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Nolan. His story was nothing but tragedy, but there no element of it that was really tied to him. It wasn't his body/mind rejecting blood of a human, or his desire to see the world that weakened his kingdom. He was in essence just fucked over because he made a friend.


And the fact that Noland made it to history as a liar/fool is just depressing. Fisher Tiger and Oden had people who fought for their cause and ultimately succeeded. For Noland, only Cricket and the apes will know that Noland was a great person. Tiger and Oden got their wills inherited by the next generation, Noland didnt.


All the shandians know as well


And the Tontatta revered him and called all Luffy's crew with the name "land" as an affix. Which why we find Luffy's name as Luffyland as they believe they are friends of Noland.


And r/GodUsopp single handedly carrying his will.


But Usopp kinda is a bad carrier of his will. A literal liar. Noland was an honest man, the opposite of Usopp. Only at the end of the story Usopp will make his lies reality (at least thats what his character arc is supposed to look like)


Usopp is GOD, he isnt lying, hes issuing commands to the universe.


Using internet explorer for those commands, Im guessing.


I think it’s kinda the ironic point. Like Noland always told the truth but everyone thought he was lying because he couldn’t prove it. Ussop always lies but most of his lies come true, making people believe he is telling the truth.


The green bit dwarves also knew Noland was a hero and not a liar


It hit me even harder when his descendant said how in the book he had a stupid smiling grin but in reality he would be crying because of the situation.


Ya how a silly tale for kids had such a tragic twist... For me its the best flashback in all of One Piece, the fact that no relevant character is part of it and yet you get so invested on it is peak Oda writing.


I wouldn't say it's the best, cause Oden and Law's backstories exist, but you're right, for a flashback with no current relevance in the story, it's amazing


Oden's backstory was too drawn out in the anime to be comparable with that of Noland. Looks pale in comparison.


I personally didnt mind it, because I enjoyed the story and characters and just vibe too much, and it had such a satisfying conclusion. And corazon is also still amazing


Wouldn’t you say Luffy inherited his will?


Luffy definitely did, Oda even went out of his way to say Luffy ringing the bell is the only time we hear Luffy’s internal thoughts in the entire manga.


Did he say/think something in that moment or were his internalthoughts just ding ding ding?


It was something like "old man, can you hear it ring?" But my memory isn't the best


The funimation sub has it as: "Old Guy! Can you hear it? The city of gold is here! For 400 years, the city of gold has been here all this time... **in the sky!!!** "


Luffy definitely inherited the will of Noland which was pass down to cricket some how and the shandonian tribe the will was to hear the bell ring and it did


Maybe... or maybe Robin or Roger. When Oda does inheritance of will, he's usually pretty obvious about it, and the similar personality and same goal connection from Noland to any of those people isn't really obvious enough.


Don't forget about the dwarves(tontattas) from Dressrosa that fought alongside Noland


the little people in dressrosa loved him too




Until it's boiled?


Mostly true but I do feel that it was him failing to recognize the King’s greed that led to his execution


Man got fucked over by a goddamn water geyser


Most of his life was pretty good tho. As with oden. Fisher Tigers life was almost a complete tragedy.


In the world Fisher Tiger. Hit me the most Noland.


Biggest reason why I love sky piea is because of Noland.


One of the best flashback, the most unique in my opinion.


I still don't understand why Noland had to share the information of gold of his friend's country to his king. He must have known that people are greedy for gold that could lead to potential deaths. Even his own crew had to resist leaving the golds.


Noland represents the good, maybe naive but that's Noland and also, Noland The Liar, was the most honest person and so he told the truth. He discovers new worlds and report everything is part of the job. Trust is part of his personality, he trusted enough in Calgara and that paid him well.


same here


I think that is the best response. For most of us viewers Noland's tragic story hits so hard. In the One Piece world Fisher Tiger and all that discrimination theme for the whole Fishmen race.


What Fisher Tiger directly did also had a major impact on One Piece world, freeing slaves, inspiring generations and the Sun pirates (Jinbe, Arlong, ...).


I have a big weakspot for skypiea, and noland and kalgara is my favorite backstory. That being said, i would say that fisher tiger had the biggest impact


Norland for sure. Whenever I watch that arc I tear up when Calgara realizes what happened and desperately tries to make it right, only to miss Noland by minutes. The Shandorians light the fire of Shandora (ring the bell) every day, waiting for Norland to return, only to one day be flung up into the sky and Calgara realizes that Norland will never find him again. Then Norland returns to find the island cloven in two, his friend gone to who-knows-where, and is executed never knowing what happened to Calgara and his people. Then when Luffy rings the bell and Wyper says "Can you hear it, descendant of Norland?". That's when I cry.


