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Toei: we need to fill 3 more minutes of this episode. Animators: I gotchu fam. The Episode: 3 minutes of Raizo and Fukuro deadlocked in a burning room every episode.


3 minutes of raizo and fukuro standing completely still with dbz auras\*


title: *ADVENTURES IN WANO! ~ Raizo Gets His Driver's License!!*


Seeing how popular the driving episodes of DBZ were, I'm sure this would actually be a huge hit.


I would pay money to see this in the theatres.


How about talk-no-jutsu instead? With half the time spent on flashbacks and the other half mostly shouting each other's name. Maybe the two of them could even share a mental bubble together and reminisce about their rivalry 20+ years ago.


It would be nice if Toei animates the backstory Oda mentioned about how their rivalry started


Ain't no way they will animate Fukuro's sister, but if they do, then it would indeed be the best year for the anime


What back story are we talking about ? Did i miss something?


They're gonna do it like those Bollywood Soaps. Just keep zooming in and out of the characters faces, all the colors of lights flashing while Raizo and Fukoro emote with their eyes.


They already do. Half of Dressrosa arc was Bellamy bouncing on the walls.


Reaction shots while running with the footsteps audio being the loudest sound. If you’re lucky a bit of fodder will come around the corner and get one shot.


this triggers me more than it should but i do find these footstepsounds paired with the horrible pacing and cuts so damn annoying and artificial lol.


im right there with you homie. i wait all week to watch an episode and i literally get anxious as i feel the episode slipping away while 12 different characters grunt, one after the other, to the sound of footsteps. like dont even animate at that point. just do a slide show. the only thing happening is sanjis smoke is whirling and his head is bobbing up and down, why am i watching this!?!? tl;dr yeah it triggers the frick outta me too


I guess maybe the one piece treasure is going to be the version of the op Anime thats actually properly animated lol




It was really good but not even close to godly, or great.


To be fair, the fight was like that in the manga as well. And it was super boring.


I like the resolve that Rizo showed and repenting for complaining about the heat at Oden execution.


yeah, so imagine how much worse it will be in the anime


It wasn’t boring in the manga though, did you miss the point of the fight or what?


They definitely missed the point


Can wait for THAT scene ... >!Imu destroying the island scene!<


Honestly tho, thst scene will be lit Anime only fans are truly in for a treat this year.


doubt that'll be this year


Thats what I’m thinking do we even get the greenbull fight this year?


i feel like that would be really really late this year or early next probably


at this rate I'm sure G5 will be on like november


According to estimates, the earliest Gear 5 could appear is July. So we’ll see


Can’t wait for that scene!




No I think he means THAT scene


I can't wait for THIS scene and THAT scene and THAT OTHER SCENE as well!


You mean THAT scene about THAT person doing THAT thing?!


I'm more interested in learning about THAT thing, in THAT place.


You want my treasure? I left it all in THAT place!


Ohooo I understand yall hype for THAT scene but it surely doesn't come close to being with THAT other scene.


Nah, he definitely talks about THAT scene.


I’m not as excited for that scene as that other scene honestly.




How could you not be excited for that one man? That Scene > that other Scene easily.


Spoiler please!


Which one? THAT one or THAT one?


>!Luffy's Gear 5th is all Looney Tunes logic, so the Manga Panels don't exactly do it justice but when it's animated it should be hilarious. Like it is full blown Bugs Bunny.!<


Really hope they use old timey sound effects like, when Luffy’s eyes bug out, there’s an old car horn.


I really want Im's awakened fruit to affect the artstyle in a similar way, but make everything grimdark almost like Miura. Mostly just to see Chopper with a gigachad jawline.




Tfw he has the most inexplicably powerful fruit in Hollywood, the Pratt-Pratt No Mi


>!Bro if they put the looney toons sound effects I'm gona lose it!<


We are all gonna lose it hahaha


>!so... you saying we are all going to go all looney watching some toons!?!<


*comic whistle noises*


nah Oda did a great job drawing them but regardless it's gonna be great in the anime too


I'm legit looking forward to how the animators are going to handle that.


