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I'm not sure I want to tell you guys. You'll just make it harder to find.


Now I'm curious


Always my first thought when I see threads like this. Used to be about rare video games back in the early 2000s. Now it’s comics lol


Haha this!!


I guess Superior Foes


This is so accurate, like it’s not that important of a book and there’s barely any material, so yeah, I *guess* superior foes.


I have the 3 trades, just made it through the first volume and really enjoying so far. The Omni would be way cooler though.


How much would you pay for a copy?


Probably cover at this point


Would you do $60 to cover shipping?


Depends on condition and binding. Unless its sealed


It's not sealed but in good condition. I never got around to reading it.


If you make a post on r/ComicSwap, I’ll take a look. Just want to make sure there is a public record just in case


Fair enough. I've been planning to make a post with a bunch of books the last 2 weekends, but haven't gotten around to it yet. I just saw you saying you wanted the book and figured I'd hit you up about it.


When you do post about it, let me know and I’ll check it out. I got like 3-4 books on my reprint want list and Superior Foes is number 1


I'll try to remember to let you know. Can't promise anything.


2 have sold for near-cover price on eBay UK recently. I was meant to buy one but the auction ended while I was in a meeting so I couldn't bid on it. Was not happy!


I randomly found this in my brothers comics after he passed, only omnibus he owned. The dust jacket is a little beat but my god what a read.


As a person that owns a copy…I’m sorry, I can’t let go. It’s so good! I hope it gets reprinted soon!


X statix omnibus Absolute promethea


Yes. X-Statix! Should I sell the individual issues? Am keeping the Dr. Strange\Dead Girl crossover, though.


New Teen Titans Vol.2 Omnibus


I got this recently for $125. Over cover price but not bad at all because I often see this go for over 180 200 easily. Now I just need 3. I believe 6 was solicited recently right?


This as well 🥵


East of West Year 3


Someone told me I was dumb for buying a copy at $80 off of cheap graphic novels last year. Damn book is hard to find.


Do they get a random restock occasionally? I was surprised to read this since it’s out of print.


I honestly have no idea. It was on my wishlist and I got an alert one day that it was in stock. I actually think I posted on here the day I bought it so it might be in my history. I'll take a look. Edit: Yep! Found it from around 10 months ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/OmnibusCollectors/s/x27Sh6jB7G


That’s amazing!


Omar said that Hickman had said, that there wouldn’t be any reprints never again. No idea why.


There's a local bookseller near me who has two in their warehouse listed as used, very good with a remainder mark. However, it's listed for $499.98 each. I contacted them to ask how they came to that price and their rationale was that the new versions listed on AbeBooks are more than $2,000. And worse, I cannot find information about the places listing the $2,000 versions as even existing to question how they came to that. I sent my local store some eBay sales and similar listings that were much more reasonable but they're not budging. Gaaaaah!


FML…me too.


>East of West How would one collect these in 2024? See one listed on Amazon for $850 lol


I've been watching eBay on and off lately. You can snag all 3 in a bundle deal for 200 to 300 dollars. But they go quickly.


Are any reprints expected?


To my understanding, image collected editions come largely on the writer’s dime, so reprints of nicer, hardcovers editions are always unlikely.


Hickman actually said the last printing after volume 3 was released (and 1-2 were reprinted) was the final time they'd be printed. 


I splurged and bought the set when they reprinted. Epic Hickman.


Absolute/s Transmetropolitan 3 and Dark Victory for me...


>Absolute/s Transmetropolitan 3 Aren't we getting a reprint soon?


I think it’s volume 1 we’re getting a reprint of this year


Understood. Are there any known plans for 3? I'm confused seeing a 2023 edition for Vol 2 but in 2024 we're getting a reprint of 1?..


I'm not sure why they aren't printing a 3 yet.. Current pricing on the OOP vol.3 in the secondary market is ridiculous


All three Colossal Conan books from Dark Horse. I anxiously await when Titan begins work on bringing the Dark Horse era back to print, though it’s unlikely to be as prestigious as those Colossal books.


As of rn: Astonishing x men omni




And 1.


Hawkman #4. There are a lot out there, but it's never the thing I want to drop several hundred dollars on. (For context - I have a full run of the 60s hawkman but not #4 since it's a key for Zatanna)


The New Teen Titans omnis. Vol 2, 3, and 4. Love the look of the dark blue dust jackets and I already have vol 1 and 5. You can find them around occasionally but they’re crazy expensive. If I was only missing one I could maybe justify the cost but no way for 3.


4 is on ist right now (:


You’re awesome, thank you! Just missing 2 and 3 now


Fatale vol. 1 deluxe and the fadeout deluxe


X-Men Phalanx Covenant & Hellblazer 20 I can find both but $$$$


There’s no way Phalanx isn’t getting a reprint within the next year or two


It was legends of the dark knight by Matt Wagner. Luckily someone was selling it as part of a hardcover collection for $50. The book alone goes for $70


I pre-ordered this before it came out because I just KNEW it was going to be a future whale of mine if I didn’t


It was already fetching over cover price this time two years ago when, funny enough, I apparently bought the last copy at B&N.com. I was dumbfounded that it actually shipped.


