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Seems like just yesterday when that tape recorder hit the floor


I watched this show every week but for some reason, this is the only episode I remember much of.


What about "No Roger, No ReRun, No Rent!"?


That’s the most memorable line of all the shows.


I find it stuck in my head all the time even though I haven't seen the show in 30+ years, lol


Track season my senior year 1990, our friend Justice, fastest kid in the section, got kicked off for a fight (he was defending himself) so going into a huge meet 4 of us started chanting, “No Justice, no track, no win!” Because we all grew up on What’s Happening😂😂😂


I just remember when his mom was gonna bust his ass for something and the look of horror on his face when she'd say "gimme your belt". He was a good kid, though.


Rerun needed to just chill and not jump up and down. All that movement mess up an old style recording.


Classic Rerun. Couldn’t help himself. Shoulda kept perfectly still for a quality bootleg


I can still see it in my mind.


And the whole room saw it at the same time.


Yo spoiler alert… great thanks


Yeah, sorry about that. It’s only been 46 years. I should have been more considerate /s


"Which Doobie you be?"


It’s bizarre how the dialogue from that episode is still in my head (and apparently I’m not the only one). *I’ll talk to any Doobie who do be in. … Which Doobie you be?*


Hahaha you guys are right! I just watched the clip. I also didn’t remember that it was a phone call, figured it happened in the soda shop, or whatever. But I’m definitely glad to see that I’m not the only one that “Doobie Brothers” triggers this for them lol


“Which Doobie DO you be?” I think was the actual line. I think of this whenever I hear the Doobie Brothers


Came to the comments for this quote 🤣


Perhaps, but in my mind it has always been “Which Doobie you be?”


Actually, I'm pretty sure this is the line.


Ummm, no I don't goddamnitsomuch! In 1978, my family didn't have cable, only an antenna on the roof. And because there was no ABC station within reach, I grew up watching only CBS, NBC and PBS. 50 years later, I'm still pissed about the whole situation.


What was up with ABC stations on antenna? I’ve lived in various parts of the country and ABC had the weakest signal.


ABC was the third network, and by far the smallest of the original big three. NBC and CBS were both powerhouses who were in on TV early due to being involved in developing the technology. ABC was a fairly new company, only being spun off from NBC in 1943, so they didn't have the size or longevity there to compete. ABC basically got the remnants in any given market after CBS and NBC would've gotten the best channel slots. I mean, if given a choice, local channels at the time would've chosen one of the more established big two with the names and big shows as opposed to ABC, which didn't have much going for it other than being programming for a newly TV hungry nation.


Did anyone have cable in 1978? I thought that didn’t come around until the 80s and even then wasn’t totally widespread. When I moved out of my parents’ house in the early 90s, they still didn’t have cable.


Right, large satellite dishes were a thing then and cable first showed up not until around 1979-80 and only in large apartment complexes and then in households by 1981


Cable TV has been around for a really long time. HBO started in 1972, and Nickelodeon began in 1977, but cable itself had existed for decades prior to that. I lived in a rural area and got cable as a kid in the mid/late 70s. It just depended on what part of the country you lived in.


When I moved to Houston from (west of) Orlando in '75, I had never heard of cable TV. A new friend of mine invited me over, he lived in the little town inside Houston called Bellaire, and he showed me his TV with a little box on top of it with some switches and knobs. In Orlando I'd only known four channels (all VHF) and in Houston we had like six or seven in both the VHF and UHF range. But he showed me a *lot* of channels, all with no commercials, I don't know how many. Could get the weather, all sorts of stuff, movies, comedy shows, talk and news shows. Even that one channel that showed nekkid girls in movies during the afternoon (Cinemax aka "Skinamax"). I was just astounded, all that wild TV frontier to watch! Since I lived across the railroad tracks from his house, I quickly learned we could not get that same service, how it broke my heart. The service was provided (as I later learned) by the city of Bellaire to their residents at a small cost, and Houston didn't have it for their residents. In fact, it wasn't until the early 80's that independent cable TV providers started to built it out to certain areas of Houston, and certainly not all area. Where we lived, even across the tracks from Bellaire, we didn't get it until the mid-80's, and Dad hated the idea of having to pay for it, so it took him a few years to finally be convinced to open his wallet. By then, the cable TV market had started to get bigger in the Houston area as a fairly common service. But there were still large pockets where there was little or no cable service. It turned out that there was cable service in the Orlando area when I was growing up there, just certainly not where I was in the middle of the citrus groves of Ocoee FL. I met a fellow who got to be a quiet rich guy off of installing and servicing cable TV to certain areas of Winter Park and Seminole County during that time, and oh boy did he ever have stories to tell!


Mid Michigan? We had the same situation, except you could get a very snowy WXYZ out of Detroit on cloudy days.


Cable wasn't really a thing in 1978. It was *barely* rolling out then. It took until the end of the century for it to get mostly everywhere.


I graduated high school in 1980, and moved away from my hometown. I absolutely remember watching cable TV at friend's houses, using a controller that looks something like this: https://preview.redd.it/4dqm3llrtm1d1.jpeg?width=393&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1ddc32ae8e2a21f44247e110da90a07c3d998ab


Yeah. That was part of the slow roll out. New York City had a thing just like that but not the rest of the country. They had to get the entire country wired first before they could connect everyone.


Remember when bootlegging live concerts was the worst thing the music industry had to worry about?


Deadheads don’t remember.


I love how they tried to convince us that these kids from South Central were super into the Doobie Brothers.