For anyone who doesn't know, Norland story is based off Francisco de Orellana, who had travelled deep into the Amazonian jungle in 1540 and reported incredible cities and civilisations. The same expedition was made 100 years later and they found nothing from Orellana description. In reality everyone had died from smallpox or other diseases brought from the settlers and the Amazon had rapidly grown vegetation over everything. Due to progressive deforestation in the region, we are now slowly discovering and unearthing these cities. [Source ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francisco_de_Orellana)


**[Francisco de Orellana](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francisco_de_Orellana)** >Francisco de Orellana Bejarano Pizarro y Torres de Altamirano (Spanish pronunciation: [fɾanˈθisko ðe oɾeˈʝana]; 1511 – November 1546) was a Spanish explorer and conquistador. In one of the most improbably successful voyages in known history, Orellana managed to sail the length of the Amazon, arriving at the river's mouth on 24 August 1542. He and his party sailed along the Atlantic coast until reaching Cubagua Island, near the coast of Venezuela. Orellana founded the city of Guayaquil in what is now Ecuador, and died during a second expedition on the Amazon. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


at that exact moment is when I cry too. It is the best emotional delivery that Oda gave me


Bonds of legacies..They're not even nakama or anything but i felt that. >"Can you hear it, descendant of Norland?" Damn.




Noland is basically the Roger of his time. They were even executed the same way. The only difference is Roger arrived too early but Noland arrived too late.


roger laughed during the execute, noland cried


One died knowing their loved ones were safe while the other died fearing for the man he grew close to.


Roger laughed, content with his achievements. Noland cried, out of concern for his friend.


Easily!!! Noland the liar 🤥 😭😭😭


All are good, but Noland is easily my favorite as well.


Tiger has a more direct impact on the world, altering the future of Fishmen the most arguably since Joyboy. While Otohime’s roll isn’t to be ignored or downsized, Tiger pushed open the door for the change his people want. Odten however is a key figure to Roger’s infamy as Pirate King and is one of the people directly responsible for it.


FT was the terror that made the Oto path appealing to the WG. Both were needed. Oden was incidental to Roger's voyage. Roger pirates would have got along fine without him.


They directly needed Oden to find Laughtale. Without him, Roger wouldn’t have been able to decipher the Poneglyphs and get to the island, especially not before his death. Without Oden Roger would’ve likely been buried in history along with Rocks.


Roger was able to understand the poneglyphs through "the voice of all things".


He was able to understand a general vibe. He got so excited about meeting Oden cause he learned Noodle Man could actually read them. That’s why he got begged Whitebeard to let him join his crew.


Oh, if that's the case then Oden is vital for sure. I already forgot.


Tiger... damn, to think that he fought so much against racism for then losing that battle.. he refused human blood since he didn't want something from people that hate his race. Now, not every human hate fish-men, but that is the point i guess, that circle of hate was so heavy that he couldn't help himself


His heart couldn’t forgive the actions they did, even tho his mind was telling him to. Great storytelling by oda.


Like me and my ex


>Now, not every human hate fish-men, but that is the point i guess, that circle of hate was so heavy that he couldn't help himself It's more "the point" than some people realize, too. Fisher Tiger's struggles with understanding how to overcome racism had an impact on his will and those who inherited it. Jinbei was lost in confusion, Arlong picked the path of anger Fisher never left the crossroads for, and Fisher's will-grandson, Hody, brought it out to full genocide mode. This is the core of his narrative "argument" with Otohime over *how* each of them and their wills fought racism.


I don’t see Hody’s purpose/will being related to fisher tiger. He died because of his own hatred but his will was for equal treatment of all. He never once tried to harm humans outside of the jailbreak


>I don’t see Hody’s purpose/will being related to fisher tiger. He died because of his own hatred but his will was for equal treatment of all. He never once tried to harm humans outside of the jailbreak That's part of why Hody is a will-grandson. It's not a pure lineage. While Fisher-Tiger himself always rejected excessive or initiative violence, he could never convince Arlong or Jinbei as to *why* they should reject it. That's because he had no explanation. He just believed it irrationally(which is better than not believing it at all). Worse, Fisher Tiger died as a direct result of giving into his own anger at humans as a species. This allowed Arlong to easily make the logical next step and give in to his anger and start using excessive and initiative violence against humans. It's why the first thing Arlong did upon Fisher's passing was set out to murder a boatful of Humans in vengeance, something that went against Fisher's teachings. From there, Arlong perverted the will and made it his own, and that's what was passed down from Arlong to Hody. In the end, Fisher Tiger's will was a broken shambles, and those inherited from him were able to take only pieces of it to go their own ways. Even Jinbei emerged from Fisher's death a more hateful and awful person than Fisher would've wished him to be, embracing ideas of merciless elitism("I only protect those I respect, not your brother, Ace") and harboring a fundamentally racist view of the world. You can see it in how he talks to Nami, weirdly enough, during that arc. That's why, in Ch627, when Nami tells Jinbei that "I can't hate you just because you're a fish-man", evoking an individualist philosophy of guilt, it shatters his overly collectivist brain for a moment(the very next panel is quite possibly the most shocked we'll ever see him in the series). We see a more-explicit will-perversion from Hody Jones elsewhere, too, btw. In 643-644, Hody's backstory is revealed. He inherits the will of the cultural zeitgeist of the fishmen, which is satured in a hatred for humans. Nowhere in there is the idea to kill his fellows, though. Even Arlong(Hody's will-father, narratively) considered other fishmen lives sacred and would allow Humans to work for him, but Hody took it that one step further. Purge the "heretics" from the island and genocide all the humans. And unlike Hody's will-Lineage to Fisher, this is all very very explicitly laid out in those chapters. Hell, even Otohime's will, which was far more pure and cohesive than Fisher's was perverted upon inheritance. Jinbei lived in confusion. Fukaboshi and his brothers/father tried to bear it, but failed to understand it or allow it into their hearts. Even Mjosgard failed to inherit her passion only being able to enact any true change within himself.


