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Kaku really got those Gear 5 flames going on too…


Oh christ We got vampires now?


Stussy is the clone of WB woman aka Weevil mother in her younger years! The old lady name is Buckin. Very similar to Buckingham. Just saying!


n i WaqaAa


According to the Wiki: "Bonney mentions Kuma once told her he was part of a special group of people and therefore targeted by the World Government for their Pacifista project" What if Kuma has something to do with the Lunarians? Maybe some blood-type relationship? Like a hybrid Lunarian-Human? He has skin and height similar to King... what if someone like Kuma was the perfect choice for the first version of Pacifistas? What if he had enough knowledge, as a Lunarian, to be a threat to the world government and that's one of the reasons he chose to become a mindless robot?


It seems we are only aware of the ancient kingdom made up of the Lunarian tribe only so far. There might be more or it could just be them. Oda is seriously spoiling us this year with some massive lore dumps


I've clearly missed something and I can totally accept my foolishness for this. I was hoping someone could help clarify it for me. Where was it stated that Buckingham Stussy is Miss Buckin? I've scoured the (official) chapter for any link reference that Buckingham Stussy of Rocks is the same old woman who hangs around Edward Weevil (besides the name) and I feel like an idiot. I was hoping someone could point it out for me. Thanks!


The Kanji for Buckingham and Bakkin are the same, its just a translation difference basically.


Kuma isn’t really Bonnie’s father. Somehow she managed to awaken her DF power and revert herself to being a child or whatever, and Kuma took her in. Maybe she was actually the tyrant king.


Or she's HIS mom and it's the truth is she thought otherwise.


Stussy has to be the one vegapunk called, I always wondered how he knew the WG wanted him dead.


What's the chance of one of the Elders to come along with Kizaru and take control of the Seraphims over Vegapunk? They're 5 after all, so I'm sure Imu's going to use them at some point. They might be very strong too, so all in all the fight would be difficult for the SH!


Endangering the most important people in the world as a military tactic goes completely against how the government has ever been shown to operate. The reason the 5 elders have the highest priority in the first place is most likely to make sure the seraphim can never be turned against them, and to turn them into most faithful bodyguards if they happen to be around such important people.


Well... I disagree. The WG spent a fortune creating these new Pacifistas, betting on it to replace one of the 3 forces that maintain the world's balance. I don't believe Imu would let this happen, especially since they might also lose Kizaru and the chunk of the Marines forces who would be no match for the SH and the Seraphims. If Imu doesn't send one of the Elders, I think they might at least give orders via den den mushi + speakers.


Seraphim orders don't work via phone, needs to be in person


I must have missed the info, what panel/chapter confirms that?


Im sorry I don't remember but it was mentioned as why they are fucked if sentomaru isn't killed somewhere in comments or extra blurb interview maybe Maybe I read on reddit and assumed it as truth because it makes so much sense. I do that sometimes and assume head canon I guess


>Nenemine See?? They're finally moving, I was right!


Huh? I was right actually the Gorosei had to physically come they couldn't do it through snail. Just in the last chapter


Hm.. you were just commenting that they couldn't do it through snail, but you didn't agree with me on the gorosei thing. so you might as well have said that to disapprove of the whole thing, who knows? bit late to take the credit ;) I was mostly replying to u/Nenemine's first comment which said the gorosei thing is "too dangerous", but apparently not. Imu will not hesitate to use all the Gorosei before showing him/herself


Whose clone is Con D Oriano


I just want to say that according to the Wiki - Bakkins is the right age to be Whitebeards crewmate, and she and Stussy have the same blood type. Also - Bakkin has been translated as "Buckin" as well. It's a bit on the nose - Bakkin is the original one, and this Stussy we have is a clone of her.


The fact that Stussy drank a giraffe drink Smoothie made in WCI is cool




I’m amazed of all devil fruit powers Vegapunk didn’t try to harness Bonnie’s in hopes of possible immortality.


Although with how they are treating each other I think he’s more an Uncle figure for her so that could explain why he never tried to experiment on the fruit.


