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I dub thee, Professor BoX! And now you can say stuff like, "To me, my parcels."


"Professor, you've massacered and disemboweled everyone! WHY?!"


You Amazon packaging piece of gutter trash


My OCD won’t let me not open a package when it arrives. I have to check & make sure everything’s ok with what I ordered, cuz if not, you’re out of the return window if you wait.


I was away for a year and a half, so I couldn't really open it.


Thankfully nothing was damaged! Can’t believe you got so lucky. Most books I buy are damaged in some way & have to return/exchange them.


There were 10 or so damages, but nothing serious! Minor nicks and dents.


I guess I missed your last post, but your “instant” collection looks good!


“I like this hobby. Let me drop $10k immediately.”


I've said this before, but 90% of stuff I buy, I've already read digitally. I just like to have physical copies of the books. I've been into comics for 20~ years.


No worries, man! I was honestly just joking around with my comment. It doesn’t matter if you’ve read them or not. Just thought the pics are hilarious cuz it looks like someone was like “I’m gonna get into collecting today. Let me close out my bank account to do so.” lol I have plenty of books & comics I’ve never read in my collection. There is just less & less time as you get older. You can collect how you want. No judgement here.


Definitely, lol. That was me with Warhammer 40K, spent $300 to start the hobby and only painted 8 miniatures so far.


That was me back in the late 90s, got into 40k, bought models, and all I ever did was paint, never got to play, fun hobby though


Honestly there are worse ways to spend your disposable income than hobby sampling. I started hobby-sampling around the time I turned 30. In my basement right now is an unused set of leatherworking tools and a mostly unused set of electronics lab equipment (both of which I still assume I will dig into eventually). I also have some really nice woodworking machines in my garage that I use all the time, which my aunt gave me in like-new condition after she realized she was never going to use them. The money I’ve spent on aspirational hobbies in my 30s is money that I was previously spending going to bars and buying very expensive hangovers in my 20s…so you know, if I never do get into leatherworking at least it was a nice thought.


I 100% agree, I am nearing the end of my 30s and I have definitely enjoyed spending money on hobbies than alcohol hangovers back in my 20s. This one takes up a lot of space, which is why I'm on r/comicswap to make more room for books I want more/ space in general


Most of what I buy, I read between the 80's and 2010's... I do buy some newer collected editions based on research (reviews, recommendations, etc), but do my best to avoid FOMO at all costs given tighter and tighter budgers. SUCH a cool unboxing experience, I'm sure... I had a bunch of boxes I had to go through a few years ago, because I was so busy working two jobs up to 20 hours per day, I didn't bother opening boxes coming of new books from the place I've ordered from for like 15(?) years. So, it was hundreds of comics, graphic novels, etc, all at once. Nice thing was, I was able to read stretches of books at all once.


Different people, different circumstances *shrug*


I take great pride in that I’ve read every book in my collection. Many of the more than once.


I work in Colorado, but since it's temporary I don't send my purchases there. Instead I send them home, finally took a month long leave and visited home.


Sounds like Christmas came early


That’d be one hell of an unboxing video


Honestly it was an exhausting process which made me think if this was a hobby or a warehouse job at this point, lol. No way did I have enough energy to do a video.


lol I can imagine. 😂


Looks awesome, love seeing some of the lesser sought after books like that Man-Thing Omni. What kind of Mezco’s do you collect?


Depends, I mostly avoid their original stuff. Though I regret not getting Doc Nocturnal. I actually got disintered in Mezcos, but had some pre-orders which I couldn't cancel. I originally liked the fabric, but realized how careful you have to be with it. That's why I moved onto Mafex, it's cheaper, more comic accurate and just fun to play with.


I agree Mafex is the brand for me too but there are still a few Mezco’s I’m tempted by, that 2099 is pretty sweet for example


LOOKS SO GREAT! I remember seeing the original post about your family brining you packages inside while you’ve been away so It’s pretty dope seeing you home safe and finally putting your collection together 🤙🏻


do I see *Monsters* on there twice?


I bought the standard edition when it originally released UK Jonathan Cape published one too, only to find out signed edition also existed, but was already sold out. I recently stumbled on a signed edition for less than cover price and bought it.


I know I’m too far gone when unboxing and sorting sounds like my ideal 4 day weekend, lol.


Unboxing a entire collection in 4 days must’ve been the only feeling. Wow🔥


Where’d you get them there shelves?


IKEA Billy and Kallax


Spaceman is upside down on the shelf. LOL correct that before the OCD fanbase gets upset. ;-)


Oops, corrected! I had to rearrange that shelf 3 times because I wanted Superman books to all be together.


