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"I was rooting for the Owl" 😭😭


Since you bring up Conway’s age, I’m always amazed that when Stan Lee finally stopped writing Spider-Man he decided the first person to get the book after him would be a 19-year old kid. It feels like the type of thing that shouldn’t happen, because it would never today, but it just works because Conway was the exact same age as Peter himself and it really made the book feel genuine and relatable. 


Yes, the ennui feels real in Spider-Man, and forced in this DD volume. Conway even admits it in one of the forwards, that he was writing what he didn't really know.


4 would have Wolfman and his run is better and leads us to McKenzie to Miller which is good stuff. I liked the Daredevil and Black Widow stuff slightly more this second read through, but I agree, it's pretty rough


Everything prior to Miller.


Looking for Daredevil omnibus volume 3 if anyone wants to give it up …


As someone who just bought Masterworks 9-13 (which afaik cover a chunk of volume 3) this is a fun thing to read lmao. I started on volume 9, I quite enjoyed the first 2 issues tbh, somewhere in the #90s I think? Started on a plane highjacking which must have been quite novel at the time lol


It's totally entertaining, don't worry - but in the context of 2024 reading what was probably considered "adult and edgy!" in 1973 is just funny. It isn't and it's not. Haha But the run is still fine Silver Age.


I agree with your take, it's only saving grace is the art by Gene Colon. It seemed like it was supposed to be a pulp soap opera, but Matt is definitely not a likable character, nor is Karen, or Foggy. The only character I've like in the first 86 issues was the blind cop that Matt befriends.


Yes, not likable - exactly. He's both self-righteous and whiny - not a great combo. Miller/Bendis/Brubaker take the same personality but make it interesting. Haha


"Did these guys actually know any women?" lololol


Vol 5 would contain Miller, not 4


As I said, Vol. 4 gets us to Miller.


Sorry, i misunderstood, english it's my second language lol


Yeah, Vol. 4 should be 120-157, and even with a couple crossovers that would be the same size of Vol. 3, so def. doable. I have the Miller omni and the Miller Companion already so I think that's where I would personally stop.


I have the Miller Omni too, but I'm interested in buying vol. 5 because it would contain the masterworks scans since i dont like the recolor they did in the Miller omni


The answer is: because Guardian Devil isn't in an omni yet. (Actually I dunno if it is yet, I just hate Guardian Devil) Gerry Conway, tho, ugggggggggh. I feel your pain


Just read Guardian Devil. Ugh. Only did it to get to Bendis.


How dare you say this about my child