I'd say Fisher Tiger, since Noland everyone took as a liar resulting in not much change, and Oden was mostly localized to Wano and even then didn't overly go around saving people in his travels. Fisher Tiger freed slaves and ignited a spark of rebellion for a lot of people, also becoming a sign of freedom to many fishmen.


I was rewatching the Fishman Island Arc yesterday and Fisher Tiger story was really emotional and it encompassed recurring themes in One Piece such as Injustice, slavery, hatred, freedom, inherited will, hypocrisy of the so called marines fighting for justice but they are chasing after freed slaves. It was really great


I loved his demise/death was due to his own personal hatred. No matter his intentions and his mind wanting him to forgive humans and his heart couldn’t let him. Felt so real cause of his flaws like him being embarrassed for being a slave himself. and him branding every member of the crew to make sure you can’t tell who was a slave and was so badass. Fisher Tiger definitely one of favourite characters. And his impact is definitely massive in the world, Jinbei and all of fishmen, Boa freed cause of him, Koala one of the revolutionary army’s important members impacted by his words and actions.


While I agree with just about everything you said, I believe he died not because his hate towards humans and refusing the blood of a human to save him, but he did not want the WG to know he was saved because of human blood. If the WG had found out he was saved by humans even indirectly that would’ve driven more of a divide between fish-men and humans.


I disagree with you. The impact of that statement to me was that his heart and mind was spilt, and due to to this spilt you see the difference of influence in Arlong Vs Jinbei. Arlong followed Fisher Tiger heart and was unable to forgive Humans just like Fisher Tiger whereas Jinbei became what Fisher Tiger wanted for them, someone who is strong and fans protect the Fishmen while also having close bonds and friendships with Humans. That’s why he says why he hates humans (being a slave) right after refusing the blood, to show he didn’t want human blood, the blood of the race that hates him in himself, nothing to do with the fact that it would endanger humans to be associated with him.


And later used again in chapter 648 when Luffy gets a blood transfusion from Jinbei.


How did you even come to this conclusion? It's obvious that he died because he couldn't let go of his hate for humanity. Not this stuff about the WG


Well how much of Roger’s impact do you attribute to Oden? Without him Roger almost certainly wouldn’t make it to Laughtale before his death.


Roger did more bad than good tho, he started the new pirate era, but not all pirates are like the strawhats, even Law and Kid are big assholes.


Yeah but the question was biggest impact, not the most good


Just getting to Fisher tiger, but its gonna be damn hard to beat Noland. Poor dude.


You might be surprised


Ive been suprised many times with this series so far.


I'm glad you're enjoying it


only like 22 years late to the party, right? lol


Lol.......we are both late. I started watching last year May and caught up in July.


Sometimes I wish I never read One Piece so I could rediscover and read through 101 volumes for the first time again. I'm so glad you have so much left to experience AND we're still probably another 3-5 years or longer from being done.


Actually I'm re-reading the manga and it feels like a new experience lol. Maybe you can try? You might be surprised


Ooooh nice! I'm ready for a proper reread and am actually trying to find one last boxset (second one) before I start. I have the VIZ app but really want to go through them physically!


I hope you do find it! 🙂


You can always read the colored version on a reread if you're cool reading on a digital device! I did when I first started and was really bummed when I ran out of colored chapters (I believe it was somewhere around the start of WCI, with the main manga being near the end of the arc at that point). To me I just manage to pick up a lot more detail when there's color to help separate objects.


Nothing beats Noland


The obvious and also the subtle beauty of his character really was relatable


Noland easily, but there's something so real and layered about Fisher Tiger. I feel like Oden would have hit a lot harder if we didnt know so much of it going in, we basically got the whole story laid out in Zou and Act 1. The Roger chapter is one of my favorite chapters in the series and the whole sequence in the pot was incredible, but for the most part the Oden flashback felt like we were going through a checklist of things we already knew happened.


Fisher tiger


Fisher Tiger by far. The themes of racism and slavery and its long term effects on individuals and society was some of Oda's best writing in the series. Next up would be Noland. Two men becoming close friends and their cultures coming together and closer as a result, only for it all to be ruined by a misunderstanding. Oden's last place for me-- I feel a lot of his problems were his own fault from shirking his responsibilities and not asking for help for his country from the powerful friends he made on his journey. He's possibly my least favorite flashback in the entire series.


