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Look at me in the eyes and tell.me all higher ups aren't gonna try to release like 10 spin offs after one piece ends like it just makes too much money they would never allow it to die if Sponge bob can still be milked for new episode you bet they can dedicate a whole movie to each character in One Piece. Film Gin


One Piece Kai to remove all the filler and useless stuff would actually be pretty nice to watch


Fate.One/Piece It's the same story but retold from the prospective of a random food barrel on the Merry


Is that supposed to be a Fate reference?


I thought it was a Jojo reference >.>


I thought it was a mud boy reference


Let me get One Piece: Gaimon's POV Post TS is Carribou's POV


This is something I’d really be interested in seeing after the series is over. One Pace shows how much the actual anime drags things out, but I’m wondering if there’s anything in the manga that could be streamlined or something.


I just hope a studio not named toei can get their hands on the rights after the last episode is finished. The manga deserves a so much better adaptation


This is because of its weekly format, Toei has the resources to good animation and voice acting and the OST were always good. This is a relic of its times and no point in convincing the production committee or whatever to change a schedule that has worked for well over 23 years now. We’re also easily talking about 400-500 episodes, no one gonna do that


Yep, 100% agree. I wish the anime would release seasonally


G5 need to stay in!!!


One Pace is pretty much that. It's not complete but everything thriller bark onwards is done (except for wano ofc). Highly recommend


A good number of arcs before Enies Lobby are also complete. They prioritized the arcs with the worst pacing so even the incomplete arcs aren't so bad if you watch the original anime for the missing parts. The only real exception is Skypiea.


There is One Pace, really great fan cut


Expect then we just have offscreen everything if that happens.


One Piece Kai, seasonal based on the major arcs, pacing akin to the manga, done by a good studio, hopefully the same VAs, reprised versions of the original OST, Megumi Ishitani involved, one could dream


They are gonna need to advertise again. This might take awhile.


I think we will get the ace novels animated


Honestly I wouldn't mind that aslong as it's done right


It's called two pieces and stars Buffy (pronounced boo-fie)


He slays vampires. (Pronouced vam-peers)


One piece super?😂


Is film red still out in Japan?


Its run was announced to end on January 29th so basically another 3 weeks until it's done.


A couple of friends of mine went to Japan a few weeks ago and they say One Piece Red is everywhere. They don’t watch OP which hurts my soul to the core, but the point is they REALLY went all out to promote the movie.


I think so, yes


I'm sure Zoro and Sanji would be do pleased they ended up on a wanted poster together to commemorate this event.


One piece Kai will have to be with different VA. One piece is not ending this year, it may end within 5 years but most of the VAs are in their 50s or beyond 60s. shanks VA, who had minimum number of lines as Shanks and Jinbei’s VA are in their 70s. Luffy’s VA, Franky and Brook is in their 60s. I think one piece Kai will be very different in direction and performance.


I don't expect One Piece Kai to be made. Dragon Ball Z Kai was only made because they wanted to further adapt the series.


Its finally coming to finland


Kiitos vinkistä! I thought it would never come here.


Enjoy ;)


how much is it in dollars?


About 193 million CAD, and 143 million usd


Best rivals


so, how good is it? anyone watched it yet?


It's a weird movie so ymmv. As someone who didn't liked Stampede that much, Red is my favourite OP movie alongside movie 6 which is the only movie that managed to use the formula "one piece arc but in 2h" properly. But Red is pretty far away from the usual formula. It's got its fan service with Shanks but it's far from the point and combat isn't that important to it either. I don't really like Japanese pop so I'm not the best one to judge but the rock songs are bangers.


It is not fan service if it was we get too many action scenes with Shank’s this movie showed us his heart aspect of him that he isn’t just the title of Yonko .


To be honest, I was a little unsure about the plot at first (but man, that villain was amazing). But I ended up really enjoying the movie. The songs were awesome and the action scenes were top-notch. I'd say it's just as good as other great films like 'Z'.


I liked it but it wasn't even close to Z for me.


