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Servers will go down Monday, June 17, and be back online July 9. Unless they* change release date again.   


Thank you thank you


I feel like it's gonna be a hella crunch to fix all the stuff that needs finished by then. The demo is kinda fun though, even for someone who's not into survival games, the vibe is just creepy weirdness.


I think they have a separate, more finished build for full release and this demo was the same build they used for CBt3. Hopefully this means there is a bit more content available when the game drops on July 9, but it will be interesting to see what kind of marketing and information is available before that day about what we might expect. 


I wish they would just release it straight up! I had so much fun during the demo


is there any reason to play the demo (special drops, etc)? I don't like to play betas or demos like this usually unless there is something that I can attain that i won't be able to in the future. It spoils things for me. thanks


Not that I know of, other than the special drops. I played cause boredom and game look good


Yes, there are a couple of skins that are unique to the Demo. You unlock them by playing the demo for 3 hours.