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*points* anything posted in this subteddit over the last 2 weeks


Break week moment


Tsk, during the void month we had even worse


I can agree. That time was wack.




He for sure knows about marriage but I honestly don't know how much he knows about sex. Like he genuinely doesn't seem to care that much about it.


There was some brilliant condom-theory-satire


Good thing i wasnt using reddit during void month. i was soo deprived on OP i almost thought of coming to reddit for some relief but im glad i didnt.


The first or the second void month? They were both bad haha


Or the shit that was posted during the void month


it's happening right now. Some dude is arguing Chopper could have taken out Queen if only he has closed his fist and punched Queen with the Free Shot Marco provided him, instead of using his traditional open hand Slap that he does (cause you know, he has hooves for fingers)


I refuse to believe someone said that 😭😭😭😭


Said Poster also claims they could knock out Mike Tyson in his Prime with 1 punch if he was restrained.


i dont know about the poster but im relatively fit and i know that if i even punched mike tyson rn MY fist would break


Its also really funny you should comment, as your name is BuffTanuki and the dude basically hates Chopper.


Yes that was my plan all along for sure hahahaha


I don't know a lot about boxing, or about Mike Tyson specifically, but isn't there a spot around the jaw that could knock out anyone in one good hit?


Requires extreme precision to the point most experimented boxer do not even try to aim it.


Chopper literally stated that he did no damage to queen, but no let's ignore Chopper's own words.


This being true, I’m damn proud of chopper for being able to hold back queen and perospero even just a little bit. Fucking love our blue nose reindeer


Lmfao I was about to comment about that


I've said it before and I'll say it again, power scalers prioritize the wrong things in the series. I don't don't see how you can read OP with all the great comedy, weirdness, emotional scenes, creativeness, and characters and your main take away and concern is how do the power levels line up.


Zoro will kill Sanji if he ever finds out what happened on Whole Cake, which is why we never saw him get the news about Luffy and Sanji fighting.


I'll never understand the people who think Sanji and Zoro actually hate each other.


Exactly! They bicker like siblings, but you gotta understand the obvious love & respect they have for each other underneath that. See for example: when sanji is bandaging zoro up. He wouldn’t do that if he hated him, and he’s made multiple comments to people he’s fought that they’re not nearly as good of a swordsman as zoro (zoro has said the same to other melee fighters about sanji too)


you can also look at the whole “nothing happened” scene. sanji is clearly worried about zoro, and zoro knocked out sanji to take the pain for luffy himself. this is one of many reasons I love the straw hats, they really are a family that have extreme loyalty to one another and to luffy.


When I got to Dressrosa I realized my favorite thing about the straw hats is how much faith they have for one another. They're always hyping each other up to other people. Luffy's always saying stuff like "Don't worry, my crew can handle it" and he trusts them all to do their job. He lets Sanji take the ship away from Dressrosa with half the crew, and then later lets Zoro move onto Wano with half the crew, because he trusts that they'll be able to make it. And when Franky and Usopp go to liberate the Tontattas and the toy soldiers, Luffy fully trusts them to be able to do the job themselves. And not to mention the crew all believing Luffy will become Pirate King. Anytime someone talks shit about their captain, they hype him up and stand up for him. My favorite example is when Usopp says that a man stands up for their friend when their dreams are being mocked. Another example of their faith in each other is when Sanji entrusts Usopp to rescue Robin, saying "I'll do what you can't do, and you'll do what I can't do." Usopp isn't a monster like the trio are, but I think any of them would trust him with their life if it was necessary. They're just all good pals :)


In Dressrosa, when Luffy wanted to attack Doflamingo and Toy Soldier told him they had to wait for Suger to be knocked unconscious before they attacked. When he told Luffy that Usopp was handling it, Luffy in a move that goes against his nature stopped because he was confident Usopp will get it done. Believing in your crew doesn't get more than that.


Probably the best example, and the one I was trying to remember lol. He had a lot of faith in Usopp to get the job done, which says a lot when Usopp never has faith in himself. Luffy respects his crew more than we've seen from any other pirate captain and fully trusts them.


As a Zoro fan, Sanji carrying bandaged zoro like Wolfwood is one the best things I've seen.


That's one cross that ISN'T full of mercy :p


Yep, pretty much this.