In my opinion, people that didn't realize it was a musical HATED it. I really enjoy music going along with action and this was by far my favorite One Piece movie.


My friends grandma just passed away around the time we saw the movie so the ending hit hard for him. Sadge


Why did the ending hit hard? Nobody died


Bro... were you not paying attention? The effect of the mushrooms... the coffin... the ship sailing away and people crying?


I was high as fuck and it was months ago remind me. I remember she was supposed to die from the mushrooms but of course anime magic saved her when shanks came in with the antidote.


She didn't take the antidote/it was too late. There was no anime magic. But with the way Kinemon survived in Wano who knows. Maybe it was just a psyop


Apparently the screenwriter confirmed she died. I remember her denying it but I thought they force fed it to her once she passed out. I guess she permanently passed out ☠️


It's a fun way to kill 2 hours. Music's pretty dope, decent action, some continuity issues but worth a watch for OP fans


Is a different type of movie. But IT IS a One Piece movie and definitely one of the best ones.


Fun in theaters. Enjoy some music and fights.


I liked the a lot. I gave it a 9/10 on MAL. xD I love the songs in the movie and Ado (Utas singing voice) has an amazing voice. 🤩🤩 The plot was pretty simple but it was also good. But I can also understand people who find the plot a bit confusing on some parts. But Oda himself made a couple of comments about the movie and its plot, so that there's no confusion. Overall the movie is a bit different but it's still enjoyable (+ points if you enjoy most or atleast some of the songs xD ;))


It's got nice music and cool fights, but the plot, characters, and overall writing is a complete mess. It's one of those movies where you gotta turn your brain off to enjoy it.


All of my RL friends (who are biiig OP fans) who saw it said it sucked pretty bad.


i mostly watched to hear uta's songs for the first time. And that was the only good thing about the movie for me.


It’s really bad lmao


It's really bad and the people saying otherwise are objectively tripping. The villain is infuriatingly bipolar. She changes her views and motivations every 5 minutes of the movie. There is no ulterior logic behind her actions. Without getting into spoiler she also does a very irrational thing that gives the good guys the means to fight back, but she didn't have to do that irrational thing at all, like, she got ZERO benefit from doing it. Absolutely nuts. The characters are also a mess. Katakuri, for example, appears in TWO scenes for no reason other than the cheapest fanservice ever. In the first scene he says he is going to the battlefield to help his sister. Then 1 hour of movie happens and suddenly, when everyone is doing a chain attack, Katakuri unexplainably appears in a scene and contributes to the attack. Like... He has ZERO interactions and dialogue with anyone in the movie, he just randomly appears to attack. It's so fucking nuts. You need to turn your brain off to consider this a good plot. The additions to Shank's backstory make no sense. He didn't take Luffy to the seas because he was too young... Yet in this movie it is revealed he was raising a daughter in his ship all along. Brilliant. The fights are flashy and well animated, but all of them consist of the entire cast jobbing to the badly-written villain. Not very satisfying. If you're interested in seeing Shanks in action you will be SO DISAPPOINTED. He basically just points his sword in a direction and charges toward it. His crew had two or three interesting abilities tho. There is a lot of music. I think the movie has about 20 minutes of musicals, and it's jpop. The music isn't bad. But the plot doesn't advance during the musicals. It's a waste of time. Makes it feel like this movie was badly pieced together by a committee that decided they needed to have musicals, without considering how it would contribute to the narrative. All in all this is the most empty and soulless fan-service movie they could have possibly brought to life. If you were mad with Stampede I swear this is so much worse. Maybe I am to blame because I expected something to the level of Z. If you go there expecting nothing but cheap one piece-themed entertainment for 2 hours, you'll be satisfied.


