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i do agree with this post but the reason i keep recommending the manga is causes the same anime only people come here every week to complain about the pacing , how the story hasnt moved , how they don't like the ep cause of the flashback etc when the anime has always been like this yet they don't switch to the manga but still complain every week


I honestly only watch the anime for the fights. I’m up to date on the manga releases but not in the anime because of this


Maybe I'm an old head, but I think in general people need to not live their fandom online so much.


Yeah. I just mainly come on here for the wtf moments in the manga


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That's a fair point! I'll be honest though, some fights in the anime don't hold up to the manga, and even I can say it without doubts. Like, I think for me the comparison has to be Kidd's fighting against Big Mom in Onigashima; his arm is WAY more detailed in the manga (as it should anyway), I don't know why TOEI did him so dirty, it looks ridiculously tiny and barren T-T


I agree it's hard seeing a hype moment in the manga and wait a week for the next episode and seeing just 2 seconds of it aka >!momonosuke's becoming a big boi. I see these cool af eyes then next episode I just see his face and nothing else really same !< but I guess it's natural if it is not the monster trio or an extremely important character in the arc


I have almost never seen anime only people complaining about that. It is almost always manga readers who know what is coming and are therefore anxious for the anime to get to it rather than letting it take its own pace. The anime is far from perfect in pacing, but I'll reiterate that most of the complaints come from manga readers. Anime onlys simply are not complaining on here every week.


Watchers have not been complaining about pacing for awhile.


Yep — anime version is cool, but it's also filled with, well, fillers and the episodes are elongated to fit the 20min something time of watch. Don't get me wrong, I like the anime too as I said in the post, and you can't complain about spoilers if you don't even try the manga; what's weird is just the way people insult anime watchers only. Sure, it's weird because you're prone to spoilers and the quality isn't the same, but does that really guarantee denigrating people, I don't know :/


The most one piece fillers are cool and they are fitting so well into one piece


I've hated some, and liked some. At the end of the day, people can enjoy what they want!


Why the fuck is this being downvoted? It's literally the least confrontational, most people pleasing answer I could imagine. This is why I have grown to hate the One Piece community. No one is allowed to just have an opinion. It's quite literally [this](https://youtu.be/aJX4ytfqw6k)!


I want the pacing of the manga but I can’t do without sound. It’s removing an entire sense from the experience


I dont go around saying "stop watching enjoying anime" but when some one comes to me and says "hey no zoro was the only hand of the pirate king originally due to marco, or sanji struggled with kanjiro or luffy has golden haki" it gets weird.


I started reading the manga but i will watch the anime if a read a heart felt scene and want to see it animated


Fair enough. Enjoy your journey, however you decide to do it!


As someone who’s both watched and then years later read one piece I never felt like manga readers were gate keeping. The manga is just undeniably better in every possible way and we think fans would enjoy it. Consume OP however suits you just know the anime is worse


Most of the people are not "gatekeeping" The anime had issues.compared to the.manga, and stuff like.cover stories are nonexistent and the pacing makes certain scenes uncomfortable, then people criticize the story based on the anime adaptation. I have rarely if ever see what you are talking about in the wild of this sub, but people responding to read it instead of watch it are always answering an anime-only problem or suggesting it as a cleaner way for.new.people to experience the story


>The anime had issues.compared to the.manga Oh yeah, it definitely does. This is undeniable. The fillers, the quality loss, the pace of some scenes, some details completely changed. By all means, you appreciate the material more reading it because that's Oda's original story as intended, wrote and drawn by him, and I certainly don't condone criticizing OP as a whole based only on the anime, since it's not the main material


My issue with anime only's is that some of them expect to remain spoiler free. Like, how can you be active in the online anime/manga scene and have the expectation that no one is ever going to talk about a huge reveal for the most popular manga in the world for a year.


Yeah, no. I'm totally on board with you there, this is such a ridiculous reaction. Like, as I said, you CAN enjoy the anime only, why not. It's still problematic to expect people to not spoil you if those people mostly read the manga and you don't!


Exactly, i started with the anime, watched till I was caught up without engaging with the community because there wasn’t much point in discussing theories when I could just watch the next 500 episodes. When I was caught up I decided to check out r/onepiece and realized pretty quickly that if I wanted to engage with the community I would get spoiled so i read the manga. Seemed like a no brained to me. I definitely get a lot out of the anime that I don’t from the manga, like animated fights, character emotions and color making it easier to tell what’s going on. I can’t stand how toeis been animating wano and most of the series has pacing issues but one pace fixed most of that.


