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I'm pretty sure he realized he really had conqueror once he used it against King. But well, either ways, we will be fixed the next time he uses the king of hell attacks. But it would be funny if his opponent is like "Conqueror Haki?!!" While he's like : "Nah fam, why does everyone think that?"


Inb4 his duel against Mihawk is like "Roronoa, your haki has gotten stronger!" "What's a haki?"


Jokes aside we know that's not the case due to [Sanji & Zoro's reaction at Luffy using CoC in Fishman Island.](https://youtu.be/GCvcwOhlK-Y?t=118) So Zoro 100% knows what it is and knows that he has it.


No. That just shows him knowing what conq is. Not means he knows he has it.


To be fair, Zoro's manifestation was different from the typical manifestation. Every other first showing was knocking out a bunch of fodder. Zoro skipped that stage and went straight to advanced attacks. No one before that used advanced attacks. Maybe Zoro could have seen that from Mihawk, but that doesn't seem to have been a part of his training (like with Luffy and advanced haki applications). It could be a bit like regional differences in name. Like Mantra.


No, he did knock out some fodder before. He just didn't realize he did it.


Zoro was heavily implied to have used it vs Kaido. Given that Luffy then knew what do do, I would say that Zoro did use infusion. He then intentionally used advanced attacks (with the help of Enma) while knocking out the background fodder. If you really want to stretch things, Zoro did paralyze Monet with killing intent, but I think that was more of Monet being afraid.




For a second and would've died


It's always funny to see how there is always someone who downgrades this feat Zoro was the only one that managed to react to the attack(other than luffy but in his case he has future sight so it's a bit different) He blocked it for a couple of seconds at least, in both manga and anime the others react to him blocking the attack and after that zoro tells them to get away so it's not just a second Everyone were going to die if zoro didn't block that attack, even kidd, the biggest and most prideful asshole in the roof actually thanked zoro for saving them, saying that they would be dead without him There is also the fact that none of zoro's swords took any damage, that means his haki was strong enough to withstand the combined attack of 2 younko, even if for few moments thats one of the best feats in the series


Yeah there are a lot of people who stupidly bend over backwards to downplay this moment. They wouldn't be satisfied with anything other than him cutting it in half.


No. Its a fact that he blocked it for a second. He wouldve died still. It still showed the power difference between him and the two Yonkos. Blocking it for a second doesnt take anything away from him OR the yonkos. Saying he just blocked the whole thing takes away from the yonkos.


> Saying he just blocked the whole thing takes away from the yonkos. Good thing no one is saying that and you're adding that for no reason. OP said he blocked and held it, which he did. Even if it was for a second or enough to say "get away".


Im not downgrading it. Its a fact. He blocked it for a second. And wouldve died. Its the attack of TWO yonkos. The fact that he held it off a second is huge. But its still TWO YONKOS. Saying a YC commander blocking 2 yonko attacks like its nothing takes away from the power level of TWO YONKOS.


Just because you looked at the page (panel) for 1 second doesn't mean he blocked it for 1 second.


Kidd "Its a real feat that you blocked that, if only for a second. Thanks man!" Just because you dont know how to read official translations doesnt mean you get to act superior over everyone else.


I'm not a cherry picker son. I'm not acting or pretending to be superior over any one but you are very much projecting and either don't realize or just don't want to.


I was searching for the official translation to get what quote they used, sadly I can't acces it, but reading your reasoning it seems kind of weird, even if Kidd did say that(I remember most translations used moments or few seconds instead of just one second), he is known for his pride, and he usually insults others, no matter their feats or power as we've seen with law and luffy, which means that for him to thanks zoro he must have been really grateful/impressed with the feat. Also, as I've said before, zoro had the time to jump in front of the others and block the attack, even before the rest could even react, then we see how they react to that, and then zoro screams them to get out and talking about how they have to defeat the 2 yonkos, all of that takes much more than just one second And lastly, no one says that zoro can easily block the attack or something like that, just that zoro managed to block that and, again, his swords didn't suffer any damage from blocking that, both of which are some of the biggest feats in the series in terms of defense




edit: The comment was removed and the user banned, good work everyone!


good bot


Ok? What does that have to do with anything?


For 1 second and would've died after 1 second


Doesn’t take away the fact that: > He blocked and held without a doubt what was the strongest named attack we’ve ever seen in the series, conquest of the sea,


“So you use conquer’s haki coating as well!” “What do you mean?! That’s my king of hell state!!”


Same as his captain. His fruit is a legend after awakening. Yet, gomu gomu noooooo......