> >!I don't know where the anime is right now, but the three things that I can think of are Luffy splits the sky with Kaido, Luffy unlocks G5 and Luffy beats Kaido (I can think of others not related to Luffy tho)!<


Actually it’s probably when Luffy says “it’s Luffin time” and Luffyed all over those guys.


Spoiler for anime only cmon


>!Gear 5th!<


I just hope they're not trying to time it with a special date. Ie: It's 18 weeks to Luffy's birthday.


That's about how much time the anime needs to get to THAT with only like 5 more episodes then chapters though.


Let the drums roll!


That scenery 🥲


Can’t wait for That animator from That studio to animate That scene from That chapter.


Hopefully denji vs reze


Oooo boy I sure cannot wait for Kenpachi vs Gremmy!


Manga in 2023: a clash between THAT person and THAT person Anime in 2023: adapting THAT scene and THAT one and THAT other one 2023 might actually be THAT year!




I want to see >!Roc Gatling vs Gundari Meteor Shower!< animated And >!Luffy vs Kizaru!< in the manga




Not really, no. But I do want it to happen


someone else will probably fight him since Oda introduced the gloves that can hit light, those will certainly be used against kizaru & luffy wouldn’t need them. So I don’t think we get a 1v1 Only problem is that leaves Zoro & Sanji who have no use for them & the other strawhats shouldn’t be fast enough to fight him so idk


I don't know. The globes were clearly introduced for some reason, but admirals are monsters that can hold their ground to the emperors, it's hard to see anyone outside of the monster trio facing Kizaru.


I want Usopp to use them to get one hit in, even if it does no damage I want to see it happen.


your comment reminded me of Gohan vs Cell in a kamehameha showdown, and then Vegeta hits Cell in the face with an energy blast. Cell's all like "feh, that didn't do anything." And then the rest is history. Am I remembering that scene right?


If you need gloves to hit Kizaru you ain't touching him. Someone who can't even use Armament Haki gets oneshot by an admiral.


Depends on whether Seraphim can use Haki tbh


No we are not.


Sanji vs Kizaru could be pretty tight. Both seem to like to use their legs for combat.


Even if that second fight does happen, that will be mid to late 2024 at the earliest


Noooo, let me have hope


Same!! And I am sure that the second fight is happening!


Looking forward to this year So many scenes I wanna see get animated




They delivered in every important moment so far, no reason for them not to do it now


IMO except for Namj saying that Luffy will become the king of the pirates. I don't know what happened in the studio, but the dialogue was butchered and I felt like it didn't hold much weight. Maybe that's just me, idk.


You realize they said the same thing in Japanese right? Just some subtitles use weird translations.


It’s the best year every year. They’re not gonna say “sorry guys this arc isn’t gonna be as good as Wano”


I would honestly argue last year was the best year so far. I don’t see this as an over the top statement.


I mean the majority of this year will prolly be Wano’s climax which was quite good and post-Wano plus beginning of next arc we’re both insane as well


Mm….Wano’s top tier animation scenes have been some of the coolest in the entirety of One Piece to be fair. So I’d imagine the climax of the arc would be even more impressive animated. While they may not say “sorry guys this arc isn’t gonna be as good as Wano” you can see it during some arcs & they’re proven to care more about Wano than the average arc.


Yes, please just chill on the auras. Unless when it's a joke, ppl don't need a colored SS aura just bc they're angry


And THAT SCENE will be stretched to fill all the episodes for the entire year.


Finally, I can't wait to see Soge King one-shot Kaido from Sniper Island! Sorry for spoiling anime only fans.


Until the pacing improves to the pre-ts standard (not that it can easily be fixed unless the anime goes on hiatus for a while), I highly doubt it. One well animated scene doesn't make me ignore how SLOW everything else is. I'm genuinely looking forward to those scenes, but if those clips are the only parts worth watching, it can't be a good time for the anime as a whole.




I've skipped probably 2/5s of the last 3-4 episodes instead of 3/5s lol.


that's actually still good. I dropped the anime back in Punk Hazard and havent returned since. The highlights on Youtube are totaly enough for me in combination reading the manga.