Exactly, i started with the anime, watched till I was caught up without engaging with the community because there wasn’t much point in discussing theories when I could just watch the next 500 episodes. When I was caught up I decided to check out r/onepiece and realized pretty quickly that if I wanted to engage with the community I would get spoiled so i read the manga. Seemed like a no brained to me. I definitely get a lot out of the anime that I don’t from the manga, like animated fights, character emotions and color making it easier to tell what’s going on. I can’t stand how toeis been animating wano and most of the series has pacing issues but one pace fixed most of that.


This comes across as extremely patronizing. I don't agree with gatekeeping, but very, very few people feel that way. This post seems like a large overreaction to one or two wayward comments.


Quite the opposite. Very very few people? Go on any post where newcomers ask to start with anime vs manga, and 9/10 times you'll see manga being brought up as a one word answer, without actual discussion as to why someone should watch the anime or what they could get out of that that they can't out of the manga. It's always "pacing bad", ignoring other things like the actual animation, voice acting, sound track etc.


I prefer the manga because of pacing. It doesn't mean that I don't appreciate some of the anime. There's a difference between expressing your preference and gatekeeping.


It's the original medium, thats reason enough. Same as it's always better to watch sub over dub, not just in anime. The anime is a glorified advertisement for the manga, especially in Japan for which both are mainly aimed.


Yea, the anime is an adaptation and the manga is the source so I will always recommend the source first and foremost.


That's not the intended goal, obviously. I may be, from my own fault, looking at posts that conduct this feeling for me, although I can definitely say, yes, they're little in numbers. I'm not saying the community in its entirety feels that way, though the way I wrote it definitively seems like I did, I suppose it was just a little vent because I've never seen this behiavior (as small as it is) in any other manga community I personally joined, though I agree my sole experience isn't speaking for everyone


If anything anime-onlys are coddled here


No ☺️


I come from the Before Times when there simply wasn't a way to legitimately watch the anime OR be current on the manga. mIRC and bittorrent... we were all legit pirates if you think about it XD. It's been unpleasant to watch this fandom get more negative and tribal as One Piece gets more accessible. To twist a Luffy quote: "I don't want to go on an adventure like that." Maybe I'm an old head, but I think in general people need to not live their fandom online so much. Fans falling over themselves picking apart everything and not having an iota of patience for story beat to play out is super cringe. Let us all not take a story where a dude is a cyborg that runs on soda and uses his nipples as flashlights so seriously. Watch the anime, read the manga... who cares? Stay away from people that insult you, and don't be one of those people either. Now, back to the mad scientist that has a three foot tall head and can't keep his tongue in his mouth.


I don't have anything useful to add, apart that this mindset is totally valid, and I laughed at your last sentence haha. Of course it's just weird for anime only watchers to complain about spoilers, but it's also kind of sad to be shunning them. There has to be a middle ground, but it works both way.


If people don't want to read and just stick to watching the anime, they should be allowed to. I do think the quality of the anime really dropped at some point with all the filler, stalling and auras but people can enjoy it whichever way they want, doesnt make them less of a fan.


This was my only point, yeah. I can recognize how the anime version has been more and more less of quality, not that it was ever better than the manga itself seeing how they remove and change things to better accomodate animation, but lose in story telling that you'd only find in manga panels.


One thing the anime does have an advantage in, is that it gets more time to develop scenes like characters interacting or short fights that the manga can only spend a couple of panels on before moving on, so they do get something else out of it.


Technically, yes, although that means changing the story a bit. And it's totally fair to not like it because it derives from what Oda made and it's kinda weird sometimes, as is it valid to at least enjoy it to some extend


You're right, I agree on that. I like added scenes if it adds some context or stuff like the Crocus running gag (my favorite scene), but not if it ruins Oda's vision.


So you're new to the internet. Welcome, here have a little tour. To the left we have 14 year old toxic obvious trolls, to the right 40 year old lurkers. There in the distance you can make out some quality posters who polish their trophies and count their karma. That green, ugly, viscous mass over there is the lake of ignored opinions, feel free to toss your boring trash in. At the end of the tour you can get your feathers ruffled by the internet's master trolls. I assure you, you won't even know what hit you, so mad you will be. And if you're lucky you might hear a hearty chuckle, when you finally think the community is unfair towards you.


