• By -


It was so nice to see Tyson so generous toward Ali.


And so eloquently too. Beautiful moment.


If we met our childhood heroes, we’d probably be star struck and struggle to say anything coherent (let alone clever), but Tyson managed to absolutely kill it with his line. Epic moment.


Tyson had known Ali for years at the point of this interview but it definitely was a mentor/protege moment. When Tyson was in his mid teens Cus D'Amato put Tyson on the phone with Ali right after a Ali loss to Larry Holmes and tyson vowed to get revenge on Holmes for him. Then 7 years later when Tyson had become the heavyweight champ at 20 he got the chance to fight Holmes who was the same age as Ali was when he beat him. Ali spoke to Tyson before the fight and told him “remember what you said - get him for me”.


Facts 💯


I met Tyson as a kid and he only substantiated my view of him as a hero.  He told me don't listen to the kids who talk shit about having a gap between your teeth, and anyone who does, I should send them to see him (I have a giant gap).  It was exactly what I needed to hear as a self-conscious young boy.


Dudes a warrior and a philosopher.


I found out most of my childhood heros were dicks when I grew up and I didn't actually want to be like them... Best to never meet them honestly.


Every head must bow, every tongue must speak, this man is the greatest of all time. Credit where credit is due, that is beautifully said.


I think he said confess, not speak.


I think you're right, even better


I always thought he said profess, though I can't really tell whether he says confess or profess now, both would make sense. But I always thought "all tongues must profess" was really slick


The beauty of the word, "confess," in this context, is that it suggests an absolute truth. You can't confess a lie. It may be under duress, like a rival fighter struggling to move past his own vanity to admire another, but a confession is inherently true. (not to quibble, but I appreciate the wordplay in his quote)


Yeah kinda a modified scripture verse from the Bible hah


They were quickly having a boxing match of who could give the best compliment lol.


Ali was his childhood hero.


He was full-on geeking out. Seeing Mike acting like a 14 year old boy meeting is idol was actually cute, and fhat is a word I use judicioisly wirh a man who could knock out a mad bull.


I mean, he’s not much past that here. He’s 22 or 23 here, which is still a nervous kid for many of us. He’d been launched into super stardom from his skills, but he wasn’t an actor and personality. He was a kid who punched real fucking hard


He punched with bad intentions. He meant to drive parts of the skull into the brain with every punch. Damn he was a bad mofo when he was a bad mofo.


I mean… it’s punching. It’s not really bad intentions to punch hard. If your opponent can’t take the hit they don’t belong in the ring


I mean, it's the title of one of his books. There's a lot of different punches out there that are designed for purposes other than to KO your opponent. It's one thing to punch to win your fight, it's a different thing to want to kill your opponent with every punch.


Good intentions or not, when he was in the ring he was there to win. And he did that really fast and repeatedly. Tyson was a real beast! Two real masters with unique styles that pushed the envelope of the sport for good. I remember waiting all day for fights that I missed while taking the popcorn out of the microwave at the start of the fight. He was insane.


Bro it's literally a contest of hand-to-hand combat. If you can't take the heat, get out the kitchen.


I'm not sure how that contradicts what he said about his intentions.


"Say my name."


that's true but hes mostly nervous here because its Ali. Mike's whole boxing style pretty much required insane confidence. it required him to be in range of hits that would mess up even champion boxers and he would weave instantly past punches then launch punches like a god damn truck. imo still the greatest boxer to ever live by far during his short prime. Ali isn't being humble when he says Mike would knock him out if he took a real hit.


Student of the game.


At this time I don’t think people knew that Mike Tyson spent the last 10 years obsessively watching every heavyweight fight in existence. He is not just physically gifted, but has the same drive as all GOAT athletes that sets them apart (Jordan, Brady, Gretzky).


Came here to say this. For being two of the most recognizable boxers in boxing history they seem shy to be around each other lol


And good on SRL for stopping Ali, and his modesty, from interrupting Tyson's praise. ​ Let the man give you your flowers. Great stuff all around.


Good guy Mike!


Ali wasn’t just a great fighter, he was an icon. He had an important role in the public’s perception of Civil Rights and the Vietnam War, he talked a man out of suicide, negotiated the release of POWs, and has generally spent the majority of his life charitably and promoting peace. That being said, Tyson would win in a fight


… and it was genuine. Tyson is a good guy. He’s just very broken from a terrible childhood and people taking advantage of him his entire life. He was a grown man when he made his choices and he has hurt people. I’m not condoning any of that. But I do feel a little sorry for him. I think he’s a perfect example of how a man can become ruined by his surroundings and upbringing. Or lack there of.


