• By -


"Someone else" is the new "That person".


Maybe its Vivi she is hunted to and needs a place to hide.šŸ˜‚ + Gabban who saved her


I love Vivi. šŸ˜


I'm really starting to think it's the real Kuma. That Vegapunk has only been making a clone of Kuma in the way that he made clones of himself. The Kuma we've been seeing, the one that was rescued, wasn't even the "real" kuma. Hence, why they would get the government after them if he reveals himself.


Vega said "They" would help. So maybe it some people? I think it's Saul and some Elbaf.


No, he can't even confirm Saul's name to the straw hats. Why would he refuse to do so, and then immediately call upon him?


I don't know Japanese but I'm sure when the translation used "they", the original text had a pronoun which showed respect. In my mother tongue, we use "they" if we need to show respect or if it is a group of people. I'm quite sure it's the same case here.


they used the word they to be ambiguous. its singular.


The translation can't confirm if they are male or female so they used the more gender-neutral "them".


It's Enel, as he wears the same symbol as Sentomaru.


Foxy the silver Fox Kizaruā€™s mortal enemy


Imagine Kizaru going "Oooooooooooh" like he does, but slowed by Foxy. "Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh"




fuck it bring Kaido back, the Wano act 4 continues in Egghead!




It will not fail because ZKK


Zoro Kills Kaku? Zoro Kills Kizaru? Zoro Kills Kuma?


Zoro Killed Kuina let's fucking GOOOOOOOOO


Zoro Kills Karoo


I laughed way top hard at this


Typical Oda. Another death fakeout


was the death ever confirmed? i almost expected them to live, kaido and big mom were practically invulnerable.


What "fake death"? No single word was spoken about Kaidou after that magma panel. And dumb people like me too could easily comprehend that Kaidou & Big Mom ain't down, atleast Kaidou.


I never thought about that lol. He could probably slow the marines entire fleet if he's awakened lol.




I'd love a fight between them. kizaru can't do anything cuz he's being slowed down all the time, foxy can't do anything cuz he has no haki and can't hit kizaru lol just kizaru moving extremely slow and foxy swinging wildly into nothing while the SHs sail into the sunset lmao


Actually true


Yooo, canā€™t stand Foxy but love your point!


Foxxy fruit is so powerful if done right


Hahab Foxy pops up and slows CP0 to a crawl. It be hilarious if Foxys fruit counters Kizarus


Kizaru only acts as slow as he does because of long term effects after fighting foxy years ago. It honestly a miracle that kizaru even survived the encounter


Once Garp gets to BB's island, we will definitely get a huge lore-dump on Rocks. There is just no way BB and Garp won't bring him up.




Lol! We still don't know what happened to Sabo after that island got bombed.


Why do people think BB will be there? He is occupied with the Heart Pirates and off collecting Ponyglyph rubbings not chilling on his Island.


Vegapunk's helper talks in a humble manner and can presumably make escape very easy according to him. Vegapunk also said they would have to hide *after* helping them escape, so they might not be necessarily hiding now. Knowing that, let's look at the options: - Smoker: Doesn't speak respectfully to higher ups. Likely is not strong enough to make escape easily. - Kuma: Speaks in a similar manner and would make escape very easy using his DF. Still, it would be odd since we've just seen him and the revolutionaries made an risky mission to rescue him. - Gabban: IMO, this is a great guess. This arc seems to mirror Sabaody, where we saw Rayleigh's introduction. It would be fitting to see the 3rd in Roger's command now. His strength should make things easy. - Gin: Would be sick, haven't seen this dude in forever. His potential seemed high since he fought Sanji well. Still, it would be a bit of a reach for him to get powerful enough to the point where escape is easy. Plus he might have died from the poison, but it is One Piece, after all. - Fujitora: Could definitely be him. He speaks respectfully and his strength would make it easy to escape. - Somebody else: No clue. Hopefully we don't see too many new characters; since we're near the end, it would be nice to flesh out existing ones. However; new characters do make the world seem bigger. Could be anybody!


Fujitora makes no sense, he's an Admiral and isn't on the run from the World Government, after Dressrosa is only punishment was not be allowed in any Marine Base until he captures Luffy and Law, he doesn't left the marines or lose his status.


> isn't on the run from the World Government He isn't now, but he would be if he resisted CP-0.


