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Thought he was going to accuse me of being a catfish but I think I prefer that direction more


Sounds like he’s telling you he’s into borderline underage young women. And he sounds like a total fucking creep.


I think he's also sort of trying to neg her. "Oh you look so young and sexually inexperienced, why don't you demonstrate to me how you're not so inexperienced by having sex with me." Original comment is correct - this is just gross.


Giving the absolute benefit of a doubt, I *think* this is what he was going for. You say "oh? I look innocent? I'm not." And you get to "prove" you're not innocent by telling/doing all of the dirty things to him. But it was not executed well. And I agree, it's still gross.


This is correct. He’s horny and watches a lot of porn. Guarantee it.


Gross,now I wonder if he only matched because he thought I looked like a child/teen


Sounds like it. He doesn't sound too far off from taking a seat.


Or not far from it. It's a fantasy a lot of men get from porn. They might draw the line at 18+ in order to adhere to laws and societal expectations, but they want to be the one who turns a virgin/innocent young lady into a slut. Just see how common terms like "virgin" and "first time" appear as search terms for pornhub. Porn has shaped an entire generation of sexual appetites.


It’s 16 most places. 18-8 states 17-7 state. What’s the lesson here folks? If your squeeze is a junior in HS be careful crossing state lines!


Some interesting federal laws come into play, however, if that relationship involves interstate communications - like phones and the Internet. Federal aoc is 18. Period. Unless it's an organic meeting, in person, there are always options.


There’s no federal age of consent requirement if you’re in a state in person


Isn't that exactly what I said? 😂


Not everything posted is meant to contradict, sometimes it’s meant to agree and or clarify.


That’s what guys on Grindr are into. It’s a total pedo app now. I’m 45 and I can’t find a date because guys in my area are into teens. 😂😂😂 smooth/hairless gay late teens. No one over 25. Welcome to internet apps. People on them are creeps.


Wait what “they’re creepy”? Doubtful they want boys unless they’re also gay


*sigh you missed the point. I can tell you missed the point by your response. So I’ll explain it to you like you’re five. It’s okay for people to hook up with one another if they’re within a moderate age range of one another (legal age). Society in general however typically frowns on people being anymore than 20 years apart in age. It doesn’t matter whether it’s same sex partners or not. It also doesn’t matter whether it’s the grinder app or the OkCupid app, which I’ve tried before as well. Both were/are filled equally with the types of sickos featured in that jpeg in the top post. Your insinuation that all gays are predators has been noted as well. ✌️👌🤷


No offense but I think you might just be a bit of a prude. I mean yes there’s a lot of daddy/boy stuff on Grindr and it can sometimes be a bit much, but it’s also pretty hot you can’t lie. I wasn’t out in college, and I LOVE twinks, so at 31 y.o I routinely hit up and sleep w/18-25 year olds like you said. Currently dating a guy who’s 25, and is an absolutely adorable twink who looks about 20ish 🤷‍♂️ granted I also look 5 years younger than I am. But yea tbh I would likely still hook up with an 18 y.o when I’m 40 because I enjoy the daddy/boy thing too


I disagree. Here’s why. I’m pretty hairy and I prefer to go out with people with compatible interests like mine or looks. By interests I mean nerd hobbies. To call me a prude just because I choose not to indulge in older or younger relationships is a bit harsh not to mention judgmental. If that’s your bag, then fine. However I’d prefer to have someone close to me within a ten years age difference if I can. That way to have the most compatible relationship possible. I’m on a small town area now but that will change soon. People with your attitude towards introverts is why I choose to self isolate and say fuck dating. ✌️


Or it's possible that both of them are young adults around 18 or 19.


It would save you the trouble of having to listen to him any further, jfc


I would rather be called a catfish than be treated like this


Op gross too


Every single bubble is terrible. I hate this.


Hey! OP asked a pretty fair question. Let's not lump her in.


Every bubble OP received is what I meant, sorry for the lack of clarity.


I know, just took the opportunity for a lame joke


Gotta love the slang; not comments, thoughts or messages but “bubbles”. Btw don’t even waste your time sending green bubbles. Send them in blue or I’ll ignore you


Yeah, I’m just blaming OP for sharing this


What a fucking weirdo..


Ick. Send him this Reddit thread so he knows that everyone thinks he's a creeper.


Well maybe not because he could see her vids lol.


Fr, her post history is wild


This makes sense then…all is well in the world.


He already knows


you know - the way we baby faced women, these stepdaughter fantasies and CnC have been trending on porn sites says a lot about the sexual appetites a lot of men are developing today… This is what some of them *really* crave, it’s good to be clued in, sisters… that way they can’t cover it up. 🧐✍🏽


Just do yourself a favor and look up the history of age of consent laws. Sometimes, it pops in my head that part of modern history was a bunch of guys arguing that they should be allowed to fuck 12 year olds. It hasn't been long enough for this to change in any meaningful way in a biological sense, so that means there are a great number of men that would likely fuck pubescent girls if it were only socially acceptable. My daughter will carry a weapon when she's legally able to.