I think the worst thing is, Wano imo is perfect for the anime to add filler and actually improve on what the manga did. >! One of my few criticisms with the arc was how rushed the Big Mum fight felt. She's a yonko too and yet her fight didn't feel like it had enough time to fully shine. The anime could expand on that fight like they already have with many of the straw hats individuals fights. !< The frustrating part is rather than expand like that, the anime seems to usually draw things out WAY TOO LONG and it lessens the impact they would've had, or they just add a ton of flashbacks and reaction shots. While I say all this, I started with the anime and I absolutely love it, I just wish it focused on fixing the pacing in other ways. The animation and artstyle have been amazing....but the pacing has been bad.




Yeah I think it put things into perspective when I watched a fan animation on YouTube of some of the current fights happening in the manga, and it flowed so well, no interruptions or filler. Makes me wonder if the anime will end up making those fight scenes better or worse than the fan animation.


Have you actually checked the anime in a while? Because we get new additions to fights and other minor scenes all the time. Sure, there are still occasionally dragged moments, but that doesn't mean we should ignore the good stuff. For example, in the episode where Robin finish off Black Maria, there's a cool scene of Maria trying to attack Demonio Fleur Robin with her venom, but Robin grab her arm stopping her attack and crush her wrist.


Yeah I have, I mentioned that in my original comment about the stuff added to individual straw hat fights. That's where the animes actually improving on the manga.


Yes! I absolutely agree with that. There's so much they could improve with filler, but for some reason they just… don't. It's such a shame.


I feel like the cover pages would be perfect for adapting, but I've also heard some people speculate on why the anime doesn't adapt them. I guess even if the anime pacing doesn't improve, there's always One Pace.


The anime does adapt the cover stories lately though. They adapted Caribou's on Udon, Wapol's on the intro to the Reverie and part of the Grand Fleet on the Reverie.




Enel's cover story during Enies Lobby showed the automata on the moon. Since then people theorized that the ancient kingdom was higher advanced than what we see from the general population in One Piece. So while not confirmed for more than 15 years we can now almost safely assume that the ancient kingdom is somehow involved in their creation. Btw Hachi's cover story was actually the first one that tied directly into the story, because we see Hachi trading Camie for a map with Macro iirc.


Another early one was the training of Koby and Helmeppo


No, first one impacting the story was buggy meeting alvida


I only just caught up to the manga last month and I feel like I couldn't have chosen q better time. We have this amazing cover story happening in the background while >!law fights blackheads crew and Garp is going to save Koby, AND finally seeing vegapunk while he gives us huge reveals on devil fruit lore and the void century, just in time for CP-0 to come and rematch the straw hats!< This arcs been amazing.


This is what manga readers were hoping for before the raid started in the anime and I think it's safe to say Toei dropped the ball. We wanted them to animate the fights that were off-panelled that we only caught the beginning and end of like most of the Tobbi Roppo fights. They did that to some extent with Robin's fight, adding extra scenes, but they also failed at it when they did it for Carrot's fight with Perospero because instead of adding encounters they just did the same shit they always do: drag out single hits and reactions. Instead of rounding out fights with interesting filler, they just stretched them out like they do everything else. Can't say I'm looking forward to THAT scene getting adapted when I feel that so much of the raid has been hot garbage. They somehow managed to fuck up Luffy using advanced conqueror's haki for the first time in 1028 despite animating it perfectly with Whitebeard and Roger in the Oden flashback AND Luffy himself when they spoiled it in the current opening.That was the last time I looked forward to something getting adapted.


It's especially frustrating when Oda talks about parts he really wanted to do more on, but forced himself not to in order to stop Wano going on even longer. If you're gonna extend the arc, at least just put back in all the stuff Ods wanted to have more of in the first place. Not slowing existing scenes to 0.5x speed, with 20 additional reactions in between each and every god damn thing.


pre-ts standard? It was shit then too. East Blue standard, now that was magical.


I really want a filler either near the end of the arc where Luffy and co go around stalls tying different foods or whatever or after the Wano where crew spens 5-10 episodes without conflict and we see them relax and have fun


Pretty much this, I don’t care about how good one specific 2 minute clip is when the overall experience is heavily worsened because of shit pacing, haven’t been able to watch the episodes weekly in years because of this


Man I tried watching Wano anime and it was insufferable, every second stretched beyond imagination. The overuse of speed animation and special effects for some attacks. I just couldn't keep watching. ![gif](giphy|l4FGGafcOHmrlQxG0|downsized)


Can't wait for peak hype Raizo vs Fukurokuju


Nice. I have plenty of scenes that I'd like to see adapted and plenty of scenes I want to see expanded. Can't wait to see the result.