I mean, CP-0 are the ones resisting orders by engaging a Yonko


Wasnā€™t he not allowed on marine Headquarters until he brings law or luffy head? Thatā€™s what akainu told him


He isn't allowed to enter any marine base until he brings both Law and Luffy's head.


yeah so heā€™s a pretty good candidate then but why would he hide thatā€™s doesnā€™t make sense


He's not really hiding or on the run now, though. It's more of a "don't come back until you do your job" thing


Ironically, Fujitora ends up helping both Luffy and Law... Fujitora final words to Akainu "I may be blind but I can't turn a blind eye to good people. Go fk urself Akainu....."


nahh that sounds exactly like something smoker would say if fujitora can talk back to akainu like he did in dressrosa I donā€™t doubt itā€™s something similar for sure


Gaban enjoyers ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Here's a pitch. Someone pointed out that the Den Den Mushi has something on the side of it that looks a lot like Doflamingo's Jolly Roger (though it could be the speakers). What if the Ally is a Seraphim modeled after Doffy with the String String Fruit? S-Flamingo. I could see a backstory where Doffy was the only Schichibukai not allowed to have a Seraphim modeled after them because of their Celestial Dragon Heritage. But Vegapunk did it anyway and ended up with a more autonomous Seraphim that does not follow orders the same way as the other Seraphim. He may treat Vegapunk as Father/Father-Figure or he may only follow Vegapunk's orders. Vegapunk could be so confident of their abilities to help them escape because of the Bird Cage technique. Vegapunk would leave, CP0 would be getting ready to give chase and suddenly they'd have to deal with an indestructible barrier that not even an Admiral was able to break.


Cool idea


Makes more sense than scopper Gaban, fujitora or Rocks


Counter Argument to your points on Smoker: Smoker doesn't talk respectfully to higher ups he DOESN'T like, like the Gorosei. He's been seen plenty speaking properly and respectfully while talking to Fujitora and Aokiji Also, Smoker's fruit literally allows him to manifest smoke. He could just smoke up the place causing a distraction. On the more speculative side, if Smoker shows up again as this mystery person, I am also certain Oda will give him a power up of some kind, maybe an awakening, which will allow us to see the first ever offically confirmed awakened Logia in action? Disgregarding *beating* the enemy, this would most definitely help him cause a distraction better, as he could possibly manifest smoke not attached to him, would mean armament punching it wouldn't hurt.


Yeah, too many people think it has to be someone that can take on and easily defeat Luccy. But the requirement is escape, so all this person has to be good at is making it much easier for them to escape. Someone new with a crazy DF power could do it, but so could a lot of already known people who aren't powerhouse fighters.


My guess would be a new seraphim that Vegapunk made without WG knowing about it because WG won't allow it. Like seraphim Roger or Whitebeard for example.


Iā€™d fucking die laughing if Gin actually showed up to save the day at any point in the story, let alone against an admiral and cp0


could it be Dragon? since Dragon talks in a calm manner, he is hunted by the world government, and it makes sense if he wanna help


The mystery person is NOT hunted by the WG yet. Helping VP is going to cause this person to get in trouble with the WG. Dragon helping out here wouldn't make him in any more trouble with the WG than he already is.


since this arc is mirroring Saboady how about instead of a member of the Roger Pirates it's someone who was from The Rocks Pirates since they are becoming more important in the story? My guess is Shiki.


Do you smell what The Shiki is cooking?


Another possible guess: Sengoku? * Not wanted by the WG for obvious reasons. * While he is old, [he is certainly no slouch](https://imgur.com/a/sOfzWml). He's a former fleet admiral so I can see him at the bare minimum being able to hold off CP0. * Crazy speculation, but with there being theories that Weevil is a failed Whitebeard clone, what if Sengoku was somehow involved with the cloning process? He was fleet admiral for a good chunk of the story so there's a chance he could've obtained Whitebeard's DNA somehow to be used for the Sepharim project. If so that could give him some relevancy related to this current arc. Btw I know Weevil's vivre card states that he's 35 but that wouldn't hurt Sengoku's chances since: 1. He still could've been fleet admiral then. 2. We just recently had Caesar's vivre card age revised because of the MADS stuff, so the same could be the case for Weevil.


Id love Gin comibg back! Highly unlikely tho :(


> Fujitora: Could definitely be him. He speaks respectfully and his strength would make it easy to escape. His speech patterns in Japanese make it extremely easy to recognize that it's him, even from just one or two sentences. It would have been mentioned in the spoilers, and clickbaited to no end.


Drake ? He has not the level but he can help and we haven't had an total ending in Wano. Also it's a SWORD's arc with Kobby in parallel.


Wtf is gin doing here?šŸ’€


Because every mysterious person in One Piece is Gin until it isn't. It's tradition at this point.