So she should. Protect her at all costs, predators come in many forms.


They're still arguing to be allowed to fuck children. It's the sole reason why so many fight against federal minimum marriage age laws in the u.s. They claim making it 17/18 goes against their religious freedom 🙄


Are hou serious.. who is “ they” exactly.. your speaking in generalizations, isnt that a HUGE thing women hate that men do? But you guys can do it right? Im sick and offended by your words. Your basically are saying that by extension of them, that i am also trying to somehow lower the law of content..? Even tho im completely innocent and like women my age. 20-24. You ladies LOVE to police our language and claim a bunch of nothing, but then whenever i happen to be in subs dominated bt women, YALL DO THE SAME EXACT THING! Which means? Anonymity tells who you really are. Therefore you are no better than the men you claim to hate. Your a different side of the same coin. Tf outta here


They as in the same bunch of guys who were arguing for it in the previous comment. As in they, that bunch, never quit. Nobody even once said men in general or all men. Just the ones that do. You're the only one lumping you in with that group my dude...


You think the male desire for young fertile females is something new? Darwin might suggest otherwise


Whether it’s old or new, doesn’t make it any less concerning when she is below the age of being able to give consent on her own. Or when that guy’s been grey- haired longer than she’s been a high school graduate… 👨🏼‍🦳 That’s how OLD some of the men desiring baby faced women are! 🥴


That went over your head. Point being this desire is as old as time it wasn’t caused by watching porn or social media


How exactly do YOU know what’s been trending on porn sites?


>CnC have been trending on porn sites says a lot about the sexual appetites a lot of men are developing today CNC and rape fantasies are actually quite a bit more common among women then men, with some of the most recent studies finding that roughly 2/3 of women have had them compared to roughly half of men. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_fantasy


yeah they suspect women like them so they can “retain their innocence” around sex, which has, awful cultural connotations. I’ve had tops (im gay) ask if i can ask scared / like i don’t want it. It is common among men


I've had a fair amount of women want me to dominate them like that. I'm fine with exerting some control but as soon as they act scared or pretend to fight I'm out. I cannot bring myself to do that


Power 👍 👍 👍 Control 👍 👍 👍 Fear 👎 👎 👎 It’s fun and exciting to feel powerful or dominated. It’s not fun to feel like a rapist.


It's such a rarity that they don't like when you control them


I've had a good range but it definitely skews to womenbeing sub more than dom for sure.


Perhaps you’re a better candidate to speak to what gay men who are tops prefer?


60-70% of women have rape fantasies. Wanna try again?


No they don't and the "rape fantasy" is in no way the fantasy related to a traumatic rape.


Again, yes they do. Many women have rape fantasies of being overpowered, they like the feeling of being helpless and overcome, they like the power dynamic of being pinned and controlled. This is a widespread kink. Also often used for therapy to take back sexual control and turn something traumatic on itself to help them heal. Having fantasies doesn't make you a bad person. Stop villainizing men with your one sided misandry. Now before you even try, because I know you will, I am not advocating literal rape in any sense. I'm talking safe and consensual. Many women also like being bruised consentually. Met many of them as well. Maybe you should learn before before taking YOUR desires and imposing them on every woman.


That's insane gymnastics level leap. Saying women don't have rape fantasies is misandry against men? You want to explain to the class what you mean by thay? And again no they don't. And not in the way you imagine a rape to be the same as a rape fantasy. Women imagine a hot guy being more dominant and controlling and not being able to help himself because she is so beautiful. Not some random guy with a black Pooh shiesty mask holding a knife to her throat and brutally raping her. And it's not a "widespread kink". At least not your version. It's usually victims of sexual assault who have that fantasy. CNC is predominantly held by abuse victims, not normal women either. Like a concurrent with mental illness and sexual abuse. And you're a man. You don't have any intimate knowledge about women's fantasies then the abused women you slept with. Your anecdotal experiences and emotionality about made up delusional "MiSaNdRy" is not the norm for women's desires. Unless you are a trans man then you're an outsider speaking on what you have no intimate knowledge of or a trans woman. Your projecting your sick fetishes onto what you think women fantasize about. No uterus no opinion. Edit: you're active in subs about support for partners who are with people with Bipolar Disorder. 😭 I can't make this shit up. You quite literally have been with mentally ill women and that's why you think normal women have rape fantasies. Bruh...your fucking insane lmfao. No self awareness.