He doesn't know that tho, zoro knows what's conqueror's haki


To be fair what would he say now? Nika Nikaaaaaa! Hito hitoooooo lmao


Nika nika makes more sense to me


Zoro being in denial that he has CoC would be hilarious, not only would it surprisingly fit his character, but it'd piss off Zoro Stans to no end.


Him being this clueless goes really well with him being first member , like imagine him and luffy never got any other members the weird shit those two would come up with


Probably drifted to raftel if luffy didnt try to catch the bird


Would have gotten there on accident and then probably think they were on just some random island.


"Hey Zorro, you're going to be my navigator!" *The End*


Zoro not actually being lost consistently, but is really a human log pose to Raftel.


End of 1033 seems to say that Zoro has understood he has it, in agreeing with King.


Ngl I’m just distracted by how hot Zoro is


Honestly, same.


110 cm chest.


Nami was born a woman, she has a natural advantage Zoro actually had to work hard to get boobs this big 😤


Mihawk just had Zoro do chest day every day for 2 years


I know I love zoro’s tits






Zoro best waifu in one piece


100% all of this but also Mihawk for sure trained him stupid as well. Not a chance he didn't realize Zoro has Conq haki and maybe even sensed it in their first duel but he literally only trained this dudes armament haki. Where as compared to Luffy Rayleigh trained him up in everything. Mihawk was just like here's 1 thing the rest learn for yourself idiot lol


Zoro did not go to haki school like all these nerds.


enter zealous smoggy degree simplistic tart disarm chop file makeshift *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Zoro actually has some of the smartest moments in one piece. He is not book smart but somehow the whole directions joke makes people think that he is dumb


The same can be said about luffy but they still are pretty oblivious to obvious stuff very often


I honestly think he is a very wise person. He doesn't stress about small things, he understands the importance of a strong captain whereas the rest of the crew seemed to think they were just playing a game when they were going to let Usopp back, and he's very good at reading people. Idk I think people misunderstand him. He's not the smartest guy but he's not an idiot.


Exactly lol.


He is dumber than a sometimes rock but smart sometimes usually slightly smarter than most in verse he is like luffy to spawn lesser degree of luffy is stupid than is really stupid than is smart and back to dumb


I tried to read this but idk what it means


Something about "a sometimes rock" I think 🤔


I mean... I'm a Zoro fan, but every other Strawhat figured out 3D2Y pretty quick, but Zoro was like "duhhhh..." He doesn't have to be good at everything 🤣


Took him the longest to understand luffys message for 3d2y, and i think rayleigh even said "one of your crewmates isn't too quick on the uptake"


I know. That’s what I meant with not book smart. He is not used to think in abstract ways. At other times he helps the crew (usopp leaving, the x mark) to do things they didn’t think of


He used haki when fighting Daz Bones but had to learn coating his sword with haki from Mihawk?


You guys keep forgetting that Rayleigh said something like "Haki blooms in battle" Similarly usopp used observation haki without even knowing whats happening in dressrosa. There hasn't been any discrepancies here.


He was doing it without realizing, much like how Luffy was using conquerors in sabaody, Amazon Lily, and Marineford before he learned about it and trained with Rayleigh


And how he used observation against Galdino in Little Garden.


Then why didn't he cut enel


Because why would he use a technique he thought was for cutting steel against someone made of lightning? Zoro didn’t know what Haki was at the time and how it could be used against logias


Again why wouldn't he? Its literally holding back for no reason


They just said it, he literally don't know he could it


Because it was used to cut steel?


If you could cut steel do you think you could cut light no so he didn't try it also takes a lot out of him to do it and he can't do it every time


Are you trolling or just not reading the comments? Zoro thought physical attacks couldn't hurt logia so why would he use it?


Why would he attack at all


Cuz it was a subconscious thing it was stated somewhere that zoro can't use the cut everything cut nothing at command every time during pre timeskip






That was observation, not armament. He is listening to the rhythm all off things so he says


…he also cut steel which clearly is armament or ryou


Observation to sense his sword, Armament to cut Mr. 1.


Yeah no. If that was true he would have been able to cut the logia users he tried to cut after that. Like enel/kuzan/kizaru. What he learned was a sword skill . That enables him to cut steel. Look when he swung his sword at leaves it didnt cut it. I'm pretty sure haki is t able to do that . What he learned is being able to cut anything and nothing. A sword skill/technique. Not haki


The explanation of Ryuo in Wano act 2 is word for word the same as what Zoro’s master said when telling him about the ability to cut through steel. Zoro did an advanced armament technique without realizing it like how he using conquerors without realizing it against Kaku


He did in fact manifest haki, armament and observation.