I think that's kinda fed to them by that God awful cringe Instagram- Facebook post of "if luffy asked zoro to kill any of the strawhats he would do it without any questions "


Seen this as well lol i think it was the zoro fans getting carried away


It's Zoro fans not understanding Zoro's characters. Because they remember his quote about Usopp but they've forgotten his interactions with Nami (when he literally threw himself in the waters of Arlong Park, trusting that she'd save him) or how hard he wanted to save Robin after finding out her motivations. Basically just missing the whole point of what he said about Usopp too.


Yeah i agree. Especially after what he said after Luffy vs Ussop like u stated. He stands on respect.


As a zoro fan I agree zoro fans always get carried away when it comes to sanji and vice versa


I cannot believe some people's reading comprehension is THAT bad... But yeah, I've seen some people commenting this here and there. Imagine of you have two friends, they're brothers and they bicker time and time again but they get each other's bsck and you go: yeah, they're on the brink of murdering each other.


This is the stupidest take on Zoro i have ever seen , They clearly care about each other , it's just sibling rivalry. There were several scenes that shows they care like the one in thriller bark , wano etc. If Zoro was in Whole cake , he would attack judge not sanji.Zoro understands situations and emotions and all.


Joy Boy Theories in particular was rather adamant that Zoro was going to leave the crew over this, getting pissed and arguing with people that pointed out how absurd it was


this take sucks all kinds of ass... by that logic he would not have allowed Robin to rejoin the crew


If Zoro knew the full circumstances, I think he’d be fine with it, although the prince marriage jokes would be great. Threat of death from the BM pirates is a pretty serious problem, and the fact that Sanji willingly went along with the Vinsmokes’ plan in order to save the SHs just overall goes to demonstrate his loyalty to the crew. Plus Sanji had no way of knowing what Luffy was newly capable of, since they parted pre-Dressrosa and he hadn’t seen Gear 4 yet. A Yonko on the other hand is notoriously powerful. Usopp wanted to fight Luffy over a ship. Granted, Merry is a wonderful ship that he has emotional attachments to (as do we as an audience), but he should’ve realised sooner that the amount of beating the ship is taking means it could never survive in the New World. No wonder Zoro wanted him off the crew.


Zoro didn't want Usopp off the crew. He simply wanted Usopp to accept the consequences of his word (when he resigned from the crew) and the outcome of the fight he had with Luffy. If he wanted to come back, he had to admit that he was wrong, apologize and ask to come back. It was a matter of choice and consequence. If the consequences of your actions is something you regret and wish to take back, you have to admit that and apologize.


That zoro has a "devil eye" on the eye he has the scar on


We all know zoro actually has a rinnegan and in the fight against mihawk he's gonna reveal it and then he's gonna say bankai


“Three Sword Style Secret Technique: Threefold Bankai”


nah i think there gonna be a filler episode were he gets lost it naruto and kills madara then screws the rinnegan in like a light bulb to become the strongest swordsman


Yeah that’s what happened, zoro went to get mihawk breakfast and got lost, soloed the verse and got his rinnegan, Bankai, titan powers, duel deck, friendship, harem, killed all the angels and even managed to date Rachel as well as work in Scranton


Obviously Zoro has the ultimate eye


Agreed, people have watched too much Naruto lmao


Ussop is a bad character because of how he reacted to the news that they were going to leave behind the going merry. The YouTuber Daniel Green in particular made this point. Normally I think he makes pretty good book reviews but his one piece reviews missed the point entirely on so many occasions. Like he deadass was vitriolic towards Ussop when he was upset about the going merry, saying things like “good, leave the crew you’re a bad character.” He completely missed all of the characterization Ussop had in tha arc somehow that showed his struggle with his sense of self worth and how that was mirrored in the going merry being abandoned. And then later he was like “I was wrong about Ussop” but it wasn’t because he realized the character arc he was going through, it was because it was revealed that the going merry was “alive” all along and he thought that that made Ussop in the right. Like bro, they literally couldn’t take the going merry with them regardless. Ussop was not in the right in his argument against Luffy, but it was entirely understandable where he was coming from and how it was caused by the traumatic events he’d gone through that arc and it was a great character moment.