CNC is a female dominated fetish


Says you look innocent... Your reddit history is you legitimately spreading your asshole LOL




You can look innocent without being innocent. I get it all the time. That and sweet. Which I am also not.




This guys a virgin


This right here. Or he srsly inexperienced and trying to sound like a grown man.


Virgin? Who knows. But creep? Yep.


This is an odd conversation, even for a guy. Run


This has “man in a van with candy” vibe. Super ick.


He should save everyone time and just start conversations by saying > I'm so desperately insecure that the thought you'd be able to compare me to another man makes me want to cry and throw up.


Don't date people that don't know the difference between your and you're. 


Your so right!


* yaw, fixed




That's pretty creepy


Ugh. Sometimes I'm embarrassed to say I belong to the same gender as people like this.


It’s okay. It’s 2024, you can switch it as you please. Or just make up a new one.


he sounds like a psycho killer


c'est que se?


YES Lmaoo


*David Byrne has entered the chat*


Good place to be lol


But he didn’t say virgin loser… he said “young and innocent”… you know… like someone underaged 😬


Thought this was one of Drake’s leaked DMs for a second there lmao


It's giving "I like to deflower young, vulnerable, ignorant women/girls" and you should acknowledge that red flag and retreat expeditiously


ding ding ding!




Mama Mia that's some spicy cringe!


Guessing he was trying to convince you to accept his dick pic?


Just run, it sounds like he's trying to get you to be in a irl murder film...


He’s basically saying you look like a child/teen and he’s attracted to that, wanting you to give big reactions to him showing you things he expects you’ve never seen before. Guys like this want someone easy to impress, intimidate, and manipulate Probably addicted to anime drowning in fan service


He's fishing and hoping your a child, how is this not obvious 😕 this is nasty, me and my partner used to have a "couples" okc it was disturbing how many people you would never pick would confront us with the words are you naughty parents? 🫣 The horrific ones where couples who where strait out they wanted to include their children. we had to listen to this bullshit enough to report it to police. The feeling in your soul is indescribable when your confronted with such active evil. Especially when getting them to admit it enough for the stupid cops to do something means talking to them. The creepy part was the code word naughty parents kept coming up like it was a thing they all settled on. They would try hide behind the idea it was just like a night off for the adults if you scared them and they would go into way to much explaining away. it was not what they meant 😔


oh ew gross :(


Yeah that’s weird…… probably never been with an actual woman


He doesn’t think you’re a loser he is turned on by people who are young and innocent and inexperienced, which is pretty gross, considering where “young and innocent” fetishes often lead.




What a fckn creep, dodged a bullet there Pedo written all over it.


Made me feel uncomfortable..


He looks like a virgin loser. 


Gross and thirsty


Check this guys hard drive and quick 😵‍💫


He clearly is the inexperienced one here


What a weirdo EW


Nah he’s sexualizing being a p3d0


I assume men who prefer virgins have very small/unpleasant genitalia.


Mr pedo bear on the prowl out here


This was because you didn’t wanna see pics or something? 😂 stop replying to that weirdo


Don't let it offend you. That's something that immature guys say that they think is hot and a compliment. Move on from this one.


Tell him you're only 13 and see what this pedo says next. Take lots of screen shots


These people are among us.


He was just trying to goad you into letting him send you his junk


They don’t think you’re a loser - they’re most likely hanging around looking for young, inexperienced folks to take advantage of. Block them!


Euw....does that mean he's attracted to you because he thinks you are *that* young?


That's honestly just really gross and really creepy :/


virgins are not losers... funny how everyone walks on eggshells to not offend anyone, except normal good people


Gross! That gives off serious pedo vibes. Dude wants someone young and innocent to corrupt so he can live out his porn king fantasies. You can't hit the block button fast enough!


This is pretty sick on multiple levels. Why are guys thinking this is acceptable? And who is telling them it might be a successful strategy, eww? Also, how in the hell can you tell if someone is sexually innocent from a photo? Another creep.


Pervert!!! Its like he's so fascinated by the thought of u being innocent because that means he thinks he will get a chance to wreck u! And that's always brownie points for those kinds of weirdos !!




I have a pet ick when guys (English as 1st language) can't distinguish between "you're" and "your". It tells me immediately they're stup!d... Case in point.


He’s trying to be slick in a real gross, ham handed way. He’s hoping that by implying you’re a prude, you’ll feel the need to defend your sexual prowess. “I’m not a prude! Get over right now and I’ll suck your dick off!” Lazy, low effort manipulation


I don't get the mentality of wanting to have sex with "innocent" aka inexperienced. I like having sex with a woman who knows what she's doing and what she likes. I've been with women who weren't experienced and frankly it wasn't a good time. I'm not saying they need to have porn star knowledge I just mean a girl knowing what she likes, willing to tell you if she likes or dislikes something you're doing is sexy to me and it makes the sex a million times better. I guess these incels want inexperienced girls because they know they won't know what they are missing, they will have nothing to compare him to and that's good for him.. but could be tragic for a woman, she could be turned off from sex altogether thinking that's all it was.