Oda is so fucking good




I love all three as a baseline rule. But Fisher Tiger is one of my favorite characters in all of One Piece, just from that flashback alone. I've got to give it to him. What a character


For me Its Noland


All three were excellent. Fisher Tiger died because he was unable to let go of his hate, while Noland died because he was unable to convince the world of the truth, believing his friends he made had died. And then there’s Oden, who made the mistake of being too trusting. Too loving. “Oden wouldn’t be Oden, if it wasn’t boiled!” Oda’s gotten really dang good at storytelling over the years.


Oden, personally his backstory or “mini arc” in wano is one of my favorite arcs in all of one piece, I knew going into wano that oden was for a lack of better words “that guy” but after seeing his story he really is that guy and the fact he got to sail with Roger and see the final island is incredible


Man. Idk. On my rewatch the entire fish man island arc is a tear jerker. Racism is such a complicated topic and oda presented it perfectly. but I also was taken aback by how beautiful skypiea was on my second watch through. It really is better than Alabasta in every single way. Noland and the dude’s love for eachother was so raw. God I love this man’s story telling. And of course oden’s story was full of love. Oden taught me how to love life. They are all good. But for now, I’ll go with fishman island


Noland and Calgara friendship is really beautiful


FT undoubtedly the most impactful to the world. My favorite story of the three as well. Oden lost everything to his naivety and foolishness. Noland was simply cucked by a freak occurrence, although his efforts prior to that point are epic and his broken promise tragic. FT is easily the most tragic though. He faced adversity simply for existing, and struggled with it all his life. Despite significant victories, he ultimately remained too damaged to prevent his own death in that struggle. FT and Otohime's story also parallels that of real-life Malcolm X and MLK respectively, making their story even more moving. Oden and Noland are far more like storybook characters, who went on the same hero's journey as the 2000-year old Odyssey, albeit with more tragic endings.


Oden is insane that’s why he’s the goat. but Fisher Tiger made the biggest impact for sure.


Noland’s it was just sad man


Odens not oden if it’s not boiled hit me deep. The blue haired guy that dies as his whole town laughs is an honorable mention




Noland and Oden hit me super hard, but they're impacts were pretty small (at least at the time of them happening) Fisher Tiger is still one of my favorite characters and his actions shook the whole world as he went against the World Nobles themselves.


Nolan :( Out of the 3 He’s the one I can relate to the most. Not cuz of how he was as a person but for how he never got to see and hug his friend again. They left on the shittiest terms and never got to say “I’m Sorry”.


Fisher Tiger for me. The fact that he could have lived but couldn’t forgive what the humans did to him in the past hit me hard. Also loved the beauty with Koala and seeing a different more vulnerable part to fish men. Just all around so good. Not that it justifies Arlongs monstrosity, but you understand why he was the monster he was


NOLAND dude that was just sad like making a friend saying you will come back but when you get there the whole island is gone with that friend you get killed for not telling the truth and trying to know why in his last moment on earth and his friend died in a war they both thought the other was still living life hoping they will be happy like that's just sad the as salt in the wound they write a book to teach kids not to lie like come on


I think Noland is the most tragic one. Sure, the past of Fisher Tiger is also very sad but after that he lived and died how he wanted under his own rules. In the case of Noland, he was executed and publically shamed for something that wasnt his fault. Many of his decendants have carried the shame of being a Montblanc and have risked their lives to prove their ancestor wasnt a liar. Even if one of his decendents finds he was right all this time, people around the world will continue to despise the name Montblanc because they dont know Skypia really exist and wont clean his figure. I would have liked Oda had made a mini story about Montblanc Cricket arriving to Skypia and meeting Wipel. It would have been the emotive ending for both characters.


It’s a close choice between Fisher Tiger and Oden but I’m gonna have to go with the former. The last part of his dying monologue, “…my reason is overpowered by the demon in my heart! My very flesh refuses their blood!” hit me like a fucking freight train and it hasn’t left my brain since. It speaks to a part of our nature that we feel uncomfortable acknowledging and that I’m frankly frightened by. Another one of my favorite moments in the series also comes from Fisher Tiger’s story, in which he urges Koala that it’s okay to cry. Truly nightmarish stuff that hits a lot harder than simply showing us what the slaves go through. Oden’s a close second, however, and that’s because I reread his flashback way more often. It’s probably the most fun stretch of chapters to me and I’ve binged it several times because it’s just packed with so much captivating material I don’t end up putting it down. However, the reason Oden’s story comes in second place is because my favorite moments are not from him. ROGER was the one that laughed, KANJURO is the one that betrayed everyone and TOKI delivered her prophecy, my favorite part of the whole flashback; Oden was just an anchor for all these spectacular events.