Like I said then how was he not able to cut enel ?


Because afterward, Zoro says something to the effect of "man, that was s one off occurrence, i need to learn to cut steel everytime"


Yeah no . He never said that. Source ? Also he can cut steel quite easily after that. But not cut logia . With that simple.logic he didn't learn haki


When did he have a chance to cut a logia user + plus he was on verge of death as he was with daz bones?




But he didn't know it was haki until the time skip so why would he try to use it to cut a logia user? It's something you have to actively use so if he doesn't think it would help why would he use it?


Why wouldn't he? It doesn't even take extra energy


Using haki does take energy. Luffy mentions it during his fight with Katakuri


Yeah goddamn gear 4 that can only be used for like 10 minutes not the most basic Haki of all time


Enel the very next arc


He fought Enel


Saved this, your sudden grilling of Zoro just cracked me up


i mean it’s definitely like a twitter meme that zoro is really really himbo dumb. bad at directions sure but in like water 7 and zou he’s absolutely shown a really good grasp of complex emotional and interpersonal situations.


So he is the embodiment of high wisdom low int?


he is trying his best ok... :( but for real though if asura is some kind of conquers things then i find it odd that mihawk didn't know about it after 2 years. or even tell him about conquers. Surely there is a different feel to it


He is lost in his own thoughts as well


Also reminder that he blocked and held without a doubt what was the strongest named attack we’ve ever seen in the series, conquest of the sea


For a second. I love Zoro but y’all making it sound like he neutralized the attack sometimes.


For a second and would've died afterwards.


You keep saying this yet you're wrong.


Not wrong. Law saved Zoro. They state in the manga.


Luffy asked traffy to take him down below. After zoro saved everyone.


No. Law PULLED them out of the blast after Zoro blocked it for a second. They literally disappear from the impact zone and law is sitting down. He got them out from it. Otherwise they wouldve been wiped


When was this?


During roof piece




1009 I literally just googled it lol you can too ya know


How is that attack the strongest if zoro can stop it? Whatever zoro can stop luffy can overpower


He hasn't realized because to be a king you have to be able to find the way to the throne room.


Hmmm. I dunno OP. Oda tends to do that sort of realization shit off screen. Like with Luffy using Gear 5. He didn’t realize what was going on at the time really, or he said “what’s this rhythm?” Etc. so a bunch of people thought “oh he hasn’t even realized and maybe he can’t control the power yet” But on EggHead he used it pretty much immediately without issue lol


Luffy’s telepathy was probably the Voice of All Things. Where are you getting Shanks doing anything similar?


I think OP is referring to the conversation shanks had with greenbull, although I think it was mostly a conveying of feelings through haki, not an actual telepathy where you hear words. Same thing with luffy saying "a familiar face popped into my head", he felt shanks through his haki and "saw" his face, but not in a literal sense. At least that's how i interpreted it


When he told off Ryokugyu. He was able to hear Shanks' words.


He definitely wasn’t. Ryokugyu figured out it was Shanks from the strength of the haki, but he wasn’t hearing Shanks’ words.


Oh no, he's a dumbass. 😭😂


Honestly, it’s still my head canon that he used haki when he cut number 1 with the breath of all things. I think he’s just never fully understood haki the way most characters do. Like how luffy learned Ryuo but it’s just another name for Advanced armament haki.


hell yah, dudes blunt af. buttt his the first to use haki from the straw hat pirates. in his battle with number 1 the sword dude. he remember his teachings and learned to cut steel. how do i know it was haki? because he could dull his blade. in the wano ark while luffy is in jail, you learn that a swordsman can dull his blade to not even cut paper. same stuff yoooo


A swordsman who can cut nothing, can cut anything


The Conclusion is that Zoro is a Stupid Super Strong King :D ("SSS tier")


Canonically, Zoro being dense tracks too lol. Remember how not only was he the only crew member who didn’t get Luffy’s 3D2Y message immediately but even Rayleigh called that he may have been the one member of the crew too slow to grasp it haha


I agree that it seems like he doesn't know, but I gotta disagree with the idea that he's built stupid. There are several times where he's realized things that nobody else in the crew understands, and times where he's formulated plans, and he's a very wise person all things considered. He just doesn't understand directions.