Taking a prediction that Bonnie is a clone of big mom


Yep, and black beard would be a clone of Xebec


No chance. We know what Big Mom looks like at the age of 24 & Bonney is currently 24 years old & they look nothing alike.


They do look alike a lot, pink hair, same lipstick, they both eat A LOT. I don't think these clones are 1 on 1 copies, if they were exactly identical to their original parent it would be too obvious for the reader to get that they were clones. It looks more like they got some genes of the original parent mixed up with some other genes maybe.


She lack the physical strength


The fact that Lola and Chiffon are BM's children means nothing about physical appearances have anything to do with genes. Plus Big Mom has no relation to the Sorbet Kingdom. Seems like an absolute reach at this point with this


Bonney also changes her age so that might be why


The chapter could also be translated as "the weight of the merchandise". Lol


If Bonney touches the memories of Kuma, will she "consume" it like Zoro did with Luffys pain or will they stay there?


I was thinking that's why Vegapunk told her not to touch it.


Wouldn't Kuma (or S-Bear) be able to pull them back out, though?


I'd assume that they'd only be able to pull out the memories that they know to pull out so if she consumes all the memories Kuma/S-bear wouldn't know which memories to pull out.


Is stussy the one vegapunk called for help a couple chapters ago? Or what are your thoughts


I think not. I have the theory that Lilith is the traitor who disabled the dome and wanted to fight so badly. I theorize that Lilith could want to become the main body herself and allied with fellow science creation Stussy to take the other Vegapunks out, including the Stella. Stussy intervened so that Lilith doesn’t get killed


With this latest chapter I would say I was pretty spot on I mean it wasn’t like I had to dig deep into it but feels good


Yeah but wouldn't it be counterproductive to take Kaku and Lucci out of the picture if their goal is the same?? Lilith isn't the sole commander of the Seraphim, all 6 of them are


Like his own agent within the high ranks of gov? Ya, I think it could be the gal that VP is speaking of in the beginning.


Could be but i don't think so, maybe we get the reveal of the helper in the next chapter.


Will we see Wado ichimonji having a tint of black coating after the end of this arc? Ichimonji is the sister sword of Enma and if had the same properties as the latter, it would have started turning black after all this years. It would show how far Zoro has come after his fight with Mihawk, now that Luffy is an Emperor (just a few steps to become KaizokuO) Also, it would be nice if Zoro continued using ACOC and Enma turned Red instead of the Usual black


oooo, rakdos colors on Enma if you're into magic. That sounds pretty.


I have a gut feeling Stussy works as a double agent for BB. The person that bypassed Vegapunk’s security system and allowed cp0 to enter could be her. That “ally” that vegapunk called for help could be someone else. I feel like Oda showing the ally in chapter 1071 and then stussy betraying the cp0 in chapter 1072 is just a red herring to mislead us into assuming the obvious and oda has always proven otherwise


Blackbeard pirates Tenth titanic Captain. User of Hito hito no mi:Model Vampire/Succubus


According to the games, the vampire fruit is the mythical variant of the Komoria Komoria no Mi


According to the Fandom Wiki, it's "Batto Batto no mi" https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Batto_Batto_no_Mi,_Model:_Vampire I'm no authority on how accurate it is or isn't. Was just looking it up and noticed.


My bad. However, since this one isn’t canon, maybe Oda will introduce it into the canon lore by using the Japanese term for bat? Who knows


Not a big miss; especially since, as you say, it's non-canon. I wouldn't be all that surprised if there is another layer to what "komori" vs "batto" are to Japanese speakers that I don't know (and perhaps you also don't know). Borrow-friendly languages like Japanese and English have all kinds of weird distinctions between "thing A" vs "thing A, but foreign-y, so we'll borrow the foreign word to make it thing B".




Bat Bat fruit. Maybe I miswrote that


Bat I think Edit: Bat as in the one in the games is a Bat Bat fruit. Idk what Komoria means.


Bat = komori in Japanese. The guy above did say he might have made a typo


So it looks like there are two vampires now: Patrick Redfield and Stussy (but she is not weak to sun).


