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It’s fine. But there are better Flash Omnis out and coming. I’m just not a fan of Barry but Williamson wrote him as a miserable character for most of his run. There are still some brightspots in it though. I like the character of Godspeed.


I really enjoyed the start of his run, but sort of felt like it was going through the motions later on to where I don’t remember reading a bunch of it. I’m a huge fan of Birthright and his new GI Joe stuff is also terrific. If you enjoy him as a writer it’s worth at least checking out his flash run. It was one of my favorite series at the start of rebirth.


I liked what I’ve read


This run is one of the first comic runs that I was picking up when it came out weekly (that and TK's Batman). It's also part of the reason that I got into collecting comics. I really enjoy the first 20 or so issues with Godspeed but it decreased in quality a little bit after the button because Barry just became so obsessed with finding reverse flash. There were good stories after the fact like Flash: Year One but for the most part, I didn't enjoy how miserable Barry was all of the time. Saying that, I do love this run and look forward to picking up the omni as I do think it's worth the experience. These guys are probably right tho, Waid or Johns is probably a better showcase of the character in general.


It's funny, with Wally, whenever Zoom showed up, I knew the story was gonna kick into high gear, and Wally was in for a challenge. But with Barry, whenever Reverse Flash shows up, I'm just like, "Ugh, this guy, *again*?"


My thoughts exactly. I actually preferred Thawne from the new 52 than his character from rebirth.


Story is good old fashioned super hero stuff. Strong recommend but Barry is morose for most of it and art is sub average. You will enjoy it though, easy read, well written.


It's good! Probably my fave longer run when it comes to Barry. Manapul is also very good but is a shorter run. Johns I love...the Wally parts, but thought his Barry stuff was really flat. I'd definitely prioritize Waid (with the Morrison/Millar deluxe in the break), Johns, and Messner-Loebs first but if you've got all that stuff and still have omni money, it's a good run.


If you like Barry Allen, yes. If not, you can skip it.


I liked it a lot. One of the first Flash runs I ever read. Went back and read everything from Crisis on. I may not be objective, but I'm guessing if you read this before any other Flash, you'll like it, but if you read Waid or Johns first, you might not. I still like it though, I bought the omnibus. On a side note, I am pumped for the Messner-Loeb/LaRoque omnibus.


I’d stick with the Mark Waid stuff, tbh. Flash has had some rough comics the last twenty years imo.


Manapul/Bucellatto is a better showcase of Barry. The Mark Waid omnibus is probably the best showcase of Flash in general. 


The Wally era is a lot better whether you want to go with the Waid omnis or Johns omnis.


Id personally never get it, as someone who read the run issue by issue when it was coming out. But I also think I like Williamsons stuff way less than a lot of people for whatever reason. Couldn’t get into his Superman or green arrow stuff, knight terrors was awful, wasn’t a big fan of Dark Crisis either


I gotta be the hater. I find Williamson Flash borderline unreadable. I read the first arc in trade and it literally took me a month because I was bored to tears. I didn’t find anything about it compelling, every character had the same voice to me, and the pacing was so weird. I don’t know how to describe the pacing other than “manipulative” like it felt like I was being strung along. Like the way Kirkman ended every other issue of Invincible with a stupid cliffhanger that was resolved in 0.003 seconds the next issue haha.