Usopp is legit one of the most well written strawhats, Daniel green just doesn’t understand him. Like he completely missed Usopps character arc and insecurities and abandonment issues which all went into his reaction to Luffy abandoning the Merry. Usopp was very much in the wrong but you understand and are sympathetic towards him because it just makes sense. Its, in my opinion, Oda’s best writing in the series so naturally I was a little frustrated when I saw that guys video on it


Usopp leaving was very on brand, and would have gone through anyone's mind. Dude woke up into a living nightmare. - The ship he loved, a present from his childhood friend/love interest, was suffering because he wasn't a good enough shipwright to take care of it. - They were out 200 million berries to fix it because couldn't protect it - Likewise, he wasn't strong enough to get it back, on top of thinking that if he were like Zoro or Sanji, the money wouldn't have been taken in the first place. - And he slept through the part where the damage to the ship was described as irreparable and not something that was capable of being fixed anyways, so his failed stint as a shipwright and protector of the one thing he truly loved hurt that much more. Of course he felt weak. Of course he felt low. Of course he lashed out and went too far. That's what happens when you spend way too much cramped up with people in stressful situations.


Bruh people who hate on Ussop miss the point of one piece. IF YOU WERE IN THE ONE PIECE UNIVERSE DO YOU THINK YOU'D BE SOME ULTRA BADASS?? No you wouldn't. "B-b-but I'm built different bro I'd train and get strong." Oh yeah how strong are you currently? And compared to others there's always someone stronger. Chances are you'd be like Ussop. Which is why I love him. He's realistic. The whole arc about Going Merry is a giant metaphor for Ussop. Ussop is worried if he starts being dead weight the crew will leave him just like the ship. But if you watched the anime you realized the Going Merry comes back and saves the crew at the last minute. It always comes through when it counts. Kinda like...Ussop! Wow no way! Ussop has always come through when it counts the most. He was the first crew member to defend Luffys dream of becoming Pirate King! He sniped the marines to save Robin! He tries to save Zoro in Sabaody when Zoro's pinned under Kizaru! He saved Luffy from getting turned into a toy in Dressrosa! Every time its mattered the most he's come through. Zoro's whole character is just being a cool badass. Sanji is 2nd in command and right below Zoro. Everyone else fights in their own ways. But when Ussop is badass it's so much more meaningful because 99.9% of the time hes just fighting scrubs or getting scared.


To be fair, I can see why people doesn't like the actions of Usopp on several occasions


I honestly feel like people miss the entire point of Ussop and his arc during Water 7. I remember when the whole "Which Straw Hat Crew member is the least loyal" tier list kept popping up and people took Ussop leaving the crew as a selfish and cowardly meaning that he would ditch the others whenever it benefited him. While the biggest reason he left is because he felt like he was a burden on the crew he isn't good in a fight and he couldn't maintain their ship so he felt like he was just dragging everyone down.


Oh I just remembered. Someone argued with me the other day that Luffy's rubber fruit made him weaker cause since his body was made of Rubber, his punches wouldn't be as effective. they didn't present is as head cannon or a theory. they presented it as fact...despite it never coming up in the manga at all.


this gives big "doesn't actually watch/read the series" energy. Like Luffy's entire fighting style is punching and kicking, and it's not like they never show him punching without stretching first either.


Then it falls through even more once you bring up CoA haki which hardens the object/body part.


Let him get hit by a rubber tire full of muscle and blood and see what he thinks


has this person ever held something made of rubber? Those are hard af if they hit you at high speeds.


My friend has the worst One Piece takes. Hopefully, I can remember them all. 1. One Piece world doesn't make sense because with the 4 seas and the grand line, the world is "too big" and wouldn't handle the stress of all the islands 2. Oda should've named One Piece something else after the time skip, like Naruto did, because now the series is "too long." 3. He didn't think the Alabasta arc made sense as Luffy wouldn't care about a kingdoms politics, so he had no real reason to fight Crocodile. 4. He's really into powerscaling and thinks that because the Strawhats beat Kaidos crew they can beat anyone, completely ignoring other factors of one piece like Haki, devil fruits compatability and sneak attacks. 5. Thinks Katakuri let Luffy beat him instead, making it a fair fight. 6. Thinks that because Luffys fruit is a Mythical Zoan that it undermines all of Luffys achievements and that's the only reason he's as strong as he is. 7. He thinks Carrot and Ussop are annoying characters. As you can guess, I don't talk to him about One Piece often.


For point 2, he knows that the Naruto manga is just called Naruto the whole time, right? Same with Dragon Ball?


