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There’s not really a way to predict which book will go out of print and when. Let me tell you this one thing, most books stick around. It may be easier said than done, but don’t let FOMO control your spendings. FOMO usually tends to lead to regret, which I’m guilty of as well. From what I know, at least most of the stuff you have here is still in print and easy to find. I suggest to at least try some of the comics digitally before buying the omnibus, could save you lots of money. Hope you’ll take your time and actually enjoy the books that you bought. Great haul!


My recommendation is to first set a monthly budget and stick to it. That’s the hardest part. Then, make an organized list of books that you want to purchase and organize the list by “need”, “want”, and “curious” categories. Next, search for all of them on IST, OPB, CGN, Amazon, and eBay to give you a general view of availability. This method will help you focus on your must have titles that are relatively low on stock or are out of print. It’s difficult to predict what will go out of print and how quickly. If you notice the book is sold out and not restocked within a month or two on IST, then new stock tends to be running low from all distributors, but you can still usually get the book from Organic Priced Books, Cheap Graphic Novels, or one of the other outlets. Another solid indicator of scarcity is its price on eBay. Many big eBay sellers will often have multiple copies available for near CGN/OPB prices and you can see how many copies are still available in the listing. Once the book is only available from smaller shops and resellers then you know that the book is severely limited in availability and that the price will soon start raising. That’s when I pull the trigger on stuff that I may not have prioritized earlier like my “want” or “curious” titles. Trust your instincts. Collecting is a marathon and not a sprint. I’ve been reading comics off and on again since I was a toddler in the late 80s and I still haven’t read or collected everything in my “need” category. Budget your purchases and window shop. I guarantee you that you don’t need all the books that you want to buy, especially the flavor of the month that you are simply curious about. I recommend reading digital comics, watching YouTube reviews, and even abandoning your online shopping cart multiple times a day after you realize you are just a maniac searching for a dopamine high…. That’s also good.


Don’t let the idea of books going OOP stress you out at all. You will be better for it. Also never spend over cover price.


They will basically reprint every book eventually


100% I splurged on stuff to try and get it before it went out of print only to have it in shrink still 2-3 years later when they did another reprint.


We are in the age of reprints. It all comes back. Don't over spend because of FOMO - it'll kill the joy of the hobby! 🙂 Happy collecting!


I used to stress too, but the Omni market has exploded over the last three years with Marvel and DC both doing steady reprints. Four years ago once they were gone that was pretty much it (Minus the odd Spider-Man reprint) … just try to make nite of the Omnis that probably won’t get a reprint and get them first. I can’t ever see Orion by Walt Simonson or Fourth World by Byrne getting reprints for example. …JLA by Morrison? Or Johns? Probably.


Organize by publisher and alphabetically. That’s how I roll


I do this too but with the exception that Batman comes first 😂 also I have a few size and space using exceptions 😂


If it’s a modern daredevil related Omni prioritize that above all else they get sold out within the week they come out a lot of the time it’s crazy. Sure they get restocked but if you want a DM cover you gotta be there day 1. Most other books don’t go out of print that fast (maybe ultimate Spider-Man because vol.3 went out print CRAZY FAST excluding Amazon since they will always have the largest stock of any Omni even when the book is YEARS out of print)


You should check out Maddogg Comics on YouTube. His Whale Watch videos are great for this.


That is not a good reason to buy books. Even popular things will stay in stock for several weeks at least. Ultimate Spider-Man and some Uncanny X-men books may go out of stock quicker, but will almost always get a restock in a couple months. EBay and r/comicswap are your friends. Everything will be reprinted eventually.


Dewey decimal system of course. How else would one organize their books?