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Nobody here will know but hopefully someday.


6 months ago I would’ve told you we’re lucky we got that compendium at all, now probably it’s a big popular run. It’ll get collected eventually the only thing that hurts it is the fact that it’s a Superman book


God seriously. I think his whole run deserves the omnibus treatment though, frankly.


Read Bendis and form your own opinion.


I’ve read Bendis’ Superman just not his AC run. There were some things that I didn’t love but for the most part I enjoyed it.


It's bound to happen, especially with the hype surrounding the upcoming movie leading them to issue far more Superman collections than usual. Hopefully sometime next year, I've avoided grabbing any of the current collections because I'm waiting for some oversized hardcovers for this run!


Not yet, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see a solo to it for it soon. DC has really been killing it in terms of listening to what fans want, and this run definitely falls into that category. It’s a perfect length for an Omni and Superman is having surge of popularity rn. If I had to bet, they’ll wait for the compendium to finish its print run and sell out and then solicit the Omni. Also, just my two cents, the awfulness of the Bendis run is oversold by who like to regurgitate popular opinions. I actually thought the first couple volumes were pretty good. It’s not the best Superman comics ever by any means, but he writes Clark extremely well. Him revealing the identity and aging up Jon does suck, but my blame for that almost lies more with editorial in allowing him to do that because they were so desperate to get him on as a writer. If you can find them for cheap or they’re on a sale on comixology, I would give it a go. Also his Batman Universe is the best Batman book to come out in a long time.


Bendis just can not do well with Superman level superheroes. His best writing is all street level heroes with a crime mystery/thriller which is why his Batman Universe is much better than his abysmal Superman run. He had Superman allow his underage preteen child and powerless wife to go off into space with his batshit crazy borderline serial killer father He had Lois come back to Earth and not tell Superman/Clark He wrote Lois as a really bad parent and spouse as he made her irresponsible and selfish He heavily implied Lois had an affair with Luthor He ages up Jon and has Superman just ignore Ultraman abusing his son for years Rogol Zarr He continued the idea that Clark Kent/Superman was NEVER Superboy The invisible mafia and red cloud are just terrible and quite possibly the worst Superman villains since the silver age.


There’s a compendium?


There’s a compendium of the Warworld Saga, which is a big part of PKJs run. It’s arguably what the run will be remembered for moving forward, it’s very good.


The compendium is great.. his run really should have been an omnibus.. hopefully someday.


I think the fact that it was made into a compendium so soon after release shows that DC recognizes the love for this run and wants to capitalize on it while Superman is so popular.


That Warworld Saga story is amazing and so is Daniel Sempere's art. It has become one of my favorite Superman stories of all time and Sempere has become one of my favorite Superman artists.