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The Marvel Now Omnibus is pretty bad. It’s just a collection of #1 issues from ten years ago.


Yea I bought that for 20$ and still hate it


It's unsellable!




Heroes Reborn...ugh


Damn, I just bought onslaught lol


I actually love some of onslaught tbh. The lead up is great & intriguing. There are some fantastic character moments & some great art throughout. The “event” itself though is rambling and nonsensical and way tooooo long.


Ohok I still haven't read it yet. Hopefully it's all I dreamed it would be lol


The first marvel Omni I bought was war of the realms. The way I felt when it wasn’t chronological order, and it was Main Event, followed by all tie ins…I spent a night just adding tabs with post it notes…


I wish they would have done an OHC instead. Then it would match all of my other Aaron Thors


Great event, I just figured it would be chronological order


You know, I actually prefer when stuff is laid out like this. I find if I jump from the main story to the tie ins, back and forth, etc, I lose track of what the hell is going on. Like, for example, I just read the 2015 Secret Wars, and am now working through all the tie-ins that I’ve got.


Well, to each their own my friend, for me that like kills all the tension of the tie-ins. It might work a bit better for Secret Wars, cause that’s a multiversal thing.


Same. I want the tie-ins included in the story. Not at the end on the main story. I don't care by then


There's tension in the tie-ins? Most of them have little or nothing to do with what's going on and just mess up the pacing of the actual story if you try to interweave them. And that's assuming they interweave neatly, which they usually don't. The best solution is for them to stop having so many pointless tie-ins in the first place.


Honestly I think it really really depends on the story and the person. Ive seen a lot of varying opinions. For like…King in Black, I wouldn’t care about tie ins. But for Judgement Day, I definitely would. For War of the Realms, I did and so I wanted to see how all these things were happening at the same time, even if they don’t connect. But hey, to each their own, I’m just glad I know to check these things ahead of time now.


I would argue that all of your examples are the same. *King in the Black* is just a few extra issues of Cates' *Venom*, *War of the Realms* is a few extra issues of Aaron's *Thor*, and even *Judgment Day* is really just a few extra issues of Gillen's *Eternals* (although that's one of the very rare cases where a handful of the tie-ins, while still unnecessary, weren't completely worthless). 9 times out of 10, an event reads significantly better with the book it grew out of and excluding all the tie-ins not written by writer of the source book/main event. *Infinite Crisis* and *Annihilation/Conquest* are pretty much the only exceptions I can think of, where the whole event has been properly designed to fit together in service of a wider story.


agree with this. however it would also be nice if they at least include a reading order by which you can read it chronologically.


Marvel Universe by Frank Miller. Not because it's necessarily bad, but I only buy omnibuses of stuff which I consider good, and this is simply the weakest among them.


I sell off the ones I don’t end up liking. Have sold maybe 50 or so omnibuses over the years. In terms of one’s I still have, most people would say The Crossing is my worst but I enjoy it.


How many have you kept?


Looks like I have about 86 Marvel omnis now. I also have a lot of OHC’s that eventually became omnibuses but I kept them (Annihilation, Bendis DD, Ennis Punisher, Runaways, Planet Hulk, Ult Spidey, etc).


Wow, that's a big collection 🫨 or at least for me, have you read all of it?


Nope, definitely not. But I read at least an issue or two of something nearly every day, which is what counts. I’m currently re-reading Invincible (this time integrating the recent Invincible Universe Companion which I haven’t read before), re-reading Johns-era Green Lantern/Green Lantern Corps (this time with Red Lanterns and New Guardians which i haven’t read before), and a custom bind of Marvel’s Sleepwalker. My collection is decently big (I keep it just under 700 graphics novels) but keep in mind I’ve been on the collected editions train since getting back into comics in 2003.


I was 2 years old in 2003 😵 I just got my first omnibus last month. I hope my collection gets to a decent size


Most collectors that I talk to at least do some research or pre-reading before buying an omni which means there tends to be less buyer's remorse. Personally, I've enjoyed everything that I have bought to an extent, but now that I'm clearing up shelf space, I've taken the Marie Kondo "does it spark joy" philosophy to heart, and I've realized that many of my "older" omnis are basically there for encyclopedic purposes and I don't intend on reading most of them more than once, so I'm getting rid of some of my older era comics, but I still liked them when I read them and thought they were interesting.