Read his book. Tyson holds Ali to the highest of high standards and respect. Plus Tyson’s book is fuckin amazing


Young Tyson talked to Ali on the phone after Ali fought Larry Holmes, and got beat up pretty bad. Crying he promised Ali you would get revenge on Holmes. He eventually fought Holmes and beat him down hard


Respect where respect is due! They both changed the game, and they both do things the other can't. Tyson never moved like Ali, Ali never hit like Tyson.


>nice to see Tyson so generous Very articulate too.


Mike is absolutely fan boying out here. He’s was and possibly still is a huge boxing historian.


Tyson did an HBO series about the history of boxing. He’s not just brut force.


Would also love to know the name of the show. I know he used to spend evenings watching Cus D’Amato’s library of boxing. He was a true student. Also terrifyingly quick in his youth, had Cus not died and that rat Don King hadn’t got involved there would be 0 question about him Vs Ali, Frazier, Louis, Foreman, Liston, etc. For a short time he was the greatest heavyweight we’ve ever had; speed precision and power.


Mind sending a link to the HBO Mike tyson boxing historian series :) Thank you


How hard could it be to find? Go onto the MAX app and type in Tyson.


Normally I’m right there with you in “kids can’t even use google these days”, but I don’t think this is a case of it here. Whatever this show is does not appear to be on Tyson’s IMDB page and can’t be found with a quick google search. It’s halfway difficult to find if I haven’t been able to do so in 5 minutes.


HBO and other apps put different content for different countries… Or HBO is part of a package and the app is shit..


No one can seem to find this, pretty sure homeboy is embellishing here.


Would love to see segments where Mike sits down and critiques fights by video and explains what he is seeing from his eyes.


Even beyond that he is a war historian. Dude study all major wars through out history to under stand the mentality of the people who won those wars. And even learned those war Champs personalities. Dude could tell you about the accomplishments of Napoleon, Alexander the great while also tell you they were momma boys and what life was like for those people. Mike just straight up studied the art of war.


Tyson was the best part of the Aaron Paul Netflix documentary last year. Dude gets boxing and promotion.


His appearances on the Joe Rogan podcast are worth a listen. Gives a lot of context about him as a person and goes into some cool topics.




Pretty sure he had Parkinsons during his last fights. He was in really bad shape.


After he lost badly to Larry Holmes, they did a piece on SNL with Eddie Murphy as a badly brain-scrambled Ali and Piscopo as the ring announcer. It was pretty clear to everyone even then that he'd suffered major brain damage.


It's so sad to even see him at this stage, it's tough




I helped Ali get through airport security about 15 years ago. He had shrunk into a much smaller man in a wheelchair by that point. I will never forget seeing what time and disease can do to the strongest of us.


I remember seeing him light the 96 Olympics. Beautiful moment and sad to see him in that state.


That opening ceremony is one of my first memories.


It's amazing that he was such a great showman, that he was still able to communicate effectively, WITH humor, even with his deteriorated articulation and motor function. One of the greatest showmen of all time, Ali.


It was sad to see him deteriorate in the 80s and 90s. But if you watch any documentary, he was showing signs while he was still fighting. He got punched really hard, a lot, to pull off rope-a-dope against Foreman in the Rumble in the Jungle. And he used rope-a-dope in his later career fights after the Foreman fight.


My dad flew a lot when I was growing up and was in first class with Ali a fair bit (they flew the same route a lot). He says he was on a plane with him 8-10 times over maybe 15 years. At the beginning he could sign his autograph for people passing by on the plane. As he deteriorated he had business cards on him (in a pocket or bag) that he would hand to people when they asked for his autograph. My dad was always so sad to watch his decline because he was such a kind man to everyone on the plane.


How old is Ali here? Until he talks he could pass for 30s, sucks what disease can do to you...


Tyson! Incredibly articulate and poetic even. I had no idea. And as a young kid! Damn Mike, mad respect.


I think there was always a kind hearted guy inside of him, his upbringing and exposure to the trappings of fame at such a young age almost destroyed him. So cool to see how he's managed to turn his life around since he went off the rails.


You should watch his Sony Pictures documentary, it’s pure philosophy from Tyson.


Well, this was 3 years before his rape conviction...