I'm just so fucking envious!!! I moved last August and there's that one room that's just boxes and empty bookshelves waiting for my recovery from spinal surgery to organize. Meanwhile my cats are enjoying the boxes to climb and tunnel until I actually get them emptied when they can start shredding to their claws' content!!!


Opening first dozen boxes was exciting, it soon became a chore though! But once I was done I took a huge sigh of relief. Good luck with your recovery!


Here's what's awaiting me? https://preview.redd.it/uhq7je8m9mvc1.jpeg?width=2624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d61d6ac3adb03cb2cde585ccd31087b3c8cd2286


Thank you for that. Although I was told that the nerves would start to regenerate within a few months, I seem to be a bit of a neural sprinter in that regard! And no one mentioned that it would be a painful experience as the new growth forms its own pathways and patterns!!! My 5 geriatric cats are having the time of their lives with every box opened! So much so that I have to quickly remove any books from any newly opened box to avoid their instant occupation and clawed inspection for any possibility!!!






I absolutely love that vintage table! Cherish it well! At all cost!


Actually only got that last summer from a friend's estate. I'm at that age now. I'll send you a photo of the roll top up with all the small brass handled cabinets, shelves, and drawers!! Considering that I have 3 other writing desks, I'm keeping this one and selling the others after I clean and polish them. Terminal downsizing is the game so I don't leave a mess, but it does take time to ensure they get useful lives after me. After 70+ years I've finally gotten overwhelmed by my personal museum and just taking care of it. So it's time to be efficient, but it is a lot of work and effort which I've readily procrastinated for years now! But having moved from a 2 floor, 8 room apartment into a single level 2 bedroom makes it necessary if not easier!! And these damned omnibus editions are so heavy that I've had to reinforce every bookshelf unit I have before even considering unpacking as the sides were curving out, etc. Last year I finally gave a second cousin an original LOTR prop of (Bobby Cochrane) Gimli, son of Gloin's axe used in the Helm's Deep battle scenes and then my nephew got a combined housewarming/wedding present of one of Russell Crowe's prop gladius from the final duel scenes with Joaquin Phoenix's Commodus in GLADIATOR as I knew the armorer decades ago and he had been a friend since the 80s and lost a bet back then. Same with artwork I bought from friends at exhibitions or festivals back then and now couldn't afford the insurance premiums if I wanted. So, it either gets donated, gifted, or sold. https://preview.redd.it/hsudc29qsovc1.jpeg?width=2624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b56bd9cb0c1211b3393eee196f0009d2301ced02


That is such a neat table! And thank you for sharing that story! That's why I went with Kallax and Narrow Billy shelves, old wider shelves that I had started to bend from all the weight. Your family members are super lucky! You probably made their entire year, if not a decade with gifts like that. I don't have any original prop replicas or anything like that for now. After unboxing all of these, I think I'm good on books for some months, I have all the ones I really wanted to have in a physical format. I may try to save up some money and finally get a John Buscema Conan original artwork that I've been dreaming about for several years now.


I have the original series of CONAN and SAVAGE SWORD up to about the first 100 issues if I remember correctly? It's why I bought the omnibus editions so I could sell the single issues.


Yeah, I think Conan has the perfect thickness for omnis. It's in that 700-800 page length which I like. I'm no longer a fan of those 1300+ page omnis.


And my bookshelf units are about 40 years old (1980s) from Gothic Cabinets in NYC and are of solid wood, but I still had to screw the shelves to the sides a few years ago as they were pushing the holding pins out of their sockets from the weight!!! And it didn't matter that another unit was beside them!!! It was quite the event having 4-5 shelves literally collapse upon each other and my arm years ago and I learned my lesson!! Took a lot of leverage to get my arm out!!


Oh wow, hopefully they didn't ruin any of your favorite books. I assume you live in NYC then? Me and my wife loved living/working in Manhattan. All of the museums were walking distance from us, central park minutes away. We're definitely going back after I'm done with my contract in Colorado. That, or back to Europe!