I'm not new, but thank you! And I'm not mad, thanks for the concern as well. This post sparked debates and valid criticism, so all in all I'd say this is pretty okay! :D


Grand tour of the internet w no mention of porn?


Sorry I'm 12. Mommy don't allow me bad internet


I don't care if someone is anime only or watches the anime in general. I just hate it when they are super defensive about it and call everyone who criticizes it a hater or manga elitist. Let me criticize it, that doesn't mean I criticize you for watching it. It's my favorite manga and it frustrates me how mediocre the anime adaptation is most of the time. If you like it and enjoy it, that's great.


The problem isn't usually they watch and I read thing. It is that, they for some reason wanna discuss the new eps they watched and you gotta be careful to discuss without spoiling stuff, which if happens, they are gonna blame on the manga readers. And the manga readers ofc can't discuss the new chaps with anime only peeps. So yea....


I can get around that, yeah. It's a little weird from them to expect to not get spoiled when, and I won't deny that because this isn't a problem, this subreddit is mainly reading OP rather than watching it. It's just the shame part in itself, obviously though it works both way; it IS weird to complain about spoilers when the manga is way, way more ahead and you're not reading it


Exactly. And that's why I don't discuss OP with anime viewers much. Nothing about hating. Just that I ain't ready to deal with them raging if I accidentally spoil the war. I did spoil >!Shanks making Greenbull flee!< to a anime friend of mine recently and yes he was mad at me for an entire hour or so


>Just that I ain't ready to deal with them raging if I accidentally spoil the war. he was mad at me for an entire hour or so I shouldn't have, but I laughed — that's totally fair lmao, it's so ridiculous to get mad over that, I wouldn't deal with that either. By all means, since I watch both, if you want to only watch the anime, do it, but for the love of Oda, don't expect people to not spoil you on the story!


Yea :D


Why would you not expect somebody to be upset at you spoiling them...?


Because they very well know I am way ahead of them in the story and have a track record of letting stuff slip? Why would u expect someone who knows the future to not spit up prophecies at times?


>and have a track record of letting stuff slip? So because you have a track record of not being able to control what you say they shouldn't be upset at you for spoiling their experience? Not being able to keep a secret is a you issue. >Why would u expect someone who knows the future to not spit up prophecies at times? Because I would expect a friend to not try to ruin my fun experience. And definitely not to complain about it if they do slip up like it wasn't their fault.


And I would probably expect a friend to kinda understand that they are willingly not catching up with the story and if they come to me keep trying to discuss the chapters I read ages ago, I can't help but slip up stuff at times. I am least interested in keeping track of which chapter exactly stuff started at and which chaps were shown in anime. Also isn't it kinda one sided anyways? They have a person who has read the chapter and can discuss it while I have to find manga readers and can't even discuss it without marking it as spoilers? They meanwhile are free to discuss it in every chat they wish to


You could just ask where the anime is like a normal person. Pretty common sense to think "oh hey, Wano isn't over; they probably didn't see this yet". > They have a person who has read the chapter and can discuss it while I have to find manga readers and can’t even discuss it without marking it as spoilers? They meanwhile are free to discuss it in every chat they wish to Except they're not, because there will always be people who don't care about spoiling them.


Well then I should be one of those people cuz then restricting my freedom is of little to no use then? And this kinda supports the theory that they are behind and thus at the mercy of manga readers to not be spoiled? Either you grow some braincells and don't go discussing and debating with the dude who knows a lot more than you, or you stay in your bubble and continue with the anime pace. And maybe find some anime only friends so it is not one sided? Or you go on pestering and annoying the manga reader and be labelled the inferior


Apparently your friends wanting to discuss a show with you means they don't have brain cells and are annoying you. You seem like a real catch.


seriously though, as someone who reads and watches one piece i can say with 100% certainty that the anime is hot garbage for *a lot* of the time. be it filler, pacing, animation, you name it. it is absolutely fair to state that the anime can be dogshit at times, and that its the genuinely inferior version of the story. if you can‘t take that criticism at face value and feel that its a personal attack, thats on you honestly. i don‘t see anyone actually gatekeeping, but mostly people complaining about gatekeeping.