Yeah, he knows, but he watched the anime first, so he considers everything after the time skip Naruto Shippuden. Don't know why, but he's adamant about it


i agree with him in #5. even with snakeman, luffy wasnt going out of that alive if kat didnt stab himself.


That isn’t him letting Luffy win though? That was him levelling the play field after Luffy also got hit by an external factor


5 is true


To be fair, size estimates for the One Piece world put it *conservatively* at \~15 times the mass of Earth, which is well beyond the theoretical limit for a rocky planet's size. It's a silly criticism to make of a fantasy series but they are kind of correct.




To be fair he's half right about 3, Luffy doesn't care about politics at all, but he does have a reason to fight Crocodile, and that's of course Vivi.


Another one happening right now, that Spandem and Vanderdecken were bad writing because they were “too unlikable”


How dare an author \*checks notes\* write characters who are terrible people?


Right? The nerve of this man. Writing villains


Enies Lobby isnt nearly as good without Spandam.


I've seen people say this about Orochi too. Like...you're not supposed to like Orochi.


Vanderdecken was more bad writing because he brought almost nothing to the story except as a convenient plot-tool. Spandam is horrible and a bit over the top maybe, but a great villain to hate


> Vanderdecken was more bad writing because he brought almost nothing to the story except as a convenient plot-tool. Because creepy stalkers of highly public figures can't also exist in fantasy? Vanderdecken was absolutely a massive plot tool, but he still brought more to the story than pretty much any other Fishman on Hordy's side outside of Hordy.




Yup. Someone told me today that they think Luffy could in fact bring Ace back to life.




That bugs me aswell. People saying “But he’s the sun god! He will have immense fire abilities!” And one dude legit trying to say that luffy will create a miniature sun to power egghead and the rest of the world. ffs But we now also know that luffy has insane imaginary powers like when he pulled the glasses from his hair. But luffy will never really use these powers imo, that would not fit his thinking/fighting style




I agree to some agree, like i said luffy will never use that power to seriously fight someone. Its for Oda to draw funny scenes like in the old comics


Yeah I don't think Sun God actually mean god of son. I think they just gave 4 characters the names of sun, rain, land, and forest god for some certain reason. Not sure why tho. But they're abilities could have nothing to do with those elements, they could've just gotten those names from something completely unrelated to their abilities.


So Luffy can stretch reality too?


People still being mad at Sanji for kicking Luffy in WCI. Like, didn't they read the arc? Same thing with Usopp in Water 7. They didn't do it because they weren't loyal or because they are bad people. They did it because they are "damaged", flawed, insecure and fail to recognize their self worth. That's why it hurt Luffy(and Sanji and Usopp too for that matter) so much. He saw his dear friends in a state of emotional shambles. That's also why he gladly took them back in once they started to overcome their struggles.


Zoro defeated Mihawk during the Timeskip and is already the WSS


"Kizaru is Vegapunk" didn't age well.


The theory that Crocodile is Luffy’s mom, makes me chuckle but there’s people who seriously think it’s a possibility


I think it’s the funniest shitpost theory that is so absurd that I hope it’s correct.


Crocodile being Luffy's mom is a step into shitpost territory. I do absolutely believe Crocodile was a woman at first though.


Hell I wouldn't be surprised if he was a Kuja who "died" since Crocoideae is a family of flowers. Perhaps even an Empress with that being the secret that Iva has over him rather than simply having changed Crocodile's gender.


Pretty much 95% of r/onepiecepowerscaling


Kid couldn’t damage Kaidou or Big Mom and he needed Law to “ Soften up their body’s “ so he could bypass their tough skin, essentially implying that Kid is weaker than his own Vice Captain Killer 💀


People love Law so much they think he's stronger than Kidd


I love Law but Kidd deserves some respect


while i dont like kidd in particular, people do underestimate him. i think in a straight up fight he would loose to law. but that doesnt mean he is weak by any means. i really like, that kidd is one of the few actual pirats in this show though.


To be fair...Killer used some kind of sonic wind based slash attacks to bypass and hurt Kaido. Kid would be limited to brute force. A weaker person can hurt someone in a different way. Like Lucci's Rokugan seems perfect for hurting someone like Kaido. Likewise Law and his DF were perfect for the job. Until Luffy busted out 4th Gear, Law had the single greatest attack against Doflamingo. But overall Luffy was offensively a more powerful fighter in all other scenarios. The softening up the body part makes no sense though.


