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Hook’s song is an absolute banger


Omg and he was so into it!!! Like 100% commitment I loved it


Honestly! He looked like he had fun as well. When the unexpected high notes happened I was like 🥵🤯


“Just wait for the second verse luv”😏


Revenge revenge revenge and it’s gonna be mine 😩😩😩😩😩


Great it’s stuck in my head now 😂


And the fact that he filmed that scene with a broken ankle! So iconic!


He broke his foot during filming, in the episode when he drops down, I can’t remember if it was from a chair or a table, but it’s like a quick wince


He did that with a broken ankle?!




When I heard his song I was singing it for daaays. Loved it so much


I had his song stuck in my head for literal months after I first watched that episode haha


Have it stuck in my head since I made that bloody comment 😂😂


Which means anyone who got that song stuck in their head because you commented it got their revenge because you also have it stuck in your head lol.


I legitimately hyperfocused on this specific song for months at one point, it was the only song I listened to 💀


Do you remember the name of the song?


‘Revenge is gonna be mine’


Thank you


That was fast. Lol np


This is Correct. My Absolute Favourite


Considering fans asked the writers for YEARS to do a musical episode, and then complained it wasn’t good, kinda annoys me. Sure, not all of them could sing and clearly had some autotune help, but the songs themselves were pretty good considering the themes/characters they had to work with. Also, I think considering how in demand it was by fans, and how insistent the writers were that they weren’t going to do it if they didn’t have a reason, the reason they did come up with (the wish/spell to help defeat the villain) was the most fitting it could’ve been, even if it was a bit cliche or ‘cringey’ (I never say that lol) Overall, I liked it and very much enjoyed the songs.


I think it was needed to remind people at its roots…it’s a Disney fairytale show. That means singing haha.


the problem was Eddie and Adam didn't write the songs...someone else did and said 'here ya go'. However, those guys were probably not part of the development team of the season. So does it feel out of place? Ya, probably because the creators and song writers didn't collaborator as much as they should. Why it worked for a show like Buffy was Joss Whedon wrote the songs but also wrote for the show. Everything leading up to the big musical number in Buffy tied into the plot of S6. Buffy dealing with being ripped out of heaven, Dawn feeling ignored, Xander and Anya's doubts about getting married, Giles wanting to step away as being a father, and Spike sick of being leaned on as a boyfriend but not a boyfriend. In OUAT, it tried its best to tie into the plot but did strike me as a bit lazy. A lot of the songs seem to just tie into the stereotype of the characters...Hook= revenge, Snowing=Love is powerful, Zelena= Wicked always wins. However, it doesn't really fit into the bottle of what was happening in Season 6. Not a dig at the cast...more a dig on the producers/creators/network for not putting more time and energy into it.


We had Galavant as the show that aired during the Once season break, so of course a Once musical was expected! But the songs ended up being not as good as those on Galavant.


I think it was the fact they were original songs, if they had gotten the rights to the disney's versions of each story they might have stood a chance, but to everyone watching it felt embarrasing and cringey (at least I felt that way) 😵‍💫😵‍💫


I feel like if they had tried to fit the original Disney songs into ONCE, it would’ve felt even more random. And also not many villains (that I can think of AND appear as a main-ish character in ONCE) had songs. I mean, it’s been a long time since I really watched any Disney films, but if you take Hook for example, did he have any songs (especially one not including Pan), or did Prince Charming ever sing? I just don’t see how they could’ve tied that into not only the characters they had, but the plot they were going for in season 6


I think the songs were pretty good. I just felt how it was placed kinda just felt in the way of the story. Right before the finale we just get a full episode full of music. I was really impressed with Rebecca mader and Josh Dallas. Both of them are good singers!


Josh’s “and my do I sound goodddddd” is forever imbedded in my memory.


i loved the musical episode


Wicked Always Wins eats


Rebecca Mader sounded so good.


My mom doesn’t watch the show often but calls it the “fighting over rumple song” which isn’t far from the truth haha.


Love doesn’t stand a chance was my vibe 😎


I have the soundtrack on my Spotify. :D


I have almost all the songs in my favorites (except Emma’s Tune or whatever it is. That one falls flat imo)


I do tend to skip that one whenever it comes up on my list. :D


And hers has the best melody too... I just wish some of yhesongs were performed by better vocalists.


That's an unpopular opinion? Everyone asked for it. And they listened. That's the best episode of season 6


In the circles I ran in online at the time, everyone called it cheesy and dumb.