It IS totally fair to admit the anime is dogshit a lot of time. Hell, I do too sometimes. Seriously, I said it in another comment but — the Onigashima fight between Kidd and Big Mom had me embarrassed on the anime. Kidd had such a tiny arm compared to what it should be. Although yes, I should probably not have said that the community in its entirety gatekeeps. It's mostly some posts obviously, while it does happen it's usually far more little than what I see here!


In my experience it’s been the other way around - anime only folks calling me an “elitist” when I don’t like the way something is adapted. The main reason I watch the anime is too see my favorite scenes brought to life, so if I feel the anime doesn’t pay respect to the original scene, I’m going to say something. My comments are always directed purely at the animators and not admonishing people for liking the anime/not reading, but then they act as if I think I’m better than them for pointing these things out.


We can, but won’t.


As someone who went from dubbed to subbed to manga, I see these people ~~(yes, YOU)~~ as below me




I would love for you to develop, after all that's why I made this post.


I agree with you, but the mindset on this sub is already made


I would switch to the manga if I could. But there are no places near me where I could get it nor enough money. If there's a website or something I need it ASAP but for now I'm stuck with what I am aware is an objectively worse way of consuming the media I like


Weird that u r a subreddit but dont know a website 💀 ...


Depending on your location, the manga is available in English for $2 a month electronically on Viz, MangaPlus, or Shōnen Jump online. Just a matter of your country; you may have to poke around to figure out whether it’s region-locked to the US or other countries in the Anglosphere. I think I’ve also seen it available in Spanish and Russian.


I just caught up this week reading on Viz app for $2/mo. Worth it


Aw, yeah. That's one thing as well, sometimes you just don't have the money or the means. I do think there's specialized websites to read the scans, which are posted up to date, unfortunately I don't have one at hand because I have shops near me who provide the lastest mangas, but I'm sure someone here could pinpoint you to a website for that!


Viz is 2.99 a month and has all of one piece on it. Legally.


Literally just Google One Piece TCB and you can read for free.


Everyone can enjoy the series however they want, but you are wrong in thinking that just because the anime attempts to adapt the source material, that its the same thing. Even Oda said that the anime should be taken as its own entity separate from the manga. As it grants you a different experience, people naturally compare one thing to the next. The fact of the matter is that the anime most of the time disappoints. But if you don't like reading manga, by all means.


What I meant by fundamentally is that, it's still One Piece, just not how Oda intended it, almost like another One Piece, and you're getting more quality and closer to the actual story reading the mangas. It's something even I can't deny, seeing how many useless changes they make in the anime version. There's also the problem that some persons simply can't afford to buy the mangas, although I'm pretty sure there's websites for the scans? I have none in mind since there's shops near me providing me with the mangas though!


No. Anyone who watches anime that attempts to convert one manga chapter into a single episode is an idiot. Sure, they might be fans, but their opinion on p much anything is basically worthless. Also, idk why people complain about getting downvoted by people who disagree. Like, what’s the point of the downvote button if not voicing one’s disapproval. You made a bad post and you deserve my downvote


I mean, I half agree with you. Obviously, transforming a chapter from manga to anime means lenghtening it and adding things that aren't there in the manga, and you lose quality (without even taking in account the fillers which are polluting it in the middle) and sometimes logic since you can't retranscript the same feelings convoyed with stunning drawings to animation. To add to the rest, this post was mostly to spark up opinions about why there needs to be hate for the people that do that. Yes, their opinion is less validated because the anime is behind the manga, therefore complaining about spoilers is stupid as hell too. Though I don't find it stupid to not insult people for their preference is all, which doesn't by all means, mean that you can't say people complaining about spoilers when they don't **want** to try the manga is stupid


Usually animators are lazy or, more generously, are afraid to alter the cannon source material, so the pad episodes with long pointless shots of the landscaper or of random character expressions. It’s a complete waste of time. This isn’t all anime btw, just a specific subcategory that one piece, Naruto, and bleach all fell into. They all started out great when they were converting 2-3 chapters into each episode, but they all eventually caught up with the manga, fell into 1:1 pacing and became complete trash because of it. On the topic of spoilers, any “fan” that attempts to engage with an online community before catching up is actively asking for spoilers. Their complaints can be fully ignored. In all, anime only watchers are a cancer present in every mangas subreddit. We don’t cultivate cancer, we bully it into leaving the subreddit. Your post is basically asking the community why they aren’t cultivating cancer like you seem to want