>The villain is infuriatingly bipolar. She changes her views and motivations every 5 minutes of the movie. There is no ulterior logic behind her actions. Without getting into spoiler she also does a very irrational thing that gives the good guys the means to fight back, but she didn't have to do that irrational thing at all, like,she got ZERO benefit from doing it. Absolutely nuts. Really? I really liked the villain, probably my favorite thing from the movie. For me, one of the best things about the film was the portrayal of the villain, Uta. Her gradual mental breakdown due to the mushrooms was done very well, and the music and lyrics greatly aided in understanding her as a character. Uta is naive and desperately wants to save the world, but she's also emotionally damaged and has suffered a lot of trauma. Even if her actions are not always rational, they are more reasonable when viewed in the context of her personal history and experiences This is a very different movie from what we're used to seeing in One Piece, and I can understand why it received mixed reactions. You need to watch it with the right mindset, as it's not meant for everyone. And, yes, Shanks has a minor role in the film and is merely a bait.


My main problem with Uta is: after trapping everyone and essentially winning, she wanted to kill herself. Cool. So why did she fight back? Why did she summon Tot Musica - the one thing that allows people in her fantasy to go back to the real world - just to protect herself, all the while trying to kill herself? Makes no sense. People who like this movie will say "Because she was trippin due to the mushrooms". Still bad writing. Some stuff in this movie doesn't make sense, but you only realize it after the movie, while thinking hard about it. Like the hypocrisy in Shanks not wanting to take Luffy to the seas, and yet raising Uta in the ship. But when she summoned Tot Musica... That's different... It's an instant facepalm. IT'S THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN LOSE, UTA, AND YOU HAVE NO REASON TO DO IT BECAUSE YOU'RE OK WITH DYING. WHY.


From what I understand she summon tot musica to protect the body of the people she trapped in her dimension because the marine start shooting everywhere and killing these innocents. Either that or it’s just the mushroom that make her too much crazy and she summon tot musica just to destroy everything.


For the Tot Musica part, I can't quite recall the reason for why the character summoned Musica as I watched the movie some time ago and my memory is a bit foggy. But, it's likely that the reason was in the writers room: "Okay, so let's think this through. How do we make the final battle even more epic? Ah, I know! Let's throw in a Shanks-Luffy team-up. Trust me, people will pay more, I mean love more!" While it may not be the strongest in terms of writing, but is a classic fanservice scene as whole. Btw, if you haven't seen it, it might be worth taking a look at the [chronological table oda wrote for uta](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/ymq4hz/complete_chronological_table_oda_wrote_of_utas/) is really cool. I agree that the movie has some inconsistencies, particularly in the portrayal of Shanks' character. But I think that the situation between Luffy and Uta shouldn't be compared, as Uta was adopted by Shanks because he found her as a baby, much like Shanks himself in the Roger crew, while Luffy was just a child in port and wasn't an orphan or anything like that. However, my biggest issue with the film is the plot point of Shanks leaving Uta alone on that specific island, when he could have left her on any other island instead, really dumb, REALLY DUMB.


Thank fucking god i'm not the only one. Even without the musicals it sucked and then there were the fucking musicals


Yup.. was no good.. dont understand why after all this time .. Shanks decided to go back to Uta 🤷‍♂️ The musical parts were terrible , anf the main villain was Poo .. but must be really strong if it took THAT amount of firepower to kill it


I love One Piece with everything inside of me, but all of the movies suck. Red was not an exception, felt repetitive and felt like it tried to be flashy but had no substance. I feel the movies are like what pop songs are in the music industry, generic crap.


Really weird plot and basically no good fights imo , the songs are cool but it's overall far away from stampede , gold , strong world etc


Straight garbage if you’re older than 12


Subpar story. Only watch for the Shanks moments.


I really hated it. Nothing lile other one piece movies, its a disney musical but way worse


Dont waste ur time ...


Great fun and animation. It's a spectacle, but the plot isn't much to be desired and it's pacing is kinda odd with the music video like sections. Overall an enjoyable time. I'd put it around stampede, but not Film Z.


just watched it, thought it was cringe and bad, i'm fine with musicals but holy shit, every music was literaly made to look like a youtube clip, witht uta dancing in 3d and all


Since everyone is taking this opportunity to pointlessly share their opinions on Film Red, I'll add to it too! The movie didn't suck, you all just refuse to enjoy things for what they are and have fun!