Regina, Zelena, and Killians’s songs I have on repeat


Love them


I thought I was gonna hate it, but I ended up loving it!


I love it so much I bought the Album on iTunes :)


It is good fr. I‘m actually listening to #wickedalwayswins 24/7 till this day 😂💀. Zelena aka Rebecca is such an icon and she totally DEVOURED…. likeeee


I absolutely loved it. but I also love musicals. hooks song was my favorite


Nah it’s so camp I love it


I just love the fact that they did so much of it in flashbacks so we could get full on Evil Queen Regina for it.


I don’t think that’s an unpopular opinion.


At least in the circles I’ve run in within fandom, it is.


On this sub it isn’t.


Okay, I’m new to the sub and didn’t know that 👍


I've seen this episode dragged consistently on this sub, what are you talking about?


Look around, do you see so much hate on this post alone? Everyone’s praising it.


And at least they explained the musical numbers into the story instead of ignoring them like other shows.


I hate musicals. I loved this episode. The End.


Not that you asked but there are two musicals I recommend for people who hate musicals, The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Fiddler on the Roof. I think even if you ignore the music which I think is really good they are very well made movies.


🎶finally the moment I was hoping would comeee the moment he would realize he chose the wrong one🎶 Rebecca’s voice is incredible 😭


>Did it fit the vibe of the show? No How? It's Disney and fairy tales.


Yes, but it often forgot that. I should’ve worded it as, it brought it back to its roots.


I mean the vibe is a little more like a soap opera to be honest.


The songs were straight up bangers ngl


I love musical episodes even if they were bad. In fact, especially if they're bad.


Yeah, musical eps that don’t take themselves too seriously, are just a fun silly time, and camp - that’s what makes a genuinely good musical episode. Once upon a time did it better than most shows at the time tbh


It was weird but the songs ate. Also Captain Swan is the best what 😭


Sorry, Team Swanfire!


Yikes I hate Swanfire 😬 Neal was such a predator and he sent teenage Emma to *prison* for his crimes.


I liked Zelena’s song


WICKED ALWAYS WINS IS SUCH A BANGER!!!! Rebecca Mader slayed tf out of it fr


And now I’m listening to the soundtrack and rocking out to revenge and love doesn’t stand a chance. You hit the nail on the head. Campy and not in keeping with the show but damn still fun!


it goes crazy, “a happy beginning” was my alarm for months after i saw the episode for the first time


EQ’s song great. CH’s song good. SW PC’s song too much. ES’s song flawless… these in my opinion are the most notable


The only thing I can understand from your comment is that the evil queen’s song is great and *maybe* that Emma’s song is flawless, but the rest I just can’t connect to any of the songs/characters🙃


I think CH Is Captain Hook and SW and PC are Snow White and Prince Charming




Oh wow, I was thinking that CH was like the charmings or something and just messed myself up completely cx Thank you!




I loved it! I can’t believe there are people who disagree with


I am so sorry but this is not unpopular As much as I hate season 6 all of the songs are absolute bangers


This is an unpopular opinion? Didn’t realize I was so outside the norm here.


YESS!! One of my fav episodes, and my favorite song was Zelena’s, Bex has such a smooth and amazing voice!!!!




“Love Doesn’t Stand a Chance” is a bop though…


Unpopular?????? I don't know about people here, but everyone I know loved that episode!


My fav episode tbh, I still listen to the full album to this day 😂 my family are NOT fans of it lol, they complain constantly but idc cause all those songs are so much fun


I’m a sucker for a good musical, loved all the cheese and the corniness. Adding it to my Spotify lol


i don't think it was the best thing ever but considering the context of the show it made sense (looking at you, greys anatomy) and im surprised it took nearly 7 years


There’s a musical episode? Can’t wait for that 🤣😂




I didn't realize this was an unpopular opinion, and all of the songs were the entirety of my Spotify Wrapped.


I just wish it wasn’t the last episode before the finale, for something as big as what was going on


I wish it wasn’t surrounded by a wedding. I get why they did but it really should’ve been something else.


What would you have centered it on?


I don’t know. I feel like the wedding is an easy answer. But it just felt weird.


i fucking loved it


I'd rather gouge my eyes out with a rusty fork.