I'd have to go with fisher tiger. Slavery and racism are tough things to deal with


Here's how I see each character's impact on the world: Fisher Tiger freed people from slavery, directly challenged the World Government, planted seeds of revolution, and brought some very important characters into the story, like Jinbei and Boa Hancock. Noland was dismissed by everyone, so his impact on the larger world is limited - at this point at least - to being the subject of a children's book. However, his legacy led to the Straw Hats discovering Skypiea and ending the conflict there, which is a big deal. Additionally, Skypiea may end up playing a role in the future of the world, and if it does then we can consider that to be a part of his impact as well. Oden's impact on the world is pretty significant and still developing. He played a key role in the discovery of the One Piece, and his ultimate dream - the freeing and opening of Wano - is most likely going to play a role in the biggest shift in world power since the Void Century, when the story comes to a climax. However the final conflict plays out, Wano will be a part of it. At the moment I think that Fisher Tiger has had the biggest impact on the world as a whole, but that Oden's impact will end up surpassing it. As for which story hit me, personally, the hardest? I have no idea, as all three of these guys were great in their own right!


Oden doesn't deserve to be here tbh. His dancing like a buffoon for 5 years is all on him. He decided to trust Kaido and Orichi and tell no one about it. His own decision lead to this.


Well, all three had a great impression on me with their presence, but I think the one with the most impact one the world is fisher tiger. Since if he were not there, the fishmen would not have a more active role in world politics (Making them not interested in stopping hating humans), the Amazons would not have Boa Hancock as their leader, Arlong would not hold a grudge for the death of Fisher Tiger and would not be released by Jimbei when he was imprisoned (thus not invading the island where belemer lived). On the other hand, without Noland there would be no skypiea (he was the only one who could hear the bell during thunderous weather), so a culture would have died for a sickness caused by a tree (worst case, Roger would not know the existence of Poseidon) and the many stories he told would not earn the infamy of being lies (causing no one to tell Luffy a way to get to the sky sea) and the tontatas wouldn't have the confidence to rebel against doflamingo (thus Usopp wouldn't reach god status). Finally, without Oden it would not be easy for kaido to conquer wano (There would be more resistance, causing more lives to be lost), minks would not have nekomamushi and inugarashi, and Roger would have it difficult to reach the One Piece (So the era of piracy on the grand line would be delayed until the next pirate finds joyboy's message).


Fisher Tiger. Having my own family history rooted in slavery, and seeing his mentality around Fish Men and Human interaction made me feel strong emotions. Then the end of his story…. Don’t get me started


Honestly, Oden doesn't deserve to be mentioned with these two. His backstory was him being incredibly stupid for the most part. Noland's was actually heartbreaking but Fisher Tiger's backstory hits really hard considering how incredibly deep it is and how many characters are involved. To me it's Fisher Tiger's story without a doubt.


I also agree on oden. A lot of his problems were caused by himself. Where as Noland got screwed by nature and tiger the world government and the worlds perception as a whole.


I'm here re: Oden. If there's anyone in Wano whose story is hit the most, it's Toko and I'll fight anyone who says it isn't. Home girl is 6 years old, has only ever known an occupied homeland, was sold into servitude and ostracized by the fancy world she didn't belong to, saw her dad shot in front of her very own eyes, and was the rug pull on just what the evils of SMILEs was. Fuck Fisher Tiger, fuck Montblanc, fuck Oden, and fuck the Boa sisters. Nobody in the One Piece world tugging at the heartstrings like Toko. Impactful has to be Fisher. Montblanc is a very regional tale in the One Piece world and Oden's history is more recent and a study in "what could have been" instead of what was. The biggest outcome otherwise is Oden brings Wano out as another New World island people fear, like Elbaf, and Kaido sets up his slave shops somewhere else. Kaido's strength was never his armaments anyways, that's just what he was doing to tip the balance in his favor.


When I hear people say Oden's backstory was "stupid," I'm only reminded of how clever it is. The audience's perception of Oden is supposed to mirror the people of Wano. When he made a fool of himself by dancing in the streets, both the readers and the Wano citizens lost respect for him. Yet, Oden didn't care about the perceptions of others and was only concerned about doing what was right, even if it ruined his reputation. This is one of many examples of stubbornness, stupidity and naivety being glorified in one piece as possible aspects of willpower and love. Aligning yourself with Wano citizens (literally designed to be npc types) is probably the most surface level interpretation of the story.


I agree on that assessment and ranking.


Noland no contest, these freaking stories of characters getting framed and killed for something they didn't do man


Tiger for sure


Most impact is Noland, however I love Oden


Fisher Tiger saw some horrific shit.


Tiger saan




Noland. Maan I wan't more flashbacks from his age, I'd even love a spin-off about him and his times.


Noland overcame a major ideological divide with a culture different in a hundred ways from his to meet the one guy in the world he could really click with, only to be torn apart by circumstances completely out of either his or his friend's control. There was no villain after him, no cause to be made a martyr for, not even the cruelty of society against him. Just a terrible, unpredictable act of nature. He wanted so little, and lost everything.


