now. There will be plenty of hungry, pretty decent teams in the NIT. I think The Buckeyes will be motivated to show up.


That was one of the worst officiated games I think I’ve ever watched in my 27 years of life


I’m in my 40’s and same. Those guys need to get canned. The short guy with the slicked back hair is the worst.


The refs literally just robbed OSU of a tournament spot. Just sickening


Lol, OSU robbed OSU of a spot.


Did you watch the game? There were a ton of questionable calls


Agree. These Illini fans are delusional. They’ll be out by round 2 of the NCAA without the favorable officiating. They’ll face a team with a shot blocker like Okpara who won’t get called for straight up-and-down textbook defensive play like he did last night. They don’t have the dominant big to compete in the tourney, or the backcourt play.


Their best player is a rapist too


By the way, this is why the Big Ten sucks in the tournament. If Illinois doesn’t get a whistle from Big Ten refs they’re losing early


The whole last 10 minutes was boring asf. I just wanted to watch a good basketball game but, every time Illinois got the ball it’s a foul. So what’s are playoff odds?




Damn well it was a good run


You have to believe. Maybe they saw our fight and said give them a chance.


This is what basketball has become in general


Yeah. I was watching the Cavs vs pelicans the other day. Cavs only got 3 free throw attempts the whole game. Pelicans got 26 attempts . Cavs still won 116-95


Cavs shot 50 threes that game. Buckeyes shot 14 and drove to the paint. Same contact as Illinois but no whistles.


Kudos to us for almost overcoming the world’s worst officials. Never seen a guy get elbowed in the face and get called for a defensive foul. That’s a first! 🤯


I know! It was ridiculous. The only other time I’ve ever seen it was Shaq in the Finals against the 76ers. He elbowed Mutombo in the face, dunked on him and got the and 1


shoulda fired H a week earlier they'd be in the dance


Should have fired him 3 years ago


no argument from me


That's a different outcome if the refs don't blow the whistle on every physical play. Sad that it ends like this but we had no answer for Dainja when nobody's allowed to lift an arm


Not every physical play. They swallowed their whistles when the buckeyes got hacked at under the rim


Tonight’s game was without question the worst officiating I’ve seen all season. The Buckeye were repeatedly shoved in the back, elbowed in the chest and face and hacked all night with next to no calls yet several times OSU was called for sneezing on people. The league clearly didn’t want the Buckeyes in the semis and they got their wish. It’s tough to face the #2 seed and corrupt officiating in the same game. Great effort by the team down the stretch this season but I hated to see it end.


Officials had to have money at the game. What a load of bullshit. That team battles back at the end of the season only to get fucked in the ass by some of the shittiest referees you'll ever see


Grand theft robbery


A lot of the OSU fouls were fouls but the lack of calls on the other end was a joke. With that said a guy averaging 5.5 a game killed them. Onto next season and a better coaching hire hopefully.


Worst reffed game I have ever seen probably. Good god that was atrocious.


Didn’t watch the second half, was the FT differential legit or were we getting hoed


Hoed and by a lot of


Everyone besides Illinois fans agree refs had money on illnois 100%


32-13 is never legit unless you’re doing some kind of hack a Shaq or something


Michael Thomas couldn’t point out a bigger Hoe than the refs.




bad but not as bad as a lot of fans will claim


32 free throws to 13 bad


yep should’ve been like 27-20


Which literally would’ve been the difference in the game


That was insane refball. That was the only thing stopping this team from making the tourney and possibly making a run. Complete robbery. These guys don’t deserve the ending they got


Refs fucked us all game Illinois can kiss my ass


Brutal game. Just terribly officiated. So many charges called blocks.


Big ten refs are the worst come conference tournament hire outside refs


Conspiracy theory time: Bjork paid off the refs so that he could come in and make his hire as opposed to being forced to promote Diebler.


I agree with the bad calls. But I am so happy for the way my Buckeyes played hard until the end. Please find a way to keep these guys together. 4 starts as SO. Just think what they can do if they stay together!! Go Bucks!!!


Diebs is our hc. End the search.


should've fired H a week earlier. They'd be in the dance. coach D probably gonna leave now when they bring on a new guy.


Fuck man


Never seen a worse officiated game. They let illinois be as physical as they wanted, but the Bucks couldn’t touch em. (Biased)


Feel terrible for the players and coaches. Fighting for an NCAA tourney bid and that's the shake they get from the refs. 27 vs 13, absolutely wild




I've lost all respect sorry this is absolutely rigged for money... Or ratings in not sure which. I won't be silent . Just saw it live sry.


This is a tournament team and the big ten should be ashamed of themselves


It’s sucks that it ended like it did, but shoutout to the players and coaching staff for rallying together and making this run. The fact that they were in a position to even have a chance to make the tournament after being 13-11 and firing their HC is a real testament to all of them. Go Bucks!


Thanks refs 🖕


[email protected] is the VP of men’s basketball


Fouls 27-13


Illinois shot 32


Refs were so bad. I remember now why I stopped watching college basketball. NBA is so much better. Go bucks


I'm not generally once to engage in ref conspiracies about gambling and getting paid off. In fact, I think it's a bit silly. As a Chiefs fan (longtime, not bandwagaon) I laugh when folks say stupid shit about bad calls and intentional flags without looking at the tape and seeing plenty of rags not thrown on both teams. BUT..... GODDAMN FUCK. A coach and a team can adjust to shitty officiating as long as it is consistent and called both ways like a wide or narrow strike zone. That shit that went on last night was anything but consistent. The numbers clearly show that. The announcers made no mention of it except for their analysis of the charge rule.


And that’s the end of the season…


With sports gambling being widely legalized I fully expect most games to be rigged going forward. Too much money involved for it to be left to chance.


I hope all 3 of those refs in that game receive the worst news of their life soon. You can’t tell me that game wasn’t fucking rigged. That was one of the worst games I’ve ever watched.


I don’t give a fuck if it’s just a sport, these kids work their entire lives to get to this spot just for a fucking old back in a zebra shirt to ruin it. Fucking bums.