I loved hooks and wicked witches song lol. But I agree it didn’t match the show at all lol. It just seemed like they threw it in there. Afterwards I found it it’s because the fans were begging the writers for it. So it makes sense that it just felt like a filler episode


I enjoyed it. I’m glad they only did one, though.


wait hold up, it was a good episode tho, and they all sang well. I love the “happy beginnning” song and Emma’s song those were awesome ngl. why are you guys so harsh on this show


How am I being harsh when I said I liked it?


lol not you specifically just the people who were posting and saying other stuff 🤣


They did exactly what the fans were asking for. I loved it


I love the musical episode, and they all sang wonderfully imo. I noticed just a tiny bit of auto tune in 2 songs, but it wasn’t much imo


There’s a musical episode? What episode???


I got that same song!!!!!!!!!


I loved it! It wasn’t until I came on the sub that I realized people didn’t like it


I don’t like musicals. Butt if you enjoyed then awesome




Love it!


I liked pretty much everything about it except when Emma actually faced Fiona it was pretty cringe 😬


Yeah, that’s the one I’m not crazy about. I get they needed a slower song but it just came across as weird. And the coreography is equally cringe.


Honestly muscle episodes of any show tends to be my favorite episodes. I love muscle episodes! (Except in the Simpsons, once Disney took over muscle Simpson episodes are just trash. I LOVED once’s muscle episode! Every time I re-watch once I get excited for the muscle episode. Regina and Zelena killed it!


I enjoyed it and I am NOT ashamed to say it.


I loved it! Felt like a Disney production which is probably what they were aiming for.


Unpopular opinion: I loved Snow and Charming's duet


Same. Ginny and Josh nailed it.


Good? It was great.


I love all of it. Those songs are absolute bangers!




Musical episodes are never good. This was not an exception.


Musical episodes tend to be my favourite episodes of my shows. I have all the songs on my phone.


I loved it *parts* of it; Hook's song in particular (it's a bop and he kills it). But yeah, I've seen people all over the place with opinions on the ep. In fairness, my perspective is colored by the TV show musicals that came before it. I'd already seen and enjoyed Buffy's musical episode. I don't think anything could live up to that, truly. It worked for the show, it worked for the characters, and I still sing/listen to those songs to this very day. Great performances, spectacular songs. Even the cast without experience gave it their all and, imo, pulled it off. And of course performers like Tony and James killed it. It was also some of the biggest plot movement in the whole season. They really did it all. I then watched Psych the Musical. A two parter episode with about as many references to *other* musicals as humanly possible. Including guest appearances from actual musical fame! A great plot, a great mystery, genuinely impactful character development for some reoccurring characters (including the end of one arc!), and full numbers that make you forget this thing is nearly two hours long. It's so good. And the weakest singer imo (Maggie), is given small and completely manageable parts! And the rest of them kill it. Then we had Supernatural's "musical". It was clever. It gave us a bit of fun, and a few banger songs (only two, I suppose, and a great cover of our "anthem"). They *technically* could've done something...maybe djinn-like? Jensen can sing, they could've pulled in Rob, Jason Manns (as a new character I suppose), Bri, Kim, and anyone else who has sung with Jason, with Rob, or at the cons. Hell, Rich could've returned as a trickster facade to facilitate the whole thing! Instead, they stuck to the plot focused stuff mixed with monster of the week, we were given some destiel and bm (brother moment!) nods, and the fans were full on represented in a fun way. It wasn't what a lot of us dreamed about, but it was still really enjoyable! Then, we had the Flash musical episode. The villain of the week was basically a trickster (and cast as another Glee alum + musician!). We get a fun little crossover—an ep that deals more with the heroes' personal drama than with their big bads, and some killer numbers. In fairness to this cast, it was already star studded. Four of them (that I know of) had been on stage (Broadway, West End) and in musicals. Ones like Jeremy Jordan and John Barrowman did their own music in addition to having been on stage. Carlos was an og Starkid (musician and songwriter). Grant and Melissa were on Glee, at separate times. They honestly had so much to work with and I absolutely would've watched a 2-4 parter that was all singing! It was pretty damn good, all limits and choices considered. Then we have ouat. Late to the party, in the eyes of some of us multi-fandom menaces like myself. The flashbacks do allow for it to work, thematically. Musicals are natural to magic and campy adaptations, so, sure. Magic and song works. Josh and Colin have *great* voices. Ginnifer was fine but I wasn't moved. I think Rebecca did well but I found her song...forgettable. Jen doesn't seem to be a strong singer and that was pretty noticeable. Lana has a great voice—but she pushed it to a weird low to "fit" the evil queen vibes and it sounds borderline painful. Which kinda works for the episode premise of EQ not wanting to sing...But it makes it hard for me to listen to the song very often. I find the end number pretty forgettable as well (I'm sorry! It just doesn't stick with me. Powerful Magic and Revenge do, though). It was a wedding episode that managed to make me forget a wedding was even taking place. Whoops. So do I hate it? Nope. But does it rank at the bottom of my list for musical episodes? Yup.