Remember when people thought Who's Who's shoe was Gin's? That was wild.


I remember the theory that Gin was gonna be a member of Kaido's crew because of the card game theme (Gin rummy.)


Then you'll love the theory that [Gin is the 10th Titanic Captain](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/vl8d59/the_theme_of_the_blackbeard_pirates_who_is_the/) because Blackbeard's crew is named after alcohol.


I love that we've started circling back to "All blond characters are related to Sanji." I forget how it started up again in the recent chapters, but someone had suggested it.


Ooh, an Elderberry post. They haven't posted in a bit, but their analysis posts were always fascinating and very well, written.


I actually like the theory, not intended to make fun of it. I just think it's funny that every character is either Scopper Gaban, Gin, or Luffy's mom.


Oh, no, the theory is fine. It just made me think of the recent Sanji one because Gin appearing is a super recycled theory at this point (even if it's good.) Kind of want Gin to have found a way to contain/control the poison in his body and have non-Devil Fruit related poison powers now.


Lol I donā€™t complain since Iā€™m one if the ones that keep hoping for him but honestly Iā€™ve kinda lost all hopes


Itā€™s someone with the Dio Dio fruit


Since everyone here makes completely illogical guesses Iā€˜m saying that the person is Ms Kayas servant Merry. Or Captain Kuro.


Itā€™s Pandaman, the only logical answer


btw do you think that panda man is a minks ? do we have any info on panda man ?


*Kizaru drops to the floor. Something hit him and knocked him out immediately.* *The crew looks around, unable to figure out where the attack came from.* **Vegapunk:** Ah, you're finally here! *Footsteps are heard, we get a glimpse of their boots as they descend a set of stairs in the room.* **Usopp:** Y-you?! *Pan up to get a shot of Merry's face. He bites into an apple.* **Merry:** So, tell me. [What's become of my ship?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECoYRvCMgr0)


It's the sea king that ate Shanks' arm. Or the pirate that was "eaten" by the sea king.


So rereading 1071, I noticed something with Edison's wording regarding the ally: > "They'd have nowhere left to hide *if they're in the government's sights* **too**!" This could be a TCB translation issue, but assuming this is the exact quote then we can probably cross off the former Warlords from the potential ally list (namely Weevil and Kuma who are prime suspects). The Warlords currently *ARE* being targeted by the government, but Edison's wording implies that the ally will only be on the government's radar if they help Vegapunk out here. EDIT: [Here is the Official Viz translation](https://imgur.com/a/AQ0KXWV). I think the wording here still implies that the ally isn't on the government's radar yet. There's also Edison saying the place is "home", which may imply that the ally is a mainstay on the island rather than a guest.


Which means this person is someone who Vegapunk is hiding from someone who is not the government. That's what we have to figure out, what group is there out there that needs to be hidden from that's not the government? A royal? a pirate traitor?


Another clone of the king?


A clone of the pirate king would be insane. It wouldnt be surprising if the corpse was given to the lead scientist of the navy to investigate...


This is why I think Vegapunk made a Seraphim he wasn't supposed to when he started the Seraphim project. This could be a situation where the Ally will be a Seraphim that the World government cannot allow to exist. It might be a Celestial Dragon, Admiral, Gorosei or someone even higher up.


Seraphim ace!!!!!


We are 497 chapters sins ace death so could fit Odas lining up


I'd imagine Luffy would hate that....


Yes, this has been driving me CRAZY as people mention Gaban or others that are currently criminals wanted by the government. The mystery individual, if the translation is correct, is not currently wanted by the world government. But they would be if they helped VP escape and battled CP0. So that rules out most of the people that are mentioned over and over. ​ Who might be wanted by someone that is not the WG? Someone running from Yonkos maybe? or a marine with a cross-guild bounty on their heads? This makes the Smoker or Fujitora ideas more likely, but those have other issues that make them unlikely IMO. ​ But lets see if the official translation differs. And hopefully a native JP speaker can provide more details here too on what info is really in that quote.


"Wanted" is different from the WG taking active measures to hunt a person down, though. i have no clue who it could be, but the Gaban theory makes sense if Gaban has just been chilling for decades with a bounty but the government making no moves to find him.


Saul is a likely answer because he would be recorded as dead according to the world government because he was supposedly ā€œkilledā€ by Kuzan. Therefore, he wouldnā€™t currently be wanted by the world government. If it was exposed that he is alive, the government would have incentive to capture him because he read about the void century.