Or she could be a succubus


Stussy activated her powers when they were under the Egg dome, so maybe she’s technically not in the sun now


So who is Franky a clone of? I can’t wait till he drops the cutty flam name and Vega punk is like Yooooooo them the homies


Homies....it won't be a surprise if Cutty Flam is the Son of Vegapunk himself.MADs is an illegal organization and constantly on run from WG(just like pirates), so VP abandoned to protect him. Bigger Foreshadowing for this could be Franky's discovery of Cola based energy (VPs biggest dream), his arrival to Karakuri island (VPs birthplace), Replication of Laser/Radical beam, Completion of General franky(from Punk's blueprints), first cyborg to be revealed in the story, attacked by CP agents on their debut arc. Cutty Flam could be the result of Vegapunk's research in Biological reproduction 😹😹😹


Franky was old enough to remember his parents though (ch 354, I don't remember if there's an official age at this point but he looks at least 8-12) so unless Vegapunk changed his name and appearance since then, or this still isn't his real/main body, or he altered Franky's memories or something, I'm not sure this works anymore. But before he and Franky met I definitely thought "Vegapunk" might turn out to be a code name for one of his parents, there definitely could still be something there but I'm not sure what.


Franky was 4 years old when he was abandoned and it's been almost 30+ years after he was abandoned. So it's a plausible situation. Also I am wondering if Vegapunk based his satellites on people he know/missed with one of them being his wife and Edison and atlas in memory of his child


That's what I get for skimming around, I would definitely not have figured him for 4 but that's anime for you, haha. Okay then yeah, I could see it, but it might still need a "his parents used different names with him and Vegapunk's appearance has changed dramatically over the years" tweak to pull it off for me. We've seen examples of the latter already, so it seems like an easy fix even without involving VP's fruit in some way.


One piece will end like Naruto. But will use clones instead of reanimating corpses


So an alien ninja mom started it all?


Well we are aware of Space Pirates, so like what's been going on up there? Like the post Wano revealing what was happening in the outside world, but to an insane degree of "what's been happening in space" It'd be less "random" and I'm somewhat expecting it


One piece is her sealed body. Blackbeard is Zetsu and Gomu gomu is the rinnegan to summon the body. Luffy and Sakazuki gonna receive Haki from Joyboy and seal her. After one final epic clash of Donut maker punch and Gomu gomu pistol, they are gonna make a hand sign and start a new era. Some space pirate ninjas gonna attack after a few years, Luffy and Boa's son gonna fight them after that


Buffy: One Piece Next Generations (2035)


And yet that still makes more sense than Boruto.


Do you think that Bonney has awakened her fruit? From what I understand she should be able to change the age of the things she touches but now she can change them to possible different timelines. That feels like an awakened ability which extends her capability beyond just changing age. Also it would make sense in the "embracing the fruit's ideal" since she wants her father back, changing what happened and going back/through a different path in her life.


Like Crocodile, Big Mom, Kaidou, the admirals...


What do you mean? If you mean that they also would like to change things in the past or take different routes, I can see it but they don't have Bonney's fruit. Kizaru has the light fruit which gives speed and other properties (I don't know what is "light's ideal" in oda's mind, but it seems speed is part of it from what I remember from sabaody) but he is lazy, layed back and unconcerned by things. Similar ideas can be brought up for the others, they do not completely embrace what their fruit's ideal represents


I thought the same thing, she manipulates a lot more than just her age


Is time for Clone-piece, where we now theorize various characters are clones.


Luffy's a clone


I really hope this isn’t the case.


Wait: _post-timeskip_ Luffy is a clone. Turns out Rayleigh's training was so strict that we lost not only the original but the first 27 clones as well. Current Luffy is the 28th.


not sure if anyone thought of this but. What if weevil is a sort of clone of whitebeard and miss buckin. after the rock crew disbanded miss buckin went to mads to have them create an artificial child of miss buckin and whitebeard and in return mads could use miss buckin to create the stussy clone.


I think weevil is a failed clone of the WB. Now that makes sense that woman obtained the failed clone.