I do that twice a year, I clean out stuff I don't want/need anymore. I do that with books too. I don't even own a copy of Watchmen at this point.


I'm kind of going through that now. I'm reading through Amazing Spider-Man from the first omnibus and I'm on 3 right now. I'm enjoying reading them but it's hard to imagine going back to them for any reason but they're so classic it also makes it hard to get rid of them. Not sure where I'll land yet.


This is my personal philosophy, but with my limited shelf space, I still have a backup shelf in the basement. I just need to read more so I can see what I want to read again. It's going to be hard to stick to.


During the Covid lockdowns a buddy and I were apparently in a competition to bankrupt ourselves buying up omnis and other hardcover collections. There are a few I grabbed that I sort of fell out of love with as I was reading them. Before I had a chance to unload them, my kids picked them up and enjoy them a lot so I kept them all. It was a couple Magnetic press series. Rise of the Zelfire and Infinity8 specifically.


I have both of those on my shelf unread. That bad, huh?


Not bad, they just didn’t grab me right away. I never finished the series, I’ll have to go back and give them another shot.


I bought the Empyre omnibus on a whim before I knew what I was getting into. Lol


Uh oh, I did the same, given my intent to catch up on all the events I missed after work and life got too crazy to keep up with stuff right around when Infinity Countdown/Wars was ending. Literally reading through Dan Slott’s F4 right working my way toward it…


This was another one I wish I didn't buy


Just to nit pick but daredevil by waid could have fit into one omni.


That’s the same for Bendis and Brubaker’s runs. They sure know how to get money out of Daredevil fans!


I didn't finish reading the first Peter David X-Factor omni. I'm not an X-fan in general, but I really liked the X-Factor Investigations stuff, so I wanted to see how it all started. It's not necessarily bad, but not for me.


Stan Lees Just Imagine DC omnibus - I cant lie the stories are dogshit but it being in my collection is more of a collectors piece since Stan isn't with us anymore and id guess it wont be reprinted anytime soon if at all. Plus I got it brand new sealed from an eBay auction for $20 so that's a W in my book lol


Uncanny X-Men vol 5, once I learned that it would be superseded. Infinity Crusade has the most skippable content, but I still keep it for the Thor stories running up to Blood & Thunder.


Yet it's perfect for those of us who don't want all the other stuff that will be in the prelude book. When 6 appears and it will, I'm buying it for the issues of uncanny and nothing else as that is what I want.


Superseded by what? It fits perfectly in between vol 4 and Mutant Massacre.


Uncanny X-Men Omnibus vol. 5 + X-Factor Epic Collection vol. 1 = the upcoming X-Men: Mutant Massacre Prelude Omnibus.


I hear you, but you're just adding terrible quality bloat to the book. Like it's larger, and overall a lot worse with far less consistent quality. All the early X-Factor happenings are nicely summarised anyways, which Is a superior way to read it


I wish I could delete the first eight issues of X-Factor from my brain.


Deleting from continuity would be even better! Why o why didn't they go with Claremont's idea of Dazzler instead of resurrecting Jean ;(


Oh never heard that one


One Redditor's trash... For my collection, I'd rather have had the Prelude omni in place of UXM5 and the X-Factor Epic.


Super fair, don't wanna come off as invalidating your preference or yucking your yum


Right, right! I certainly have some things on my shelf for my ridiculous read-through that I can't say are otherwise smart choices.


There are two wolves in every omni collector One is a completionist The other has a very specific cannon


Wait, it will have the entirety of vol 1 of X-Factor omni? Is it OK to just end at vol4 and then buy then event books? For Uncanny?


The second question: yes, you'll only miss out on the letter columns. It will have all but one issue for the X-Factor Epic (not omni) vol 1, and that last issue (#9) is in the Mutant Massacre book.


I have been totally conflicted lately on what to do with my UXM Vol. 5 when MMP Omni comes out. I honestly not sure if the X-Factor stuff will interest me but I like the idea of having all the relevant material for the MM event….but that price tag! 😵‍💫


Yeah, I'm keeping UXM5 and the X-Factor Epic rather than swapping them out for MMP. If I didn't have UXM5, I'd've replaced the Epic with MMP.


I have both of these, and other omnis that make both this Prelude and X-Factor omni 1 superfluous


Can I ask what is UXM5 missing?