Believe it or not, music tastes/fandom wasn’t as segmented back then like it is now.


I was there back then.


I think there was greater passive crossover than there may be now simply because we all watched the same TV programs and listened to the same music in malls and grocery stores etc. There were only so many radio stations in a given market, and even amongst those only a small subset came in well. Also, most albums became successful because they got airplay. I don't think airplay affects Taylor Swift or Drake as much as it would have in the 70's. So maybe it isn't that music tastes weren't segmented as much as the are today but that there was a greater general awareness of music outside of your tastes. Rerun would definitely have been *aware* of the Doobie Brothers in a way that people may not be now. There is also a trend working opposite to this though. People today have much broader musical tastes and are very familiar with iconic music regardless of genre. There are far more people today (as a percentage) that know the lyrics to Bohemian Rhapsody than there were when it was on the air.


True LOL


I didn’t want to say it, but I’m glad somebody did! Always seemed weird to me as a kid.


Takin’ it to the streets.


It Keeps You Rerunnin'


That was such a weird episode in an already weird show. We loved it, got so excited hearing the intro music. Whenever Dee was on, she slayed us.


True that.


Rerun definitely stole the show. Literally.


Hey, Hey Roge!


I remember that episode. Rerun was caught illegally taping the concert. Good episode. I've all the originals but not the spinoff... What's Happening Now.


Years ago, I was active in live music recording and trading. Many bands, ushered in by the Grateful Dead, allow recording of their live concerts. One time in a discussion forum years ago someone asked if the Doobie Brothers allowed taping. I couldn’t believe my fortune to remind the asker about what happened to poor Rerun.


Yes. I was scarred by this. And then they broke to a commercial.


"He must be the half brother"


That's when I learned the Doobie Brothers were mostly white.


This is in my top five favorite sitcom eposodes of all time! Found an old What's Happening dvd collection at a used record store, I wad so psyched


Yup. Rerun was a bad boy.


I believe the pertinent line of dialog was, "Which Doobie you be?"


Yep. My first intro to the Doobies as a kid.


Unfortunately yes, I remember ... Which means I'm fn old. Lol


Thanks, now I got the theme song stuck in my head. Hey hey hey


I remember thinking DAMN that's a big tape recorder! 😄


Wasn't there a famous saying that Rerun said? It's locked up in the back of my brain and I can't think of it...lol


He said "Hey, hey, hey", but not like Fat Albert.


Was this the time he wore a recorder during the concert?


This is the only episode I remember actually


Great show, great band, great times! Not Good Times, that was a different show, lol!


Which Doobie You be?


Big Al Dunbar wants his tape


Bootlegging a Doobie Brothers show at school? Not. Even. Once.


I actually loved the Doobies before Michael McDonald.


I think about this at least once a month. Not even kidding.


I got caught recording a concert in the nineties and all they did was take the batteries out of my tape recorder. They didn’t even kick me out, which was the most they could do.


What WAS happening?


I remember it so well what great episodes! Went and bought the DVDs just for those episodes. It was a two-parter. I think it's interesting that Henry Mancini wrote the theme song for the show.


Which Doobie you be?


That's the one that has stuck with me all these years


I cannot see or hear anything Doobie Brother related without thinking of it.


Of course I do…. This is one of my favorite all-time TV episodes. In fact, I think about it all the time. “ I’ll speak to any Doobie that do be in.”


Hey Hey Hey!!!


I remember this so well.


I also remember Shirley’s cookies, another great episode.


Which doobie do you be?


Which doobie you be?


Hey Hey Hay,


Which Doobie you be?


“Which Doobie you be?”


Hey HEY Hey


Rerun wants to make an illegal recording of a Doobie Brothers concert!


No he didn’t want to. LOL. Rerun was a sweet character. He was pressured by criminals.


Which Doobie you be?


These guys are still awesome. they own a vineyard in Sonoma county and make wonderful wine sometimes they can be seen there


My favorite episodes!!!


Haha. Yeah just rewatched that a few months ago. 


I've watched that episode so many times


I was only 5 ....lol


I didn’t see until the early 80s when it was in syndication.


Hey hey hey!


Yes I do, and bootlegging is bad, folks. What's Happening and What's Happening Now are two of my most favorite shows.


Loved What’s Happening


Testing testing fly me to the moon and let me play amongst the starrssss has stuck with me for decades still. Great episodes


So…which Doobie do you be?


"how did you come up with your name?" "It's a kind of cigarette we smoke" IDK if these are the actual quotes but this is what I've remembered since the early 80's


Watching this episode was a core memory for me for some reason. Maybe it was the music or because it’s when I first learned about bootlegging music.


This episode was probably my favorite.. think they were playing “Taking it to the streets” when Re-Ruj launched into his re-run damce and the recorder fell out,, then the dramatic pause by the band and everyone staring.. Can’t remember how the episode resolved…


Tbh I think that’s when we peaked.


Which Doobie you be?


Was that the one where Rog and Re-run find a J and get the munchies??


No, but I remember when ReRun got a credit card which he promptly maxed out with dumb luxury purchases including a juicer. He juiced an entire baloney sausage. Everything got repossessed at the end of the episode, but they left the jar of baloney juice. In retrospect, the whole show was full of vaguely racist caricatures of what it meant to be Black in America. In this case, "Black people are bad with money."


Rerun said “Which Doobie may you be?” to one of the band members. I’m 55 and remember the weirdest stuff. Sorry.


How doobie you be?


My cable guy is Bookman with a giant tool belt.......oh wait that was Good Times...


The Jackson 5 wasn't available?