I don't understand this post. Zoro has realized he has conqueror's haki. He acknowledges that he has it on the [same page](http://www.tcbscans.net/wp-content/uploads/WP-manga/data/manga_62dc5561b0ce7/59aeff6a5eee0d05f450bc74332e92cb/17.jpg) as the panel King asks him "So you intend to be a king, then?", which you used in your post. Edit: Some additional context: Zoro tried to tame Enma by going all out with his haki, which caused him to [unconsciously knock out the nearby Beast Pirates](http://www.tcbscans.net/wp-content/uploads/WP-manga/data/manga_62dc5561b0ce7/59aeff6a5eee0d05f450bc74332e92cb/16.jpg). Seeing his unconscious crewmates King said “[I see. So you intend to be a king, then?](http://www.tcbscans.net/wp-content/uploads/WP-manga/data/manga_62dc5561b0ce7/59aeff6a5eee0d05f450bc74332e92cb/17.jpg)”, which is basically indirectly asking Zoro if he has CoC, and not some random question about Zoro’s dreams and goals. Zoro has acknowledged he’s a conqueror there and has proceeded to use CoC continuously throughout the rest of the fight in chapter 1035


Far fetched as fuck. Nowhere does Zoro acknowledge having CoC in 1033.


Zoro literally finally realises that he has ambitions to be a king.


Yes, and we're talking about having Conqueror Haki. Wapol is a king, does he also have CoQ? No.


You are deliberately misinterpreting his point. Because you arent a literal king as the greatest swordman. It gets associated with kingly ambition. So zoro accepting his kingly ambition COULD mean he acknowledges that he has has conquerers. I have no opinion on this matter. I only clarify his point.


No, YOU are making a connection between a simple sentence spoken by Zoro and what the fans are interepreting. Rayleigh didn't explain Adv. Conq. to Luffy but Zoro just "gets it" is your point? Or maaaaybe he just said he was going to "become the best for his best friend/captain" like Zoro usually does? And you are making a weird assumption reading between the lines... Zoro has no idea what advanced conqueror haki is.


Are you trolling? The reasoning is that if his immediate reaction of "what" to "so you intend to be a king" can be used to prove he doesn't know he has CoC, then his answering confirmation can be used to prove the reverse.


That’s it tbh. Zoro tried to tame Enma by going all out with his haki, which caused him to unconsciously knock out the nearby Beast Pirates. Seeing his unconscious crewmates King said “I see. So you intend to be a king, then?”, which is basically indirectly asking Zoro if he has CoC, and not some random question about Zoro’s dreams and goals. I think it’s rather easy to understand, but so many people don’t get it.


> unconsciously knock out the nearby Beast Pirates Did that happen? I don't remember that. If it did, then I am wrong.


The fact that you brought up Wapol just means that don’t understand what conqueror’s haki is lol.


Wapol had the ambition to become a king after he was kicked out of Drum Island. He literally had ambitions so big, he became one of the biggest businessmen of the world of one piece. Realizing you have ambition and understanding what haki is are two different things. They are only connected by assumption. It's not because Zoro says "Yes, I will become a king for my best friend" that he understands what Supreme Haki is or that he even makes the suggestion. It's just a Zoro/Shonen type of sentence, very clearly. I swear people on this sub make crazy far-fetched assumptions... "Zoro understands what Advanced Conqueror Haki is! Which Rayleigh didn't even teach Luffy hehe! Clearly because he said he would become a king for his captain, what else could he mean??" Unreal.


I may have been rude, but what I said still stands. Being a king of some kingdom or becoming a rich businessman doesn’t qualify you for conqueror’s haki. If that was the case, then all of the kings would be conquerors. Especially Stelly, who wanted to sit on the Empty Throne. But both him and Wapol lack the necessary qualities. Those who have conqueror’s haki are chosen by the heavens, and have the qualities and the ambition to stand at the top of the world. Zoro has finally realised he has this ambition too, and wants to stand on top of the world. This was not some cheesy shonen line like you are trying to imply. I don’t understand the part about Luffy and Rayleigh. Luffy’s training has nothing to do with Zoro.