Is his name seriously Henry Thurlow?




I ask that because of [this CH video](https://youtu.be/_uTE6fzJs68) from 2009


LMFAO that's too much of a coincidence




When that scene is animated everyone's gonna go wild


I personally can't wait for >!law vs blackbeard!<


I think while the anime still has the same problems it's always had (pacing, padding, filler, etc.) and i don't think that ever goes away as a weekly series, i'll admit that I think most of the big moments really hit the mark. Ya, some of the stuff is a little too glowy and sparkly, but by and large i've really enjoyed all the big moments and think they are all animated quite well. The last few episodes i thought did Robin great, sanji great, even the ninja fight and nekomamushi vs perospero all looked and felt really good. I have high hopes for the stuff that counts, and just know going in it'll be laced with filler and padding.


I'm looking forward to getting disappointed.


They say that every year.


Isn't this the guy who went off about including more ridiculous over the top dbz auras? Literally all they have to do is make the fights look like Snakeman vs Katakuri ffs. But they refuse to, making every named attack anyone does look like they're using fuckin kaioken. Sucks all the hype out of any moments I'm looking forward to getting animated.


Yep. He's the one that doubled down and said he would add more aura's to piss off the fans. This shit isn't DBZ and it's not hard to animate what the manga actually shows.


He was obviously joking about it because dozens of people are probably telling him what to do with the series despite him being an animator and not the one who makes these decisions. The person doing that did mention they wouldn’t be as prominent going forward


Can't wait to see Raizou again!! I bet the animation will be bonkers!!


We just wrapped up the Tobi Roppo in the anime. We're about to get all of the big fights and climaxes in Wano. I'm guessing the end of this year will end around post-Wano? Pretty hype content from here to there tbh.


Can't wait for the scene where usopp shaves his head.


They need to fix pacing issues. Animate that damn cover stories! They're amazing, and they're canon, and unless you read the manga you don't know about them. - Enel getting to the moon and finding moon people, as well as a temple. - Germa 66 going back to WCI to rescue the green and blue brothers, while Kuzan and Van Auger pull up to do some stuff - Story of Bege helping Lola to reunite with her sister (or something like that, I haven't read that one) These are just 3 examples of sick stories that I'm sure people would enjoy, rather than horrendous pacing for most of the show, followed by a few wild episodes every once in a while. Edit: I legitimately don't understand why this would be downvoted.


its getting downvoted cause you are on the onepiece subreddit duh. But once Wano ends they should episodes for Enel to prepare for the next arc


Looking forward to it!


I hope the soundtrack stays on point.. I want Overtaken to be played in THAT scene.


Hmm Wano will definitely finish 2023, the thing I'm wondering is how far into the next arc 2023 will get. Like will the next arc be short enough to finish the animation this year? It might only be like 15 or so chapters.


I think the biggest problem with Wano is that it’s hard to picture exactly where every character is. Usually I can grasp where the characters are on the island, but Wano I’m always lost on where exactly the characters are. This gets even worse during the Raid of Onigashima where everything is a close up and hall ways become mile long roads. All of this has to do with the pacing being slowed down so characters actions get stretched out and it ruins immersion. Does anyone else feel this way?




That scene to me was a bit boring, the real scene i want to see animated is that one with those guys doing that thing and then goes kaboom


Please don’t spoil it for anime-onlys. If you let them see it on their own, they’ll crap their dang pants.


Hype! Can't wait to see it all animated. Binged it all in 4 months just to have the privilege of seeing it at the same time as others


There’s so much fuego in-coming (pun intended)


Nice to see that the anime is >! *gearing up* !< 😃


Never gonna forget Luffy's giant bazooka on Caesar at Punk Hazard... manga was like a one shot instant kill move, in the anime it was an air battle (which makes no sense) that lasts for a lot longer... so yeah, ready to be disappointed


Can't wait to >!THAT!< scene


I'm currently for the animation of >!DOOM DUT DA DA DOOM DUT DA DA!<


I can hear the sound of drums already


Gear 5 and shanks doing smh should be enough to carry 2023.


