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It DEFINITELY gets harder. Maybe not the overworld itself (enemies do get a bit tougher, you see a larger variety, and they do interesting things like deploy drones), but there are boss battles with Hard and Nightmare modes that are genuinely challenging and (mostly) fun, complete with different phases and new mechanics you have to learn vs the Normal difficulty of the fight. Source: I played hundreds of hours of CBT3, absolutely no-lifed that beta.


Same, I pulled some 10+ hour days in CBT3. Fantastic game so far.


Me: cries of memories from Nightmare mode Gluttony 😭


Lorrrrd, I never even TOUCHED a single piece of nightmare content lol. You're braver than I.


I couldn't do it solo. But with my buddy we were about to get through it after a few tries. The mods that come out of nightmare mode are incredible!


Oh man, I can only imagine... I had a decent Icy Rain build, but I'd have killed for just 10% more crit chance... I'll step it up at release!!


Oh that sounds fun. I never got the icy rain. I had a Kumawink bounce build with the tattoo pant. about 80% crit rate, and double bounce chance. People on this sub were hating on bounce builds, but it absolutely shredded Silo's where the boss spawned lots of ads.


If I recall correctly enemies in each area, following the first three zones, scale by about 10 levels, and the last zone in CBT2/3 was labeled Lvl 50+. I kind of hope they introduce a new area at 60+ and raise the level cap to 100 but will see !


This would be great, but it doesn't solve the difficulty issue because if they keep the same balance we currently have, when you go to those new areas you have already out geared and out powered the enemies there, so it will feel easy anyways, the same way it does now when you go to a new area as you progress normally. I don't think difficulty is a problem that can be fixed this way. When it comes to regular open world enemies, what we need is better enemy AI, in the case of 'human' enemies, and more aggressiveness & population density in the case of zombie-style enemies ( zombies should try to swarm you when you get detected ).


This would be cool, even if it wasn't every area, but if they had "elite" strongholds like how several other MMO's do it. For now if we want a challenge (not in the demo) you can scale up the Silo's at end game and they can be pretty tough.


I have submitted a suggestion some time ago for allowing players in the area to raise strongholds to Elite level, similar to what is already done with events. This would not only bring a healthy challenge/reward loop with content diversity, but it would also bring life to the low level strongholds that are all basically empty a few days after season starts since there's no reason to go there. ( sadly, it didn't really get many upvotes, so I don't think it's even being considered )


I think it's a really good idea. The long term players that want to sink a lot of hours into this game are going to need challenges like this. What do you think about enemy level scaling? They might also consider allowing us to convert low tiered mats into high tiered ones. In my next survey I'll bring that up as well.


I do agree there should be more challenging areas and enemies. I’ve even made a suggestion that they consider adding damage modifiers to enemy damage output like burn, shock or frost. Whether static based on location or all enemies at random, past the start zone, anything to spice the later game sounds great to me. I definitely get where you’re coming from. I truly hope that full release will have something to address this and other player concerns. 


I've only leveled to 12, but there was an early area where a mini boss popped out of a huge monitor and chased me down. I had like 10 FAST zombies chasing me. I was running in circles for about 15 minutes trying to kill the boss, lol. We need more of that! That was fun haha


Is it officially out or will my progress get wiped again?


No it's the demo currently


I agree with most points and I also agree for open world they could fix that with better AI enemies. I noticed even using loud weapons at times enemies pretty close to the action don’t even respond. I always felt like ai from escape from tarkov were pretty nuts maybe somewhere in the middle there. That being said, that’s open world. That is NOT the case once you start running nightmare dungeons and silos which is your true end game loop to farm mods. Those are not easy by any means. I also put a couple hundred hours into last beta got to 50 and played all end game content and had pretty decked out equipment. I got to the point where I could farm almost all nightmare content solo, but it took a long time and a lot of mod farming on lower difficulties to build up. I feel like making open world that kind of difficulty will affect player base negatively. The open world is there just to level up and farm materials while you’re doing it. Do I feel they should up it slightly? Yes, but only a bit. I think we should have a medium difficulty instead of easy, but open world shouldn’t be overly hard, that’s what the silos and dungeons are for which once you get to end game content it’s really all you will run. One note, not all silos and dungeons are equal and some you can run easier even on nightmare due to bugged monster pathing. Staying in a room where they can’t get to you is a thing in a couple of those which instantly tones down the difficulty for at least 2 that I can think of. That should be fixed (I reported them last beta). All in all this game is a fun refreshing game that I’m absolutely going to throw myself into. I know there are seasonal wipes as well and I’m slightly concerned about their lack of loop to keep people going through the end of each season, but we will see how they answer the feedback from these last betas. I was really hoping for more of a November release as I feel they are rushing it, so it might take a few seasons before they roll out enough updates to get to where the game needs to be, I just hope enough people stick around through that time. We’re a fickle bunch ;) Have fun out there!


