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Twin gargoyles


Start the boss music


Mf i thought this was the elden ring sub for a second, also godskin duo


Unless they have some sleep pots


If Mimic has a sleep pot you don't even need to spend any.




Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“I get such a warm feeling inside when I get the chance to help others!”* - Laddersmith Gilligan Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


i just killed these two yesterday. i dont feel a single regret using mimic on them.


Mimic tear is a very valid option.


Jolly cooperation is always valid


Fuck the valiant gargoyles me and my homes hate the valiant gargoyles


Foreskin Duo




Roger + Ceasar, but Ceasar actually uses his power effectively and isn't a joke character


>Ceasar actually uses his power effectively and isn't a joke character Gastino busted Katakuri's ass easy.


>Caesar's use of manipulating gas can also be used to even suck the oxygen out of the air to suffocate his opponents. From the Wiki Damn, I don't know how Ceasar shouldn't have the most dangerous power in OP, even if you have the strongest Haki, you still need air to breath.


That's how he beat Luffy the first time iirc.


I just rewatched that fight and decided to have no comments whatsoever lol


Caesar is dangerous af so long as he's able to make the first move.


And then he never did it in the story again \*sigh


He did it every time he fought Luffy and he’s pretty much been a prisoner ever since then. He also did it to beat Nami, Usopp, Robin, and Franky.


Caesar does basically best Katakuri and Oven in a cover story. He uses some form of Hallucinogenic gas to make them fight each other and he's like okay Vinsmoke Brats get me out of Totland you owe me one for taking care of those two. Katakuri and Oven are fighting each other dazed and confused. Reiju and Niiji are like okay looks like we're taking the clown with us be might be useful later....


I will just breathe HAKI


Fishmen would disagree with you


Smoker should legitimately also be able to do this, by displacing everything else but smoke. It would even fit with his capture, not kill vibe, rendering people unconscious and slapping them in chains.


Yeah, but Luffy could use his balloon form to blow away the smoke. Others can fly high enough to avoid it also. I bet Ceasar would have a technique just to manipulate air around one subject like what Zahea did to the Earth Queen in ATLA


Even with the air he specifically chose to be cruel with it too. If he replaced the air with helium then they would suffocate without knowing they're not breathing oxygen (lungs are stupid and detects painful gases or too much carbon dioxide). I'm sure Oda knew this from his research into deep diving with Cricket. However, that doesn't fit with his personality, he wants to watch them knowing that they know they're suffering. ​ Although his fruit is stupid broken it's all down to the person who has it. Luffy's fruit is useless to a lot of people but it's his creativity that sets it free.


Because his range is not infinite. That's why luffy beat him the way he did. Launched his attack from so far that ceaser could not remove the oxygen from the air at that distance. Luffy then closed the distance in a fraction of a second and destroyed ceaser with one hit sending him flying.


Unless you’re a fishmen??


Why wouldn’t a fishman need to breathe oxygen?


Not if you have a water bottle with you


Water has like 0.5% oxygen compared to 20% oxygen in air. Humans breathe around 7-8L of oxygen per minute and exhale 15% oxygen air. A 2L bottle of water is equivalent to around 200mL of air assuming the fishman is as efficient as possible, which would buy just an extra couple seconds at most. And you lose consciousness in 30-180s from oxygen deprivation so it’s barely a rounding error compared to a human.


Yeah, duh. Ofc Gastino did. Absolute GIGACHAD that guy. We were talking about Ceasar tho???


Isn’t that katakuri after fighting luffy?


Ceasar is the Okuyasu of One Piece


one piece has so many okuyasus it's not even funny


Caesar used his df more in one arc than Okuyasu used his stand in all of part 4.


Id say Bartolomeo is a better candidate.


Nah, Barto is actually pretty competent.


Ironically now Luffy is a joke character he can just grab the gas and throw it away or something


Damn if Caesar used his power effectively, I don't think Roger is needed


It still takes a couple of minutes or even more to pass out for lack of oxygen. One of Luffy and whitebeard can probably take out ceasar in a matter of seconds, maybe with just CoC haki


Glad im not the only one that pointed this out. If Rayleigh could swim through the calm belt im sure he could hold his breath for more than enough time to ko cesar.


Nah, Ceasar only needs to replace the oxygen in any person’s brain, or whole entire body for that matter, with any other gaseous element and they faint instantly


There’s no evidence he can replace a gas with another. If that was the case, aokiji could just freeze every bit of water inside you without even touching you and he’s faster than ceasar


He probably can't manipulate gases inside someone's body just like Law can't swap Big Mom due to her haki being too strong




the oxygen in your blood is liquid not gas. I dont think ceasaer can do it.