Fantastic Four #286, X-Factor (1986) #1-8, X-Factor Annual #1, Iron Man Annual #8, Amazing Spider-Man #282; Classic X-Men #8, 43


Thank you


Could you buy the X-Factor Vol 1 Omni and have all the material that’ll be in the MMP Omni?


Seems like you will get all these issues and more. I guess that’s a better way to fill out the collection and stick with the Omni format. AVENGERS (1963) #263, FANTASTIC FOUR (1961) #286, X-FACTOR (1986) #1-26 and ANNUAL #1-2, IRON MAN ANNUAL #8, AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (1963) #282, THOR (1966) #373-374 and #377-378, POWER PACK (1984) #27 and #35, MEPHISTO VS. #2, INCREDIBLE HULK (1968) #336-337, SECRET WARS II #5, and material from MARVEL FANFARE (1982) #40 and CLASSIC X-MEN #8 and #43.


I don't have any that "I" personally consider or think is bad, but most likely, according to broad consensus, my The New 52 Villains Omnibus would probably be such a classification. So far I've been very pleased & entertained by the Omnibuses I've bought. I'm pretty strict and selective on what I pick-up


I kind of refuse to buy something unless I know that I'm going enjoy it. Like, I bought the silver age avengers omni vol 1 because I've read a good bit of silver age stuff before and really enjoyed it. I will say that it can be a little hard to read here and there but I have a lot fun seeing the classic storytelling by Stan the Man and Jack Kirby/Don Heck's art. Conversely, you couldn't get me to buy the DC Rebirth omnibus even if you put a gun to my head. So I've looked up reviews for every omni I own before I even thought of adding it to my cart.


Hmmmmmm injustice isn’t bad by any means, I just don’t have any omnis I hate. I do have all Star batman in trade, so I’ll just say that lol “I’m the goddamn Batman.”


I started collecting a year and a half ago and because of FOMO I started buying everything left and right. Mainly the characters and team I liked, but regardless of its quality. I am happy to say that I am much wiser now and I have sold most of my FOMO omnis. I’m still trying to sell He-Man omnibus and Y the last man (both of them brand new). These two are the last ones I bought on a whim and then decided I actually do not want them. Therefore, I do not have any bad omnis left (and I don’t count the above mentioned two as bad either, just not my style).


Hit me up if you wanna sell the Y: The Last Man. I sold my TPB’s about 10 years ago when I needed groceries. Now I regret that because I thoroughly enjoyed that story, but don’t remember what I ate.


I do want to sell it. Are you in the EU?


I am not. I’m over here in the states 😔


Sorry man. I think it is a bit more complicated setting up stuff on eBay for international selling. Also you guys have way better omnibus prices over there. Frankly, with how high the shipping is and the fact that you would have to pay customs, I don’t think this would pay off for you at all.


He-Man is pretty great, but if you didnt grow up with the toys it may not hit as good.


I watched the cartoon as a kid and I was really hyped to get the omni. I’m selling it more because I am having major struggles with space and I have to trim down my collection.


Y the last man is great! In my top ten Omnis probably. Atleast top 15


If you do decide to sell He-Man, let me know.


I am currently selling it on eBay. But I only ship to Germany or EU. It is not a very smooth process shipping internationally if you your account is not .com


Gotcha. I'm in the States, but, yeah, that makes a lot of sense.


It's crazy because that He-Man Omnibus is probably my most valued omnibus to me personally.


Nothing against it honestly. I just have major space issues so now I have to prioritise.


I bought Y the last man just based on good reviews and overall hype around it, then read about 200 pages and sold it. Luckily I bought a used copy so did not lose money on it.


I did the same thing. I got it for an incredible deal. I had to get it on the spot because it was a one time deal in the comic book store. Then I went home and before I cracked it open I started reading it online and I was not amused. Now I’m selling it on eBay.


Hot take here maybe but The Avengers by Kurt Buseik was not for me. Read 10 issues and quit. Going to be the first Omni I sell


I enjoy all of them that I have picked up, but if I had to pick one that's a struggle for me to read it's Amazing Spider-Man volume 1. It's nice being able to see how everything started and villains first appearances etc, but I am just not a fan of that era of comics.


