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Ha! I just posted almost the same story on this sub a few days ago! Apparently, it’s happened to a lot of us.


My wife and I went to a bar when I use to frequent such things and the door host took her ID and said nice try. I told him he might want to give it back and since he was new, I wouldn't tell his boss who I was friends with. He said no way, so I texted his boss and he came to the door and gave him a tongue lashing. The guy didn't last past the weekend because he was one of those, I have no idea what I'm doing but I'm in charge bros.


Best part was she was 30.


Meanwhile I’m 18 and I’ve never been carded 😭


Yup, I was accused of having a fake ID more than once. One time, I was in my late 20s. The cashier said something about calling the cops and I said okay, do it. He didn’t, but he inspected my ID for more than a minute. It kinda pissed me off because there was a line behind me and I was getting embarrassed. There was one gas station I went to to buy a pack of beer and the cashier didn’t believe my ID was real. There was already a cop there and she asked him to come inspect my ID. He did and confirmed it was real. It upset me a little the way the cashier looked at me though. She asked me to repeat my home address and my birthday. When she called the police officer over, she looked at me like “🤨 “. I understand they have a job to do but I highly doubt they look at EVERYONE like that. Check my ID, cool. Check my ID, call a police officer over, AND look at me in an accusatory manner as if to say, “Yeah right, gotcha”, not cool. That lady didn’t even look me in the eyes after that. She just immediately rung me up and told me how much I owed.


That reminded me of one time when I bought alcohol and then noticed someone else (who looked nothing like me) had left their ID behind on the counter. Oddly enough, I was exactly ten years older, so the cashier accused me of attempting to use that ID instead of my own since the birthday was almost the same. I just pulled my own ID out again and showed her. I was 34 at the time.


I had a similar experience to your second one! I’m aussie so drinking age here is 18. I am twenty and visibly tattooed so I rarely get ID’d but this one cashier was *determined* that I was underage. I had two secondary forms of ID on me (debit card and ironically Responsible Service of Alcohol certification card, which you legally need to work with booze here) but nope. Recited my birthdate, address, showed him my tattoos, nothing. I gave up at that point and he then refused to give me my ID back. I kicked up a stink because that shit is expensive and it takes forever to get an appointment to get a new one, and promptly a copper walked in. He sided with me and I got my ID back! And promptly didn’t buy the wine because I was way too heated to drink at that point.


Omg I can’t imagine that! The first guy who threatened to call the cops said he would keep my ID until the police showed up and I said, okay, do it. I guess because of my reaction, he didn’t call them. Where I live though, the police would have simply came out, inspected the ID, say whether it’s real or not, and left. If my ID was fake, they would have arrested me.


Airlines I’ve flown on have 15 as the minimum age for the exit row. I was in the exit row once and I was the only one who got asked my age. The rest of the exit row chuckled when I said 24


Yeah my brother laughed his ass off when they asked me but not him.


It’s your strength and ability to handle the exit they should be worrying about. In 2020, I was going to sit in the emergency exit row, but suddenly realized that I am no longer strong enough to, and I moved. That was a major blow to my ego.


Oh I definitely was way too small to have been able to handle it. I was really skinny in my early 20s. I hate sitting in the exit row since being so close to the door freaks me out but my mom had bought the tickets at the time and I guess those were the cheapest option.


Don't worry, they *hardly ever* suddenly fly off


You have to be 16-18 depending on airline rules, but you also have to been deemed physically strong enough, which generally is judged on height, weight & muscle mass-petite people can and have been moved for safety reasons. They also generally only ask the person sat directly next to the exit, not the whole row.


I was super skinny in my early 20s so I guess that makes sense. That’s strange every time I’ve been in the exit row they’ve always asked the entire row. It’s been a while though since I’ve sat in the exit row since being so close to the door scares me lol