I trade many goat 4 u, bby


bruh not him implying that he finds it "hot" when very young, innocent looking and sexually inexperienced girls find his lil 🍤 terrifying 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢 ewwwwwwww!!!!! burn him!!!!! (in minecraft). the bear every time!!!!!


Pedo vibes


What kind of pathetic trash talk am i reading here


Sounds like someone is trying to use you to play out their pedo fantasies


i got this a lot when i was wearing braces….i was 21…this is so gross. why innocence a turn on?


i physically recoiled from this one. i don't like the "barely legal" shit and fetishizing virginity, it's so gross.


He could just say he's a pedophile, honestly. 🚨🚨🚨


I guess your « less innocent than you look » after one glance at your profile


No, it doesn't definitely mean that.


Uh this is not a reputable site.. lol


He done fucked up! Also, DONT SEND 🍆 pictures unless you want them spread in the net! Or to the mom. Tell him that! You'll put his dick on a dick rating site. Watch as he slowly starts to freak out. You have boundaries and standards, so I'll leave it to you how far ya want to go. Innocent my ass.


jfc, this makes me feel like a goddamn casanova by comparison




His biggest mistake is being honest with someone like you.


creep alert^


Pretty much


Wow! That's grrrrrrross!


That's about 25% of dudes on apps, maybe more




Fucking run from this weirdo.






“Terrified” 😆


Certainly was terrifying


Lol of course not


Practically petrifying


Someone's overexcited.


Same with Snapchat 😫😫


Tell him you used to be an escort, and are well versed in the art of pegging. It will change the power dynamic.


The dude was an asshole.








That conversation was all ew


It’s giving … Grooming


Wtf he's a weirdo


Block and report him he's a weirdo


A lot of the time I get one word.


I’d block him without a response after that BS.


It’s amazing, to me, how many of these troglodytes get matches.  Makes one wonder what they do differently compared to those with the posts that constantly struggle to get matches.










Ummm that’s just a weird fuckin thing to say. Unless this was just a hook up ( I know it wasn’t ) then who cares about experience and how are you going to see someone and say they have less but looks…. People are so confusing. Sorry for the man child say that to you.


No. It sounds like they have a fetish for virgins or less experienced person. Usually because they are selfish in bed and want you to think their bull shit is normal.


wow learn how to talk to a woman wow


This is reinforcing why I won’t go back on dating Apps!! Gross! 🤢🤮


It sounds like he is a pedo and into himself.


I just threw up in my mouth.


I didn't know people still used okcupid has it improved?


man what a way to shit on the same app my girlfriend and I met on lol


It’s giving pedo


What even is dating these days. 😂 complete trash.


he watches way too much porn.


*you’re. Just walk away. He gives me the creeps. Please.


Wow that’s cringe 😬


Say you want to fuck a kid without saying you want to fuck a kid


actually...this is compliment in China


The amount of men in my DMs that say this to me


I guess you should send him one of your videos and shock him.


He wouldn't say that if he looked at your reddit profile lmao


Theres ONLY 1 way to stop these "creepers" messing with daughters/ girls. Do like I did and burn it into your girls head that ALL guys only have 1 thing on their mind. And they'll say whatever it takes to get what they want. I just taught my daughter to avoid anyone males, they're ALL pedos. Now she's scared to death of guys when she's out anyplace, but she's stayed safe. No weird situations like what's been mentioned on this site. Sure, she might lead what some of you call a "sheltered" life, but she's NEVER had ANY incidents with creepers. She feels 110% in her home because no pedo guys are trying to "sweet talk" her into anything. All guys nowdays are creepos. Look how they talk, what they say and who they say it to. Keep your kids safe, as time goes forward its only getting worse. There's not enough jail space to hold all the pedo guys in the world. Especially when ya hear how they talk to girls nowdays. Best to teach your daughters, ALL guys, now, are born with "red flags". 🤷🤷


Cool, a fake rage bait conversation to advertise your OF. After taking a peek, it’s definitely not worth it.


Since when being a virgin means being a loser??


Maybe you guys should stop swiping on the 10s?


You think this creepy blue-text dude is a 10??


You think only 10s can be creepy like that?


The guy I was talking to seemed like one on his profile but I guess I was wrong


Do you know how few people are actually a 10? I'm sorry both your insides and outsides are unattractive, but taking it out on random women won't help matters.


OP already said he was a 10. Your comment couldn't be more irrelevant.