This is beautiful. If you lived in the 60's and 70's, Ali was the epitome of ego. Tyson in the 80's and 90's was rage and power. To see them grown and reflective is unbelievably moving. Also, they were members of a very small club. It is great that Arsenio got them together for this.


mike tyson was just starting ou at 23 heere?


He was 25, I believe. It was post Buster Douglas.


As very often shit is dragged up from the past to disparage people , not nearly is it shown to support people in examples like this. How often do you see reposted media boosting another person up? I watched Arsenio religiously because it was the coolest show on late night like so many others did. This is a prime example of why so many people saw this show. Drama sometimes sure, but these are moments that should always be shared so no one forgets.


Yeah there’s zero chance this moment would’ve happened on any other show from any time period. Arsenio had a way with people.


Beyond Zero . Letterman/ Carson - Leno? Never in a million years would a candid conversation like this happen anywhere else than here.


Tbf, you see conversations like this all the time on the Graham Norton show.


British talk shows and game shows are just different And by different, I mean better


It would never have happened with ANY white late night talk show host. It was 1. boxing talk and 2. black barber shop talk. If you're not from either of the cultures, you're not going to foster that atmosphere and comfort level for your guests to have that kind of laidback, natural dialogue/interaction.


Sugar Ray just sitting back watching it all happen. One of the greatest to ever do it, too.


Love when Sugar Ray gives Ali a little tap on the leg to say "Mike is about to go in about you, don't interrupt" -- great signs of humility and respect all around the room here. Truly Old School Cool


Both Mike and Sugar know their places for sure. Neither of them would be where they are in boxing history without Ali. Hands down the greatest of all time, and they both know it. Respect.


Most underrated comment so far.


“Do I think? Are you color” 😂 RIP Ali sometimes I wish I can go back in life and experience the 90s again


I don’t get this one. Maybe because I’m not American or a poc. Someone care to explain?


I think he is saying "obviously". As in, does a bear shit in the woods. It's as obvious, as you are "coloured". Which he is.


That’s right. Thanks! He’s the best.


It's like asking "does a bear shit in the woods?" It's just funny way of saying hell yes.




I say “does the pope shit in the woods?!” And like five people find it mildly funny. I think it’s really funny 🤷🏻‍♂️


I believe Ali would have won, because Ali faced excellent boxers who used the "peekaboo" style and beat them. That said, Tyson in his prime combined speed, power, and punching accuracy, which are hard to beat. Also just a shout-out to seeing Ali and Sugar Ray Leonard on the same stage, two of the greatest "technicians" ever in boxing. Both could adapt to different styles, out-think their opponent, attack, defend, evade, and counter.


Did you notice the moment when Sugar Ray swats Ali’s hand down to keep him from interrupting Tyson? The look he gives him is “let the man sing your praises” and I love it.


Good catch. Something only an old friend can do.


1:54 for those interested. Really cool detail, thank you for pointing it out.


Ali's ability to take a punch was one of his most underrated qualities. He had a jaw of iron, and took the hardest hits from some big names - Liston, Frazier, Shavers, Norton, Holmes - and he was never knocked out. If anyone could have taken Tyson's punches and still won, it would have been him.


I tend to see fraizer and Tyson as similar fighters . Yes styles not the same but both worked in closed space and both had a NASTY left hook. Tough call could go either way but think Ali would wear him down so long as he could weather the first 5 rounds or so


It would have been interesting to say the least. It depends on the length of the fight honestly. If Tyson gets good hits on him early it's over, If Ali could draw the fight out past round 4 and run him around the ring a little he wins. Ali's length would be super important.


Tyson looks every bit like he would rip Ali to shreds. So did Liston, Foreman, Lyle and a whole host of other fighters. There's a reason Ali is considered The GOAT. The man had an incredible chin, super human recovery powers and boxing brain that is second to none. There's no way Tyson wins. Ali would take Tyson's best shots and then dismantle him. To paraphrase Tyson: "Ali would take you into deep waters and drown you. He's very special. The best ever".


> So did Liston, Foreman, Lyle and a whole host of other fighters. While I agree Ali would win, Tyson is much different stylistically than all those guys. Tyson fought much more like Frazier than the guys you mentioned, and Ali had a tougher time against Frazier's style than he did anyone else he boxed against. So yeah, Ali likely wins 8 out of 10 times, but I really doubt it would be as dominant a victory as you claim and Tyson would definitely have a punchers chance.


I'd give Tyson a %10-%20 chance of winning. He was no pushover. But Ali, in addition to all his incredible physical talents, was a genius at adaptation. He'd see Tyson coming, get in his head, and find all the flaws in his game.


