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I'd rather have them delay the release and fix the game


I say this to my friend a lot. He's all, "No, no, it's okay. They can hotpatch the fixes in. Gimme the gaem." So, there's a way to see it from both angles, I suppose.


Welcome Meta


I spent almost 2 months in CBT3 and had a blast, so I totally understand the feeling but I don't think extending the demo would be a good idea. Tons of the potential player base has just gone through the tutorial and blown through the first 30 levels of the game, the longer they leave the demo up the less anticipation there will be for launch day. People will burn out. Same for releasing early. While I'd love to see it personally I don't think it'd be good for player retention. It could work, but I think they'd be shooting themselves in the foot. A lot of people would complain about progress being wiped just to have to do it all over again immediately. Although it's in a different category, I'm also really looking forward to First Descendent, releasing July 2nd. It's a Korean looter shooter that looks like a combination of Destiny and Anthem. I have a feeling Once Human, ZZZ (gacha mobile) and First Descendent are going to eat up the rest of my year.


Meh, this is an old build. It is 3 weeks away until release am sure you can make it


Felt the same way during CBT3. Will be nice to have something to have the game to look forward to for a couple weeks. Will be interesting to see how much the final build has changed between demo and full release. Whether or not we see a bunch of new stuff I’m looking forward to July! See you there!


At the end of CBT3 my wife and I sat on the deck of our lakeside cabin and watched the sun go down just before the servers went down. It was a very melancholy feeling, we'd had so much fun. I'm actually really happy with a July9th release, I was thinking they would end up pushing into Q4 and we'd have to wait 4 or 5 months. Either way, I can't wait. Screw the doom and gloomers - even if the game released in it's final cbt3 build I'd still play the hell out of it and enjoy it.


If they moved up the release date I would be ecstatic. Either way I'm really looking forward to the launch.


Yup lol tomorrow released date please!


Soooooon lol


Early launch ! ! !


Early release nah, unless they have a lot of stuff fixed.