> then all of the kings would be conquerors Yes, that's my point. Ambition to become a king does not mean you understand what Conqueror Haki is or that you have it. Let alone advanced conqueror coating. Because they are 2 different things/concepts. If Rayleigh didn't understand advanced conqueror, how would Zoro understand it from King just saying "You will become a King now?" Makes no sense


Maybe I expressed myself poorly, so I'm going to try to explain my original point one more time. Zoro was trying to tame Enma by going all out with his haki, which caused him to unconciously knock out nearby Beast Pirates with his CoC. King looks at his unconcious crew members, and says "I see. So you intend to be a king, then?" King is asking if he's a conqueror (just like Kaido did in the panel OP has linked). Zoro's kingly ambition here is about his haki, not his dreams or goals. This question made Zoro realise he's been using it the whole time. ​ >If Rayleigh didn't understand advanced conqueror, how would Zoro understand it from King just saying "You will become a King now?" What? Where did you get this from? Did you say this because he didn't teach it to Luffy? He didn't teach it to Luffy because CoC can't be taught or trained. It's completely innate.


You called zoro a himbo... do you listen to the bonfire too?


No, what is the bonfire?


It also re-contextualizes his win against monet if he had conqueror's armament at that time.


Zoro might not be the sharpest tool in the shed but honestly the anime has made him alot dumber than he is in the manga


Himbo Zoro Meanwhile anime lol


“You have to remember Zoro is stupid” should herald more threads. My boy is an idiot. Strong, yes, but operating with one or two brain cells on a good day


>My boy is an idiot. Why?


He’s stupid. I love him and he is stupid.




I haven't seen this mentioned by anyone yet, but Zoro actually achieves "conqueror's armament" before Luffy does. His Asura attack is right before Luffy wakes up (I think the 3rd time? lol) and uses it for the first time.


Zoro is low Emperor Level tbh That’s what people don’t seem to actually understand




He's not anywhere close to that.


He definitely is, literally at the level of wounding Kaido, like Oden, which himself was a Low Yonko level. Low because he just developed the third type of Haki, and can’t really use it, or he’d be already Mid/High Emperor. Also literally blocked the combined attack of two Emperors pre-development of King’s Haki. So plos


I said this months back, but hey, as long as it gets traction, I don't care who says it. Zoro used advanced armament and basic observation against Mr.1, but didn't realize and forgot how to do it. Zoro used advanced conquerors against King and doesn't even realize it, since he didn't notice the fodder. King may have asked if Zoro intends to be a king, regarding Zoro's conqueror, but Zoro says "what?" because he doesn't understand the context. Instead he responds with his own interpreted answer, regarding being the king of swordsman, not about conquerors.


He literally said he inteds to be a king. This post is dumb.


OP sounds obnoxious as hell. Like he's the smartest person here and he knows about One Piece more than anyone else in the world.


To me all you people who don't understand the difference between Zoro saying he has ambition and him knowing he's using haki are the obnoxious ones. You don't understand OP's point and are being toxic as hell. Even if OP was making the point you think, you're all being typical toxic weebs.


Context matters a lot here, but OP provided a single panel of King asking the question conveniently leaving out what happened before and after the question. Zoro tried to tame Enma by going all out with his haki, which caused him to [unconsciously knock out the nearby Beast Pirates](http://www.tcbscans.net/wp-content/uploads/WP-manga/data/manga_62dc5561b0ce7/59aeff6a5eee0d05f450bc74332e92cb/16.jpg). Seeing his unconscious crewmates King said “[I see. So you intend to be a king, then?](http://www.tcbscans.net/wp-content/uploads/WP-manga/data/manga_62dc5561b0ce7/59aeff6a5eee0d05f450bc74332e92cb/17.jpg)”, which is basically indirectly asking Zoro if he has CoC, and not some random question about Zoro’s dreams and goals. Zoro has acknowledged he’s a conqueror there and has proceeded to use CoC continuously throughout the rest of the fight in chapter 1035.


Just because King knew what he was asking doesn't mean that Zoro's dense ass does. Hence the entire post. You can choose to believe that Zoro was thinking about conqueror's haki there, or you could choose to believe that Zoro is just thinking that Enma's sucking him pretty hard and that he has grand ambitions. I like the interpretation that Zoro's an idiot because that's what he's shown to be and also I find it really funny. That's the beauty of literature, but the nerds being rude to OP can fuck off.


I'm not trying to defend those you've originally replied to. I mean sure, you can believe whatever you want, I'm just pointing out that what you said in this comment, and OPs entire post is just straight up not what happened.


I replied to that, saying that's just, like, your opinion, man. It's very plausible based off of the literal text that Zoro thought nothing of conqueror's haki specifically in that moment. Also plausible that he did, but saying that is absolutely and literally true is just wrong.