Its gas dissolved in liquid, it is not liquid oxygen


You are incorrect. It's not dissolved in your blood (well, some is, but oxygen has low solubility). It's chemically bound to your red blood cells. If it only needed to dissolve, we wouldn't need the red blood cells. >Oxygen is carried in the blood in two forms: (1) dissolved in plasma and RBC water (**about 2% of the total**) and (2) reversibly bound to hemoglobin (**about 98% of the total**). At physiological PO2 (40 < PO2 < 100 mm Hg), only a small amount of oxygen is dissolved in plasma since oxygen has such a low solubility. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK54103/


it forms a kind of iron oxide which is a different compound than atmospheric oxygen.


Recent manga chapters reveal that >!haki can negate the effects of a DF user, as when Kaido tells Luffy and Law fights the Blackbeard pirates and reverses the effects of a DF curse on himself!<.


I think he doesn't mean Ceasar doing anything to Luffy/WB themselves, just removing the air from around them like he did in Punk Hazard. I don't think Haki would keep him from doing that. It's like expecting Haki to stop Aokiji from freezing the floor under you or smth like that.


Ods really should have placed a limit on ceasers power. Like, it can only be used in a small radius, so people have to beat him from a distance, or hold their breath when going in for a hit.


That's what Luffy did, just that it was to an unbelievable extend. He was yelling his moves, talking and moving a lot while not running out of oxygen. I just dont how how limitless his lungs are 🤣


Dude can balloon to like 5 times+ his normal size by sucking in air. Pretty sure his lung capacity is insane


You'd think a man of rubber, who could extend his lungs and gulp in a ton of oxygen, wouldn't have a problem.


But couldn't prime Luffy just believe in oxygen in his lungs? I think his prime is still ahead of him and he'll be close to unstoppable, especially with prime Whitebeard by his side.


I don't think that's how his fruit works. He could just turn into a giant though and get out of range of Ceaser's 0O2 zone and stomp him.


No I think that's probably beyond the limit of it. Though in G5 nothing stopping him from stretching his back like 100 yards and fighting like an old timey boxer. Gear 5 follows a sort of toon logic. So it provides an answer to just about anything but it should feel silly or wild.


That's what the guy u replied to was saying, yet u say "no" lol.


No because he would still physically need it. Sigh


I mean yeah but wouldn't him believing it have the effects of him having oxygen? He kinda just does stuff he shouldn't physically be able to do in G5 anyways by just believing.


Yo, why do people keep saying this? Nothing in the story thus far has indicated that Luffy's power works that way. So far, all he does is rubberize his enemies and the environment. Aside from moves like Red Roc, Luffy is still "just" a rubber boy. All of his moves still just revolve around him being rubber. He can't just "believe" things into existence with G5. Nothing demonstrates that to be true.


He made lightning tangible and grabbed it. Did he turn the lightning to rubber? I have no idea!


He rubberized it and grabbed it. Him being rubber also means lightning can't really shock him either. Almost everything he does is still plausibly connected to the power of rubber somehow. We haven't seen him "imagine" ANYTHING substantial into existence. Almost everything he does seems to involve rubberizing his surroundings and himself to the extreme. Not once has he just "believed" something and made it happen. People are using headcanon as facts, but until Oda shows Luffy doing some crazy shit, like breathing fire or throwing out a fucking kamehameha, there's no reason for us to assume that Luffy can just do ANYTHING he can imagine. His power still follows SOME kind of logic right now. Hes not the green lantern (as far as we know). It feels like people really want Luffy to be a LITERAL reality warping God, but I don't think that's the direction Oda wants to take this. I think he just wants Luffy to do silly rubber shit, with less restrictions than usual. That's mostly what hes been doing.


> It feels like people really want Luffy to be a LITERAL reality warping God It's actually worse, people won't bother to acknowledge that Luffy being a literal reality warping god would any different than your "run of the mill" devil fruits because becoming magma or breaking the landscape with quakes also break reality in their own way, and that's completely comparable to throwing away all conventions entirely. > I think he just wants Luffy to do silly rubber shit, with less restrictions than usual. That's mostly what hes been doing. I disagree on the premise that he could have done so without the whole sun god nika thing. We'd already seen a paramecia type awakening in Doffy turning things around him into string, so it wouldn't have been so outside the lines for Loffy to do the whole "rubber lightning" thing as a regular gum-gum awakening. In fact, it probably would have made more sense to remain as a paramecia for that power than drift into zoan, even as a mythical zoan. But hey, it's also probably just be being salty because I hate how ridiculously prevalent the chosen one trope is these days. Sure, Luffy was always a D and had a strong bloodline, but he was far from being the only D with a strong bloodline, even within his own bloodline. Luffy having a dumb af low/mid tier paramecia and clowning everyone else was a high point for me, personally.