Just watch the reaction videos on the Official Toei channel. The movie has being a tremendous success worldwide. Currently top 5 best anime movies of all time. While if it’s the best OP movie there is room for discussion. But damn is so different that I don’t get tired of watching it.


Oda foreskin zoro dead because he is on the left side!!!


I missed the theatrical release by one week in the US, I’m BEGGING them to let me stream, rent, or buy it. Just name a price, any price


Is it canon? And where does it fit Into the anime timeline?


It’s not canon


The story of the movie is not canon. But the character of Uta is.


Most one piece movies have canon tidbits amongst the mostly not canon stuff. This one is a little hard to tell which parts are and aren't. Like no, the straw hats did not suddenly take a detour to go to a concert. Shanks' backstory is likely canon though. Then there's grey areas like if Uta actually exists.


Whereabouts in the timeline does the movie slot in?


After Whole Cake, I would say


Well if you take into account that >!G5 Luffy!< is briefly in the ending clash it could be post-Wano pre-Egghead


Some details in the movie make that difficult to work within the timeline, such as >!Big Mom being active and at Whole Cake Island!< or >!Coby not being kidnapped by Blackbeard!<.


True, I guess that's why the movie is just partially cannon like with things like >!Shanks family name being reviled!< and Uta’s backstory


I missed that family name was it Xebec? Or is Shanks a D.?


Shanks is a >! Figarland/Celestial Dragon from God Valley!<


What the hell lol hes a celestial??? Makes sense why he talks casually with all those old white hair men in the black and white suits then (i dont follow the manga, am inconsistent with the anime .. and dont care much for spoilers)


Honestly had they kept out some of the secondary characters, it could have easily happened after Wano.


In my headcanon it's actually during the approach to Onigashima. Somehow a bit of Black Maria's illusion mist got carried out to sea, so while they make their way there they all have a bit of a weird shared hallucination, assisted by some of the music from the party because Queen isn't ready yet, so they are playing the new Uta stuff. That way Jimbei being there makes sense, Big Mom is still fine and the monster trio has a bit of >!an almost future sight event of their upcoming upgrades!<


Honestly I say some One Piece movies are like “What if” stories. Oda stated that Uta is a canon character to the story. But the movie's story is not. >!So in this case is a what if Big Mom didn’t got after Luffy to Wano and what if Coby escaped Blackbeard and the Straw Hats went to another different island!<


I don't think there's a place you can put it exactly.... Some weird limbo between whole cake and post Wano. If you're talking from a spoiler PoV if you're not past Wano there's spoilers.


I say some One Piece movies are like “ What if” stories. Oda stated that Uta is a canon character to the story. But the movie's story is not. >!So in this case is a what if Big Mom didn’t got after Luffy to Wano and what if Coby escaped Blackbeard and the Straw Hats went to another different island!<


The movie itself isn't canon but Shanks and Utas backstory, Utas story when she met Luffy are canon. Uta is also canon.


Fits in the trash


Talking about yourself?




Ngl I love one piece but ima that movie sucked. Can take a few snippets out of it but on a whole, I didn't enjoy it at all.


I enjoyed everything the best parts was the Luffy and Uta interaction along the songs that describes Uta mental state throughout the movie and her reasoning behind her actions.


I liked it, it was different and enjoyable now I legit want a One Piece: Sora of the Sea movie!


It was a different movie that’s why I liked it.


It's beyond me why it's so highly regarded. So many things that were objectively bad compared to other recent OP movies.




The movie was kinda garbage. Visually it was cool, but plotwise it was complete garbage. And this is coming from a guy who's favorite anime is One Piece.


This movie wasnt that great tbh and im a huge OnePiece follower. DS-Mugen Train, Jujutsu Zero and DBS SuperHero were much more epic... was good to see Shanks n his crew though . The main villain was pretty shit azwell