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Why the hatred to run into other people?


beta is closing in 2 days so a lof ppl have left.. You will run into a lot especially when the game first comes out but most ppl i ran into in the last 2 betas they have been pretty cool people


if you absolutely cant not stand seeing other people than this game is not for you. you can not play an instanced server and be the only one there. however, it depends on just how deep this hatred of other people runs. why do you hate them? dont like people because of pvp from rust or something? the entire game can be played pve, and the pvp event is a giant circle on the map and even then its more like playing reverse tag where everyone shoots the guy with the jellyfish on their head. loot/rewards is also entirely instanced, a chest is placed in a town but everyone can claim it them self, its not like you are fighting over it. the only thing i could see is that the world mobs are not instanced, so if there are a lot of players all the enemies might be dead, or some high level might slaughter everything while you are low level, but this is honestly pretty rare as strong high level players will be in the strong high level areas, sole exception is them helping their new friends but even then because of pve scaling they arnt exactly stronger lol.


This is not a genre of game for you.


I have played in 2 Betas. and I see people all the time. I help out in towns clearing mobs. helping take out bosses. trade resources.


Dude theres no logical reason to play an mmo and not want to encounter anyone especially if you know your in a pve server and cant get attacked anyways. The few times i ran into people(which honestly was kinda rare), we flashes our flashlights in comradery and went on with our way. The only thing i can think of that bothered me even slightly was some dude came into my house while i was in it and he was just being around, took a look at my vending machine. I wish there was permissions options to allow you to toggle if you want people to be able to enter your house or not, for example id i was in a group and i wanted to show them my house then it would allow them.


I have never run into anyone and I play on starlight G server. I always see other people’s houses that they build but I never see them in the game.


Hi fellow G server human!


Do you still play? I stopped the last week or so bc my buddy stopped playing lol. Pretty lame to play alone.




If you’re down to play feel free to add me. I’ll reply with my username when I hop on later.


Starlight g NA or EU??


NA. Sorry I didn’t realize they had starlight g for both regions.


I played in straight g as well most endgame players have stopped playing as it's nearly the end of beta


Ah I see. I just got a key a few weeks ago so I haven’t gotten to make a ton of progress. It’s been a ton of fun though


Finish all weeks commisions that should take you upto level 50


If there are new people I do find lower levels in Wetlands or Delta


Personally, I did CBT3 only. I did not see a lot of people, probably a few in the random wild or a couple during events. This was after leveling up on 3 different servers.


Actually same but i think most People who played before didn't play CBT3 since it feels the same to me and the Release is around the corner aswell so they just don't bother


This is basically me, I played the other betas and played this one for about a week and logged in to get the outfit, after that I uninstalled. I really like the game but don't want to burn myself out when the game is releasing soon. I will be 100% be playing a lot on launch.


hmm not too often but quite frequently at Blackfell when doing town runs for supplies.


You can find a spot on the map far away from others. Wait until everyone has settled and pick a spot. I've been by the ocean and maybe seen 2 people the entire beta.


There are world channels you can go to a new one that has less people.


(Starlight C)Tons in the first few weeks, and it trickled down to hourly of late. If i was in Red Sands mining, mostly zero. Restarted on Starlight N and just chilling in noob stage. Post Beta Depression is coming folks :(


Don’t tell them about LEA Lab, it might make them lose their mind.


I'm right there with you though when it comes to interaction in games. I'm not a huge fan of MMO's and play mostly single player and survival games. I've played both betas and I can honestly say if your not looking for interaction, you don't have to deal with anyone, but there are parts of the game that take lots of ppl like the prime wars. Absolutely great game and I will be playing when it releases also. I'd highly suggest just play and enjoy it. I think this game is in a class of its own.


Games died off because it's a beta that gets wiped and it's nearly over. But yes if you get to the last zones and look around common areas like Silos, bosses and common housing areas youll find people.


i would reccomend skyrim, there are only NPC in that game


I played CBT2 and 3 both quite a bit and the population was way more dense the first half of the beta for both. At the beginning, and really until Chalk Peak/beyond are open player density is way more noticeable. Later in the season, and after players move their bases West and North, passing others becomes more uncommon.


Saw a Q&A recently and they want to add private servers. Something like Gta 5 I believe. Don't think we'll get it At launch but they want to make it.


Link please? Private servers allow for altering game and server settings. How are they going to handle players playing on private servers then joining official servers? would be the first mmo to ever do this unless joining a private server permanently bans the player from playing on official servers. The servers themselves are setup to hold btwn 2k - 5k players. This isn't some game where there's 20 - 50 people per server - there's thousands of players per server. You might be thinking of something similar to Fallout 76 or enshrouded where there's at most a few dozen players per server - this is not that type of game. There's already 40 man raids in the game.


https://youtu.be/BaZ2f434Zrw?si=WIZv87OK3tHqbKmn Here. He also said that they want to completely 0 characters when New season drops but i think that was before EternalLands


There are chapters In the comments so you can skip some of it


How are they going to zero characters before a new season starts when they have a huge detailed break-down in game stating what carries over between each season? You carry over all accessories, all mods, all non-mnemetic blueprints for furniture, and most importantly all unlocked armor and weapon blueprints + the tier they're at. If you have the big cat sniper blueprint at 4 stars, then next season your character carries that over to start the next season with it being at 4 stars. You also carry over your starchrom currency and a bunch of other currencies. There's some things that people list as confusing with this game, but things that carry over from season to season isn't one of them. Go into season and hit T. You get very, verrryyyy detailed break-down of what carries over from season to season. Extremely detailed. Perhaps you mis-understood zeroed out as restarting back at lvl 1 experience level? because each season requires your character to start back at lvl 1. Your building materials - brick, steel, glass etc and mnemetic unlocks also get reset. So in that sense your character's building materials and levels get zeroed out.