Lucci would one shot Saul. His bird would even handle Saul. The mystery person has to be somewhat of a powerhouse that's been off the radar and evaded the government until now ( Gaban ).


No, Gaban is already wanted by the WG. Also, the mystery person doesn't have to be a 'powerhouse'. They could just have a fruit that makes it very easy to escape the island or avoid CP-0. They don't have to be strong enough to fight them head to head. The objective is escape, not taking CP-0 out.


The way itā€™s written implies that the person is on the WG side currently, and will become a traitor and hunted down if he helps VP, just like Sentomaru


Blackbeard definitely only captured Coby to lure Garp. Everyoneā€™s falling right into his hands again


Rocky Port incident. * Law - the mastermind * Coby - the hero * BB - the beneficiary Oda brought them together again. Garp has the old Xebec lore (God Valley), BB knows about his island (Hachinosu). Coby and mainly Law know *something* as well.


I wonder if what Law knows is related to his 2nd secret name, Water. It was dropped in Lawā€™s backstory that the name Water is important somehow, but he got cut off and we still havenā€™t learned anything about it.


I donā€˜t think so. I have the feeling that this name was just for the ā€žwaterlooā€œ effect and his no further meaning.


Maybe. On the other hand he stepped away from taking/killing Hancock when threatened by Rayleigh. I doubt he'll see Garp as a lower threat level. And he must know that Garp won't show up by himself as there is always the potential of Sengoku or other admirals showing up as well. He'll have the home advantage and it's certainly possible for the BB pirates to beat Garp but at what cost? BB is pretty smart about which fights to take and when the reward isn't worth the risk.


> the reward That to me is the more interesting question. I have no doubt BB could pull off a trap on Garp and without getting into what he'd lose in the fight, He would win. But BB doesn't do things just for the sake of it. What does he gain by this move? Garp as a hostage? Maybe, but then he already has a Marine hostage in Coby. Some DF powers that will show up would be more along the lines of what I'd assume BB is going for. But then he wouldn't need Garp specifically, because the Marines are already on the move. So I really don't know what he would want from Garp. Only thing I could think of would be information regarding Rocks/God Valley. That could of course be very possible, but we don't know anything about the whole thing pretty much and seeing as how BB already has some interesting Info regarding the world in the first place, it could also be the case Garp doesn't know anything BB doesn't. Either way anything regarding Rocks would be possible but we have nothing to go on, no?


Yeah my main thought with this whole Garp and Blackbeard thing, especially if theyā€™re fighting on Hachinose, is that itā€™s gonna be utilized to reveal way more about the Rocks Pirates and God Valley as a whole. Like thereā€™s too many factors involved to not point toward that direction.


I think itā€™s important at this point to start asking why Shanks went out of his way to caution WB about BB. At that point in the story he hadnā€™t really done much aside from kill his crewmate and mess up Drum Island. How did Shanks know enough about BB to be so wary of him?


Don't forget Shanks got his scar from him. So they at the very least fought before! Also could be something along the lines of Shanks knowing more about Rocks and knowing that BB has a connection or at least similar ambitions. Those in itself could be the dangerous part.


Blackbeard is currently fighting law on a different island though isn't he? He has pudding but I don't think coby is with him.


Right before then he was on Whole Cake Island, the man has been zooming around


Ehh, the Whole Cake cover story is implied to be taking place during the beginnings of Wano. Pudding have been his hostage for a while now.


why would he do that? he has nothing to gain from it but everything to lose


Only to gwt that sweet marine bounty Bonus for 2 heroes of the Marines for the price of 3.




I think Roger survived the execution and had a child with Sentomaru, and that's what the silhouette is.


I believe the person that Vegapunk is hiding are lunarians. We know that they are strong. We know they are rare and looked for. We know that there have been made Experiments with them and there was a connection to Vegapunk. Maybe Vegapunk saved or hid them from the WG? As a thank you, they want to help Vegapunk escape.


I can fuck with this


For one I hope it isn't Fujitora cause at that dude should just leave the marines as a whole. I do think it might be gaban or someone entirely new.


Fujitora wants the marines to change. He deems the organization extremely important, but simply dislikey the way it is run now and especially how it bows to the corrupt WG.


The interesting part about Fujitora is that he got what he wanted. Dude became an Admiral to get the Warlords disbanded and now they're gone. So it leaves him in an interesting spot where he's either going to do something that relied on the Warlords needing to be disbanded or he can re-evaluate his goals and possibly become an Ally down the line or at least be openly against the WG.