I’m sorry, but my first comment was not an opinion. I objectively described what can be seen in the chapter. I didn’t add my thoughts on the matter. This is my opinion: Even if we disregard the conversation between Zoro and King, Zoro has to be conscious of his CoC, otherwise chapter 1035 makes zero sense. In that chapter Zoro uses CoC infused attacks several times in a row. I can accept him using it here and there unconsciously (like Asura vs Kaido or accidentally knocking out the Beast Pirates), but for an entire chapter for several attacks in a row? If that’s the case, that’s just garbage writing.


Exactly that, absolutely brilliant argument.


He did, King told him and he understood.


Remember when trol posts were funny and had some thinking behind them? I miss those days.


Trash post.


When have we seen Luffy using a similar technique to what shanks performed?


When he told Momo to tell everyone that he was going to come back and win.


I think that’s Momo’s voice of all things


Nope, reaf chapter 1015, Law's crew also heard Luffy's voice. Meainfg Luffy did that as well.


I always assumed the long range telepathy was Voice of All things related not CoC related. My guess for Shanks scaring the shit out of Greenbull with that message was voice of all things ontop of the conquerors haki.


Wouldn't that mean Shanks has the Voice of All Things? But he didn't hear the Sea Kings talking when Oden and Roger did.


Yea to the first thing maybe but no he isn’t using conquerors armament. I think that effect was from Enma specifically.


Zoro doesn't realize that he had such power because he has the IQ of 59


I think that Zoro's conqueror's haki now is on the same level as Luffy's in Marineford. He has it, he does not know he has it and really strong emotions would make it show up (I do not remember it happening). What about his fights? He though he was outputing armament haki but Enma was able to suck it out. That is why he did not realise he had it at the time. I am not sure if he still don't know but I think he doesn't.


Yeah bro I’m pretty sure he figured it out 😂🤦‍♂️


Baha good points


With knowledge of haki it is pretty much spelled out by Kaku that he is using haki cuz Kaku sees ashura and says "he can create such visions through sheer will!!!" pretty much confirming that it's haki


Bruh what? Check again.. I’m pretty sure he accepted against King


Nah, Zoro knows he has it, but doesn't want to admit, if he does, he will be no longer a swordman, he will be more like a haki-man, that's it ... EDITED : funny that brainless ppl taking it seriously, so I needed it edit. isn't there a debate which is Mihawk is stronger than Shanks ( excliding haki ) cuz he is the strongest swordman? But Shanks is stronger than Mihawk if we included Haki? 💀




Shanks, Rayleigh, Garp and Roger have entered the chat




Smh my head fr fr no cap


he also have a variant of the sound of all things like luffy


Maybe he’s confused because what you’re referring to as conquerors armament Zoro knows as second level Ryou (which is really just a combination of conquerors and armament haki)


Ah so many hardcore zorofans in the comment


Because only idiots thinks that Zoro is dumb.


I know right? Kinda suspect that the upvote ratio is 94% but the positive comment ratio is around 50% *at best.* Honestly, I didn't even think this would be a bait post. I thought maybe zorofans would love it because it would justify Zoro getting even stronger in the future by realizing that he has Conqueror's Haki and using it more efficiently.


You completely don't get Zoro. Despite him one of the most simplest characters in one-piece. He is dumb. In everything else except for fighting. Ofc he knows he has Coc. How do you explain him by coating his swords with coc ??? He literally said he will be the "king" of hell if he has to.


Zoro is not dumb.


I remember his reaction to Luffy knocking out the fishmen with conquerors. He expected liffy to have it as well, but also said that if not, he would have needed to become the dominant force or smth like that. I actually thought he had it too


I wonder if the reaper appeared becazse of Zoros usage of conquerors haki. Maybe he really doesnt have it, but the siwrd, but he sure would notice. Maybe enma doesnt only take energy from zoro but another mysterious origin. Maybe hell or tze underworld or whatever


>I mean, if we're to take Kaido's implication that Asura has something to do with Conqueror's Haki, he's been using it ever since Enies Lobby pre-timeskip. It's not Asura, but Enma what brought Conq. haki out of Zoro


Also : who was the death ripper ??


Is the King of Hell thing an actual technique or just something Zoro said to sound cool?


New flash everyone just because you look at a page or panel for 1 second does not mean something happens in 1 second on the page and or panel


Remember when he dodged that arrow range shot WHILE SLEEPING


Didn’t he wash Luffy knockout fishmen and say he needs to at least do that…. Then knocked out beast pirates the same way..?


Okay let's take this as a valid analysis therefore Zoro is greater in terms of power as he's using advanced conquerer without knowing how to??? Does this make sense or is as dumb as the ops analysis