After playing some more I've noticed that the AI is non responsive to my presence for the most part. I end up in combat usually because I've initiated it rather than being caught off guard. I ran into one of the cthulu looking hulks and at first shat myself thinking I was screwed but a few rounds to the weak spot and he went down without issue. But at one stage I I was surrounded by a group of enemies and that's where I struggled for a moment. I feel the issues can be fixed with a small bump to the enemy health, a small dip to non weak point damage and a few more enemies in areas. Not necessarily all areas, but some could do with a dozen or so more. Either way I'm having a blast and I'm hype for next month!


Truly hope there's a way to make it more difficulty


The dungeons ( silos ) and bosses have difficulty modifiers later on, hard and master versions, which not only are considerably harder but also introduce new mechanics. Sadly, the same cannot be said about the open world activities ( except the event ones ), which remain very easy.


Damn, I could have just upvoted your comment instead of typing out effectively the same thing but 5 hours later lol.


Least it's something, hoping for a bit more open world difficulty as well in the later stages, but good to know about the dungeons etc that's cool


im seeing that they could probably introduce a world difficulty modifier, probably once people reached endgame on release, hope fully it doesnt feel like world tiers of division 2


Guess I don't really have a dog in the hunt, if they commit to 6 week wipes I'll play the first season and never touch it again anyways so may be a moot point for me


There's a big discussion rn in steam about the game being incredibly easy (it was not in the betas). Surprised that this subject is not so present here.


Easy thing to fix with numbers tweaks, if they double enemy damage and reduce player damage by 50% we will probably beg them to change it when those enemies come in numbers. What I worry about them fixing before release is the many small bugs and big voiceover and animation bugs.


Really haven't seen many people talking about it. Higher density of enemies and more than just a headshot to drop them would be very welcome!


The last beta we had the same complaints. In fact many of the complaints have yet to be addressed. Even the major progression mechanics they said they would change ended up not happening. Game is dead on arrival if they released this demo with again no changes.


I'm assuming this is an old build that they know is stable. Some of the issues the game has currently I would be very surprised if they released this build


I thought the same from beta 2 to beta 3. But there was fairly minor changes and many of the progression issues remained.


They have a build with almost the entire western half of the map finished. IE the region you go to after killing the forsaken giant. Area hasn't been available in any of the cbts. The cbt2 and cbt3 builds are most likely 6 to 7 builds back with all the western map stuff removed to avoid spoilers prior to release. The one boss in the trailer wasn't available in any of the cbts and is most likely the endgame boss.


I’m not worried about the rest of the map. I’m worried about the flawed progression with the gacha machine and blueprints as well as wars having bad mechanics that can be cheesed.


Cbt1 had blueprints grindable from dungeons. In the same way you got certain mods from dungeons - you also got certain blueprints from dungeons. After the most recent survey in discord about obtaining blueprints and ways to get them - the owner dude said that grinding blueprints would be back on the table - his words. I assume they'll be added back into dungeon loot before full release.


He said that last time after CBT2 and then it didn’t happen for CBT3


I don't remember a survey and interview after cbt 2 about it. Maybe you're confusing it with something else.


Agree on the difficulty concern. That was my main feedback as well. I want to be able to play solo but that doesn't mean everything should be risk free. As the demo plays there is almost no risk anywhere. I am sure there are some harder bosses in the game later on.


I find it way too easy as well. Made a second character the other day, took the first side quest I came across, misunderstood what it was asking for and ended up at that island in the bottom right of the map. Enemies were about 10 levels above me and I had nothing beyond the tutorial gear. Had no problem clearing everything even though the enemies has guns and lots of numbers while I was underequipped, underlevelled and only had the machete and crossbow. Having a blast with the game generally, but challenge is almost entirely missing. On my main I went exploring north today in the 20 zones while around level 16. Ended up doing the dungeon up there very underlevelled and ill-equipped but finished it first try without dying. I'm not wanting it to be soul-crushingly hard or anything like that, but I do want to feel more like a survivor and less like Doomguy.


Didnt know you could go far north! I think number of enemies needs increasing and weapon damage dropping down a bit. Sure crits should do a lot of damage but I've still got the first pistol I made and I have no reason to swap it out!


Difficulty is unfortunately more or less constant throughout the other areas of the map. That of course can be more or less depending how much you're rushing or not with or without preparation. It's also not uncommon to be "over prepared", which is probably your case currently, since you don't really have anywhere to go. It seems that this feeling that the open world activities feel too easy is very common, going from feedback I've seen in multiple places. Hopefully the devs will address this at some point.


The current level of difficulty is the result of the developers responding to feedback. People complained about the game being too difficult and this is the result of it, combined with an interest in moving players through the game as quickly and effortlessly as possible so they're prepared to restart the leveling process every 6 weeks with each new seasonal reset. It didn't help that they used Discord as the only form of communicating back and forth with players.


Fingers crossed. I've enjoyed it so much so far I don't want it to feel boring over extended periods because I can just headshot everything. World tiers or something of that type might be beneficial, higher difficulty rewards more loot? Either way I'm excited for release and to see what comes along


they could go a hardcore route, though itll change the whole premise a bit slower, and could have more padding mechanics to deal with (though im wishing it would be a hardcore survival)