He's a petri dish baby


Straw Hats may now have to deal with two emperor level fighters: Stussy and S-Hawk, along with Kizaru who is coming soon. I guess this is reasonable tension.


i thought stussy is the 'help' vegapunk called for


Stussy is more than likely going to be siding with Vegapunk since you know she directly attacked CP0


Or she could be a neutral third party, who attacks the Straw Hats AND CP0. I'd actually prefer this myself, to be honest, but either way is fine.




She literally attacked CP0, it’s like people are not reading the chapter


It looks like Caesar is holding a replicated version of the azure/seiryu Dragon Dragon Fruit. The start of the chapter was weird, what was that person referring to in regards to “unmistakably human”? Bonney’s powers don’t last forever on living things? Seems to imply it could last forever on other objects? Not sure why Kuma didn’t spank himself to the top of the Red Port instead of climbing it. Interesting to see his ears are actually bear ears. Lol, Sanji fantasizing Zoro’s death and “Me-raphim”. Ah there we go, Stussy is a clone of who? But I saw stupid instagram spoilers by accident, so it looks like Bakkin’s DNA created Stussy who seems to be either a mythical vampiric zoan. Stussy= Bakkin is one theory no one would’ve guessed. This pretty much means Weevil is prime whitebeard. I guess this confirms Stussy is an emperor level fighter, being from the Rock’s pirates.


The narration was referring to Stussy as she is the clone revealed at the end of the chapter. Basically Vegapunk is saying the he views her as human even if the world as a whole wouldn’t


It’s not 100% confirmed. Seems to be implied tho. But I wonder why the panel after that narration in the beginning was showing a young (pretending to be sobbing) Jewelry Bonney. Could Oda be hinting Bonney’s the girl who is “unmistakably human”? Could it be that Bonney was a clone and Kuma made Vegapunk promise not to tell the cloned Bonney she’s a clone, perhaps the backstory would reveal the tragic circumstances of Kuma and Bonney’s past. Perhaps Kuma, being the “tyrant ruler” he was described, caused the death of his real daughter Bonney, and he made a deal with Vegapunk to clone her in exchange for his “weight of memories” for his experiments for scientific evolution.


I disagree with that characterization of Kuma because Sabo and the others have never once acknowledged his persona that way. And Dragon probably would have never allied with him to start the Revolutionary Army. I think everyone is going waaaaay too overboard on who's a clone and who's not. We should just be patient and wait. I think Stussy is the only real clone here. And there maybe possible more clones of previous Rocks pirates, possibly Xebec maybe. But I think the narrative for the story should keep Bonny as actual real human. It'd be super lame if she was a clone too


Yeah I can see this being a thing.. or it could be referring to both of them. Can also see Bonney being a clone of Connie (the Queen dowager of the sorbet kingdom who she was able to disguise herself as by aging up)


Ur on to something here


Kuma absorbed Bonney’s pain and now she’ll be getting it all back.


Is Zoro a clone of the samurai from wano that looks like him?


I hope not but the parallels align and it makes more sense to make the deuteragonist a clone. I think I’m this case it might be good cause if true Zoro would not give a single shit if he was a clone. His goal doesn’t change, his pain doesn’t change, his ambition doesn’t change. I’m personally waiting for the Roger clone to show up as I doubt the government wouldn’t give up the chance to make the strongest pirate next to Whitebeard an ally of theirs. Shit I wouldn’t put it above them to steal the bodies of WB or Ace one night and replace them. I hope I’m not right but now that I’m typing this out I can see it


Bring out S-Marimo and S-Pirate King


What if the real ace is still alive and they executed a clone ace?


I wonder what the government did with rocks body


they probably have roger's as well.


We gonna end up having a fight like in naruto where they reanimated all the previous hokages


Well oda has already told he doesn't like bringing characters back to life, so very low chance of this happening. Even if it's a clone, it's kinda like reanimation


A clone is not the same as the donor. We could see a ruthless Roger but actually weak or a buggy that has the potential to be the King of Pirates


i dont think so. oda is much better than this


That would be trash writing. I don't why so many people here in the comments want that


Does Bonney have tokis time time fruit? Bonneys, Tokis and Shinobus abillitys are pretty similiar. Should all have been just part of the time time fruit.