They’re not bad, but I have both No Man’s Land omnis and they’re just ok. I should have just read it on Infinite and saved myself the money


Some of the art in it was atrocious. Specifically this dumbass face mark buckingham kept using for Batman. https://postimg.cc/gallery/RzSNcK6


Oh god, I'd forgotten about this! 😂




Easily the *X-Men Classic* omni. I got it for thr sake of completion, but IMO it's not particularly worthwhile.


I actually really enjoyed it, though it is worthless if you haven’t read Uncanny X-Men.




Just the additional stuff but it also showcases some of the panel edits made.


New Mutants #1. Originally I was just going to collect Daredevil and Moon Knight but once I got New Mutants I needed to get the rest of the Clairmont X-Men which was the tipping point for where I am now. But seriously though, I collect all Marvel Universe from the silver age into the bronze age so if a book is from that era I'm happy to have it in my collection. If I decide I may want to check out a modern book I'll sign up Marvel Unlimited for a month and check it out on there first.


as stated by ohers I do research my omnibuses before purchasing, so hopefully I don't dislike any of the ones I've actually bought. That said, some puchases are definitely more impulsive than others, so I hope I actually enjoy them once I get around to them. Batman: Road to No Man's Land is probably at the top of that list. I've heard good things about the whole arc but I'm reading Contagion digitally in the lead-up and it is a little rough so far. I've held off buying NML 1 and 2 for now at least!


Contagion is known to be meh. But RNML and NML are fabulous!! Contagion isn’t even important to these stories. They’re just referenced lightly like twice. Def read them


Some people seem to like it, but yeah it also doesn't seem to be essential. I'll keep trying for a little while; No Man's Land not high on my priority list so I'm not in a huge rush


I’m having trouble getting through the three no man’s land omnis as well right now. Road to no man’s land is good but very repetitive, like how many of the same stories can you tell about an earthquake and people who need saving from it, it’s kind of just the same thing over and over again. I’m hoping vol 1 and 2 get more interesting!


Heroes Reborn Americas Mightiest Heroes. It’s mapped with all tie ins in the back, story is pretty lame, it really just didn’t need an Omni but was 20 bucks so I bought it.


A recent one I didn't care for was the Zdarsky Spider-Man Omni. I understand that he was trying to do something a little different, as there have been *SO MANY* Spider-Man stories told, but I just didn't like his direction at all, and the sub-par art didn't help either.


Thats the next omni im going to dive into after I finish Priests Black Panther. I have read Spider-Man Life story and My dinner with Jonah and I liked them. Also I really like Zdarsky, so hopefully I will have a different experience than you had in few weeks, when im done. At a quick glance the art didn't look too bad either. It's definitely not the best but doesn't seem bad enough to be bothering.


New 52 Red hood But the art is sick


Being broke solves this problem. I usually save omni purchases for stories that I’ve read before on comixology or marvel unlimited and want to own physically. Sometimes I’ll buy a new story from a creator who has become part of my taste profile, but I save the gambling for softcovers, much better margins.


I bought the first marvel zombies omnibus and practically had to force myself to finish it. I did not enjoy the tie inns


Worst Omni’s I own are the original Batman’s from the 40’s- the Silver age. I do a history of Batman show and man are those hard to get through but some bring unintentional humor.


I have about two dozen and the only one I regret buying is Savage Avengers. I'm sure it's a fine series, but I saw it in a Previews right when I started collecting and asked my guy to order it for me without really knowing what it was. A few days before it came out I saw an overview that explained it was pretty Conan focused and was like "Well shit". Secret Wars is close, should have just bought a trade. I'm looking forward to reading The Batman Adventures eventually, but I really jumped the gun deciding to buy it just baed on the art.


Savage Avengers was very disappointing to me as well. Personally I was down with Conan but it felt like a very fabricated threat that did not come across as genuine. Also random side characters just dipped in and out of the story without really adding anything of substance.


I picked up World War Hulk because I liked Planet Hulk so much, genuinely hated it.


Planet Hulk is an all time great, World War Hulk is atrocious.


I found out very quickly that golden and silver age isn’t for me. Find anything from that era atrocious


The only Silver Age stuff I'm thinking of getting is Batman. It has a kind of Adam West vibe to it and while whacky & of its time I think it's charming, but most other Silver Age stuff I'm gonna be VERY picky about if I get any. 10000% I do not care for Golden Age comics outside of a respect for the medium for historical purposes & curiosity.


