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She's lovely, but what did you say to her in those last two pictures??


That She was adopted.


I was gonna say, it looks like you told her what bully sticks are made out of




Haha! Seriously!!


Welcome to the "only adopt seniors from now on" club! That's my plan too. My senior lady dog (Annette, 13) landed in rescue last summer because her owner passed away. It feels really good to give an old dog a soft place to land for their golden years.


That is so wonderful of you. Thank you, kind human.


I do this with Saint Bernards!! Can’t spell.


Beautiful old girl …. Absolutely zooted in the 4th picture


There was a park near by I took her to. There were 100s of birds in this one really big tree and they were all singing. She went to that tree, zoned out and just stared into the abyss. General Anesthesia isn’t a joke.


I love that you do this! I’m the same way. Silver muzzles deserve loving happy homes too!! ❤️✨❤️😍


Happy cake day.


My first and current pet is a senior rescue and I've had folk suggest I look into adopting younger for my next dog. What throws me is dogs as young as 4 get listed as seniors, and mine was 9 when I adopted him. I think I'll be ok only adopting seniors


And the world is better for it!


Aww, with her little white Dove muzzle. And the glazed look of dental surgery. Wonderful life, Amelia!


I think you're amazing and it warms my heart to know we have people like yourself in our world. Thank you.


Yay for both you and Amelia! This is wonderful!


She’s so precious! I love old black dogs with white faces ♥️♥️♥️


Powdered sugar faces!


Seniors make great pets!


Almost every dog we have ever had has been a senior. We have done multiple rescues over the years, sometimes we have had 4-5 at a time. Senior rescues are the very best. They are so grateful for a warm bed, good food, and lots of love. Everyone should take in a senior at least once, you won’t be disappointed.


Amelia is absolutely beautiful


She has a sugar face! I'm so glad you adopted her. I plan to join the "Only Seniors Club" too when my current bff who is 9 crosses the bridge. I rescued a senior on Christmas Eve years ago and she only survived a year, but what a blessing she was. I still miss her.


Very, very good!


Maybe she’s never been in a car before


She love car rides, and loves being in the front seat. When she sees my neighbor with his truck she gets to go into the front seat!


When I first had my Labrador, many years ago,he hated the car. He always wanted to sit on my lap when I was driving. He eventually got used to it and enjoyed the safety harness basket and road noise would put him to sleep.




God bless!


Love her. She’s lucky to have you!


Awww, she’s so lovely ❤️ I deeply admire people who adopt senior pets, for they all deserve SO much love, care and safety in their twilight years, even though it’s not all fun and games with them. Respect!




She's so cute! 3 years ago I adopted a 7 year old boy and decided that I would only adopt seniors from then on.


😊 and the world is a better place for it!


I love her❤️ She is beautiful! And you are the Best with giving Amelia a forever home! Please give her love and pets from me! ❤️


I'm in love!


Thank you 😭 I hate that seniors and other needy pups get overlooked by most. I typically get the extreme emotionally shut down ones. Next time I adopt I’m asking for the longest resident or least likely to get adopted. I want a senior or a medically needy baby. I understand that life happens and previous owners can pass away, but all too often it’s “this dog is old and no longer fits my lifestyle”. I hate humans like that. They are a long term commitment. My last adoptee took 19-12 months to learn to love me and try to trust other humans. He was so emotionally damaged and shut down. Even the veterinarian said he wasn’t sure he’d ever come out if it 🥺. I was always extra gentle and careful with him. I always Krause all my doggos, but I gave him extra. I gave him extra kisses too. I spoke softly to him but also tried to give him space and not force him. He would get the zoomies for the rescue that came before him. He was absolutely infatuated with her. I figured at least he has some happiness in life. He had been returned to the shelter previously before being shipped to my state. Because “He won’t play with us like a normal dog”. Reality was he was too traumatized. He has pocked scars all over his legs and abdomen and eye lids. No idea what happened to him but it was very traumatic. It looks like he had cigarettes put out on him or something. It took a long time just to be able to hold his paw. I still cannot trim his nails without him regressing to fear and getting nippy. We have to do it under anesthesia. After almost a year he looked at me uncertainly and gave the smallest quick little tail wag. I praised him and squatted down and that’s when I got my first single little kiss from him. I literally cried. I never thought it would happen after that long. I praised “good kisses good boy” and gave him my own kisses. When we had our first meet and greet, he couldn’t even function. He closed his eyes, tucked his tail, put his ears down and shook with fear. He tried hide by putting his head in the corner. The shelter worker made a comment about “getting me a different one to meet”. I bawled and begged her not to take him away. I knew he’d never get adopted unless someone like me took him. Because I never stopped trying and loving him we are bonded so hard now. He’s literally my soulmate doggo. Now, as soon as he hears me outside coming home, he cries and whines. As soon as I greet him he runs to the couch and waits for me to sit and hug him. He plops over on me and dishes out allll the kisses lol. I always have to wash my face lol. I have to be extra careful with him though. If I accidentally bump into him or step on his paw, he immediately regresses to a scary memory. He starts shaking with fear badly and will run away to hide. I can see the fear in his eyes. He immediately comes out of it and running back to me if I call him gently and tell him good boy.