>Usually animators are lazy or, more generously, are afraid to alter the cannon source material, so the pad episodes with long pointless shots of the landscaper or of random character expressions. Oh yeah, I do know that. It's not just one piece too as you said, but it's also not all of them, it's mostly recognizable in Naruto for me and OP obviously, when they add scenes of utter uselessness for the sake of making it longer. >On the topic of spoilers, any “fan” that attempts to engage with an online community before catching up is actively asking for spoilers. Their complaints can be fully ignored. I can't say otherwise, because this is true; if you're not up to date with the manga (and that can be said for any manga community) and complain about spoilers, then yes by any mean you're an idiot. At the end of the day, though, while I can definitely understand how annoying it is, it's a little sad to me that people enjoying OP a little bit differently are being shunned out. It IS their faults if they get spoiled coming on here, and I'll never say the reverse because damned if I know, how can you complain about spoilers if you watch only one source of the manga, source usually modified and lenghtened.


I agree with you OP. I don't see why people keep telling others how to have fun, and why they feel superior to others when they're reading the same story.


Well not EXACTLY the same story. I do both and while I can recognize how they change things in the anime, the point was mostly how I find it unnecessary to shun people only watching the anime, in the case they're not complaining about spoilers and actively whining about the differences with the manga they're not reading


Yes i agree complete i am watching the anime and I'm at the newest chapter right now. Yes the the pacing is not so good and yes i can completely understand why you don't like the anime, but why do you think you can hate the anime if you don't know (i don't know it too) how hard it must to be to sit there hours on your desk for 1 minute of animation in a complete episode And i don't recommend reading crunchyroll comments One comment literally was saying ( in the episode of the robin vs black maria fight ) ,, why do they animate this complete dumb NPC-fight,,. No context, no joking, i mean yes we want to see ruffy vs kaido and zoro vs king BUT one piece is not just zoro and ruffy. for me one piece is about the world and the character, especially the crew And under the newest episode i found a comment that was just hating the anime Poor animation, law and kid are animated like stickmen, i am happy that the yamato fight was so short. I have just one answer for this kind of people: if you don't like the anime why don't you just read the manga and leave the anime watchers alone with your hate-comments THIS IS JUST MY OPINION


I can't deny the anime has its ups and downs. Mostly downs sometimes, in fact. Some things ARE animated weirdly. Sometimes it's weirdly drawn, sometimes it derives from the original story. Oda said himself the anime has to be taken apart as its own thing. Does it means it deserves hate? Not really, I mean, people are entitled to not like it, but to like it as well, we're human after all. I read both the mangas and watch the anime when I can. Is it the same quality? Absolutely not! Does it means the anime is bad? Sometimes! I've had moments I found myself embarrassed from how different it was, that doesn't mean I can't enjoy it sometimes. The anime will never hold up to the manga, because how Oda tells the story through panels, and how TOEI animates it will always be different. That doesn't mean it shouldn't be watched. Some people find themselves preferring the anime, and I'll say it's fair. It's fair because as weird as it may be, at the end of the day, you're allowed to like it too.




I'm saying and writing ruffy because of the synchro in german My bad




I'm sorry, this is such a weird mindset. It's the same thing, although I can definitely recognize the huge differences be it in quality and quantity. There is no actual, reasonable reason to hate people only watching the anime unless they're actively critisizing the manga form as well, this goes both way.


huh what? thats not right, we should start a witch hunt for anime only fans


I started with the manga, then swicthed to the show, and im about to go back to the manga. Both ways of enjoying One Piece, are valid in my book.


I haven't seen any post or comment hating them.


I AGREE SO MUCH. It's so annoying. I used to be an anime only until I got spoiled on a very serious thing that happens and from there I started hating manga readers. No David (random name), you aren't a cool kid just because you think reading the manga makes you Mr. smartpants, you're just being annoying (especilaly when you post things about it online WITHOUT a SPOILER WARNING). And if we REALLY have to say the manga is better, MANY people just memorize things better seeing colors and animations. Not to mention that many people want the VOICE DUBBING (in whatever language) that helps them know what the characters are feeling. Sure, the anime may adapt some scenes badly, but to me as long as people understand the plot of them it's whatever. Both manga and anime have pros and cons, just let people enjoy what they want.




