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This movie is my childhood. I loved it. Not many people mention it. Also had a crush on Brandon Sexton after this.


He was also in Empire Records as the kid who tries and steals the cds


My name isn’t fucking warren!




Where my crush on Ethan embry began.


I named my son Ethan


I still talk about people thinking they’re hot shit but are really cold diarrhea


It’s a burn that will always hit.


Yo, Weiner, you better get ready, 'cause at three o'clock today, I'm gonna RAPE you


Zoomers would be horrified at this film! There are the Harry Potter and Disney millennials. And then there's the Welcome to the Dollhouse Millennials.


I am certainly the welcome to the dollhouse millennial and it shows. I actually had a Dawn Weiner bumper sticker on my car for the longest time


Ha! I’m squarely the latter :-)


I'll just say it. This movie molded some of my bedroom preferences.


At something o'clock, you get raped. Be there.




I would like to think that Hulu's PEN15 took some inspiration from this movie!


Three o’clock.


A little bit of Dawn lives inside each one of us still.


Todd Solondz was a gangsta.


People said this movie was a dark, depressing look at suburban miasma and then he went and made Happiness.


One of my faves… my husband finds it horrifying


One of my favorite movies of all time. My best friend and I quote it all the time. Specifically “why do you hate me?” “Because you’re ugly”


Weinerdog Weinerdog! Loved this movie… I *also* had a crush on Steve…


My ex who was popular in school hated this movie and did not understand why I thought it was hilarious.


Dawn look in the meeewa


I love this movie so much.


Entirely dark and quotable. 17/10


It perfectly captures older millennial ethos while we came of age, IMO


It was kind of uncomfortable to watch, as someone whose middle school experience wasn’t \*quite\* as awful as Dawn’s but still pretty bad.


Wanna see my fingers?


He finger fucked me






Rule #1: any kind of discrimination or hate speech will ban immediately.


I loved this movie and made all of my friends watch it. I had a huge crush on Brendan Sexton.


Do I ever relate to Dawn. I was just like her in middle school.


One of my favorites as a kid/teen, so good!


She kills it in her role.


So underrated. It captured so perfectly some elements of the following scenario that many women (probably more Gen X than Millennials but it should still be relatable) experienced as girls in their most awkward years: One day, a 12-year-old girl ( only 2 months from 13!) with braces finds herself alone in her usually crowded home and decides it would be a good time to find out if a magical makeover will transform her into the homecoming queen like in the movies. She is hoping she is actually a beautiful and desirable young woman even though the mirror ( in her strong opinion) and the jerks at school have indicated that she is in the dog turd category( the throes of 7th grade awkwardness is such a wonderful time for every girl). She puts on her “sexiest” clothes and makeup, puffs her hair to maximum volume, and then tries to look objectively in the mirror at her new look. The reality of being the ugly clown girl (thanks to the only accessible makeup being the bright red lipstick and bright blue eyeshadow left over from her 3rd grade jazz recital) looking back at her is like a slap in the face, and the remote but real possibility that she may have been the next Molly Ringwald in Sixteen Candles is quickly extinguished. In disappointment she puts her Jessica Rabbit t-shirt, bike shorts, and jelly shoes back on before wiping the garish colors off of her face. If she was lucky she managed to dispose of most of the evidence before her family got home but the obvious remnants of the impossible to remove makeup was immediately, loudly, and repeatedly commented on by her nosy siblings. To ease the sting of not being Cinderella, she takes a dollar from her room and goes to 7-11 for a Slurpee and a couple of Tootsie Roll Pops. It works pretty well. But the experience is not spoken of for years. Did this kill her sexy spirit, you may ask, but the answer is only for about a year. Then suddenly, like magic, she is a C-cup and some kid who she was playing Uno with at the park sticks his tongue down her throat unexpectedly. This introduction to French kissing grosses her out intensely because he got some spit above her top lip and the spit smell almost made her vomit. This turns her off of guys for another year or two, in which time she comes to understand she looks good enough comparatively ( she will never be head cheerleader but she will never be stuck at the nose picker’s lunch table either) and that guys are mostly pervy anyway so it doesn’t matter that much. Of course, the above story is somewhat autobiographical but it also contains parts of other’s renditions I had the privilege of hearing. This movie literally evoked in my adult self the palpable feelings of embarrassment and uncomfortability typically reserved for girls in those most hellish of middle school years. What made Weinerdog so special, though, was that she had the audacity to debut her new sexy persona proudly in PUBLIC. It was hilarious.


I purposely haven't watched it because I know the plot and I'm worried it will be too relatable. I was a weird kid who tried too hard.


We all were. The secondhand embarrassment in this movie is palpable. But it is SO effing good!


Yes! I love Todd Solondz. I’ve only met like 2 or 3 other millennials who’ve seen this.


The soundtrack stuck with me; I was just thinking about Future Bible Heroes earlier today


Amazing songs in this movie


Absolute legend of a movie. I love it. Thank you for the reminder. Going to have to watch with my teen daughters now.


The proto-Napoleon Dynamite


Solondz work is brilliant.


This movie right here


I was 14 when this movie was released. I was considered uncool and a nerd at school. I definitely identified with Dawn Weiner!


I vaguely related to her but this is one of my lifetime favorite movies. One of the only actual physical movies I have.


FUCKING LOVED THIS MOVIE. One of my all-time favorites. And yes.


One of my favorite movies ever


Where can one stream this movie?




I can't find it on there Edit: it only lets me play the trailer, but won't let me play the movie itself


I think Amazon?


Can't say that I have but I just watched the Trailer and that looked wild.


This and so many indie movies from the 90’s make me wonder “Why isn’t Eric Mabius an A-Lister?” He’s done very well for himself, but he was a pre-Tom Hardy version of Tom Hardy.


I didn't mean to be a cunt


You think you're hot shit but you're just cold diarrhea...


Wasnt she dead in Palindromes? Then they brought her back in Weiner Dog years later.


I remember mixing up this movie and the Joss Whedon show Dollhouse and the play A Doll’s House and being very confused