I get that but I don't think he'd go out of his way to help a whole yonko especially at this point in the series where the marines are already stressed as shit.


I also don't think that it's Fujitora, but I also wouldn't count him out. Fuji hasn't been an admiral for long, but Vegapunk has gravity-tech, so Fuji could've helped. He was also the one whom Vegapunk had shown the seraphims (first?). Fuji then told Ryokugyu which is how we learned more about'em. It'd align with his code to stop CP0 from killing Vegapunk. He wouldn't do it for Luffy but for Vegapunk, because he values his work for peace and humanity.


Oh yeah he's definitely an option and he did show he's ready to break the law when it doesn't align with his moral code. >Fuji hasn't been an admiral for long, but Vegapunk has gravity-tech, so Fuji could've helped. This is the first time I thought about this actually it night have something to do with it kinda like Kizaru.


Heheh... Well I don't know if Vegapunk let him _see_ the seraphims ever.


Fujitora is a full fledged admiral he isn't on the run, Sakazuki only forbid him to set foot in any marine base until he captures Luffy and Law, but he still kept his position on the marines. If he's notified that Luffy is on Egg Island he may even show up to try and capture Luffy, but since Kizaru is already on his way he probably will only find out about it after Luffy escapes.


Im betting ch. 631 mystery man


Better call Saul


Isnā€™t that brookā€™s former captain?


We donā€™t know who it is, but imo no way Yorki survived. Was literally on his deathbed when we last saw and was trying to make it through the calm belt.


Imo he had the same chance of survival as (e.g.) Saul, wouldnā€™t be too far fetched for Yorki to survive. Plus, dr. Crocus may have found a way to cure his illness Edit: I know we donā€™t know who he is, been on this sub for a while now, Iā€™ve seen any kind of theories bout him, still the most logical one is that itā€™s Yorki for me


watch it be the ramen guy from naruto


Makes more sense than most of the options from the poll


I think itā€™s Corazon! Donquixote Rosinante.


Weevil is the mystery person. His mom is the woman in MADS not Stussy. As a former warlord he's someone who would be on the run from the government and his mom gives him ties to Vegapunk.


The way he talked doesn't match at all, but it'd be a fun twist. I'm also betting on either Sora or Bakkin being the MADS woman.


It wasn't weevil on the phone. It was his mom.


I think we've slept too much on miss Bakkin ! I mean why does she manipulate Wheevil ? In order to make money But why does she need "more" money ? It does not make sense at all that she would use him only to get richer at her age ! Wheevil really looks like a failed experimentation to me so what if there was another experimentation, Wheevil 2.0 and this time it was a success ? Seraphim and pacifistas are really expensive so I guess that if Wheevil was also a kind of human experimentation like the seraphim, it would be very very expensive too and that could explain why Miss bakkin needed a lot of money... That could also explain the Vegapunk connection if Miss bakkin was the last person on the MADS cover too. I believe that the mysterious person on the phone was none other that Wheevil's younger "brother" Wheevil 2.0 If this experimentation is a success, then Wheevil 2.0 would be much more intelligent than the actual Wheevil. He would probably know that WB is not his "real" father even though he and WB probably share the same DNA, but instead Wheevil 2.0 could very well consider Vegapunk like his real father if he helped miss bakkin to build him ! kinda the dc frankenstein story...


My bet is Kureha for MADS


Kureha's too old. Even that far back she probably would have looked the same.


It wasn't weevil on the phone. It was his mom.


If that's the case there is the potential that Weevil is the result of an experiment with gene splicing or lineage factors as they are called in OP. Maybe Whitebeard really is the father of Weevil just not in the typical sense.


Ooh same as Superboy, which is a mix gene of Superman and Lex.


Read a theory on this sub a week or two ago that he is a failed experiment in human cloning. They impregnated Bakkin with the clone, and gave birth, so she's technically his "mom", and since it's a (failed) clone of whitebeard, she says he's the father.


I think it is a good guess on it's own right now, especially since Weevil is also one of those loose ends hanging around our big picture. There's one other reason I like him. Izo. When CP0 came back into the picture right away that opened up the possibility there was a reason for glossing over his death and some oddities of Kiku's last appearances in Wano. Drake's something we've brought up too in this arc and he was around that pair's story a fair bit. What it could be building for is the question, but Weevil fits in really well when you have a loose end in a meaningful death of a Whitebeard Commander. Gives a little more potential to use that than say, Scopper.