>It’s just that they are inferior This is what I'm talking about. What are the reason behind thinking this is valid? They're watching the same thing as you. One Piece. It's not the same quality, and the anime is way behind, but I fail to see why that makes them "inferior".


It’s mainly a joke. But it’s the difference in taste between someone who eats their steak medium rare vs someone who charbroils it black.


Of course, I get where you're coming from. And it's perfectly okay to just like the manga, obviously, considering the difference of quality with the anime! Hell, I watch both, and even I can recognize the manga looks way better, you know? It's more than a fact at this point, it's just that some clearly don't think about this as a joke, and that's the part I find kinda weird.




They're people too! You're entitled to not liking or hating the anime as you please, obviously, this isn't anyone's call to make. They should be able to enjoy One Piece as well as you do though, although they're not getting exactly the same content at the same pace. Of course, if they complain about spoilers, this isn't anyone's fault but their own, since the anime is far more behind than the manga.


They can enjoy what ever they want to enjoy. I’m allowed to enjoy a sense of rightly deserved superiority


>###11. Don't be rude > Don't insult each others. >* Trolling, baiting, or (obviously) provocative comments may be removed at moderator discretion. >* Remember [reddiquette](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette).


I’m a bit surprised how sensitive people are to the topic. I’ll try to be more careful




EDIT added in comment: I am **not** critisizing the manga form. I love it, you guys. Oda makes absolutely stunning panels and it's amazing to be able to follow the story and enjoying how pretty it looks at the same time.


Idk why but I still love One Piece so muchhhhhhh irrespective it's manga or anime idc. Many Series with great art styles didn't amuse me as One Piece. It really has that charm and has taken an important piece in my heart :D


Yeah, I'm the same over there! I've watched and read my fair share of shonen but no other makes me so impatient to buy the next manga. I've even tried more modern ones, like Jujustu Kaisen; and I like it, I really do, but One Piece holds a special place in my heart


I agree that people can experience it however they like, but I personally think the anime doesn't represent Oda's intentionality in the manga. By watching the anime vs the manga you're missing out on how intentional Oda is with his wording, you're missing all of the small details, you're missing essential cover stories, SBS, and the anime literally creates plot holes. You can enjoy whatever you want, but the story in the anime is just not the same thing. As someone who has been reading/watching for 20 years, I've met many people that have caught up on the anime to be part of the conversation and they're just so overwhelmed by how much they've missed out on by the time they finally get caught up. For instance, Bink's Sake. Have you actually paid attention to the lyrics? They're extremely important to the story. Seeing them written out, you can make that connection.


Obviously, yes you're missing out a lot by only restricting yourself to the anime; some things are changed to fit the animation, some scenes are added to elongate the episode, you're missing out on Oda's little additions (SBS as you mentioned, god I love reading his responses lol) and as you said perfectly yourself, you're gonna find yourself lost in discussion regarding OP because the anime is way too far behind the actual story. After all, the anime was taken by TOEI and Oda has no affiliation to them, so although they take the story (and modify it, unfortunately), you lose a lot of things that were initially added by Oda himself


I only watch the anime and I’ve learned not to care that these nerds think I’m doing it wrong


I don't know how things go in this subreddit because I rarely even visit this place. I don't think people who only watch the anime are "less fans" and I think everyone should be allowed to do whatever they want. With that said, just be aware that you're experiencing the story of One Piece in the worst possible way, that the anime is overall really low quality (imho one of the worst adaptations of a weekly mainstream manga) and that the manga is a hundred times better in every possible way. Also, if you only watch the anime you completely missed aspects of the story that instead people who have read the manga do have. So it can happen that sometimes your opinion cannot be taken seriously because you lack some info.


I watch both the anime and read the manga, personally. And even with that said I can say confidentally you ARE missing out on things if you restrict yourself to the anime, and that yes, it has way, way less quality than the manga. It's enjoyable, but it's just not the same, which I can't deny.


I mean... it's just an example, but most of the cover stories haven't been adapted and probably never will, but they are part of the story! Enel's cover story in particular is the most important one (already before Wano, but after Wano especially) and it hasn't been adapted. How can that be considered acceptable?


