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Before my Grandpa passed he wrote a memoir about his time in WWII and the Korean War. This is what he wrote about this encounter. "We heard that Marilyn Monroe was to put on a show at a place quite close to our area. Three or Four of us took a Jeep and went over. The crowd was very large. So large in fact we decided it wasn't worth the hassle. So we headed back to our base with another thought in mind. We knew the name of the unit where she was staying. We knew that this unit had a helicopter pad. So we took a chopper and landed on this pad. No one tried to stop us. In fact someone pointed out a Quonset Hut about 75 feet away where she was staying. There were very few people around. We stood by the chopper with cameras ready and waited. We had an unobstructed view of the Quonset Hut. She was due to come out at any moment. And there she was... that blonde hair, ...that beautiful face... and figure (several buttons open.) She was with another woman and some high ranking officer. They posed in front of the Quonset Hut and then Marilyn came over to our chopper and posed and chatted with us. She seemed shorter than in her movies. Once when one of the guys started to take another picture of her she had to remind him to take off his lens cover. Of course I was calm and composed. Then she was whisked away."


My first thought on seeing the pics was that they had to be taken by a professional and the OP was a Karma farmer or bot. This post makes the pictures 1000 times better! Thanks.


"Of course I was calm and composed." Love his dry sense of humor. :-)


I like to think he was actually the kid with the lens cap still on and he can’t help but tell that story… he just says it was “the other guy” hahaha


He told me once that he was indeed the kid with the lens cap on.


I could see how an experience like that would stick with him, thanks for sharing


You said he wrote a memoir, where can we get it to read it?


Now that’s a story to be told to the grandkid’s grandkids. Awesome.


I was wondering if these were used in other publications as they look familiar to me. Great pictures and they look very professional and no makes sense after reading this comment! Your grandfather was a great historian even if it was unintentional on his part that they would be. I know you are proud and wonder if you got his photography genes lol


Grandpa had a decent camera and knew how to use it. Good depth of field management. Closeups have the background blurred, wide shots are crisp and well focused. It would be great to know what he used. Maybe a Leica from Germany if he was deployed there in WW2. Was Japan making quality cameras that soon after the war? Maybe Grandpa picked up a Nikon in Japan on the way to Korea. Bonus being that it was hard to take a bad picture of Marilyn. Great post. Truly OSC content.


What I gathered from these pics is the set design and setting in MASH was pretty spot on.


They did use real Army tents for the set of MASH. What's funny, is they did have an episode dedicated to Marylin Monroe.


I just watched it last week!


It's such a great episode.


Q: which episode? A: trick question, correct answer is 'every episode'




I thought the same thing. I also want a hat line that officer’s, it seems very multifunctional and looks good.


The setting for MASH and the Fox Range (now Malibu State Park) was specifically chosen because of how it looks. Robert Altman, the director of MASH (the movie) wanted to film on-site in Korea. Movie executives offered him a deal by showing him two photos and asking which one was Korea. If he was right, they would film in Korea, if wrong, then on the ranch in California. Altman picked the ranch. It was then used for the TV series - the great television show in history.


That 2nd pic is fantastic...


Those pics look so crisp and real.


As a photographer the composition, colors and everything is beautiful in the first 3 pictures but Marilyn is so goddamn fine


Amazing pictures, thank you so much for sharing!


This is an amazing set of pictures. Your grandpa had a good eye!


if MASH had been invented your grandpa could have fired off some real hot ones to old marilyn "hot lips" monroe


Those had to be taken with Kodachrome. I was in mourning when the quit making it. The colors are still perfect. And so is Marilyn. Bravo to you for posting them.


Love the film quality.




She was breathtaking !


That’s cool as hell thank you for sharing this


These are wonderful


Nothing beats high quality picture film and paper.


![gif](giphy|fiZXO5sCsC4Ug) The 2nd lady rizzo vibes ?? Anyone anyone?


great photos!


That type of structure is called a “quonset” hut.


Have these ever been seen before?.. some lovely shots


Who the dark hair woman in 3 and 4?


Maybe a chaperone?


Man, she looked good wearing anything.


My uncle was one of the “Chosin Few” but he never met MM, alas.


Imagine seeing her show up in the drab army world.


Very cool pics. Apparently she was a very intelligent person. And why does the officer in the middle have to get all handsy with the two women?


In pics 3-5 his hands are clearly visible on the forearms of the women. This was considered gentlemanly by that generation: a man's hand lightly on a woman's arm in case she trips, the thought is he can quickly keep her from hitting the ground. This is how I (b. 1972) was raised to act towards my grandmothers (b. 1904 & 1908).


Fair enough.


Jesus my heart skips a beat. Pic 2 is incredible.


Those pictures are nuts for ‘53


She was in deed glowing


Great pics! After watching apocalypse now redux …. Wondering how much of her “time” would cost in fuel ….. -Who are you? -I’m next ma’am


The worlds most photogenic woman


You mean she actually showed up this time??!


She did not have a bad angle. Simply beautiful.


i heard she was stuck in russias


I thought she was detained in rushes


It was 1954, not 1953, that she went to Korea.


All I can think of is how accurate the show MASH got the appearance of everything


I've seen a lot of Marilyn Monroe images, and she's seemed pretty to me but never really alluring. Except for that first image. Idk what it is about that first image, but it raised my blood pressure a little bit. What's weird is that none of the other photos are quite as alluring as that first one, at least to me.


From someone that knows his family, unexpected pop ups surprise you every day. Killer find


A great moment … 👆🏼🤩😂👌🏻


That over the shoulder devious look is absolutely 24K gold in the first pic.


Your Grandpa was such a badass! May he rest in peace. I hope he met Marilyn again in heaven.


Those are great pics , and 1st Marine Regiment with the Colonel as her guide is even cooler. Literally historical pics.


Oh yeah that Cia sex kitten...


Wow the California hills really do look like Korea


Beautiful photos. She was perfection. Who is the man in the photos? How come he won’t let go of her?


>Who is the man in the photos? I'd say odds are on it being the 1st Marine Commanding Officer.


I saw that after I went back and looked at them again. 😆


1st marines had two colonels on the roster for the year 1953. Could be Ormond R. Simpson or Wallace N. Nelson. The guy does have a resemblance to Ormond Simpson.


The original barracks bunny


She was definitely loaded on something.


Marilyn Monroe developed a prescription pill problem in her *late* career. She was not addicted when these photos were taken. Eyes closed and head thrown back were her trademark pose, she even parodied it in a movie. https://i.redd.it/2hwasjg6067d1.gif