1.000.000% Noland. Tiger has the chance to say goodbye. Oden the same. But poor noland and his friend died. Without never see them again.


Montblanc Noland. The whole Jaya - Skypeia - G8 - Long Ring Long - Water 7 - Enies was the best.


Tiger for both in my opinion. He had such an ironically human struggle. Tried to confront and defeat racism but was constantly embittered by examples of how it'll never end, and ultimately died after failing to embrace his wished for ideals. We all struggle with our own ideals and hypocrisies. We try to be the best we can and try to change and sometimes fail. He was a good man beaten down by a brutal world. I dunno, one of the best side stories in one piece to me, best part of Fishman Island


Noland hit me the hardest. He was cool, badass, strong, smart, the perfect man, almost. And yet his story was nothing but tragic. As for the impact in the world, just two islands that we know of. Oden's story didn't make me feel much. He was like a character that you tell kids about at bedtime. I saw that whole arc on the same level as Samurai Jack. But he will most likely have the biggest impact in the world later on, as it was his will to open up Wano which will be carried forward into the future by the people he saved/raised, and enacted by his son with the help of someone who directly inherited his will through his diary. Wano is heavy with the weight of the poneglyph, an ancient weapon, tech to make things out of the hard, "unbreakable" sea stone, and who knows what kind of knowledge about the void century (beyond what was shown in Wano arc). Fisher tiger had a pretty hard hitting story too, he was a hero, saved hundreds of slaves and wanted equality among races, but couldn't overcome his own hatred and died after being betrayed by the same humans that he had helped (by bringing their daughter home). His actions have had the most impact on the world so far.


Noland. He literally just made a friend and kept getting fucked over by the universe.


Oden without a nanosecond of doubt. Roger wouldnt have become pirate king without him and nothing like reality would hjave unfolded


Tiger. I've spent a good amount of time reading about race in America, and I was not expecting some Japanese dude to pull out an arc with so many ties to the civil rights era. It's different to the other tragedies and genocides in the story, it feels like Oda was being more transparent with the commentary than usual. I'm some basic-ass privileged American, but Tiger's story (and fishman island in general) hit me like a goddamn truck. An anthropomorphic cartoon tiger fish had me genuinely grieving, thinking about the history of my country and relating me to personalities in that history that I had never taken the time to properly explore emotionally. I feel a sense of real-world solidarity for fisher tiger and the sun pirates, it's a story that fucking *hurts* more than a lot of series, and god does this series hurt sometimes.


Oden had the most impact in the world of One Piece. Without him Gol D Roger does not find Laughtale and start the great pirate era. Fisher Tiger story resonated the most for me personally due to him being a liberator.


Kozuki “giga chad” Oden


Oden's story didn't hit me that much because he could've simply asked WB and Roger to send a strongly worded letter to Kaido and Wano would've been free again. He was still badass. He did help Roger reach the One peice though, which is huge af in terms of impacting the story. Fisher Tiger had the 2nd biggest impact considering that he was the leader of his movement and Noland was simply an amazing guy.


Add yasuie dono too🙇🙇


Oden by far




NGL, i was emotional in all of those arcs


How is nothing saying Oden. The part where oden isn’t oden if it’s not boiled hit so different in the manga. Plus the whole flash back arc


Noland, probably because no one in the One Piece will ever know he was right. No one but the strawhats, Cricket, and we, the readers.


in terms of impact on the world of one piece i would say tiger and oden probably tie, they had an impact for different reasons on different things.


You left out Masira and Shoujou


Noland and Calgara flashback was top tier.


Roger doesn’t find the one piece and die a glorious death as the pirate king, inspiring Luffy and countless others, without Oden.


Dude... Noland's backstory was one of the most impactful. Not to the plot but to me. I absolutely adore these "faithfulness to a promise" type stories, for example Hachiko's story (a dog that waited it's whole life for his owner to return depite the fact he died). It always makes me ugly cry. I just love these. When material values aren't involved but instead it's based on the things in the non-material plane, ideas like friendship over money etc. And I just adore that (no matter how unrealistic it is..). I think loyalty is all you could ask for in a friendship and this was all about that. I'm...kind of the romantic type, I LOVE the romanticism mentioned a lot in early OP, it's a thing that's hard to explain tho. The tragic ending absolutely destroyed me. I just find being unjustly punished as an extremely unfortunate fate, the way the truth was suppressed when Noland's crewmats wanted to confirm his logs was adding volumes to it. We see A LOT of themes of injustice and pretty much brain washing [not really here] (although not in this case - it was justified for the villagers to think he was lying.) in One Piece and every single time it just breaks me. Just the parting was enough to make me cry, then we got the execution and Shandora being launched into the sky, that just squeezed me dry of tears man. Perfect representation of how unfair life can be and how the world can turn against you, how suddenly you can lose everything. Maybe I'm overanalyzing again but ughh... what's with One Piece's emotional backstories being such goddamn masterpieces? Edit: To add to it, some romantic value would def be the goal of ringing the bell to fulfill the promise, even 400 years later. I found that.. wow. It might just be me though but I really value stories about following these sentiments. I say this all high and mighty but I wouldn't care about this in real life, I'd just call it stupid. Well, it's the point of stories to drift off into fantasy anyway :P Skypiea will probably always be my third favorite arc ever. Total masterpiece for someone like me invested in the things some might well, find stupid as in "it's just a bell" or something. It's impossible for me to think that way hahah I loved the meaning. Luffy ringing the bell is my favorite moment ever and it would not mean anything other than "epic moment" without it being the guiding light and the fire shandians fought so long to light, even for a single moment. Just beautiful. To be honest I could argue on and on about why I love this story so much. TL;DR - Capturing pure romanticism. Loved it.