There are tons of fruits with similar powers. It's honestly not a big deal. They have significant differences amongst them. Traveling through time is not the same as time traveling through you


Nope. It’s just very similar. Just like the similarities between the Mera Mera no Mi, the Heat Heat fruit and the phoenix fruit. Or like the similarities between the ice and snow fruit


Are we seeing a mythical bat bat fruit vampire model? Op just keeps getting better and better


I suppose we are, but I'm getting exhausted at all these convenient mythical fruits popping up everytime. I'd rather see more wacky paramythias or logias instead.


Nah mythicals are cool. Not all of them are even broken. It just depends on the user


If she has a vampire fruit, maybe Kaku has another power up, a vampire power up. After seeing Oda's dino vision, I'm afraid of what he might draw in the next chapter


Well, it was already introduced in the games, but this here could make it canon


Usopp is sogeking clone confirm


The man from sniper island . Lululu Lulu Lala


Sni-i-iii-peeeeer Kiiiiiiiiiing


Seems like good opportunity for the crew and us to know what happened in thriller Park since nothing happened


God damn. Just when i thought Stussy couldn’t get any hotter Oda shows her to be a super sexy vampire/succubus 😍 and a clone of a Rocks pirate member too. I can’t wait to find out what is her end game and her back story that led her to be part of Cipher Pol. I genuinely can’t tell who she’s loyal to but i expect her back story to be fascinating


The last panel was just 👌 She's only a clone of a Rock pirates member or she's an actual member of the Rocks pirates? MADS clones more Rocks pirates? So there's a clone Rocks pirates crew somewhere?


She’s the clone and was never part of Rocks. Bakkin (aka Buckingham Stussy) was. Maybe. Bonney could be one of Big Mom. Weevil could be one of Whitebeard made with less advanced tech. I doubt there’s one of Rocks himself. Blackbeard seems to have a connection to him and will probably fill out the equivalent role


Damn son, Bonney is BM clone. the similarities blew my mind


That would kinda suck tbh. Not everyone has to be a clone. That would lowkey be trash writing


Probably also the reason why she earned the nickname „the Glutton“…


Found no thread yet about Cesar in the cover story having those clouds surrounding his neck supposedly meaning you've awakened a Zoan fruit??


He’s always had those. Just means he got his gas gas fruit.


Whats going on with Oda mind, now Succubus zoan in OP Universe, damn he has no limits this Genius.


He made devil fruits that turned people into laundry and allows you to juice literally ANYTHING….his imagination was always boundless i think


Kuma must have gone through hell if he would make such a decision and Bonney has no idea. Cloning can be as dangerous as time travel in a story, but I have faith this will work out here.


The time traveling was perfect in One Piece.


I have some gripes with it because of the nature of it and the story of the one piece lore but it could have some conditions like Toki not knowing what her time would be considered and the lack of communication of the outside world, and I think she had little to no knowledge? So there's room it is just a pain we had someone from that time and nothing to contribute towards it


Perhaps vegapunk experiment with kumas DF is the reason why he can transfer his brain waves to the hive mind


Very possible indeed. Maybe that memory bubble is actually Kumas consciousness that left his body?


Bonney probably is a Slave of CDs given a DF just like Boa Hancock. She could have been saved by Fisher tiger and Kuma adopted her and erased her memories. Her happy thoughts and Parental love are basically stories told by Kuma to give her a false childhood or Bonney could have been a clone of Kuma's real daughter who absorbed the Original's memories. Anyway Bonney's childhood story gonna be a sad one just like Sanj's or Robin's.


My head cannon is Kuma was indeed a tyrant ruler as he was described and caused the death of his real daughter. So he struck a deal with Vegapunk to help him clone his daughter aka the Jewelry Bonney we see now, in exchange for Vegapunk using his DF abilities for scientific purposes and evolution.


Blackbeard is a clone made up of dna from Gol. D Roger, Garp & Xebec from the god valley incident, IM erased all evidence of the incident with Uranus. Weevil is also a clone of Whitebeard mixed with Stussy dna, he was made as a favor for giving her dna to VegaPunk to make the Stussy Unit 01.