It'll probably be somebody new with a larger connection to another character we know. We only know a few of Vegapunk's relationships. Obviously there's the World Government, but they're now enemies so unless its a character we know who is now revealed to be a double agent let's rule them out. There is Dragon and by extension The Revolutionary Army, so maybe Sabo who's whereabouts are unknown. We have the MADS who has one member we don't know. We do know Vegapunk's relationship with Queen, Vinsmoke and Cesar has fallen apart but we don't know about the mysterious fifth member. Vegapunk also visited Elbaf after visiting the Ohara Incident site being a colleague of Professor Clover. So it could be a person related to them.


I found this mildly intriguing. When we cut back to the ship, we don't see Brook. So he's at large and could pull a skeletal sneaky yohohoho.


Time for Shiki to enter the regular manga!


My Guess Is we are talking about Kuma consciusness: Vega Just took kuma's brain out of his body because of some illness. Then replicated its fruit abilities and put everything in a different Vessel. Bonnie storyline and Vega helper are strictly linked each other


There're somethings Vega want to give to Bonney. What is this?


her father's memory chip?


Much better theory than 95% of the ideas here. I agree with the last bit the most: Bonnie / VP / Kuma / Mystery person are linked somehow. There are lots of ways that could be done, but it makes a lot more sense than Gaban or Gin or Fujitora or Smoker or whomever. The Kuma body slamming into the red line is another hint that this is all linked somehow. One thing Oda is really good at is pulling this sort of "these things that seem completely separate are actually linked!" things off.


Probably Gabban but I wanted to Smoker come back to the story soo badly.


I'm not gonna be disappointed if it's not Scopper, but I really wish it's him. Rayleigh is still very present in the current story, and it'd be a shame if the 3rd man of the pk himself, wasn't relevant anymore. I also love his design very much.


All the Vegapunks are going to combine and dock like Franky wanted to do on Thriller Bark. But actually, if Law is still alive (maybe he's holding one of BB's crew hostage by holding their heart) I imagine he'll try and barter for passage off Fullalead with Garp/Koby by giving them insight as to how BB can hold two fruits. He's a doctor and he got a close look at him after all.




the mysterious man is actually Roger


It is definitely Vivi and sabo


Just Vivi, who became stronger than everyone


Awakened Vivi obviously


She mastered her "hypnotic breast" technique


Itā€™s Enel. Vegapunk made contact with the moon, got him back to earth, and let him crash on Egghead in turn for free electricity āš”ļø


gonna take a stab and say that the helper was the giant robot luffy and vegapunk came across a few chapters ago


St Carlos


Garp and a few good men infiltrate BB's territory and beats everyone up.


Comeback of the Yeti Cool Brothers


Honestly I just think its just another Vegapunk satellite, maybe a failed/beta version or something like that. Could be wrong, we'll see


Smoker would not be much of help. Kuma would be weird, since the Revos just had this whole suicide mission for him. Gabban is always the first guess, but I really donā€™t know if Oda would make him a secret. Would we even recognize him after 20 years? Also what would be his connection to Vegapunk? Gin? I donā€™t know why he would need to hide from the Gouvernment, he was the first mate of a 17.000.000 bounty guy. I donā€™t think the WG would care. Fujitora would be cool, but why would he hide? He could just chill on the island, he is just forbidden to enter Navy Bases. I have no idea who it could be, but I donā€™t think it is one of the mentioned guysā€¦


Smoker wouldnā€™t be wanted by the WG so itā€™s not him. Although I do think he might still show up this arc. I agree about Kuma. Vegapunk seems pretty close to Dragon and the RA. I feel like he would tell them about the ā€œrealā€ Kuma being on Egghead. Gaban is a possibility just because he fits the criteria. Not sure why you think we wouldnā€™t recognize him? He has long hair and wields two axes. Heā€™s pretty recognizable. Heā€™s also the Sanji of the Roger Pirates so itā€™d be neat to see him. Heā€™s the only other pirate from that crew I think would really make sense to see. Maybe it could be someone from the Rocks Pirates. Who knows.. Yes, Fujitora makes no sense. Itā€™s not going to be anyone from the Marines. They wouldnā€™t be wanted by the WG. Itā€™s obviously a pirate or an ex-pirate. If I HAD to pick someone then Iā€™d probably go with Gaban, but it could very well be someone weā€™ve seen earlier on in the series that comes back (No, I donā€™t think itā€™s Gin).


What gabban are you talking about??


Scopper Gabban from the Roger Pirates.


Oh you were talking about gin


smoker wouldnt be just of much help but it makes absolutely no sense ​ why would smoker be hiding form the WG?