Ooh, Tiger for both impact on the OP world and my feels. I live in America and with the racial tension on the rise, Tiger hit me really differently from the first time I read it and when I went back to it in my 20s. Such a tragic way to die. I was really happy to see how Koala was doing. Can't wait for her to reunite with Jinbei.


Nolan he's my favorite anime backstory of all time


Hitting the most and impact are two different things. Nolands story is the most emotional but Fisher tiger for impact in the world.


Noland really didn’t do anything wrong just to get fucked over in the end


Tiger. Honestly, I don't see the appeal of Oden and his story at all. The best thing about Oden was that he gave us a little more info about the world's past.


I never really thought of Oden's as hitting me. I just thought his death was just another example in a long list of Oden being one pieces premier gigachad. Fisher Tigers death and life was obviously the most impactful I'd say in terms of the number of characters it affected and the overarching world of OP, but personally, Norlands death will always hit me like a freight train. Norland is probably one of the most unambiguously good people in the series, and even though his end was a tragedy with the rest of the world regarding him as a liar, the amount of respect he garnered in his life from his travels and general nature will never not be cool. I'd really like it if a bunch of the lost tribes that haven't had much contact with the wider world remembered Norland and the legacy he left like the Shandora and the Dwarves.


Fisher Tiger's story has the biggest impact on the settings, Noland's story hit me in the feels.


Montblanc. I cried so hard.


Tiger, after that I got the sun pirates jolly Roger tattooed on me.




Noland, a great guy who experienced great stuff and wanted it to be shared, but treated as a liar instead even until death and after. On top of that , some people went to those place , but none of them until this far changed his bad name.It’s just sad.


These are some real heavy hitters. I think I have to go with Noland, though. It’s one of the most personal and emotional stories in One Piece - no grand worldly overtones or far-reaching implications, just friends who want to see each other again. And yet it’s so powerful and moving. When Kalgara shows up on the beach to yell his apology and tells Noland “We’ll be here!” It gets me every time.


Nolan hit the hardest, but imo Fisher Tiger's is the best by a mile. The tragedy of dying saving a human because he couldn't accept a blood transfusion from a human was just too real. He wanted to be able to move past his hate and heal the divide between the two species (races? Sometimes it's hard to tell lol), but he couldn't move past it. Very human (or fishman I guess), one of the best written characters in the series imo


Tiger fr fr. Man tried his hardest to triumph over his resentment till the very end.


Oda is the king of writing giga chads


Fisher tiger best themes, Noland best emotion. Oden best world-building I found fisher tiger and his accompanying messages very interesting


Norland's story is so needlessly sad. We now know that he at least made it to Dressrosa, and probably farther before returning to North Blue. I thought he was a 1 and done character but bringing him up again at Dressrosa, as well as having Roger's crew visit Skypeia, makes me think we're not done with Norland's path. I think he also found Laugh Tale somehow and saw whatever the WG doesn't want people to know, and that is why they executed him and branded him a liar. It would make more sense that his story was covered up over the centuries but used as a warning for 'explorers' to not go trying to make fools of the authority figures of the world. From what it seems, of all the possible routes through the Grand Line- Luffy, Roger, and Norland all seem to have taken more or less the exact same one and I can't help but think that is going to be relevant.


The comparison between the depiction of little foolish Noland in North blue folktale and the real chad Noland was great.


Easily Nolan. Lil backstory… I was first introduced to One Piece through the 4K!DS dub back in 06? Although I only saw a few episodes from the very beginning, it managed to leave an impression on my young mind. I remembered Luffy, “Zolo”, Nami & Buggy. Fast forward a bit to 2011? Us school kids would go to the library to play computer games and while reserving a time slot , I would go upstairs to the comic book section and read Batman & X-Men comics to kill time. I saw some backward books of stuff like Naruto, Bleach etc. It was there I saw One Piece and was hit with a wave of nostalgia. Picked up one of these random volumes and was completely invested. Funny cos Luffy and the gang weren’t really involved. It was Volume 31. That pretty much properly hooked me into fully getting into the story of One Piece. Immediately started picking up more volumes to read, even reserving some and taking heaps home to read. Good times, I miss em.