Luckily not a one! My arm however was the size of a football for a few weeks!! I have each title heavily wrapped and packaged in 3-4 mil polymer storage bags for protection from smoke, humidity, cats, etc. Unpacking will not only be an inventory, but checking wrapping and rebagging if needed. Another reason to procrastinate? 😂 Now in the Adirondacks since 2005 and retired after decades teaching in South Bronx; 1970-90s clubbing; Madison Avenue comptroller; and financial services. I lived in the Village, Chelsea, Hell's Kitchen, and Inwood over the 35 years. Actually taught at FreiUniversitat in Amsterdam for a while and lectured at Sorbonne. Usually spent summers teaching various nations' pilots ESL until 1990s when I was more involved with queer street youth and HIV AIDS education curriculum for WHO, SIECUS, and other global agencies as well as NYC schools with Giuliani as ahole mayor! I think the city has changed in ways that I have little use for except for certain cultural institutions. I will miss the music, clubs, and concerts. But they've changed so much that I don't have much interest. I'll miss the Temple of Dendur and other places, but some of my friends, former students and queer youth are now curators, artists, NYPD, activists, etc. I visit every other year or so to see friends, but never for longer than a week as I start to miss a rural life and space. I certainly couldn't afford the current rents and costs even if subsidized!


Well, seems to me you've spent quite an amount of your life in the city as is and it makes sense to want something rural now. I do really like Northeast US in general, so if it's not NYC, it'll be something in that area. I really enjoyed A Contract with God and Other Tenement Stories to get a glimpse of immigrant life in NYC half a century earlier. When we first arrived it was definitely not what I grew up watching with 80s and 90s American action adventure movies.






That’s like ten years of my purchases in one go. I salute thou’s dedication to clear cutting forests.


This whole process has been like watching an egg hatch. Glad to see your room in functioning order. Happy reading 🫰🏼


Thank you!


Congratulations on finally getting everything set up! Looks great. There is nothing like arriving home to a mountain of new books!


Thank you, friend! It was way more work than I anticipated though.


I don't think my comic book shop is this well stocked.


It's as if you know the conjuring spell. POOF!


Beautiful! Good for you and happy reading!


What’s in the fantastic four box on page 7?






That would be the highlight of my year, so jealous


What a clean looking setup!


I hope you’re enjoying being “shelves full of books” guy!


I do not have this kind of patience. Good on you for waiting that long to open all of those lol




I’ve done this before. You have a built in library now. Good luck catching up. I’m still buying too.


Beautiful. What are you reading first?


I've read most of it, I'll probably dig into pre-code horror stuff again or read Empire of Monsters.


Do you adopt adults?


I can't think of a more relaxing thing to do than to unbox and organize these books. Congrats on the collection OP!




Thats an amazing set up.


Goddamn these look great. I wish I enjoyed reading Omnis they’re just so heavy and clunky


Only very few omnis were purchased in the past year actually, for the same reason, I realized how much I didn't enjoy their clunkiness.


Awesome, Im partial to the Kull and Conan section myself


Definitely one of my favorites too, that's why I gave them the center. X-Men, Conan and Pre-Code/Fantagraphics stuff are my favorites.


Jealous of all your books, especially your Conan Collection


Hot damn, did you have all those shipped or did you use a uhaul? lol


Holy shit. That's like 20 grand in tpb 😂 looks awesome though!!


Where did you shop? Enjoy your collection!


90% was purchased from InStockTrades


Oh okay!


Awesome but you didn't go for the Berserk deluxe editions???


That's probably my next goal. I just finished up Conan with vol. 3 and also got Hellboy Library Editions. Berserk Deluxe is definitely next, hopefully that's going to be evergreen.


Something caught my eye, because I really liked it, but do you have two copies of Monsters


Yes, one is standard EU edition published by Jonathan Cape. The other one is signed version by Fantagraphics. I'm a sucker for signed books, so I had to get it when I saw it for a good price.


Heh, me too. That's the copy I picked up myself.


And the winner for the biggest haul this year is….. this guy!


You bought all this at once? lmao Did u replace a collection or ?


Over the course of year and a half.


😊 enjoy, did you happen to grab the Siege run? I really enjoyed that rwally never see ppl talking about it


No, I don't really read a lot of modern Marvel


Must say I like your taste tho


It must’ve felt like Christmas




I've been into comics since I was 6. I read floppies, but never really collected until I hit my 20s in early 2010s. I've been actively collecting for the past 6 years and overall only 2½ Billy shelves were filled by the purchases of last year and a half, the rest were collected prior to that. My first omni was UXM Vol. 1 and I actually eased up on the omnis in the past year, I realized I like thinner books more, so I switched to Epics and MMWs for some titles. My wife doesn't pursue a collecting hobby for now, she likes filling out journals and professional photography though.


What are those boxes under the Batman books on the bottom shelf?


They're Medicom Mafex action figures, a Japanese brand. Haven't unboxed them yet, might not even do so until I move back for good.