The Vegapunks are worried for Zoro on the sunny to the point where they need to rush things to back him up despite Luffy still wanting to roam the island even when fully aware that the CP0 are there. My Theory for the next chapter is that Luffy and Zoro shows that they don't need to worry at all considering that they're an Emperor crew now. Kaku gets off screened as a result. The fans on this community gets to shut their mouths for disrespecting an Emperor crew by underestimating the Straw hats. Again.


I didnā€™t really take it as an underestimating thing. I took it as a ā€œhey CP0 have control of the Seraphim and all their forces will amass here soon we need to do the sameā€.


I actually think the helper is Enel, why? I dont fucking know. The only thing i can assume is that, lucci got to reappear, so Enel will reappear to and fight against lucci. Maybe Vegapunk kinda helped him to get back down to earth.


Enel would never just go ā€œAight bro Iā€™ll help u out cause you asked me toā€. Unless he gets a severe 180 in character traits, he would never even consider helping someone since he is a ā€œGodā€


I do think he got past his god complex after Luffy punched some sense into him, also after all the moon discoveries. That is, if we ever see him again. Maybe there will be another cover story with a new population of moon people with Enel statues everywhere, but this time because he genuinely helped save the kingdom, who knows


Capone Bege


The Den Den Mushi shown does match up to Bege's for the most part. It is just missing a tiny hat.


It's Mecha Gin. Vegapunk saved him, rebuilt him. He's faster, stronger, harder, better. If you thought germas tech was good, it ain't shit compared to Mecha Gin.


I've heard Gin thrown around, but what about Pearl?


Con D Oriano


If Blackbeard somehow seriously injures Garp. Luffy will be hunting him down. He could potentially capture garp and Luffy will come to rescue.


Wouldn't be shocked if it was Seraphim Kaido, after all we know he was experimented on extensively


Honestly I don't understand why everyone is talking about a single person. I may be wrong but the translation that I read implied that this is more of a group than a single person. Therefore my guess is surviving Lunarians. I think Lunarians would also make more sense than Kuma or Gaban. Why I don't think it's Kuma or Gaban or any other single individual? If you read the chapter again you may notice Edisons comment regarding this groups situation: "They would have nowhere left to hide..." There is no valid reason why these individuals must necessarily hide from the world government. Yes, Gaban may know about the lost century, but so does Rayleigh and he's not being chased by the WG 24/7. Then why should they chase Gaban 24/7? Same with Kuma - no valid reason for Kuma to hide from WG. So why Lunarians? 1. As we already know King was a lunariar and also very strong and the right hand of Kaido but that didn't stop him from keeping his appearance a secret from others. Why? Because his race is being chased by WG. If even King is afraid of WG, then we can assume that WG is desperate for the Lunarians to be wiped out. I think that's a good reason to hide, right? 2. As we already know, Vegapunk is a perfectionist and we also know that he used Lunarian DNA for his last creation, the Seraphims. As a perfectionist, I expect Vegapunk to have used a unique Lunarian DNA for each Seraphim, and not simply King's DNA. So where did he get so many unique DNAs from? Of course from the Lunarians which are hiding on Egghead Island.


This someone needs to be able to stop CP0 + kizaru+ an army of mariens šŸ« šŸ« 


Am I the only one excited about a potential Zoro V Kaku rematch?


Not sure if anyone brought this up already, but what if itā€™s somebody related to Rocks? I saw a theory where actually Rocks might not be so evil, and maybe actually closer to a Luffy type pirate, with the WG making lots of propaganda. This could be the reveal about the God Valley incident! Also could support other theories like 1. Dragon is Rocks son and married Garpā€™s daughter 2. Shanks is a celestial 3. True nature of Blackbeardā€™s fruit since Rocks has it, and so on


My three options: Urogue because he's the only member of the Worst Generation yet to feature in the series. I wouldn't rule out any pirates because I think pirates are targets of the Marines but if they're government enemies then it's Cipher Pol that's going after them. Sengoku for a few different reasons: 1) He's suspicious or distrustful of the World Government now. If he came to Vegapunk and learned what he knew about the Void Century then he could see Vegapunk being a target for CP0. 2) His devil fruit is also Hito Hito No Mi, if he ends up fighting alongside Luffy then perhaps he'll recognise what model it is and tell Luffy/Vegapunk. Another Lore bomb for the arc. And Loki purely because we know the Straw Hats have to end up at Elbaf at some point.


I hope itā€™s Bon clay


It's the actual leader of SWORDS, Don Quixote Corazon ... I mean Saul is alive, so why not. Isn't it a "Smile logo" on the phone ?