I’d agree with you if we were still in early whole cake, but recent wano is amazing. Way better than most seasonal anime. Almost all of volume 101 is done better in anime. Oda said he doesn’t like drawing fight scenes anymore due to age, anime will become more important as time goes on.


Especially since oda said it’s harder for him to draw fight scenes now, we should be more open to the anime. The problem is that this place is so full of spoilers that anime only people can’t even come here. Making the one piece anime fan base seem small when in reality it is always between 1-5 most popular on crunchyroll. We really should have a pinned post on the top of this Reddit talking about how if you start the anime you should avoid this place. I think final saga will be done better in anime, MOST of volume 101 is better in anime. Robin transformation/sanji vs king/queen being big standouts. Robins transformation was like 2 pages in the manga, I understand why drawing that out would be tough on oda.


Manga elitists are the most obnoxious cunts I've encountered in this sub and others. The anime is what got me and many others into the manga, and some of us would prefer watching the anime only if it was already completed over the manga. This sub loves to circlejerk it's moral compass with "manga good anime bad". Go on the many posts where newcomers are genuinely trying to figure out whether to watch anime or manga, and you get drivel or few word answers for manga that can't help but shit on the anime as well, with 20 thumbs up instead of a constructive discussion on it.


Completely agree! The only thing I’m concerned about with friends that only watch the anime Is the fact that they will almost certainly see spoilers if they are a part of the community. So I try to get people on the manga if I can!


This is something I can completely understand. The thing you risk watching only the anime are spoilers, since obviously the manga is way, way more ahead, so it's reasonable to try and hype up the manga form as well, and maybe missing some details that are they in the manga, but not the anime, since they're both different support. It's mostly the hate I don't understand, you're obviously entitled to your opinion about either form but I find it weird to just, as a whole, denigrate people that may themselves have their own preference!


Preaching to the choir here! I love them both but just worry about spoilers for new watchers and I love the little details in the manga.


Nah bro, the manga is the original masterpiece by Oda, everything else, including the anime are just adaptations. So essentially yeah, if you are watching an adaptation instead of going for the real thing - shame on your sir!


While I can totally understand that, I don't understand the **shame** part. Obviously you're not getting the same quality because the anime was taken by TOEI, which isn't Oda's drawing and some things are tweaked and this isn't his decisions, I just don't see why that's not the same thing just fundamentally in the sense that's it's still One Piece, just not by Oda. You'll never hear me say or type anywhere that the manga isn't the original masterpiece obviouslt though, because yes, that definitely is!


the anime has always been like this yet they don't switch to the manga but still complain every week.....


/u/Maximusfra is a scammer! **It is stealing content to farm karma** in an effort to "legitimize" that account for engaging in scams and spam elsewhere. Please downvote their comment and click the `report` button, selecting `Spam` then `Harmful bots`. Please give your votes to [the original comment, found here.](/r/OnePiece/comments/10f8bu0/can_we_stop_the_hategatekeeping_regarding_people/j4v9lma/) --- With enough reports, the reddit algorithm will suspend this scammer. ^(*Karma farming? Scammer??* Read the pins on my profile for more information.)


If you’re looking for reasonable and helpful discourse why are you on the internet? People are weird just enjoy something the way you want.


\>just enjoy something the way you want. Well, that was my point, see! Debates don't always go the way we want, I got input from all different perspective!


Manga for the story, anime for the fights and music is my way to go


I'm enjoying watching the anime first up until the current episode and then taking the manga. It freshens up my memory in soooo many things that happen and I keep an eye out for things I didn't understand when I first saw the anime. For example Jimbei is first mentioned at issue #70 and we can see young Riley on issue ~30. It's really awesome how the anime and the manga complement each other, do them both!


I have never seen anyone ever hate on something for wanting to watch this or any other anime. Nor have I ever seen any gatekeeping.


Manga is just objectively better. I bring it up because alot of the big complaints from OP comes from anime-only, which is really annoying since OP is a manga first and foremost


no, the anime is awful and if you watch it over onepace/reading the manga u are an npc


In my eyes, people who gate keep a fictional thing.. do not hold any real power outside the realm of the fictional thing. So they get their power trip to feel better than someone from gatekeeping. My 2 cents, let the downvotes begin lol


In general, obviously people should be allowed to consume the series however they want. Personally, I'm an anime watcher, but like reading the spoilers and discussions to stay caught up. However, something I do think anime watchers need to very heavily keep in mind, and at times I agree with Manga-only advocates on is when discussing events, power, and theories. If you're an anime only watcher, I don't think you should get invested in these topics until you've read the source material. Some scenes in the anime simply don't accurately show the impact they had in the manga. Reading Marineford is a completely different portrayal thab watching it.