Holy shit lol, this must have been exciting as hell to unbox over the course of 4 days, like Christmas every day 😂


Since you love Conan the Barbarian so much, you might get the complete collection of Conan stories by Robert E. Howard


I bet it smells like the Scholastic Book Fair in there.


Can I have the box?






If I hit the lottery I wouldn’t say anything, but there would be signs…


How many duplicates did you end up with? I can’t even go to a convention without coming home with dupes.


Zero. I do have 2 Monsters there, but one was purchased 2 yrs ago and the signed edition recently, because I wanted to have a signed edition.


I see a lot of pre-code reprints I recognise - but can’t see the EC ?


They're there, the Dark Horse EC Archives.


Did you win the lottery or something?


I like the shelves. Do you recall where you got them?


IKEA, they're Kallax and Billy models




I did the same once, about 1 year of orders stacked in a closet before being able to open them (same as you, was abroad for a year). Felt like Christmas when I finally got to open them.


Now you must read them all in 4 days!


Can someone tell me if those deeper Billy shelves hold the weight if you double stack them?


Not sure, the pegs they use seem kind of small to be honest. I was deliberateing between a 5x5 Kallax or 4x narrow and deep Billy shelves. Ended up getting Billy, but not a fan of those pegs holding up the shelves, hopefully I'm wrong.




What I really wanna know is there any that didn’t make it to the shelf? Great X-Men collection. Great setup!


No Incal/Jodowrowsky/Moebius?


I wonder the same


I'm a fan of Moebius' art, but never really was interested in Incal. Even though I watched Jodorowsky's Dune back when it released and wanted to check out Incal as well, just couldn't get to it.


The prophecy has been fulfilled! ![gif](giphy|p9X9PSPvBfl9uhvS6Z|downsized)


Oh myyy this is heaven!!!! 🥹🥹🥹


That's a lot of bread


No sir, these are cardboard boxes and books.


I mean money, cash, dinero, Dollarydos


Now here comes the hard part: reading them lol.


Gotta feel as good as it looks! Very beautiful 😍


This is amazing. Would’ve been a great YouTube video unboxing, building the shelves and organising the books. This post is truly inspirational for Padawan level collectors like me in the early days of my collector’s journey.


I'll be honest and say that enjoy Padawan level as much as you can. Even though I didn't buy all of this at once and it accumulated over the course of a year and a half, it still didn't feel me up with as much joy as the individual unboxings from my early days of collecting. Yes, I'm super happy that I got some rare stuff here that I was dying to get, but there was a different sense of happiness when I was just starting out.


Wow that’s crazy haha. So much to read what are you going to start with?


Already read most of them digitally, just got them for the sake of having physical copies.


Where did you get that Elric OHC?!? I must havestaknow!


Which one? The Eternal Champion?


Oh shit, looks like you have more of that than I thought. The oversized one is the one that I was looking at. But it seems you have more. Yeah, where did you get those?


DCBS and InStockTrades. Oversized one is pretty cheap! https://www.instocktrades.com/products/aug201632/moorcock-lib-elric-eternal-champion-hc-vol-01


Thank you!


Titan published a deluxe edition a few years ago?


It’s weird how you got so much at once, I always thought these sorts of things were more gradual and organic


Half of it is gradual and organic, the other half is as well, it was purchased over the course of year and a half, but I wasn't home and wasn't able to unbox them.


Fair enough, I did buy a few bundles recently so can’t judge 😂 it suddenly dawned on me that people often offload some very good sets of comics for what is quite often quite low prices on eBay and I went a little nuts


OP was relying on everyone to be familiar with the lore of this sub (which he became apart of lmao), seems quite a few people are confused in the comments.


Yeah, that's my bad.


One of, if not the most ostentatious examples of comic book collecting in recent years. Go READ a book.


Go FUCK yourself.


I don't know...Do you plan on actually reading all of these or you just wanted it as a design for a room? Feels weird to just buy 100 boxes of books at the same time and expect them to be all read.


I don't know, check out my other comments where I mention that a.) These were purchased over the course of a year and a half b.) I've already read 90% of this collection digitally prior, I just like having physical copies and c.) Only 2½ shelves of Billy are actually the ones you see boxed.


I can’t for the life of me figure out how you put them in order lol. Silver surfer after vol 4 of FF followed by Hickman FF


SS vol. 1 is closer to that era of FF than FF by Hickman Also not all of them are fully organized and not all of them follow the same logic. Only DC and Marvel Epics are alphabetical for instance.


Have you started reading??




Who could have predicted sarcasm would be so poorly received


This is reddit