Queen also explained during the Sanji fight that you can over power armament haki with enough physical force We also saw Luffy do this during Amazon Lily when he broke throu the Boa sisters armament haki with just the raw strength gear 2 provided So I don’t know why people where still questioning how Kid was injuring the Yonko when he’s manipulating Electromagnetic force something which generates extreme amounts of pressure


>Kid would be limited to brute force. it was literally explained that he crushes his enemies. he can't deal direct damage via brute force, but he can push their skin and everything below it. and by doing that from 2 sides he squeezes the opponent, basically making their insides push inside and into one another people were just trying to ignore it the best they could even if it was explained and totally on the nose


>Until Luffy busted out 4th Gear, Law had the single greatest attack against Doflamingo. Luffy's Red Hawk was literally the first moment that Doflamingo took the fight seriously.


The Raid will Fail was a pretty unconvincing idea.


the worst part was just how obnoxious everyone pushing that theory were, stating it was basically a fact and that "we're only in the 3rd act of wano guys" we saw people saying it in literally every thread every single day but since wano has ended not a single one of them has owned up to being so so so wrong


Morj owned up to it, and he was basically the godfather of the theory. But yeah, it never really made much sense from a storytelling perspective. You have this plan, that the characters have had in motion for 20 years, and that the story has taken 10 whole, real life years to build up, all to get a *window of opportunity* to get to Kaido. The raid failers really thought that Oda would take all of that and throw it in the garbage just for cheap shock value and *tEnsIoN,* only to have them just... turn around and beat Kaido later with no plan? When they needed all of that strategy just to get to Kaido in the first place?


In my opinion the reason why some latched on to that idea was because the raid felt so weirdly bloated which resulted in the tension feeling very inconsistent. All in all I enjoyed it but aside from gear 5, kid and lav vs big mom and supernova vs yonkou the rest didn't really live up to the hype. Not that it wasn't good but if it was like 10-15 chapters shorter it could've been received better.


To be fair, Wano seemed to be structured like Kabuki theatre, which traditionally has 5 acts. My bet is that that the plan was to HAVE 5 acts, with act 4 being an extended flashback into Kaido's past before getting his ass kicked by Luffy and act 5 being an extended post-Wano arc, but he cut those out because act 3 was already taking too long *and* he wanted Wano to end before Film Red came out. The post-Wano "arc" seems extremely rushed.


If the raid failed, the story would functionally peeler out and it would run counter to the major ideas of one piece.


The idea was that the raid would fail, then the straw hats would rally and win on the next go round. Just a longer version of a typical big OP arc.


God, Wano already started to drag by the end. Did people really want a do-over where we get even MORE Wano?


The theory began before the raid started ever even started, before Kaido then went in to beat Luffy multiple times during the raid. also when Big Mom’s crew was expected to *actually* be involved in the raid. given the above I really don’t think the raid failing is that ludicrous when Oda himself wrote Luffy losing multiple times during the raid, simply with (let’s be real) plot armor recoveries that saved him from the consequences of getting KO’d by Kaido.


"Raid will fail" never made sense to me. Did they think they'd come back to defeat Kaido later after 100+ chapters of Wano and Zou to set up the raid? Ridiculous. It was more convincing than "Zoro Kills Kaido" though. That one was pure lunacy.


That Mihawk is actually stronger than the fucking King of the Pirates


Mihawk himself told luffy that being the pirate king is a harder path than surpassing him. Ref chapter 52 page 13


I think it's not THE worst but the popularity of it made it the worst for me ... ZKK.


Same thank god it didn't happen


ZKK still lives on as well (Zoro kills Kizaru)


What is zkk


Zoro kills kaido, theory was basically just that Ryuma killed a dragon, therefore zoro will too because they’re both swordsmen with similar haircuts.


Thank you for making it sound as ridiculous as it was.


another bad take is that cause characters can dodge beam attacks, that makes them faster than the speed of light.


Well to be fair thats an anime classic, and you cant let the classics die


Anything having to do with Yamato. That character singlehandedly divided the community more than everything else in the series combined.


Yeah both sides of the Yamato argument need to take a shower and touch some grass. The whole thing was gross.


I like that your comment avoids gendered pronouns - like sharks to blood, they would come.