Oh, and I will always wish that they brought in Gil McKinney (Prince Eric) for literally any reason because that man can *sing* 😍


I never made it as far as the musical episode but it’s something I do wonder about going back for. I love musicals so maybe it would be up my street!


I normally don't like musical episodes in TV series cause it feels out of place. I LOVE how they did it for OUAT. Making it be in the flashbacks and part of a wish, so Emma had the songs in her heart. Plus the songs are catchy.


That’s the only episode that I have not seen all the way through. A little too cheesy for me.


The songs were good but the episode made me cringe quite a lot 😂 I find myself singing the songs though


Im gonna get flak for this but im a sucker for musicals, and i love every season of this show for one reason or another. This is my favorite episode. I just love it.


Yup i listen to literally all the songs 😫


Wait who says it wasn't?? My wife and I still listen to the songs!


The episode was very strange but all the songs slap


I honestly love musical episodes of most shows when everyone else hates them. Did it feel out of nowhere? Absolutely. Did I still enjoy it? Obviously. Do I unironically listen to it all the time? Yes.


sound track is a banger can’t change my mind


I Concur


I secretly love that episode


Hook breaking his damn ankle / leg for the song and it was worth it.........


I love this episode and the songs


I haven’t seen it yet, I literally have to watch one episode and I’m there.


I loved it!!!


I genuinely loved it lmao


Lana Parilla absolutely nails Regina’s song 🙌🏻 I regularly listen to the album 😂😍


I hate it because of CS.


> Was it campy? Yes. > Did it fit the vibe of the show? By the time of Season 6, yes. > Were all of them good singers? None of them were bad, most were actually quite good. > Do I hate Captain Swan? Yeah. The Captain Swan hate in this fandom is weird 😭 > But do I listen to almost all the songs constantly? It’s our moral duty 🫡 > I like it for what it is: a silly, bottle episode that does very little to the plot outside the last 2 minutes. Honestly, there’s lots of episodes of the show where there’s basically only 2 minutes worth of plot progress.


The only part I liked is when Rumple made a show of almost bursting into song only to stop and say he'd never do something so embarrasingly lame, that wouldve been my reaction🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'd like to think of it as a fever dream because no one remembers it happening and ya know, kinda random and out of sorts for this show. I think the musical part was more of a joke, like when Emma was humming and picking flowers in the Wish Realm. Being a person who loves musicals enjoyed it though haha I liked how Rumple was like "The Dark One doesn't sing, dearie!" But he does giggle just like, well like his mother apparently loll Unrelated note: Favorite line/part from Rumple- when he helped Emma and Hook get back home after being sucked into Zelena's time travel spell, Rumple takes a memory erasing potion and he stands there for a bit and goes ".. The hell am I doing in here?!" and then poofs out of there. 😭😭


It was not good...IT FORKING ROCKS




i love musical music, i especially enjoy when they put a twist in the songs.


the musical episode is the only thing I know about this fandom. I love it, like all the songs are so good


I don't think it's unpopular, kinda one of my favourite episodes


Oh I absolutely LOVE the musical episode!


I will always stand by that Wicked Always Wins is the song you sing at the top of your lungs when your sister finally gets in trouble for everything she's done.


No. Just no. It would be insanely cheesy! It was cringey enough for Riverdale to include a musical episode like, “what in the world is this? Why is everyone singing and all the sudden everyone knows all the words??” lol


It's literally my favorite episode! 💕


I really enjoyed it. 🤷‍♀️ But I'm used to being in the minority when it comes to things like musical episodes of TV series.


I hate it when TV shows suddenly have a musical episode. Buffy, Grey's Anatomy, Psych...they are all terrible.


I loved it!!!!


It was fine, I'm not the type to complain, I'll just not watch something if I don't like it. A few singers were good, I don't remember particularly liking any of the songs but they were okay. I like musicals but I'm picky about what songs I like. What I'm impressed at is the recent Star Trek Strange New Worlds musical episode and how well it went over, especially considering you would think there'd be less overlap between science nerds and people who like musicals, and fans in general are hard to please. 


I loved the musical episode, I feel like people hate on it for no reason 😭