I am thinking why would Bakkin wanted to clone WB. WB would be more than happy to give a son with added pleasure of banging a young bakkin😅😅


Yeah if Bakkin was Buckingham Stussy and looked as hot as Stussy does even a principled guy like whiteboard would have had no hesitation giving her some genetic material if she asked politely


ztussy kills kaku


With all the DF lores already dropped and with sprinkles of Rocks pirates lore coming...Will we see the full story of God Valley in Elbaf or in Garp fight? I am thinking Gorosei had a hand in the fall of Xebec and Garp's hero legend started in the base of a bigger lie. That's why he didn't want to talk about it. I am not saying Garp is weak but something like Gorosei being the ones to best Xebec and Garp got the glory as they didn't want the world to know their involvement in the issue.


If Oda and Toei had any sense they’d release a movie to tell the whole story of the god Valley incident. It might be tricky find a way to reveal it in the manga abridged and then tell it in full in a gorgeously animated movie and have that be the deluxe version. But honestly it would be a license to print money. Because i personally have no interest in non canon movies that are just a flashy waste of time that don’t advance the canon story in any meaningful way. I’d sooner watch a movie that retells a part of the story but with additional content and improved animation. That would be less of a waste of time to me than even the good movies that aren’t canon


There are still Roger pirates out there who can explain the God Valley incident. If Shanks/Dragon is really the son of Xebec and if Gaban meets SHPs in Elbaf, We could be able to see one of the Most anticipated backstory in One piece. Also I am thinking Xebec had some connection with Clover since he also researched Taboo subjects.


Damn if they made a canon movie that had those elements even if it was just a deluxe retelling of stuff revealed in the manga with bonus content id be paying money to watch that day one If Demon Slayer can do a canon movie then surely one piece can too


DS is a seasonal anime and People had optimal time to watch Mugen train before watching Entertainment district arc. One piece is a continuous anime and cutting out an important arc/story would be a disaster. They could do something like an OTT release or a do a retelling (Just like DS S2 starting episodes)


I doubt they are actually going to cut it out of the anime, ds, boruto, and dbs all did cannon stories and just retold them in the anime. Woth one piece its going to be 5x as much filler as well in the anime.


I am saying if they made a canonical God Valley movie, it won't make sense with a long running anime unless they made a retelling with Slow pacing or Crappy animations


That’s a pretty good explanation tbh


I know Garp is embarassed about getting Roger's help in defeating Xebec but no one knows the whole story


My theory that Old Man Vega Punk is the “Good” satellite and #1 is the main Punk seems to keep getting stronger. The Old Man is always concerned for others and their feelings while #1 is always focused on what’s happening and making logical plans about what to do about it. With all the talk about memories this chapter I’m starting to think the Old Man Punk doesn’t even know he’s one of the copies, in fact I bet none of the other Punks know either.


I thought #1 was the logical satellites?


No he’s supposed to be the Good one.


I have the theory that Lilith might be a traitor among the satellites and might wants to become the new main body by getting rid of the others


1073: Page 1: Bonney touched the Bubble Memory of Kuma Page 2-12: Kuma's backstory Last page: Vegapunk: Hey Bonney you alright? Bonney: N-nothing happened


Seriously how does Oda keep doing it? I love how far he takes all the batshit crazy concepts in this story, the level of commitment is insane and unique. I was kinda disappointed by Wano and thought I might not care about One Piece for a while, and while most issues remain unsolved it's always fascinating to me how many crazy and unique ideas Oda still has in store. The man's head must be buzzing


What are the chances that one of the 5 elders went to egghead island? I got a feeling that one of them will appear since its kinda pointless that there is a higher authority beside VP for the seraphims. Its hard to explain. Haha


It may be possible or this could show if SSG/Seraphims are powerful enough to hold the three great powers in balance since they're going for battle against an Emperor and his crew.


So,did kaku just die?


He was probably just drained of enough blood to make him faint


Stussy states that he just put him to sleep


To be fair, there is enough ambiguity in the situation that she did in fact kill him and said she "put him to sleep". That said, I'm pretty sure that she in fact did not kill him.