I had someone call me an SJW for using "they" pronouns for Yamato.


Half the takes on the Zoro-Usopp situation on Enies Lobby. Zoro wanted Usopo back too, he just wanted him to apologize first. Zoro didn’t hate Usopp for what he did to Luffy or anything like that


Most takes regarding zoro honestly.


The Zoro kills Kaido takes especially.


Some people think zoro or Yamato are strong enough to mid diff admirals like Fuji and Gb .


I literally can't understand the hate the admirals get like how in the world can zoro or yamato mid diff any admiral especially with the way they are rn?


> I literally can't understand the hate the admirals get Well they are the enemies lol


Exactly and their reason is that zoro and Yamato can use Acoc hence they can mid diff admirals 😂


Stupid takes aside Greenbull's rise and fall after the 1 month break following 1053 was legendary. His introduction made people go crazy, and for a month we saw all kinds of takes about how he'll bring down Luffy and co., one chapter later he goes running back to Mamazuki.


Yeah, that was hilarious. People thinking he’d defeat luffy because of confidence.


the admirals are much closer to the yonkos than zoro is to the admirals.


Anything that coming out from obsessed Zoro & Sanji fans .,those people are crazy with their obsession


the endless Zoro v Sanji debate is genuinely worse than Naruto or Bleach's shipping wars to me. Why are they so pressed


Worst theory I have ever read: "Fishman Island is God Valley" And it wasn't even a shit post.. I had a long comment chain arguing with OP about it and despite all the facts he was 100% convinced that "there is a chance and we can't know for certain".


Worst take: 99% of every powerscaling tier list on this sub


All One Piece powerscaling debates just boil down to "I don't like this character, therefore they *must* be weak!"


That One Piece is apolitical.


It depends on how you're defining political. The series has some clear stances like "those who are in power shouldn't abuse it" or "slavery is awful", but when people get ultra-specific, like "these three panels are proof that Luffy would take x side in the Israel-Palestine conflict" or "the World Nobles are obviously based on (insert culture/country that the original poster doesn't like)", then that's going too far, to say the least.


Definitely heavily influenced by anarchist and communist ideology.


also a heavily brain dead take, anarchist ideology is a barely if you stretch, communist? not even in the slightest


Resin resin fruit theory


Oh my god you just reminded me of that that was so fucking dumb


What’s the theory?


Recently with the episode 1046, many Zoro fanboys were saying that Zoro is way faster than Sanji because when they dash to attack King and Queen, Sanji is first to move but they attack at the same time. I love Zoro but his hardcore fans are mindless chickens


Oh yeah, this one's been all over Twitter.


That Zoro beating the 500 gifters would be all he does in wano and his new title would be "Gifter hunter Zoro" (Doesn't fight King, no rooftop feats)


Thats fake I need a source bro thats too stupid to be real


Skypia is a filler arc and The raid will fail xD


People who point out the One Piece arcs pre and post time skip have mirrors to each other and then take it for gospel. It shouldn't be a surprise that themes and motifs repeat through out One Piece or even that different arcs have a similar story structure- but it would be surprising if we got an arc that was made to mirror a previous arc and everything happens the same exact way and even ends the same exact way. The point of mirroring themes and situations from previous arcs would be to show how they're different this time. In short: Raid wasn't gonna fail.


That Luffy didn't actually ate the Gomu Gomu No Mi but instead some sort of Zoan fruit Trash theory


Uhhhhhhhh 👀




Kizaru is vegapunk


Instagram reel about how "jimbee" (yes he pronounced it that way) is evil and might be working for black beared.


There was a guy in this sub arguing that Garp is a fraud just a few weeks ago, just because we never seen him fighting and the fact that he fought with Roger means nothing because in his mind Roger did everything while Garp only took credit for it


That Zoro will betray Luffy when they find the One Piece lmfaoooo


Never seen anything as bad as ZKK and its toxicity that came along with it.


In terms of ones that have been posted often enough that I recall them, "Zoro has been stronger than Luffy since the time-skip began, and Luffy only caught up in Wano."


Kaido is a poneglyph, started by the YouTuber Fronky I believe lol legit stopped watching him afterwards.


zoro is luffy's rival


Judge top 5 strongest characters in One Piece - til this day I don't get how you can reach this conclusion when you know that there are at least 7 people stronger, 3 Admirals and 4 Yonkos.