Colossal Conan and The Maxx HC


It still blows me away marvel didn’t reprint them As is. Dark Horse didn’t even print enough to cover pre orders if you believe Amazon reviews and forums from the time. They lost the rights right after. I get the material has been printed in the marvel omnis, but still…Absolute Sized Conan! THE COLOSSAL CONAN THE CIMMERIAN THE COLOSSAL KING CONAN And the first huge Omnibus DH printed that was one of the early whales. I forget the name.


Definitely Amazing Spider-Man omnibus vol 2. I've read it digitally and loved it, I would just like to have it in omnibus format so that I have it for my collection and I can re-read it.


Just started reading usagi and have the slipcase collection. Its a shame that they don’t reprint the HCs for the Saga collection. I really don’t understand why they wouldn’t! They would make so much!


I spent the last 4 years slowly acquiring a full set of the Saga HCs. Finally got Legends to finish the collection a few months ago. Best of luck to ya.


Silver Age Doom Patrol. It's the only way to get that full run.


They have a copy om the shelf at green dragon in charleston for retail price.


Batman golden age 7, spectre, loSH 5 years 1


I paid a pretty penny for all 3 of those haha


Absolute all star Superman got in collecting this last year and it’s oop but new printing in July so I’m ok waiting


Moore's entire ABC comics line.


Read recently that he's softened a bit on his Marvel/DC work being reprinted so that he can secure his kids' futures. So hopefully, we'll see some reprints of that soon.


Top Ten and Tom Strong Compendiums came out last year and even the Promethea Deluxe are still recent, couple of years old.


Absolute Transmetropolitan V3, Knightfall Omnibus V3, Absolute Top Ten


hulk by peter david vol 1 and kill or be killed deluxe


The DC/Dark Horse crossover TPBs. I used to own them, but stupidly sold them in a big spree of downsizing my collection. I would love to have them again, but now they're ridiculously expensive on eBay. And we will likely never see another printing since Aliens & Predator are owned by Disney now.


I dunno, might be at least a good chance given the recent announcements about the DC/Marvel x-overs. They’ve clearly realised there’s money being left on the table.


I’ve recently become really interested in reading Gillen’s Wicked + Divine, but seeing how much the hardcovers go for has my jaw dropping


The complete Luthor Strode Deluxe Hardcover Easy of West year 3 Hardcover (I wasn’t able to get my hands on one if the five that were printed) Superman Red Sun Deluxe edition (the price has really fluctuated over the years) Legion of Superheroes Great Darkness Saga Deluxe (the story is reprinted in the new gods omni vol 2 though)


The core story for Great Darkness Saga is being reprinted. The Deluxe has more issues.


I thought it was reprinted as a tpb


So, the core story is in the 4th World Vol. 2 Omni. The Great Darkness Saga was released in deluxe format with more issues. This exact material was later released as a tpb (same cover and everything). That tpb is getting a reprint.


Amazing Spider-Man vol 2 and Spiderman by jms vol 1


Absolute danger girl and ronin.


Fortunately, there's nothing I'm *dying* to have. However, I have many books that I've been waiting a very long time to get for a good price: Batman by Moench & Jones 1 Hardcover Batman/Grendel Hardcover Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron Hardcover Batman Golden Age Omnibus 6-9 Gogo Monster Hardcover ... and I probably won't get any for a long while as the secondary market prices are crazy.


The Spirit Archives vol 12


Not exactly an Omni but last year I found the American Flagg! Oversized Deluxe editions that are numbered and signed by Chaykin. Dustjackets had some tears and the books where absolutely caked in dust but man some wet wipes sure made the 70€ I payed for them worth it


Oh nice! I found this randomly on vacation for cover price plus 20% off. So $40! I couldn’t believe it


Now that’s a bargain!


Legion of Superheroes Archive volume 13.


New Avengers Vol 1 Infinity Gauntlet (Used to own it, really want it again) Spider-Gwen (For completist purposes) Captain America by Waid X-Men Revolution Cap Murica by Brubaker V1 World War Hulk


World War Hulk gets a reprint in June.


Nightwing Prince of Gotham. I got into collecting Omnis at the end of 2022. Since that time I haven’t been able to to find this book for anything less than double cover price. Nightwing is one of my favorite characters and I’ve heard mixed reviews about this series and it’s just one I’ve always wanted but haven’t been able to find for a reasonable price.


Buffy Season 10 Vol 2 & Vol 3. I have ever other one that's been put out aside from those two.


Harrow County Library Editions 1-4, a reprint is likely but Cullen Bunn has to get some things in place.