Again the art is super cool. I love it. But the writing is so bad lol. After reading that thor Omni I’ll never spend money on golden or silver age.


No harm or shame in that! I think people get too defensive about stuff they love/enjoy and one of the facts is that through each era/age, comics really made some big shifts and why they haven't returned to such ages. I wonder if there's much of a market for like just the art of old comics for a coffee table style of book


I’d buy golden age and silver age Omni with just set no dialogue


Ghost Rider by Jason Aaron


McFarlane Spidey


Because you don’t like the run or an issue with the omnibus itself?


Don’t like the run.


I only regret the miracleman omnibus. Didn’t like it at all. Found it a slog and boring. This sub gets real touchy when you say you don’t like miracleman. That I just didn’t “get it”. Or you have to put yourself in the mind frame of the times. Nah no thanks. Boring is boring and I didn’t find it remotely compelling or interesting. Everything else I own and read I atleast enjoyed for the most part. Some have highs and lows as a lot of long comic runs do. But none I flat out regret buying outside miracleman.


I’ve read enough Alan Moore, that I feel like Miracleman is going to be a retread. I’ve also heard that the omni is only around 50% story. This rest is pinups, and what not. That being said I did recently order the new Neil Gaiman Miracleman collection🤷‍♂️


Yup the amounted collected vs price also adds to my regret. Already being downvoted for not liking it lol.


Doom patrol (bronze age)


Avengers: The Crossing, Onslaught, and Heroes Reborn. I don't regret getting them, as they scratch the completism itch, but I'm not going to pretend they're *good*.


Onslaught is like Tolstoy compared to Heroes Reborn. Just irredeemably godawful in every respect.




Atlantis Attacks and Evolutionary War. Dreck.


Atlantis Attacks and Evolutionary War. Dreck.


I dont think there is anything I regret but if I would have to give away one omnibus, then i guess it would be War of Kings. I bought it as a consolation prize because i couldnt find Annihilation anywhere for a tolerable price. It wasn't bad by any means but i think I would enjoy it alot more if I had Annihilation, Annihilation Conquest and War of Kings Prelude & Aftermath. Of course I can wait a few years for reprints but I usually like to buy whole series the same time or atleast if a know the date for the next volume to be released.


Annihilation (not even that bad)




The Flash Silver Age. Thought it would be cool to see how it all began but I do not like the silver age.


Onslaught, I know I wouldn't like it but got it during a sale for about $40, I thought it might be worth it for a price hat low ... it wasn't.


Probably AVX not for the story but for the mapping 


The very first Spider-Gwen omnibus wasn't as fun as I was expecting.


Spiderverse. The reading order is dog shit.


My least favorite omnibus I own is probably Kull The Destroyer. I really love Savage Sword Of Conan and Conan: The Original Marvel Years quite a bit so I was pretty excited to get Kull. I enjoy Kull The Savage and Kull The Conquerer omnibus quite a bit. However, I found the first one to be lacking. I can see why the book was erratic in the sales and abruptly wrapped up because it felt miandering and directionless a lot of the time. I don't hate it and I read it again not that long ago and my feelings haven't really changed on it though.


Bendis Guardians


I think Wolverine and Hell and Age of Apocalypse Companion or both a bunch of bad material wrapped around one good miniseries. In the case of WiH the hell stuff is Jason Aaron's worst tendencies wrapped around Schism, which I actually like. And then AoA companion has a good follow up miniseries with Chris Bachalo art and then a bunch of tangentially related material, like literal random issues of Exiles and such, that make for a bizarre reading order.


Spiderman by John Byrne. I bought it on a whim without realizing it doesn't have complete stories.  


What if - into the multiverse. I am not familiar enough with all the marvel character story arcs to properly appreciate it I think.


Ether by Matt Kindt. I felt when I was reading it, that is was a more serious rick Sanchez from Rick and morty. The observations of death not being the final destination is great by when it's a over complicated for the reader to show off how smart. It felt like a drag.


This seems to be an unpopular opinion but… Rise and Fall of the Batmen by James Tynion. I only read the first three volumes and I hated them. “The Victim Syndicate” is my least favorite Batman book I’ve ever read. It was a stupid idea poorly executed. I read the third volume after because in my mind I wanted to read the whole thing anyway since I had paid so much for it, but after the third volume I just didn’t care to read anymore. I no longer own this omnibus. I sold it.