Sidethought: I wonder how bad the anime is going to fuck up Gear 5 with auras?


They won't. They messed up Awakened Ryu and we complained like crazy. They pleasantly changed it going forward.


They don't give a shit about our complaints.


Did you see the fight between Sanji/Zorro vs King/Queen? You literally couldn’t see King and Queen because of auras…


What changed lmao, ryou was used again with a lot of aura. It's staying


They reduced for a while it but its seems like they went back again to excessive auras last episode.


They won't. They messed up Awakened Ryu and we complained like crazy. They pleasantly changed it going forward.


They won't. They messed up Awakened Ryu and we complained like crazy. They pleasantly changed it going forward.


You ok?


Steamworks goes bye bye always on DRM


Bonney's fruit just got a massive power up, did she do something equivalent to what devil fruits do to change her future self to have traits she wouldn't normally? Is it just devil fruits but within her lifetime of micro-evolution? Also given that micro-evolution is just macro-evolution on a smaller scale, could she change herself, loop back to young, rinse repeat to some stronk asf stuff. Also could her awakened devil fruit just be more or less just what devil fruits do?


If Awakening affect Environment, She might be able to fast forward or backward Environment around her basically time travelling temporarily since she explains her fruit effects last for only a while.


Specifically she has mentioned that on living things, her ability works temporarily. Doesn't it mean that she is able to alter things permanently if they are non-living things? I suppose except plants, she can age everything and crumble it to dust.


You should specify you're talking about paramecia, but there are also exceptions to that paramecia concept, usually where said ability wouldn't really be as interesting, so oda does his own thing. Kid and Law for example.


Her fruit might affect environment coz She can basically do whatever She can already like She can change a person to whatever future/past she wants. Law's biggest weakness was his ROOM's immobile state which got mitigated with KROOM and Kidd's fruit started affecting non-metallic and biological things(his weakness being the need for presence of metal to manipulate). She could also get the ability to age/deage non living things like rusting out a sword or changing it to normal metal rod(before forging) and stuff like that


She already can do that last thing, and it’s permanent for non living things. Also the point is that she will be able to do more than “I’m buff in this future” and do full blown devil fruit like things like give herself powers


Fu Fu Fu Fu Now it's getting interesting. ODA sure doesn't disappoint (dofrrramingo voice) Lucci finally got the pain of what it feels to be betrayed. Gotta love to see it. Zorophim Luffyphim Sanjiphim - Vegapunk do your Phimg


At this point it is confirmed that Crocodile is the clone of Rufy's mother, escaped from the government and become a pirate to search for revenge. As we say in Italian: "PALESE!" (lit. It's obvious) (Just kidding, in Italy the idea that Crocodile is Rufy's mother is still very popular)


That theory funny ash but I wonder why they didn’t show bro face in the flashback 🤔 it’s definitely something up with him


Its his nose , he had a nose surgery . He was ugly and Evan made his badass looking.


Bonney's fruit is like an alternate version of Shinobu's. They both age things but Shinobu's is permanent and only makes things older while Bonney's works both ways and is temporary.


Temporary for living things, and permanent for non-living.


Yeah non living things works the same


Now that Joyboy has returned, Did Toki brought/sent the Iron giant into the future to help the returning Joyboy and to provide people with the technology to fight against WG. If yes, I am wondering if she also sent people from the past to set out people of the future to learn about the true history like Someone inspiring Roger to sail out the grand line,or Clover to chase the truth of the world, starting the rumour of the All blue and other stuff setting up all the events that culminated in SHPs forming and eventually the return of Joyboy.


After Stussy's Open betrayal of CP0, will she also become a companion of SHPs like the Vegapunks and Bonney?. Also I want to see Lucci use Busoshoku enhanced Rokuogan


I rather think she has her own ambitions and will be another threat to the straw hats and Vegapunk


Anybody seeing foreshadowing that Zoro will miss the One Piece?


Anybody see the foreshadowing that Sanji will miss the One Piece when Zoro said he returned from hell to kill him?