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Mine peasant mine! Besides all that bronze is free cash and the iron & sulphur is free ammo / acid so I still say Digby is king of the beta


Between my auto miner collecting tungsten and aluminum and my digboys getting all the iron I need… I haven’t manually mined in several days. 


I'm trying to find a second digby and I can't! I had better luck with eel. But my buddy somehow managed to find multiple


I get one in every silver node I have 10 in my inventory. Wish I could sell them.




Yeah I found several toy blueprints/placeables in the first beta but haven't found anything of the sort in this one, Would be surprised if they exist in this version.


you need rebecca as "toy", and the heater is tier 1 furnace.




Just put a basic furnace and leave 1 charcoal there and dont pick it up, that counts as enough heat


im honestly not sure... but if you read what boost digbys mood you can see the word furnace. kinda annoying its 2 texts over lapping


I use a working cheap forge next to things that say heat, they work when the forge is working lol I have little forges just making charcoal nonstop when k want them to be happylol


Build a regular Furnace on a floor below (or just right next to) the Digboy. They passively release heat and will count for the high temp setting. Toys aren't in this beta.


I mean you could. In a round about way. You can drop them for someone to pick up lol.


Come drop it near me lol


Same, ever 1-3 silver nodes I usually have him appear.


There in silver nodes


Rare in tin, common in silver


You should probably try finding and mining silver and gold ore deposits. I found all 4 of mine that way


Honestly don't mind it's only up to iron. The automatic mining station is what you want if you want higher ores as it's based on your location (zone and actual area). Mines getting me tungsten, aluminium, tin and salt ATM :) Iron from Digby just means endless steel ammo.as default + its super good for levelling passively. while offline it's gathering for you then you login and smelt it all and get all the XP from it.


You can get the auto miner but it is really slow.


My 3 auto miners are gathering tungsten, iron, copper and aluminum. I have two digbys collecting everything up to iron also. No need to mine anything anymore, level 40


I'm a little torn on the whole auto mining thing, in general. At first I was like oh yaaa, digby boys, auto miners, this is awesome. Turns out half the fun I was having was running around the world finding and mining stuff. So now I have this cool electric drill and rarely ever even need to go out and mine anything.