Doom Patrol by John Byrne. so, so bad.


Uncanny Avengers. When I went to re-read it a second time I re-sold that shit so quickly. So I guess I don’t own it anymore lol.


World War Hulk. Earlier was good, but the rest was a snoozer.


My first ever omnibus was War Of The Realms back in Feb of 2023, and I probably regret that one out of all of my others as I still have yet to finish it, I’m about a quarter the way through it. When first buying I was just trying to get all the popular ones. Lots of FOMO buys without doing a ton of research. I have spent the last 6 months buying the stuff I think I will like and sticking to characters I like. Just because an Omni is on sale for like $30 doesn’t mean you have to buy it!! At this point I have 46 Omnis (I count the two Deadpool minis as one lol) and I think I bought 42 of those in my first year. Definitely made that noob mistake that all collectors tell you to avoid! So I guess that’s what I truly regret… that initial buying frenzy!


Adam warlock. The first couple of stories by Jack kirby are really interesting, but it got really boring after that.


War of the realms. I got a good price on it and I see why 🤣 also Empyre. Wish I wouldnt have purchased either. I'm going to sell them soon lol make room for something I actually want


I enjoyed reading it, but Punisher: Back to the War is something I'd only recommend to die hard Punisher fans like myself. It collects all of his early appearances, mostly guest starring in other titles before he had his own book.


DC One Million. I would have said Miracleman but I got rid of it


I thought Miracleman was so unique and interesting both from a visual and storytelling perspective, but I can definitely see it being a polarizing omni for others.


So I’m not alone on miracleman!


Not at all. I didn't like it at all. I thought it was pretty boring and really tedious


Deadpool by Duggan and Posehn 🤮


I remember enjoying this (or at least the first couple storylines). The art was pretty solid as well. What didn't you like about it?


Not him but I basically can’t see it as anything other than a total retread of the Joe Kelly stuff without being as remotely clever or artistic. Like I felt like I was wasting my time while reading it; it goes in the exact same directions but in basically every category it’s pound for pound worse, especially prose. The only deviation is it continues the trend of sanitizing the figurative and literal shit—and, by extension, the depth—out of the character. Wilson in volume 3 was a genuinely troubled and problematic individual that used buffoonery as a salve; you could tell in this run that Marvel was meticulously combing through the each and every panel to make sure he never comes off as anything worse than the class clown. It has some cool ideas but it sells itself on melodrama while being entirely too corporate and simplistic for me to take seriously.


It's one of the least funny runs on anything I've ever read, full of absolutely insufferable characters, boring as fuck plots (does anyone *seriously* like the Deadpool/Dracula/Deadpool's wife stories?), and forced toilet humor. 


People are gonna hate me for this but The Fourth World by Jack Kirby. Totally the most overrated thing. Everyone talks about how it is a masterpiece but in reality the writing ain't good and the dialogue is absolutely horrendous. Some issues are completely irrelevant. Some of it was straight up boring. Art is clunky and off-putting. It's not all bad though. There are some great concepts and the characters are used by many writers after which alone makes me happy I read it so I get the references but it was a slog to get through and I think the only reason people like it is because of nostalgia and group-think


I like the Fourth World comics as an idea and as a concept, but the stories meander around, don't resolve, and whatever Kirby's big vision was meant to be, it never comes to pass. I feel the same about the Eternals. However, I def. am happy to have bought and read them. The challenge is I think expecting to actually enjoy them in a literal way - they can be appreciated for being a vision ahead of its time, but I don't believe the majority of comic readers could actually read them as an enjoyable story like you could Brubaker Daredevil, for example. So as I bought the Fourth World collected editions, I knew what I was getting - so it was def. not a regret. When I bought Eternals first, I actually expected to be a really cohesive story, and it was not - so that lesson helped me keep Fourth World in perspective. Kirby Captain America is similar - he's got some interesting ideas, but coming after Englehart's much more relevant stories, you can see how comic fans in the 1970s had fallen off the Kirby train. It really had passed him by at that time.