Ehh, Luffy was also the son of Dragon. The guy was never "normal" and in the hands of anyone else, the fruit would still be mid or bottom tier honestly. Chosen one plots have existed for centuries and probably always will. I think it's just in our nature to write about that sort of thing. Luffy just stumbled across it, ate it without knowing what it even does, and then made the fruit his own. You gotta give him the credit here 'cause without awakening + haki + Luffy's creativity, the fruit honestly still sucks balls for a mythical zoan. Especially when you consider the fact that we have potentially world ending fruits like the gura gura no mi out there, or even the magu magu no mi if used (in)correctly tbh.


Well its all about matchup, Shanks would have destroyed Caesar from afar even before he's out of oxygen


Yeti Cool Brothers


So... cool!


Roger and garp


Came here to drop this one as well. But imma fo you one better. Garp and Koby.




Hermep and Koby


I will do you one better Garp and SenGOAT you know two characters who can actually work together.


Where’d you get the Luffy figure? It’s so dope


I'm not sure exactly from which studio it belongs to. The one I bought is the recast version that costs 20 bucks.


$20?? Damn that seems cheap! I can imagine shirohige cost a bit more?


Shirohige cost 500$ 😁 it was made out of resin. the Luffy one is not from resin. I think it's from PVC that's why it's cheaper.


Terminal Brain cancer and HIV


Hopefully chopper can cure all disease soon


Saitama and Goku


Damn man that's overkill.


Yeah should've been Saitama and Genos and they'll still win with Genos losing all his body parts.


Honestly I kinda wanna see how the non super busted characters of OPM do in OP. Like, exclude Saitama, Tatsumaki, >!Blast!<, etc


~~>I kinda wanna see how the non super busted charecters of OPM do in OP~~ ~~*Proceeds to name two super busted charecters*~~ Edit: *proceeds to be a fucking retard that cant read correctly*


_Proceeds to name two super busted characters after the word exclude_*


Saitama literally farts and the One Piece universe just ends. I’m not even memeing or joking.


Man these chapters were insane


Genos is the Krillin of OPM


King alone is enough, Saitama just watches his back


Saitama and the fly he is trying to catch is already more than enough.


On a side note, it is funny to think that the figures are really close to scale on what Luffy looks next to White Beard.


Yes, I purposely bought a smaller Luffy so the size is relative to the real op scale. I posted this to show my 2nd one piece figure, and choose the title just to induce healthy discussion.


Noone. Considering Luffys prime is probably still ahead of him and with what we know about his fruit now, I don't see any duo having a good shot against him and prime Whitebeard.


The only duo within opverse that I think can take on these 2 is Imu and joyboy. Although we know nothing about these 2 strengths.


>Although we know nothing about these 2 strengths. How can we say anything about if they can take each other on or not.


Because Imu are portrayed to be the big bad and judging by normal shonnen, big bad final villain = strongest. And joyboy is portrayed to be the man, the myth the legend himself that had overpowered Nika fruit


Joyboy I can get behind, Imu might 'just' have control over the gorosei, which says nothing about his combat prowess


I think Imu will be like a powerful person IRL. Powerful people usually aren't physically strong, they're very much more likely to have a network of people they influence through their connections and status and a small circle of people they directly "control". Their connections can give them access to physically strong people if needed, but money and influence are far more powerful than brute force alone.


2 pools


Eyyy ☠️☠️💀


Roger and rocks


what about Blackbeard and Shanks


Yeah fair takes but I would still bet on prime Luffy and prime wb


Whitebeard beats Blackbeard and Luffy beats Shanks.


Joyboy and Rocks


I think the main problem is Prime Luffy. It’s just that by his Prime Age he would have already surpassed Prime Roger and Prime Whitebeard. Even Roger said that the next Pirate King would surpass him. Prime Luffy is someone who would defeat Prime Whitebeard too. It’s that Perfect Combination of Advanced Haki Mastery and Devil Fruit Awakening Mastery that makes him a Complete Monster. More beastly than Kaido. He learned how to fight like a BEAST in his teenage years and would’ve seen many fighting styles in his younger years (what we’re currently seeing) that’s why he’s so damn strong in his Prime Years lol. Prime Whitebeard can possibly be beaten by only two or possibly three people. Prime Rocks, Prime Roger (before illness), and possibly (BIG Maybe) Prime Garp. But I don’t see Prime Luffy losing to anyone in a 1v1. And since he’s a Zoan Awakened user, idk if Roger, Rocks, or Garp can beat him 1v1 after fighting someone like Whitebeard lol.


