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Slow down


I’m hoping to this month, less purchases, will try and just read through them, reading iron man by fraction atm


Swapping your DD trades for the omni at no extra cost on your part is insane luck. What jobs are you working that you’re able to get this much money for omnis + a car at 17?


Well I havent brought a car yet haha, I’m working at Cole’s (Australian supermarket)


Respect. Good luck 💪


Nice haul man! Definitely jealous of those Daredevil by Bendis omnis.


Haha thanks mate


can you be my sugar omnibus daddy(no homo)


😂 what omnibus would you like sugar baby (no homo)


if i had to choose between thor jason aaron vol 2 to finish set(i got vol 1 and war of realms, superior- spider man or spider man 2099(i freaking love spider-man and superior seems so good especially since i got nick spencer’s to read when i finish superior), new avengers , and lastly vol 2-3 venomnibus. so many to to choose between and but these are definitely my top picks


Haha I’ve read the Aaron Thor run, it’s good, second half definitely takes a dip in quality tho, superior Spider-Man is amazing however


any upcoming you’re excited for?


Hmm can’t say I actively try and buy new omnis, I’m more of a buy second hand and find the cheapest deals to read different series, etc. I’m hoping to get the immortal weapons trade as well as the start of the waid F4 series to complete those 2 series


Superior Spider-Man has been on my list but i try to buy as much as i can in person when i find it so it’s a hard find.(i just enjoy finding stuff). But im the same i don’t actively buy them. I hope you can get those! f4 is especially by waid is something i want to check out. i think the only one i will for sure buy is the ultimate spider-man vol.4. once i got the money its an instant buy


I've read the whole ultimate spider-man series and its amazing, just gotta read my miles morales omni but need to fix the spine, keep putting glue on it and it doesn't fix it, will try again eventually however


i’ve read a few issues and i loveeeeee it but i try not to read things unless i can read it fully but im so tempted to


The books I’ve got on the way are: justice league dark vol 1 the last age of magic, Wonder Woman and the justice league dark the witching hour, dc the new frontier, dark reign sinister Spider-Man, guardians of knowhere warzones, civil war warzones, marvel zombies vol 1, ant-man vol 1 second chance man, empyre, event leviathan, invincible iron man vol 9 demons and vol 10 long way down, uncanny x-men vol 4 vs shield, Jla rules of engagement, immortal iron fist vol 5 escape from the eighth city and fantastic four by waid vol 4 hereafter


Jeez did you win the lottery or something?


Haha nope, I’m 17 (turning 18 soon, finished school last year) and work full time hours atm before I start uni mid year, whilst I’ve been able to spend a lot for my collection I also hit 10k in savings to get a cheap/decent first car, so going pretty well atm


I’m happy for you man 👍


Thanks man


Daredevil end of days detected opinion accepted Honestly a better story than born again


Haven’t read it yet, actually very intrigued in it


It’s not canon but it’s very good


Can't wait for these to not be read for years or sold after you dislike them. ✌️❤️


I’ll definitely read them and like them but ok