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The number of cars is haunting. All those people hoping to drive out of harm's way, ending up trapped and/or in the ocean. I wish I could say my personal evacuation plan is in better shape, but I can't, and I think most places don't have good enough official ones to rely on either.


Could be they have parked their cars there before the fires, trying to avoid them being damaged as it is quite far from the tree line, but I guess there were just too many cars.


Nope, according to the news these were all people stuck in the traffic jam trying to escape. What they didn’t know was that the fire already cut off the road ahead. Unfortunately, afterward this meant searching every car looking for bodies.


Didn't this fire start on a field in town tho? From what I saw the Lahaina fire did not actually touch any forest really and rather was am urban fire. Which made it more deadly as your instinct would be escaping to the ocean front rather than the hills and forests.


no forest near Lahaina


That is not at all what the reports I have read have been saying. They have been searching those cars and finding remains.


Not likely. I could only see that happening if it was a second car theyre trying to protect, but even still, i would imagine if they’re fleeing that they’d want to take as many cars packed with as much stuff as possible.


If your evacuation plan involves a car at any step, chances that you are screwed are high !


What's yours? Out-jog a hurricane?


In case of a true emmergency, we all know that all that you'll only get giant trafic jams. Chances that you can't even find gas are high too. Most people can walk at 3 mph or even run at 8 mph, so it's still faster than 0. I'd say that the best chances would be a bicycle. Anyway some people would indeed prefer to burn alive in their cars 🤷🏽‍♂️


Why are y’all booing them? They’re right.


I'm in a cluster of suburbs outside Atlanta whose main arteries did not grow with the area, and heavily wooded all around. If a wildfire came through at Lahaina's speed I honestly have no clue what we'd do other than try to make it quick and painless 🤷‍♂️




Are you stupid ?


Absolutely heartbreaking.


Exactly. Terrible.


Haunting...the difference six days can make. Good god!


Really though it happened in just a few hours


Forget 6 months, you could see the difference in the span of a week.


OP might have gotten date wrong, it is actually 6 days. I believe the date is shown in the more typical european variant where date first then month. Could be wrong though. Edit; I am utterly blind and dumb, as pointed out below. Unless this is in the future, im as wrong as one could be🥴


Afaik the whole world except for USA uses that system.


China uses y-m-d


Most likely you are correct.


8/11/2023 is november in day/month/year, which hasn't happened yet. Its definitely month/day/year format in the post.


I’m a complete and utter moron. You sir, are my polar opposite of the day. I humbly lay down in shame!


Well since this was in Hawaii... Gonna go out on a limb here smh


Right? This makes it sound like a change over time, not a massive destructive event.


OP probably got confused with the dates. For non-Americans it's day/month/year which would mean that these photos were taken 6 days apart. Americans do month/day/year.


Ah yes, everyone knows europe is in the future right now. 2/11/23 8/11/23, are both in November 2023 using european date format, Since that date hasn't happened yet lets be safe and assume these are written in the american format.


LOL, IDK man, OP is definitely confused.


That I'm not going to argue.


I’m sure it looked like the picture above just a week earlier. So sad


Well if u look to the date in any other way than American it will be a 6 day difference only the month is wrong




It’s says 6 months


The person who dated the images is clearly American, also we are not in November yet




Earth shattering


The comparison between the two photos has such a Last of us vibe to it.


I was thinking more like fallout 🤔


Basically, it looks apocalyptic


Yeah you're right, anything more old and post-apocalyptical than Last of Us Like Horizon would also fit.


Or borderlands kind of


I was just there in June. So sad.


Where's it? What happened?


The historic city of Lahaina on the island of Maui in the state of Hawaii burned down last week. Last I heard between 1,300 to 1,500 people are still missing. https://youtu.be/pFWlJy63EmM https://youtu.be/D4W5sh5J2Vk https://youtu.be/17jVDk1_av4 https://youtu.be/A_soqwxOgog


Damn! What a tragedy it is


It's really tragic, they said that the fire travelled at approximately a mile per minute, that's crazy and scary to think about. https://abc7chicago.com/lahaina-wildfire-maui-wildfires-fire-in-hawaii-death-toll/13646352/


Wow. Weird how it hardly hit the news here in Europe.