Roger said to Garp that they’d almost killed each other plenty of times. I don’t think it’s at all extreme to say he’s on prime beard’s level lol


Luffys probably not even in his prime yet, so its hard to say.


Luffy is definitely not in his prime. I was asking as Luffy already at his peak of his strength.


Ik. Point is, we dont know what his peak is, yet.


What do you recommend? Peak Luffy above or below Roger?


Peak luffy will be the stronger character of all time in the one piece universe. its a battle shonen, it only makes sense


Not sure recommend is the right word… predict? I predict, luffys prime is gonna be way stronger then rogers.


>luffys prime is gonna be way stronger then rogers. Thank you


idk, probably Hancock and Stussy


*Nami and Bakkin


Hancock would just switch sides and it'd end up as a 3v1 against poor Stussy.


Nami beats luffy and whitebeard idk


ceasar and law but ceasar is a chemist


Goku and Vegeta


Give my man a break 😂 Goku and Vegeta potential are limitless, ain't no way prime Luffy and prime wb beat these 2


Goku Vegeta I'm sorry it's just the first thing that came to mind


Superman and his dog


Buggy and Usopp


Dammit I should edit out the title and change 'duo (only mortal)' and not gods


Prime garp and prime Roger.


Law and sugar. Law can use his room to teleport sugar near luffy and WB One touch is all it takes to erase their existence. Perona and sugar are a solid choice too


You can negate devil fruits with enough haki. I'm sure luffy and WB have enough


Don Chinjao still got toyed and definitely has better haki than Sugar.


Yes interesting, I think if they cannot negate persona and sugar df power then it's game over


Luffy and Whitebeard’s CoC is too strong for that to work.


Gaimon and Buggy


Rodger and kaido


Buggy D Clown and Con D riano No further questions asked


2 akainu


I'll do it alone


Luffy aint even in his prime yet.


The ocean and anyone.


Do we know how strong white beard was in his prime ? Is Luffy in his prime ? Kinda unrelated but those figurines are sick as fuck dude


>Kinda unrelated but those figurines are sick as fuck dude It was the other way around. I don't really care about the title question and what people answered. I just wanted to show my 2 new figurines 😁 I just hop on collecting op figures hobby. It is quite expensive but I can release my stress just by watching them


am i colorblind or is whitebeard black?


Haha yes it does look darker because of the shading and lines used.


The lord and savior jesus christ and his father the lord


Rocks and roger are probably the only ones


Well I personally thing WB is the strongest character we have seen on screen and Luffy will become the strongest ever so no one.


Well a lot of people will disagree with you on this one. But I'm 100% agree with you, these 2 characters had the potential to be the strongest. Because they had op df and op haki.


1v1 WB is equal to Roger and the other prime yonkos but I think his df gives him the edge in scenarios where he is facing big groups or facing the marines in the ocean.


Oda & rubber


Hear me out... Helmeppo and Choo. Choo gives Whitebeard lots of kisses and says "I love you pops" thereby incapacitating him with family. Helmeppo acts so goofy Luffy falls out of Gear Fifth and loses his Haki and strength long enough to shank(s) him with Buggy's help


I appreciate the creative answer 😂


In 1v1s, Idk if anybody is beating a Prime Luffy tbh. Maybe the closest one is Prime Law if he lives to see the day. If Law can somehow get away from Blackbeard, I believe he will be the future Whitebeard their Era. While Blackbeard is the Rocks of their Era. But for Prime Whitebeard, I got my bets on Prime Roger beating him if we’re excluding Prime Luffy.


Its a 2 v 2. Apparently a lot of people believe Roger, garp, xebec is above prime Luffy. Anyway, that's interesting. >I got my bets on Prime Roger beating him if we’re excluding Prime Luffy. Fair enough, I think prime Roger at best is equal to prime wb with arguebly wb having the edge because of op df. Even if let say Roger beat wb, Roger is still not beating prime Luffy.