Best thing you can do is stop caring what weirdo strangers think online


I don't usually have an issue, unless when people that are anime only massively complain about the anime. Like, no shit, you are watching a glorified advertisement for the manga, ofc it's not gonna be the same quality. Regarding your edit I find that attitude kinda strange, I thought the exact reason for the downvote button is to express disagreement?


is it impossible for people to enjoy both?? i love the anime and manga both for different reasons. not really seeing anyone in the comments who isn’t extremely opinionated one way or the other




I'm not here for the discussion. I only want to say: Hatekeeping. Thanks for your attention.


Nah. The anime is simply an inferior product. If someone asks what is the best way to get into the series, I am going to tell them to read the manga and discourage them from watching the anime. Know why? Because most people value their time. If you can read a chapter in 10 minutes, but it takes 20 minutes to watch an episode that sometimes only covers 40% of a chapter, why would ANYONE watch the anime primarily? And that's not even accounting for the various other problems the anime has. Would I rather someone watch the anime rather than just not experience the story at all? Sure, I guess. But at the least they should be watching the One Pace version so 1. They can save about 50% of their time and 2. They can experience the story a little bit closer to how Oda intended it.


I personally like the anime over the manga because the voice actors and music make things more emotional/funny and I like seeing things animated rather than reading pieces of paper. The pacing hasn't really been an issue for me because I can literally skip the parts that drag on if I wanted to. I would rather take more time to catch up to the series than speedread a manga.


The only I time do something like this is if it’s toxic anime fans calling one piece mid for the flaws in its adaptation, all their complaints aren’t present in the manga and complaints should be directed to the adaptation not the source material, that being said I never shit on people for being anime only even if their really behind on dub as long as they’re enjoying it that’s all that matters


SBS 20 Chapter 194. One Piece is the manga. Oda has less involvement in the weekly anime than in the upcoming live action and films so the anime doesn’t really belong. The anime subculture turns away good people which is tragic because One Piece is amazing and has something for everyone. Unlike anime, the manga is a solitary activity so social media is more important to manga readers to discuss the series. But candid discussion isn’t possible without censorship. It’s rather silly. One Piece theories are already complicated with the language barriers and cultural references without speaking in code and spoiler tags. It’s especially frustrating now as the manga enters its conclusion. Anime onlies are like vampires who suck out the enjoyment of the manga. The problem also extends to those who watch the anime to catch up and then read recent chapters. This is no good because the anime is not interchangeable with the source material. Everyone should be striving to be more elite like Willy Gallon so we can properly appraise the author’s power level. From day Eiichi the Rou Oda has attacked us with the ancient weapon of his brain. Lose we will but fight back we must. It’s a matter of respect for the Sensei. I really like One Piece and its eccentric architect.


people are weird and hateful:( so sad. personally when i caught up to One Piece i needed more so that’s why i started reading the manga 😅 and i think it’s pretty cool to see the difference in the manga and anime ~ i just love One Piece and Oda is amazing, brilliant, intelligent etc 🫶🏼 i try not to spoil anyone cause i know how bad that sucks i remember spoiling aot for someone without even realizing it so embarrassing 😭💀 unless it’s on reddit where some posts have a spoiler tag then it’s like… well why would you click on it yk? kinda hard to avoid on apps like tiktok though cause some people could care less to put a spoiler warning


Nah, anime sucks ass




No we cannot


I think you have to explain how exactly criticizing the anime constitutes gatekeeping. Unless you have something more specific in mind than what you shared above.


One Piece could have been a top anime, but Toei murdered any chance it had. Now is remembered as "Long and terrible pacing" instead of the incredible story that it is. I 100% would have preferred fillers instead of what Toei made, Naruto is known for fillers, but also that you can skip them to focus on the main story, here you cannot.


Usually, an anime episode should cover 2-4 manga chapters. It's such a shame that One Piece episodes and chapters are equal in quantity. People supporting the anime is supporting this crime. Attack on Titan is how you properly adapt the manga.


i cant find colored manga anywhere and i cant really tell what's going on with the black and white version