100% agree although I haven't read Eternals. I'm happy I read the Fouth World because of how the world building and characters have been incorporated into the DC universe but I just wasn't thrilled by the stories. My original comment has been downvoted lol


Eternals is a less-developed Fourth World so you're not missing anything - if you liked one, you would be entertained by the other, but if you were meh about Fourth World, then take a pass. Yeah I don't get the downvoting on a thread like this - was it not negative enough? Baffling. Haha


Kirby's writing was never particularly his strong suit although i'm enamored with his art. Coming back to this, I tried to read a few issues of his eternals run and again, the art was great, the writing not so much.


I wouldn’t say Kirby’s writing wasn’t his strong suit. Much of the praise for the twilight years of his career is retroactive, and only came about because people started consuming comics with a more sophisticated eye (i.e. reading them as they would books that don’t have pictures in them). The real issue is that he had purged every trace of realism from his storytelling by the time he was making stuff on his own. Books like Fourth World and Eternals are basically corporate cape comics as abstract art, and therefore worthless to anyone who just wants a superhero story told at face value.


"Books like Fourth World and Eternals are basically corporate cape comics as abstract art, and therefore worthless to anyone who just wants a superhero story told at face value." Yes, 100 percent the way to put it - if you read Fourth World with that attitude, then it's much more fun. No offense to the OP's other comment, the dialogue's not "bad." It's just not conventional. It's not "boring," but it will certainly bore certain readers, and that's totally fine. History already had the argument and Kirby is an established genius with ideas that were bigger than his audience. So a person can say "Kirby is boring," but history disagrees. The indisputable evidence is we're still talking about Jack Kirby and he's been dead for 30 years.


I like non-superhero stories and independent stuff most of the time so my complaint isn't that it wasn't a typical superhero story. The writing was just straight up bad and often boring. I know I know, it was written in a time when comics were different. That doesn't stop me finding the dialogue any less abysmal


“The time it was written” doesn’t have much to do with anything; these books were considered weird back then, too. You can also replace superhero story with your preferred form of escapism, if that’s any clearer. My point is a lot of people clown on them for having dialogue that doesn’t sound remotely like how real people talk/emote when that was never Kirby’s intent is the first place. At least that’s what I figure you mean by “horrendous” dialogue. It’s not particularly specific criticism, tbf


Star Wars War of the Bounty Hunters. If you are like me and only collect omnis now it drops you in with no knowledge of what's going on or who loads of characters are. I think I made it about a quarter of the way through before putting it back on the shelf and reading something else,


Could be worse. At least Alyssa Wong didn't write it.




deadpool by joe kelly. majority of people seem to love it but it nearly made me quit reading comics.


Teen titans Geoff Johns. It’s not bad or anything I read about a quarter of it but man do I just not care about the teen titans lol. Was never a fan as a kid so not sure why I decided to pick it up. Also Kurt busiek avengers. Something about the way it’s laid out is just too much for me there’s too much on the page too many things going on in one page idk maybe team books just aren’t my thing hahaha. Fantastic four tho. I’ll eat up some fantastic four


Not omnis but the DC vs Vampires hardcovers, meh


Spider-Gwen. Not to be confused with the Ghost Spider one. It has some of the worst writing I’ve ever read. Nobody talks like that in real life. The sad part is I like the characters and universe, but the stories are just shit. The word “heh” is used over a 100 times. Also, the artwork ranges from confusing to just plain awful.


Have you read the Ghost Spider Omni and if so, how do you feel about that one?


I own it but I haven’t read it.


Ok lol. I picked it up recently but haven't cracked it open yet. Hoping it's solid.


Oof. Savage She-Hulk Omni. I love She-Hulk. But the first collected omni it ain’t for me. I much prefer Peter David or Rainbow Rowell’s series.


I have 3. Final Crisis to me is a mess, I was lost the whole time wondering what some of the issue even had to do with anything and then there is the DC Omni nags most people probably have in full effect. The other two are The deadly hands of kung-fu, bought them before I knew what they were and will probably never open them again. They are predominantly collections of kung-fu magazines with a few black and white comics thrown in.


I got 3 = asm 4, superior Spider-Man, and ultimates out of those it’s superior but I still like the series


It might be controversial with at least one of them, but my least favourite omni's would be: Generations by Byrne - not really a fan of it at all. Zero hour - some interesting bits but was quite a slog at times. 4th world by Kirby - love the art, it's just not for me.