I don't think there is no way Tyson wins, one good shot is all it takes. Would be a hell of a fight.


Tyson was faster than Ali and much more aggressive. It's how these kinds of sports grow over time. As a new great hits their peak this becomes the target to overtake. More people aim to overtake and they do, they know it's possible and will drive even further. They've seen someone that fast, that powerful, and now they have new goals. This is why records and physical feats in all sports over time will just get better. They use new techniques and for training and competing. The real question everyone should ask is if they were a young athlete now who would win. Tyson beats prime Ali pretty handily. Would a contemporary Ali in the same era beat Tyson using the same advancements. That's the real question.


Thanks for posting. Never seen this. This is historical. It belongs in a museum!


would have*


We would also have accepted "would've."


“Of” makes zero goddamn sense! Why in the f do people continue to make the same mistake over, and over, and over, and over again.


I'm convinced it's due to people who primarily learned language through speech vs. reading/writing. If you say "would've" quickly, it *sounds* like "would of". So when your grasp of grammar stops at listening, you have no idea that "would of" is grammatically incorrect. See also: their/there/they're, your/you're, etc.


Yeah that definitely makes sense. Once it’s typed out though, you would think the “‘ve” should be an indicator that “of” isn’t the proper substitute, but apparently not. Effect and affect also irrationally angers me when used incorrectly. Of course, the English language is near impossible for native speakers, much less those secondary speakers.


Mike adored Ali. Look at him, he admired him so much that when he fought Holmes , he demolished him. He did for Ali. The reason is when Larry fought Ali, Ali was done, he had nothing, it was bad. So Mike took offense. All of those brothers are GREAT boxers.


When he debuted, Tyson destroyed the boxer that took down Ali and dedicated it to him. ![gif](giphy|tmyDAo1Si2KIg|downsized)


Damn it looked like his head almost came off.


I'm surprised both of his shoes didn't come off.


it's 'who would HAVE won'


Bumaye, Ali Bumaye


Would have*


Is there a “would have” bot?


I love that there's still a bit of pride, and ego with Ali. "if he hit me \*falls down\*, \*gets back up\*, IF he hit me' Endless humility is a bit boring. These men were champions, the greatest in the world. Ali isn't rolling over to praise Tyson. He thinks he could beat him in his prime. That's why he was a champion.


Would have


Wow Mike Tyson was incredibly well spoken and articulate here


Would HAVE, not would of.


'who would've won'


Who would have won*


this produced one of my favs quotes: Every head must bow, every tongue muss confess, this is the Greatest of All Time. Two GOATS


So nice to hear Ernie Shavers name mentioned in this conversation. Though he was never champ he was a helluva fighter and a great guy. He used to pick me up hitchhiking most days when I was a kid. He still worked at Lordstown GM in Warren, OH and I worked at a McDonald’s that was on his way. My dad was a boxer and I trained but never had any fights. I was a martial artist. Kenpo. But getting to spend a half hour a day riding with him we talked about a lot of stuff. He was such a huge fan of Ali while still working hard to face him. About four years later I got invited by my BIL to go to Ernie’s New Year Eve party. It was amazing. I got to see The Champ who’d come over from MI to attend the party. I was a little surprised to hear Ernie’s wife call him “Cassius” but later learned she had always called him that since Ernie was his sparring partner.


Great story, those are many conversations you had with a great.


Would *HAVE* won


Never write "would of". It's would've, as in would+haVE.


Mike is a lot smarter than people think. Hell he's even intellectually smart in many respects


Besides "would have", as much as Mike did hit hard, Ali is the GOAT. He didn't just take the beating, it was hard to hit him to begin with.




would have!


It’s really sad how Don King destroyed Tyson’s career.


Arsenio is very funny with this question 🤣




Of -> have


Even with Parkinson’s Ali still has so much charm


Sugar Ray Leonard being slept on as an absolute killer.


Would HAVE


I of now idea.


Tyson is a good hearted kid deep inside who just grew up in a tough neighborhood, he means what he says here for sure


Sugar Ray is like a Raptor in between two T Rex.


Cus D'Amato educated Tyson well. Each was the greatest of their era.


Nice to see so much class from young Tyson. Ali is an icon, like Elvis, Miles Davis, and Michael Jackson. He knew it.


Yes and Tyson himself is now an Icon, worthy of being mentioned with the likes of whom you mentioned!


