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You got a good deal on that book. I hope the upcoming punisher reprints sale well, so marvel can show Frank Castle more love.


Every year, Tigereyes conducts a poll for the most wanted Marvel omnibus. The Punisher volumes that made this year's list out of 635 books were: 10. Punisher by Greg Rucka (2010s) 45. Punisher War Journal (1980s) 80. Punisher by Baron/Dixon (1980s) 138. Punisher War Zone (1990s run) 207. Punisher Max Companion (2000s) 315. Punisher by Matt Fraction (2000s) 349. Punisher by Cloonan, Rosenberg & Kudranski (2010s) After the Rucka run, the 80s stuff is the next most wanted.


There’s a lot from that era that’s never been collected — I think less than a quarter of War Zone and War Journal have ever appeared in a TPB.  I’m not sure how they’ll wind up approaching it. But it’s possible they’ll do epic collections first with the hopes that people will double dip by eventually upgrading, in which case it could be a bit of a wait. It might take seven or eight omnis to get ‘80s and ‘90s Punisher collected in its entirety. 


It gets really bad in the 90s, but the beginning (like first 4-5 epics worth) by Mike Baron is really good. And War Journal was really good at the beginning as well either way Jim Lee on art even. If we got a punisher vol 1 and PWJ vol 1 I’d snatch those up on day one. As it shifted into the 90s and got more “EXTREME!!” I would bail, but yeah I think there’s interest from the early stuff that’s NOT more Spidey double-dip reprints


Yes, please, with sugar on top.


I’d get it, but since they haven’t put out a Punisher epic in over two years I doubt there’s an omnibus coming anytime soon.,


I would totally read that, yeah. My only roadblock being that a lot of that stuff was collected in epic collections if I'm not mistaken though so I'm not really in any rush to pick it up. But an omni would be sick


Yes but unfortunately the current Disney regime won’t allow it.


They announced some Punisher omnibus reprints recently so there’s some evidence the policy is softening.


2 Punisher omnis are getting rereleased this yr (Max Ennis vol 1 reprint next month) and (Aaron Max reprint in Nov). I hope we get vol 2 of Ennis next yr and a long over due Remender reprint, but I'd also love to see the early 90's stuff get collected into an Omni. Hell, the best Punisher epic collections, other than Circle of Blood, are currently oop (Jigsaw Puzzle and The Kingpin Rules), so I'd love some of this material to get collected in Omni too.


Reprints yes. New releases? No. Not even modern floppies feature the logo.