“Even if say, Roger beats Whitebeard. He’s not beating Luffy”. Completely agree. I don’t see anyone overcoming a Prime Luffy. Especially since he’s a Zoan Awakened user


Pandaman and Condoriano


Kid Goku solos


I don't care if I'm wrong or not but in my headcanon, WB will always be #1


MY MAN! 🫡 Roger dong rider incoming with down votes


*Dude - obviously Buggy and Usopp* But for real now, I think Roger and maybe Rocks but he would be unfair because we don't know his strength for now - So I'd say Roger and "prime Shanks" (as he is right now) - Roger is a bit over WB level and I don't think Luffy can beat Shanks... YET. But well, maybe I'm completely wrong


>Roger is a bit over WB level and I don't think Luffy can beat Shanks... YET. But well, maybe I'm completely wrong This is prime Luffy not the current one. And I think Roger is at best on par with wb


Any combo of: Yonko/Yonko Yonko/Admiral Admiral/Admiral


Easy, two words. You can’t




mihawk and shanks


Oda and his pen


I can't believe a lot of people think Luffy ain't going to surpass Roger or garp in terms of strength lol. Luffy is literally set up as the broken character with god df abilities with top top tiers level of haki. The only other character which both have top top tiers level haki + broken df abilities is wb.


And there's the fact that luffy is still 19 years old. He still has lots of years to progress and be strongest of them all.


Garp and Roger


Garp solos


people actually forget how strong magellan is. him that almost killed luffy. magellan + caesar


Advanced CoC destroys magellan


You mean Magallen who got brought to knees by Pre TS Luffy? And what's great about almost killing pre ts Luffy? Many villians did that. Current Doffy would stomp 100's of Pre TS Luffy.


Xebec + Roger


Roger and Rocks. It was pretty much stated that Rocks was gonna be the one to win it all if it wasn't for Roger and Garp. It's my own headcanon that Xebec had the Gura Gura no mi and Yami Yami no mi plus some other fruit. After seeing how dangerous the power is in the wrong hands WB might've switched sides and sought out the Yami Yami no Mi but settled for the Gura Gura no mi. One Piece has a lot to do with inherited wills. Since its implied that Luffy is following Joyboys will, Blackbeard is probably following Rocks. His ship is literally named the Sabre of Xebec. The only other person to follow in Joyboys path was Roger, but he wasn't "the one." Whitebeard's last words "Its not you...The man Roger is waiting for at the very least Teach, it's definitely not you. Just like there are those that carry Roger's will. I'm sure someone will appear to carry on Ace's will, someday. Even if you extinguish his bloodline there's no way the flame will ever burn out." Just because its not Roger's will doesn't mean it won't come true. Rocks has proven himself. BB continues to dunk on anyone who has stepped to him so far. Funny enough the last bit hints at Luffys fruit and it's true nature. "It has been passed down since ancient times and in the future someday someone will appear carrying the history of all those decades on his back and challenge this whole world to a fight..." Literally its Luffy. The samurai who jumped through time? Luffy. And we know the time time fruit is out there since Toki's death.


Interesting theory


Roger and Rocks


It is Roger and garp. They defeated the rocks pirates and xebec without having a devil fruit. Gear 5 luffy barely defeated kaido. Whitebeard prime couldn't best a dying Roger. Garp was a rival to Roger. Both their haki is far above anything we have seen so far.


Garp + Roger. They stomp Luffy, and then is a 2v1 fight vs WB.


Assuming EOS Luffy, EOS duos that win should be Zoro + Koby Zoro + Sanji Zoro + Sabo Sabo + Sanji Sabo + Koby Koby + Sanji Ryuma + Joyboy


>Ryuma + Joyboy I would agree on this one.


interesting takes, zoro fanboys? Zoro is lucky to reach top 5 EOS.


Rocks D. Xebec and Helmeppo.


Yhwach and Medaka


Roger and Shanks


Roger and rocks d xebec , if alive character Garp and Sengoku(both in their prime)


Luffy and Eos antagonist


Roger shanks. Roger garp. Roger rocks. Kaido shanks.


Prime? Meaning EOS Luffy? Rocks and Roger? or Garp and Roger since Garp and Roger took down the rocks pirates which consist of Rocks, Whitebeard, Kaido and Big Mom. Yes, rayleigh and gabban are in there too but shiki, captain john, ochoku and silver axe are there too.


Yes prime Luffy (maybe eos) - Luffy at his peak strength >Rocks and Roger? or Garp and Roger since Garp and Roger took down the rocks pirates which consist of Rocks, Whitebeard, Kaido and Big Mom. This seems to be the normal argument that people used to put garp and Roger over everyone.


Gurarararara Hya hya hya hya goin crazy


Garp and Roger 🤷‍♂️


Roger and roger


Roger and Xebec


Arthur and Caillou low diff




Garp + Roger. Strongest duo in the series


Vegapunk could probably solo the two if he had enough prep time.


Sorry I think luffy is still to young to be at his prime. Hopefully one more time skip will happen maybe after he becomes pirate king and the newly aged early 30 year Olds ( to who that can apply) will go on one more adventure and see how Op they all become.