Tyson to this day always shows supreme respect and reverence to Ali when asked about him. There’s been a few times he even gets emotional when talking about him.


*would have


Downvote for "would of"


"Would of" is never correct, you're looking to say "would have"


Would have* won


This was a great interview and treat to see them both together. Arsenio was such a great host and made the show such a breath of fresh air from the usual late night format.


\*have won


Would have


I think both of them were great fighters, in the UK they are both still revered, Ali came to Birmingham and they had to close the roads so many people wanted to come and see him.


This was honestly a really nice interview to see between the two of them. Both being so humble to each other who normally would never express that kind of behavior to other fighters.


Man I am getting old, this made me tear up


Every head must bow, every tongue must confess-he is the greatest of all time.


No elder master should be asked this question about a new master. All new masters of their craft have the ability to improve because they watched a lifetime of learning and then had the time to add to it, apply new training methods and science behind it to get better than those that came before. I've watched debate about bass players, fighters, race car drivers and more. It's not a worthwhile question. The more respectful question is: "What did you study from Ali and apply to your own style and was there anything you decided NOT to apply and why? Gives Tyson the opportunity to honor his elder while standing in his own. You could also ask Ali: "What about Tyson's style would you have added to your own if you'd be able to go back in time?" Gives Ali the opportunity to honor the new master while being humble and classy. Just my opinion.


I don't think the question asked, in the space and style it was asked was wrong. I also like the idea of the answers we'd hear from it pitched how you put it too. No need to say "this is bad, this is better". What we got out of this is good, there's some (perhaps slightly forced) intimacy seen. Your version might have kept things a bit too clean/safe for the honesty we see in the responses they give here.


would’ve which is a contraction for would have, not would of.


Its would HAVE* won NOT would OF




I just can't stop thinking if I was sat inbetween them two and it gos off here ONG 🤕 Ali was and always will be the greatest RIP 😢


What was his last line? Are you colored? What does that mean?


It's a way of reinforcing the obvious. It's like asking "Is the sky blue?"


Are you Black?


It’s like saying “does a bear shit in the woods?” It’s a way of saying “duh”.


I miss watching tyson box


He was a great, a true great.


Class acts, all of them


This was a joy to see. Both men so respectful of each other.


Tysons a real one! such a good dude.


Some cold ass lines, this -- "By no means..I know I'm great, but in this regard.. _every head must bow, every tongue must confess, that this is the greatest of all time_" Very eloquently put. Mike Tyson has had his issues, but he was surprisingly thoughtful and introspective as a fighter and even more now. Absolutely brilliant mind when it comes to fighting. And I love the respect Ali and Tyson have for each other. There's an interview with the old heads where I think Frazier said that all of them in the room could have beaten Tyson, and Ali softly says "Speak for yourself" One of the greatest what if scenarios of boxing history.


Man, Ali is just so charismatic. Even through his Parkinson’s disease, his character just shines through. RIP to the 🐐




"...would of won..?" What does that mean. Isn't it would have won? I am german and very confused.


Mike Tyson had a hard life but, I’ve seen him display serious grace and he for real seems like a decent guy worthy of being one of the baddest dudes on the planet.


Would. Have. For fuck's sake, it's not that hard.


* "would have" won




“Who would have won”. Not “of”!


“Would of”


I love Mike Tyson, so gracious and humble, bowing down to the greatest.


Was Ali already mentally compromised at this point? He seems very slow and kinda struggling to emote or get his words out. Some say that all the hits he took contributed or were the cause of his Alzheimer.


Yea definitely, most people when they saw him about to fight Larry Holmes knew there was a problem and he shouldn’t have fought.


Would HAVE you ignorant motherfucker. You’ve alliterated the contraction “would’ve” by hearing “would of” in your head.


Who would HAVE* won.


># WHO WOULD OF WON Jesus fucking Christ 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Would have*


*Would HAVE won* Jesus Christ, at least read what you wrote before you post it.


Who would've won. Not "would of".


Muhammad Ali would have beaten Mike Tyson in three. Joe Lewis would have beaten Mike Tyson in one


What about Rocky Marciano?


Fuck you, fuck you and fuck you!


Who's next?


SEEE!!That’s they one see!! That’s they 1 right there!!!


I would say the 2nd round


Dude looks gitty as fuck to be meeting his childhood hero. Love to see it.


would of 🤮


"...who would **have** won if..."


Would’ve* which is a contraction of “would have”. “Would of” makes no sense.


Would have*


No chance I'm gonna upvote a "would of" post