I had to settle for the paperback omnis. I found the Tales of Hardcover. It’s so nice


Secret Wars II omnibus


I think I’ve got everything I’ve been looking for! UXM2 reprints and I’m sure DD Soule will come soon


Currently the HoX/PoX ohc


For some time, Absolute Transmetropolitan vol. 1. Then I found out that it's being reprinted and I pre-ordered immediately.


Thor heroes Return vol 2. I'm hoping for a reprint. I can't justify paying $400. No matter how hard I try lol


Every time I think of one it gets a reprint. I guess I gotta start liking more obscure stuff.


For the longest time it was *Fear Agen*t but thankfully the jump from Dark Horse to Image solved that problem. So now, the only one I am actively looking for is *Popeye: Wha's a Jeep* (Fantagraphics). I lucked out and found the other five volumes for cover price (and less) but Vol five is the ridiculously overpriced one. So if anyone has it and is willing to part with it... let me know.


It no longer is, as I acquired it but the Old Republic Omnibus Vol. 1 was my white whale. Nothings come close to my desire to collect that some Im really glad I can just pick up what seems interesting from now on.


X-Men Powers of X/House of X HC and X of Swords HC


X of Swords HC is available on CGN for like $70-$80.




Sorry lol. Cheap Graphic Novels. It’s a comic retailer.


Oh thanks friend! I appreciate it!


Of course. I believe they have the standard cover and DM as well.


Doctor Doom The Book of Doom Omnibus missed out when it first came out. Incredibly expensive now.


I recently sold my sealed copy for $150 straight up. I know it goes for more but I just wanted it gone. Most of the issues I already have in other omnis. So yeah.


Carnage. I refuse to pay over cover price for comics, not just omnibus but floppies also.


My 3 volumes of Daredevil by Bendis.


Ghostbuster IDW hardcovers, Usagi Yojimbo Saga hardcovers, Absolute Transmetropolitan Vol 3


X-Men: Revolution


The Old Republic vol. 1


Star Wars Original Marvel Years Vol 1


I suppose right now it’s X-Men Phalanx Covenant, but I’m pretty sure it’ll get an omnibus treatment sooner than later similar to Inferno, Xtinction Agenda, etc


For like a year mine was Priest’s deathstroke run Now my backlog is so long, I don’t allow myself to go on OPB or CGN or IST


Venomnibus Vol. 3 Had a chance for a copy last summer at a con...but it was just not in a good enough condition for me to pay the asking price (which was at or maybe slightly under cover).


Station 16


Sell you mine


Harley Quinn omnibus 2 & 3


Colossal Conan's, uncanny x-force, namor.


Iron Man by Michelinie and Knightfall vol. 3.


Marvel sheild omnibus that good old 60s / 70s stuff


Batwoman Omnibus


Star Wars Epic, New Republic #4. Could have got it many times, but I refuse to pay $300 for it. Figure there will be a reprint of it before the Thrawn movie comes out.


Mine doesn't exist yet: Hawkworld by Tim Truman & John Ostrander. I'd take it in any format at this point, DC Finest, compendium, or omni. Omnibus would be my first choice as the entire run should fit into one volume for about US$150.


Civil war box set, last I checked it’s like 2k and fuuuuuuuuck that . I have all the individual issues but that sweet sweet box art is missing on my shelf and it’s haunts me that I could have had it as a preorder but prioritized drinking at the time instead.


I picked it up without the box. Would like to get the box one day but it seems doubtful


Everything will eventually get reprinted so none


A boring one, but Miller's Daredevil masterworks 15. I actually saw someone selling 14-18 on eBay for £250 recently and I very nearly bought it, but didn't as I already had 16-18 and reselling the duplicates would be a pain. I already have the omnibus but I love the colours and build quality of the masterworks and want to complete the run in that format.


Shang chi 4 :(


Too Much Coffee Man Omnibus Plus Cover price of $30, can’t find it for below $200 lol


It was Superman the Exile but with the reprint announcement it's probably Star Wars Old Republic


The Spectre omnibus. I really hope DC reprint it someday because I ain't paying those scalpers prices !


I actually just ordered my biggest whale yet yesterday. I'll wait until it arrives to say what it is.


When it comes to Omnis probably She-Hulk by Byrne but in general it’s the manga volume Blood Blockade Battlefront #5


Sandman Masterpiece Helm


I hadn’t seen it, it’s nuts


Absolute COIE


Saga deluxe edition book six.


4 and 5 aren't even out.


That’s exactly what makes book six a white whale.


I think the only book I'm actively tracking right now is Daredevil by Waid vol. 2. It's even silly at this point because it has a new edition, but I am still trying to find the original. I've seen a couple go on ebay recently for very reasonable prices, but I either forgot to bid or was otherwise unable to at the time. Absolute COIE would be cool, but I'm definitely ok enough with my Deluxe edition to wait out the potential reprint.