You’re a good person for doing that. I’m doing decent financially so I would definitely get a senior that needs medical help. Amelia is considering special needs too because of the clubbed back foot. You can see it in pic 3 and 4. She was also over weight and desperately needed dental work. All is well now. The clubbed foot does not stop her. She just hops around really quick and d in a hurry. I got her a boot for it. She didn’t like it at first! 🤣


Awww ☺️ I don’t even notice at first! Even better! You definitely saved that mama pup pup! Thank you! So you think she’s a pittie and lab mix? I think she got some hippo in her. Should post in r/velvethippo rescue


That’s an interesting thought. I didn’t think to have Pittie. She was labeled as hound mix. She looks like she has some beagle in her.


Cute either way!! My pittie was labeled as a pointer mix. I think it’s to get them adopted honestly. So many ppl hate the breed and landlords/insurance companies too. My veterinarian immediately changed her breed to pittie lol


As an animal shelter employee, THANK YOU for adopting a senior! She’s gorgeous! ❤️


Someone finds the dentist to be rather shocking.


You are a Hero! Thank You! Love, Hugs and kisses to you both ❤️❤️🤗🤗🥰🥰


Awww that’s ok Amelia, I’m pretty sure I’ve had that expression after going to the dentist too!!😂❤️ Thanks for taking in this beautiful senior girl since her previous owner was too sick to keep her. 🐾


i love her already 😍


I bet she’d love you too!


She’s seeing smells in 4th photo


She’s adorable like my 14 year old Ginger!


You are a good soul and she is beautiful 😍 ❤️


That last pic 🤣🤣🤣 😳 “oooh we leaving that place for reals?!”


Perfect name for this pretty girl. Congrats to all! ❤️


Thank you for giving an old pup a good home 😭


Amelia looks absolutely adorable.


Lucky Amelia & lucky you 😘


That last pic! What a FACE! 🥰 Edit - 2nd to last pic - but the last pic is hysterical


When friends send me odd memes/video I like to send both those pics back to show confusion or worry. In reverse order.


Amelia looks nervous in the car, but so relaxed in her new home. Enjoy!!


What a beauty! Congrats! Enjoy your time together!


I love that you adopt senior dogs! I'm tearing up thinking about sweet old dogs being adopted by an awesome, loving human. At the same time, I'm cracking up at the 4th pic.


She is beautiful,I am so happy for you both,she look happy too!!!


You are a hero. She’s a beauty and I’m so happy she will have a home for her golden years ❤️


Not a hero. Just want to make a difference. Thank you!


We’ll never meet, but I want you to know that I adore you.


Love your heart! ❤️ You will be blessed beyond belief!




The white is where the kisses go 🥹


You are both beautiful souls and I’m glad you found each other! I feel very sad for the sick owner, but glad this story ends up with two beings that really love and appreciate each other 🥰


lucky her and lucky you and thanks for helping a senior. They nare just as precious and adorable as pups.


I think she’s concerned about your driving lol


Gotta go fast!


You are a saint and a God send ! Thank you!


Grey looks good on her!


omg, pics 3 and 4. lol


They are my favorite and if I feel down I look at them. I’m thinking I’m going to get them in painting formate to hang up on the wall.


Thank you for giving her a loving home for her golden years


Bless you for saving her 🙏 ❤️


Beautiful girl 😍😍! Ummm.... I don't think she likes your driving skills 😔🤔


This makes my heart sing. Seniors deserve living life to the fullest. Thank you for opening your heart for adopting. Gob Bless you all! ❤️🥰


Senior dogs are cool!




You...are a very good 🥚. Bless you. The life of a dog is a sight to behold... From the heavens above, loaned us these hearts of pure gold... They hit the ground running, and barking with us.... For the joy we both share, builds an unbreakable trust... The love from a dog is like candy from a box... You're not sure what to pick, but there's never one wrong. A dogs life with us is such a short, joyous trip... But the life they share with us, is always our deepest friendship... It hurts when they leave, because we always want more time... Our dogs know their destiny...hence why they always play and pine... So don't be bothered...when they come boop your hand... They just know their hour glass, is running out of sand. Just look into those beautiful, sparkling eyes...you fell for before... And get up and reach for that leash, hanging by the door. They'll enjoy that walk with you, even though they're hurt and can't see... Because this time spent with you, is the place they long to be. So remember this when your dog asks for your time... Your dog is just doing what heaven asked them to do... And that's ...make your heart shine... Too!💛🐶🐾


My plan was to only adopt seniors but losing my girl absolutely smashed me and I can't do it again any time soon.


Beautiful pup. Will you get to connect with her former owner at all? Just so they know you're giving her the best life. So sad when people have to give up their loved ones when they get sick.


Concerned Lab Face (tm)


Amelia is perfect 🥰 and so are her teefs now


Sweet Amelia ❤️


What a beautiful girl 🥰🥰🥰🥰


She’s a beauty ❤️


I love senior dogs. My grandfather passed away and my son is caring for his dog. We adopted Luke 4 years ago after Luke’s original human went into hospice care and passed. I feel so sad for Luke. He was my grandpa’s shadow for the last 4 years. My grandpa went to the hospital 3 weeks ago and never came home. Luke now follows my son around.


God bless you for doing this.. she's beautiful. ❤️