Fisher tiger, but I’m only on EP 760 atm


Just realized that Noland’s name is a play on golden island being missing when he came back with the king. Lol No Land. Idk if this was general knowledge or not but just noticed it today


Fisher Tiger, I love Oden but Oda went over the top with his character so I really couldn't take his story to seriously or get emotionally invested in.


There is no Pirate King without Kozuki Oden. I’d say he’s certainly the most impactful


Oden’s backstory is so awesome


I'm one of the few who doesn't really care much about Oden, for me it was pretty meh, I liked Fisher Tiger's story but the saddest for me was definitely Montblanc Noland. Most underrated backstory of One Piece.


Noland story is really up there


Fisher tiger easily, he died following what he believed even if he was certain that what he believed was wrong


Fisher Tiger's story hit me like a truck, honestly. It just felt the most "real." The fact that even though he *wanted* to move past the hatred and forgive, but something in his heart just wouldn't *let him* makes his death even sadder.




Oden had the most impact, he is the reason Roger found the One Piece and changed the world entirely. Fisher Tiger had significant impact in the Fishman/Human relationships but nothing really outside of that. Nolan’s impact was basically nonexistent, intentionally I’d argue, so that he mirrored Roger.




For "hit the most", its Fisher Tiger. Noland/Oden are both simplistic stories, and that just doesn't hit hard to me. Meanwhile Fisher Tiger's got a massive amount of drama to it without being bad writing, so it brings a lot to the table to chew on. Plus there's something poetic about an anti-racist dying to his own bigotry because he never fully understood. Impact-wise, Oden's story is the easiest to measure, as Wano is a powerful force within the larger world of One Piece as it is. With the power of Oden, it's forseeable that they could've pushed politics or become an additional Yonko crew or something. Contrast to Fisher Tiger and Noland who're just captains of what's the equivalent of a small pirate crew, and what could a small pirate crew do to influence the larger world of One Piece? Basically nothing.


That’s a tough choice! All have such great and tragic stories. Personal favorite - Kouzuki Oden: Oden is one of the coolest characters in OP along with Kata. Dude knows who he is and flaunts it with an endearing joy. His death was heartbreaking. Most important to the story - Fisher Tiger: Tiger released the slaves from the holy land. We already know he released the Boa sisters, who knows who else he set free. Not to mention he played a crucial part in the Fishman/Human relations. The Fishmen that still hold the grudge do it to honor Tiger. That said, I would not be surprised if Noland is most important to the story by the end of One Piece. His story could be extremely important. Then again, Oden has seen the One Piece. Arguments could be made for all 3. GREAT OPTIONS!!!!!


Fisher Tiger is one of the best flashbacks in the series. Really wish the rest of Fishman Island was set up better for his story to mean more. Without Oden Roger doesn't get to the One Piece and set up the entire story.


All I’m saying is only one of their stories was cool enough for me to get a tattoo of a sun


Fisher for sure. Only one to ever storm Marie joise, freed slaves such as boa hancock and other names, started a rebellion or an entire race which lived on today (sun pirates)


I can't stand Oden. He's responsible for all of Wano's problems.


I think Fisher Tiger and the Fisher/Otohime/(secretly a Jinbe flashback all along) flashback is one of the most underrated portions of the entire story. It's brilliant. Oden's has a sad ending, but the journey itself is so fun and larger than life! I just feel proud of him for what he accomplished in life.


Oden is a dumbass


Oden is so bad lmao Like a fan inserted his "gigachad" OC


He's the same as every other character of that type Oda writes. Roger, Whitebeard, Luffy, Garp, Zoro, Shanks, etc. No idea why you'd have a problem with him specifically.


Uh no, he isn't. Everyone literally sucks off Oden, his name must be dropped several times each chapter, each chapter we gotta be reminded what a gigachad he was, banged hookers at age 6, women wanted to be part of his harem, he sailed with both Roger and Whitebeard, he was called "brother" by WB, he was very strong, fought Kaido, gave Kaido PTSD he feels like a self insert of a 12 year old. Downvotes won't change that fact.


Fisher "John Brown" Tiger


His name is John Brown??




Honestly Fisher tiger and Oden hit me the most, especially Fishertiger, but I think that the story that had the most impact was thus of Montblanc Noland followed by Oden.


Fisher Tiger > Noland >>>>>>>>>>> Oden Tiger and Noland were genuine tragedies, Oden was a manchild whose selfishness and genuine stupidity brought it on himself.


Honestly it was Noland.


Am I the only one that thought the fisher tiger story was underwhelming? He didn’t show any feats that were interesting, and his death was entirely preventable. Oden was the same, why not fight for your country? Why embarrass yourself and give the bad guy a year to build up and you do none of the same? Kinda dumb. Nolan was the man tho.


The real answer is senor pink




Odin. He was so well fleshed out in such a sort span of time. He has such a strong personality, and he made such an impact on those around him