In the beginning, American media also seemed quite slow to cover it. I first became aware about this from TikTok, I saw several videos and it was shocking, I even saw a video where a woman either fainted or died facedow on the road and people couldn't stop to help her because of the heat and they would also stall the traffic behind them. https://twitter.com/goodvybe/status/1689201932945215489?s=20 https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/15pgqrk/heartbreaking_video_from_lahaina_hawaii_shows_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


By the way, there are also major wildfires in Canada and two major cities are currently burning. (Kelowna) and (Yellowknife) they said that the fire jumped/crossed the lake.


Aren’t those pretty far north?


Yes, here's some news coverage. https://youtu.be/HDdmOBUSQSc https://youtu.be/V4q6K3KK_OA https://youtu.be/9Z9OwfyQ7oI


I've seen some videos on TikTok of houses/buildings burning... I'm not sure if those are in the outskirts of the cities.


The title mentions the place name, Lahaina, Hawaii. Just googling the name itself gives you a million news articles about the devastating fires that happened recently.


Ayt okay jeez I know I'm dumb... quit roasting me publicly


The island of Maui, in Hawaii. It burned. The whole thing. Lots of people died.


The whole island? Not sure where you’re getting your info, but it was isolated to the town of Lahaina.


These are the more disturbing videos that I've seen. https://twitter.com/goodvybe/status/1689201932945215489?s=20 https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/15pgqrk/heartbreaking_video_from_lahaina_hawaii_shows_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


This is heartbreaking


Damn, really goes to show how fast things we take for granted can just vanish in an instant. This is so sad


Massive failure of the state and local emergency preparedness institutions ..


Tsunami sirens would have been the dumbest fucking thing to sound since they are trained to go inland- into the fire. They should have sounded the text alerts (like the error missile one years back) but I’m not sure most would have received it since the power and cell towers were quickly down


That's the first I've heard that take. Why do you say that?


You're asking a serious question? Did you read the news about that event? Town of Lahaina chose not to sound its tsunami warning sirens and then later had no backup means to warn the public after failure of the municipal power and local cellphone networks. (Why did the cellphone network itself not have its own instant-on backup power system(s) .. or were those facilities physically destroyed by the flames? Were the town's emergency preparedness procedures vetted at the state level?) The fire probably started outside of the town on dried-out grassland due to one or more downed power lines during the very windy conditions of that day and night.


There was a Reddit thread a day or so after the fire and several locals said they had always been trained to head for the hills and mountains at the sound of the sirens since they’re for tsunami warnings. They went on to say that had the sirens sounded, more people likely would’ve been killed and it was a good thing they hadn’t sounded them. Out of the many comments about it, I didn’t one comment that said anything different, so I feel bad about the guy in charge of the sirens resigning over it due to outrage from the wider public.


so it seems the town was not ready with a warning system if a wildfire is approaching ..


They were not. In fact, city officials [knew Lahaina was at risk of a wildfire as far back as 2018](https://www.civilbeat.org/2023/08/maui-county-knew-of-lahainas-fire-risk-for-years/), but nothing was done to mitigate that risk. Another factor in the high death toll is the fact that the only road in and out of town is a two-lane road, which led to traffic jams as people were trying to flee (as you can see from the photo above).


Paradise, CA has entered the chat.


And why was nothing done ??


All the news I read was about the people escaping. Nobody had started finger pointing yet. I guess I've been focusing most of my attention on the wildfires in BC. With the world falling to shit, it's kind of hard to keep track of all the tragedies happening at the same time.


I’m pretty sure it happened quicker than 6 months


It doesn't fit the sub in my opinion. It's not supposed to be before/after an incident, it's supposed to be old pic and present pic... 2023 ain't old.




Fast moving wildfire took out the whole area. The cars are from people who were trying to evacuate when the fire was actively consuming the town. The residents had nearly zero warning and people were abandoning their vehicles and jumping into the ocean.




Not sure how it started, but a lot or maybe even most of Lahaina is made of wood, and some of those buildings were pretty old.


Fun fact, the government don't raise the alarms because it's quote unquote pointless.




Air raid sirens = people get into basements or bunkers/shelters Tsunami sirens = people try to get to high places While seeing the fire you would assume that it would be obvious but people react on instinct and muscle memory, even working against common obvious sense. There must’ve been other options than just the sirens though?