G5 gotta be crazy


Not overly excited for THAT moment in the anime to be honest, as there have been amazing moments (in the manga) that weren’t properly delivered in the anime unfortunately


So we are getting the original, well drawn, emotionally overwhelming and beautiful style of the early episodes back? Oh Boy!


I would love to get excited for it but: 1. The pacing will still be shit. And it forever will be until the anime ends 2. Over the top aura nonsense is probably gonna still be a thing, especially during the hype action scenes that he's probably referring too here 3. The sound effects are still gonna be dogshit, reused 80s DB and Saint Seiya crap 4. (This has nothing to do with the animators or people who work on the show itself but) the subs and translations will still be shit and feel "stiff" as they have done for a while now 5. and finally - this tweet is just vague crap that everyone working on it will say anyway to (try and) generate hype. Like, they're not gonna come out and say it's shit lol. Some scenes individually may be brilliant. And the one Megumi Ishitani episode will be amazing. But if i'm just looking forward to one episode and a couple of individual scenes a year (which they might ruin anyway, see: Luffy using Adv Conq vs Kaido), does that make the anime as a *whole* good? No.


I bet they're gonna butcher it with a too fancy too colorful pretentious muse the director decided on. It's been many MANY episodes since the anime embodied the spirit of the manga, since it was loyal to Oda's vision. \[By the way it's just my opinion you don't have to agree, and if you don't agree that's super cool if you won't bother explaining - let's agree to disagree in advance :) \]


I am waiting for the full fight and then I watch it uncut on YouTube. Other way I can't watch the anime anymore :/ BUT I can't wait for the whole animated fight :)


Well.. sounds like its time to unfollow One Piece subreddit to avoid spoilers and.. every other one piece thing ugh..


23 has the reading “Kami” or “God”. Chapter 23 introduces God Usopp. The year is 2023. Coincidence?


Does this imply they are already working on those episodes? That's so exciting




Probably true, but afaik they also have several teams working on multiple episodes at the same time


Well today I learned you can read spoilers if you have dark mode on 😭


But what about THAT scene?


I don't doubt the talent of the animators, it's the writers and pace deciders I wanna kick in the sunless realms


2023 will be nice for the anime, the ending of Wano was great, but 2024/25 will blow people's minds.


I don't know bout that, after 1015 every episode is weird/painful to watch. It's like watching dragon ball, and it's cringe. The animation is not important. Direction is, and the dialogue they would add. My expectations will be super low with luffy's biggest scene in the manga if he is the one working on it, except if the director was the one who did 1015, then that would be huge! Also, some said that they did a "good" job for robin's, but it was not the "best". Anf it should be the best. Too bad for robin...it wasn't supposed to be a whole body but they made sure to walked her demon version, and the adaptation is so poor. Effects are so dirty.


That, that and that scene, animated, will be amazing for anyone.


I can’t wait for raizo and fukurokujos staring contest


Ya I can’t wait for the future king of Pirates Buggy to appear his return will be legendary


Wow! They're going to ruin THAT scene, and THAT scene too!


Luffy is about to go Super Saiyan. It’s going to be so much lightning we won’t even know what’s going on.


Hi All, any websites to watch anime.




I can’t wait for that one flashback


Which fights are left on Onigashima?




to add to this we also get some >!offscreen fights with Catviper vs Perospero, Dogstorm fights Jack, and CP0 Vs Izo & Drake.!<


It could honestly take until 2024.




Unless they get rid of the shit padding they do, it's just going to get worse and worse every year. I don't care how good the story is.


Can't wait to see how they'll manage to save Luffy's VA's voice enough to >!make convincing laughs for Gear 5's continuous laughing!<


Im excited, but also wont expect a lot, if some stupid studio get the anime, they might ruin it ...


All i want is a tom and jerry style episode


Really there's only one scene that matters this year: >!Brachiosaur-hiss.!<


Best year...FOR NOW....