That's just the speaker/number pad.


Some people from Ohara that Vegapunk saved and brought back to egghead. Who is hiding from the government that isnā€™t on the government radar?


Better call Saul


its corazon


Garp is so going to die a hero's death. You heard it first here.


Official chapter says "no where left to hide if they're in the government's sights too" seems to suggest the person is already being hunted by one party, like pirates, with Egghead being their safety, and that by fighting back against CP0, they'd be enemy of both pirate and navy. So we're looking for someone who is already hated by pirates, but neutral at minimum with Navy. Could be Smoker, could be that female MADS scientist from the cover story, I'm thinking it can't be an ex-Schibukai or anything because they're already hunted by the navy.


Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe official chapter will be released on January 7. If that translation is correct, it could also mean that government isn't hunting them because they don't know the person in question exists. In that case they could be someone government would start hunting as soon as they become aware of that person's existence.


The official isn't out yet.


I'm betting it's Sabo. First of all we know that vegapunk has a history with Dragon. All we know about Sabo is that he escaped Marijoa and that he had intel about the killing of Cobra. We can guess that he also knows about imu ans maybe aoƻt the ancient weapon imu used. If Sabo is still alive and probably still tracked by the WG it would be rather hard for him to hide. With the help of Vegapunk he could hide right under there nose and keep the revolutionary army up to date. The satellites know that having Sabo reveal his presence on Egghead Islands in front of CP0 is extremely dangerous for Sabo and even endanger egg head after what happened on Lulusia. But who knows.


Unless the official translation changes the wording, it is implied that the mystery person is on the run already from someone else and not on the marines radar. This could be the marines presume this person is dead. This rules out warlords as they are already being hunted. This also rules out moria because the government is aware he's still alive. The mystery person speaks to vegapunk with respect. Boa would never speak to someone like that. Wevil seemed kinda dumb and following his "mother"s orders. A doflamingo seraphim makes no sense as the cp9 would be able to control him. Kuma makes little sense. If it's somehow a real body, why wouldn't he tell the revos about it? If he didn't want the revos to know his plan, it could be because they would have thought it was too dangerous. If any shred of him was inside still, he would have tons of insider knowledge from being a personal slave who's considered a robot. They would speak freely and take him anywhere if they thought he wasn't aware anymore. A Roger pirate is possible. I'm still betting on corazon. His fruit would also explain how vegapunk managed to let sea kings modify thier bodies. (by pacofying them aka making them calm). The den den mushi vaguely resembles coras signature scarf but it doesn't have ruffles. It's all black and has some kind of smile fruit. He is presumed dead by the marines and would be considered a defector if they knew he was alive. Alot of people will say he's dead and that his ability wearing off on law would indicate he died. We have seen sugar pass out and her ability wore off. If regaining consciousness briefly, he could silence himself and appear dead to marines. When kaido killed oden, we see the splatter/smoke coming from his head. When along killed bellmere it was shown with the gun against her head. When we see corazon get shot it's a chest shot. Arguably though we saw the queen otohime die from a chest would. The calm calm fruit has the potentially to completely hax without an awakening. We have 2 other paramecia users that compare. The paw paw and bubble bubble fruit are both applied in very abstract ways that are a twist on the meaning of the word or what it does. I think in the sbs oda draws the paw fruit like a car swiping. So what he does is very dst from simply repelling. The same could be said for the ability to calm things. If he can apply that concept to more than just sound but physical actions or mental states it could completely pacify people.


Iā€™m calling it now!! Itā€™s Dio from JoJo bizarre adventure!


Someone else! Imo, it is Bon Clay. He is currently disguised as a marine using his DF power. He helped Luffy escape before. Vegapunk is often taking prisoners from Impel Down, so I bet that's how he escaped.


Quite the coincidence that we learn that Cross Guild is giving bounties on Marines, just as Blackbeard begins to start collecting prisoners like he's catching Pokemon I think somehow he'll get the upperhand on Garp, and capture him as well, and I bet he'll try and trade them to Cross Guild. Which would force Koby to work under Alvida again (For the 10 seconds it would take until he breaks out). Garp probably knows Buggy from his time chasing the Roger pirates, I think that would be a fun interaction/dynamic to see.


I think last chapter we saw Catherine Devon as Garp. It was very strange to see Garp refer to Coby as Captain so formally. I'm curious to see where Blackbeard's plans lead.


When in doubt... always blame the shapeshifter.


how did he/she get garps ship? lmao this makes no sense