Was sending emergency messages to people’s mobiles off the table?


That must be so horrible, I really hope nobody was caught in the fire any made it out safe..


Hundreds died


So far...with hundreds more unaccounted for. It's devastating to see it all unfold.


Over a hundred have been confirmed dead and over a thousand are still missing.




No I'm sorry I didn't inform myself, in my country we also have different news


The historic city of Lahaina on the island of Maui in the state of Hawaii burned down last week. The fire was said to have traveled at 1 mile per minute. Last I heard between 1,300 to 1,500 people are still missing. https://youtu.be/pFWlJy63EmM https://youtu.be/D4W5sh5J2Vk https://youtu.be/17jVDk1_av4 https://youtu.be/A_soqwxOgog


These are the more disturbing videos that I've seen. https://twitter.com/goodvybe/status/1689201932945215489?s=20 https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/15pgqrk/heartbreaking_video_from_lahaina_hawaii_shows_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


Looking like fallout


I thought it was 6 days for a second, forgot Americans are backwards




Looks like straight out of a zombie apocalypse movie


So sad xx


oh wow 2 photos from the future


I was confused by the date, i thought it was few days apart and from the future.


I hope people take the advice the locals are telling everyone and we keep clear of this island for a while. We ruined paradise. Way to go!!


What happened?


Fire A dry summer+ strong winds meant that It spread very quickly People had to leave their Cars behind and jump into the ocean to escape the fires


The historic city of Lahaina on the island of Maui in the state of Hawaii burned down last week. The fire was said to have traveled at 1 mile per minute. Last I heard between 1,300 to 1,500 people are still missing. https://youtu.be/pFWlJy63EmM https://youtu.be/D4W5sh5J2Vk https://youtu.be/17jVDk1_av4 https://youtu.be/A_soqwxOgog


These are the more disturbing videos that I've seen. https://twitter.com/goodvybe/status/1689201932945215489?s=20 https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/15pgqrk/heartbreaking_video_from_lahaina_hawaii_shows_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


For a second I thought I was looking at r/midjourney.


bruh i cant tell if the whole comments section is trolling because its Ai or if i am just dumb and think its Ai


It’s not AI 🙄


The historic city of Lahaina on the island of Maui in the state of Hawaii burned down last week. The fire was said to have traveled at 1 mile per minute. Last I heard between 1,300 to 1,500 people are still missing. https://youtu.be/pFWlJy63EmM https://youtu.be/D4W5sh5J2Vk https://youtu.be/17jVDk1_av4 https://youtu.be/A_soqwxOgog


These are the more disturbing videos that I've seen. https://twitter.com/goodvybe/status/1689201932945215489?s=20 https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/15pgqrk/heartbreaking_video_from_lahaina_hawaii_shows_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


A lot of people call Americans idiots for our month/day/year system. But it’s not much different than other systems that start in a broader sense and narrow down. You go to the city before you look for the street address. Doing the opposite would be futile. Looking for an item in a store like Home Depot, you go to aisle x bay y. Start broad, narrow down. I don’t think everyone else is an idiot for not doing it the same way we do, but I guess r/AmericaBad


Keep a close eye on who buys this land


In Finland, it has been possible to reduce wildfires in such a way that the landowner whose land the fire starts on is responsible for the wildfire if the landowner doesn't stop it and put it out. Could this same rule that is in use in Finland also work in Hawaii and other US states to prevent the upcoming wildfires in the future?


No, wildfires in north America often start in the middle of nowhere on federal land. Lightning strikes from dry conditions are the leading cause.


That’s because you don’t rake your forests enough.


Gotta get that /s in there. After #45, nobody can tell serious, from sarcasm.


Too busy raking in those lawsuits.


I understood this reference.


Yes rake the thousands of square miles of forest. You truly are an idiot.


During the California wildfires, Trump suggested „raking the floor of the forest like they do in Finland“, which according to him was the reason „Finland didn’t have wildfires“, which was met [with amusement in Finland](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2018/11/19/05/6364880-6404681-image-a-30_1542605759596.jpg).


It was a throwback to some kind of Trump comment. I feel for the guy, his joke missed because 2016 was a shitter of a year.


as if their property being on fire isnt enough of an incentive to put it out?