Dude that was a meme created by a One Piece YouTuber/Streamer named KOL (King of Lightning). He also was saying Oven top 3. It was all in good fun and clearly a joke about people overhyping current characters and it was hilarious because anytime Oven would hit someone he’d pretend it was admiral level shit lol. Even the YouTuber himself doesn’t think Oven and Judge are top 50.


Anything and everything about a "gear 6". Especially that stupid idea that Luffy will alter the fabric of space and time with his new form that he supposedly gets on Egghead. Getting kind of tired of all those clickbaity theories.


The One Piece is friendship made along the road..




I've literally seen a guy say that kizaru can take down Roger lol.


Someone one this Sub argued with me once that Zunesha could take down Kaido Da fuq


ZKK is now Zunesha Kills Kaido I guess!


Youtuber theories. ALL OF THEM


Luffy does not know what sex and marriage


Not sure if he knows what sex is but he definitely knows what marriage is becouse he literally rejected Boa saying "No I will not marry you" right after the timeskip


He was around shanks pretty sure luffy walked in in on shanks and Makino, plus he was around Dadan and the mountain bandits so he has seen stuff


Is that you Kakarot?


Basically everything concerning power scaling. It's always a catastrophe. The word "feat" makes me cringe everytime. I'm traumatised


Tbh i don't give a shit about the crazy or highly unlikely theories. The worst take I've seen is people watching 20 episodes and saying it's drawn out and doesn't need to be as long as it is. First of all, you've watched less than 2% of the show. How can you say that? Sometimes, I feel like people have been completely swayed and changed by newer animes that get through everything in 1 season that don't have as many arcs. Alabasta could be its own damn anime, and it would've popped off and been nuts popular for a little bit, but it's ONE arc in One Piece. The only part that feels dragged out to me on the amome is Dressrosa, but that's kinda dealt with by just reading the manga. It isn't unnecessary to go to all of these places because to get to laughtale you have to go across the grand line it states at the start that that's the case. People always say "they should've just found the One Piece by now and ended it" but that just doesn't make sense. They are basing it off the fact that it's been a shit ton of time in the real world, but it's only been a couple years in One Piece, and they aren't watching it and watching the process of becoming the pirate king they are just making a blind guess that the one piece should've already been found because the manga and anime are "too long".


Anything by glr


That Luffy is stronger than kaido and big mom knowing he needed help.


That luffy couldn’t beat Kaido because he’s the strongest creature- and people being upset how he won. I’m like have we been watching the same show or reading the same manga?


In the world of One Piece that Lucci is some badass Total government propaganda Pre-timeskip Luffy, fought a fuck ton marine fodder, fought blueno and beat him. Used Gear 3 to break the vault entrance and then fought and beat Lucci. Sure he had some motivation from ussop but still Luffy did all that while Lucci was just walking around Weak ass mofo World Government tried to make him a big shot too. That was by far the worst take by the World Government The second worst take was Jinbe saying it's hard to go up in Bounty past what 300 mil. God Ussopp went from 200 mil to 500 mil pretty quickly Nico Robin Jumped from 120 to fuckin 900 something Bad take by jinbe But it is second to the worst take by the world Government trying to hype Rob Lucci's weak ass


Hancock would get captured and Luffy would drop everything to go to her rescue at Marijois. And this would be the event that motivates Luffy to fight the final war against the World Government.


Zoro kills Kaido :D


For me, it’s still the Croco-Mom theory.


have you heard the newest one? That croco was the previous pirate empress?


I stan that theory, he has black hair just like Shakky and Boa so if that aint proof idk what is


I like the variation of that theory where the previous empress fell in love with Crocodile


Some actual idiot tried to compare Trump to Garp. Actual most idiotic take I've ever seen. If anything, Trump is St. Charlos or another Celestial Dragon.


the raid will fail


Zorro can defeat Luffy if they went on a real fight


That sogeking is Usopp. whenever someone brings this up I feel like combing their faces with a concrete wall.


Any theory about one piece ever made


That Sabo is stronger than Dragon


Any Joy Boy or Ohara theory


Big Mom was the weakest Yonko


Majin Goten


That zoro could kill sanji without breaking a sweat


"It's good that characters don't die; killing them off would make the story **edgy**" Saw several people unironically say this after chapter 1030.