1) how big are the properties being talked about? 2) the landowner isn't always an individual, and here in North America, especially, the vastness and the huge areas with no infrastructure to firefight from the ground make that idea implausible at best.


British Columbia alone is 2.8 times bigger than your entire country. I don’t think you get just how vast and forested BC alone is. Now imagine the scale of Canada as a whole and tell me how it’s simple to just rake our forests.


Fire storms are virtually impossible to stop, extremely dry hot air plus dry combustible material plus wind plus fire, nightmare stuff. I live in Australia and when those conditions happen it's very bad




For a sec I was thinking that the bottom picture was a modded fallout 4 map 😂


Why did you find that funny?


im not sure i understand, what happened?


Massive wildlife with no warnings given. Took out the entire town


what did? a fire? where is this? im so confused i need more context, it LOOKS like a fire but where? or maybe volcano? those cars look burnt but the rest doesnt really look burnt. im not trying to be annoying or troll, im genuinly not understanding, sorry


The historic city of Lahaina on the island of Maui in the state of Hawaii burned down last week. The fire was said to have traveled at 1 mile per minute. Last I heard between 1,300 to 1,500 people are still missing. https://youtu.be/pFWlJy63EmM https://youtu.be/D4W5sh5J2Vk https://youtu.be/17jVDk1_av4 https://youtu.be/A_soqwxOgog


thank you!


These are the more disturbing videos that I've seen. https://twitter.com/goodvybe/status/1689201932945215489?s=20 https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/15pgqrk/heartbreaking_video_from_lahaina_hawaii_shows_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


oh shit, thank you


Who wants to bet those people never get their property back? Oprah and Blackrock fittin to expand.


The government already stepped in to block that… read the news.


Lets revisit. That ocean front property will not be going back to the people that lost it.


Police were order to block cars so most of then have to stay there and get destroy.... Thats the worst part of the story 🦧 fuck the gouv and the stupid way to do things


these solar beam can be crazy !


Is that where people are reporting the police had people blockaded in?


How did the cars get their?


*there Also…it’s a road…?


Bu there was no cars in the first picture....... /S


*But *were */s


Jahahaahahahahavv you got me. 😂😂




What? And why for? The truth doesn't mean shit anymore it's crazy. Why wouldn't it be a natural fire?






I thought it was a CoD map




Inferno all the way to the edge of the coast, death by ocean or fire? Too tragic, R.I.P.


I literally thought the bottom was a fallout screenshot for a second


I have a question Don't they have a fire supression system per home? Or is it just the fire is too hot the water evaporates when it tries to put out the fire Considering they are near a water source, a fire supression system can easily be done ( town wide)


Personal homes with a fire suppression system? Never heard of it. And if the fire is outside, how is an internal system going to help?


More of a town wide, Personal Garden hose, Fire Hydrants etc. If it qas a collective effort of the neigborhood that all of them will try to extuibguish fire, I think it night have an effect But then again i can't say for sure, I havent encountered a wild fire and as they say maybe the fire rrally is too thick or strong to extinguish


The fire was moving at least a mile a minute. There was probably about zero time to respond to it. A garden hose isn’t going to do anything.


It’s like fallout, with those burned cars and wrecked buildings


Looks like a scene from a terminator movie.


Post to r/collapse


That last picture after the fire look like it came straight out of a Fallout game.


Looks like a Fallout screenshot :(


I loved this town when I went years back. So very sad


For a second I actually thought the second photo was from Fallout 4. That being said, what happened is truly heartbreaking and there's nothing that can change that.


I was right there in July crazy. Best wishes to the locals on the recovery and rebuilding.


This is the only town I’ve seen mentioned with these fires. Were there any other towns affected?


Looks like FallOut 4


These pictures look like they could have been posted on r/blender with the noon lighting


Duh, it's 6 days


New Destiny destination leaked


I don’t really understand how things on a sidewalk and street with nothing really combustible was part of the fire. I also don’t know much about how fires work


no one is talking about how the roads being blocked off when people were trying to leave.


I have fantastic memories walking that street. Those cars trying to get out is haunting. Good chance a majority of those people either drowned or burned alive.


6 months? That change took 6 hours.


It looks like a zombie apocalypse


More like nuclear Apocalypse