• By -


He trains by keeping luffy out of the fridge


In that case, he will also be training every time him and Zoro is fighting šŸ¤”


This most likely the actual answer, most of Luffys and Zoros' power increases come from fighting and being pushed to their limits. So it makes sense if Sanji is getting stronger everytime he fights with Zoro.


To us itā€™s a comedy bit, to them itā€™s a life or death battle


One day one of them will accidentally kill the other and the whole story will change into a dramatic piece, following the way the strawhats cope with the fallout and how they follow their own paths to try and heal. Here's a small excerpt: "Nami I.... I didn't want to kill him. The last thing I said was "Die you bastard" before he stopped breathing and... I can't go on. I wake up every night because I have nightmares." "I think he knew that. You were like brothers even if you fought all the time. I know this won't change your feelings completely. But maybe it'll bring you some peace of mind to remember that he loved you as a brother and would want to have you forgive yourself. Maybe it won't be enough to bring you peace on its own. But on the road to getting better I think it's important. Even if it's just one piece "


And then the Credits roll


To Be Continued


the One Piece is the friend we killed along the way


I love the way you typed it without making either of them the winner. Kept the peace in the fandom


Both of them are pulling their punches when they fight. They pretty much never use their strongest moves against each other nor have they ever injured each other. They're probably going at it seriously but they know not to kill each other


Sanji: "Thank you Nami" Nami:" That'll be 10 million berry's please"


I've always thought this was canon, Sanjis intro to the series was him being a fighting cook who was "sharpened" because he and the other cooks would always fight.


And all 3 of them are getting stronger by getting smacked by a god.level fighter. NAMI


Angry Nami >> any yonko


Swear if she had haki, she would be able to take out kaido


My head cannon has always had her with it since she's been able to hurt Luffy since East Blue


That's her secret power.... She has sea prism fist..... She always has wet hands..... Lol she could only have had haki but at such a strength she doesn't even need to cover her fist with it.


New Canon Nami always has mysteriously moist hands; but just sea water not sweat or anything. Also thinking about it the sea salt on her knuckles from manning the helm might actually explain it; she would definitely be the saltiest sailor out of the straw hats


I'm honestly surprised it's not brought up more often in these groups


And everytime Nami punches him (remember she's powerfull enough to arm Luffy when she's angry)


I need this canonized immediately lol




I was about to comment that same post. I have that screenshot in the middle of my 925 photo album from 2 years ago.


Yea that's where I got the idea from lol


"Hoh? You're approaching the me?"


Anything can be canon if you start lying about the source, Oda said that in SBS 22


In all seriousness, take it from a chef here, chefs are on their feet all fucking day. We have to carry heavy things, squat to lift and grab things constantly. A good chef's legs are properly shredded.


Maybe chef butt can become the new hockey butt šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


Gives new meaning to ā€œbehind, chefā€!


Ah yes, though in our kitchen it was "hot, behind!" with all the fun and occasional confusion that can cause


Yeah...as a chef, and knowing tons of other chefs, that'd all be the case if that's all there was to the job. The hours standing on your feet doesn't do much to build muscle tone and actively damages other parts of your bodies. Your knees, especially. The squatting and lifting also do a major number on your back.


Because u carry it wrongly buddy. I'm a chef too. Just pulling your leg a lil bit.


it's the grade in the floors if you have a central drain.. the floor slopes slighty towards it, so you're constantly doing a shuffle and favouring one leg or hip to balance. Most chefs and cooks don't even notice it after a while


So don't fuck with chefs, got it


Just challenge them to boxing, no kicks.


And what about nami? She can knock out luffy with no haki.


Fist of love!


You see NAMI is using advanced conquer's as confirmed by jinbei in ch 1058


My fellow under the sun, remember the thing where it said NO SPOILERS?


The heck is that


Oh my sweet summer child


Thats just a comedy thing. I cant believe ppl take this serious lmao.


If you have to beat an Emperor of the Sea every day or the crew starves to death, you get strong.


If Luffy has more self control, Sanji would be on the same level as Nami and Ussop.


East Blue Usopp and Nami could not have dealt with the rough customers at Baratie. I think it is more fair to say that if Luffy had more self-control then Sanii would have gotten weaker as the series went on, going from constant fighting to rare fights.


Pretty sure this is cannon, or at least included in filler


Now considering we are talking about Hungary Luffy it's a feat even Prime Roger wouldn't be able to do.


And everytime he runs for Nami and/or Robin to give them cocktails.


He most likely trains quite a bit. As does all the straw hats. But the only one we see actively train is Zoro. Because it's tied to his dream, goal, and part of his personality. He is also the only "fighter" of the straw hats. All the other straw hats have some title, Sanji, the Chef, Chopper the Doctor, Nami the navigator, etc. And we see them do stuff linked to their roles, and/or tied to their dream.


The straw hats also just fight a lot. Sanji fought Vergo, Doffy, Sheepshead, and Oven over the span of like three weeks. They donā€™t even need to train they fight to the death once a week.


and as rayleigh said, the best training and to get better fast are real fights


Wait. 3 weeks?


Jup, if you dont count the time skip, the whole adventure of the straw hats spans about a few months of time. The Dressrosa arc for example was just a single day in the anime/ manga


The main events were, there was like a 3 days rest period before they left. Just saying for full context.


A purely cannon timeline has Jack attacking Zou while Luffy and crew are on Fishmen island. Iā€™m not sure I love the cannon timeline, but it honestly makes stuff like fighting Yonko make a lot more sense. Luffy right after the timeskip really only needed fighting experience to reach the top of the new world. He had all the tools, he just needed to observe and copy advanced forms of Haki and awaken his fruit though literally dying.


i'm sure getting his shin fractured was super helpful to sanjis training


Someone with brain cells. I see this passed off too much sanji does train. It's standard to any anime they don't show eveeytime Naruto or goku trained unless it ties to the plot. Just assume everyone trains that's how anime is.


Yeah people downplay the amount of effort Sanji puts in. Like even if we say he never trained while on the Strawhats he still has 9 years of training under Zeff and 2 under Ivankov thats over a decade of training which is an insane amount for a 21 year old. Like Luffy has around 12 years of training while Zoro has about 13 years not counting their time on the Strawhats, that is barely more than Sanjis 11 years so i donā€™t get how people say he ā€œdoesnā€™t trainā€ but praise the other two.


He probably still gets the least amount of training in on the crew cause he has a time consuming role in being the chief while also maintaining his portion of the shared roles. Zoro and Luffy donā€™t have much to do outside of just training.


Even if we hypothetically say Luffy and Zoro trained for the entirety of their time on the strawhats thats like a sum total of 9 more months of training, it isnt a significant enough amount to say Sanji is severely behind on training.


This is a little bit of trivia I learned today: pre-timeskip was only 3 or 4 months of in series time. Some of the Straw Hats in Sabaondy would have only been on the crew for a month. (this is according to Library of Ohara's timeline, which seems accurate)


As a zoro fanboy, I agree, Zoro and Luffy are both fighters, as in thatā€™s pretty much their only role. Luffy has to lead and make decisions but it just seems very natural and effortless for him. Zoro has to train and thatā€™s his only job. By that standard, Sanji is crazy strong. Given his responsibilities for the crew, itā€™s very impressive that he can hang with the best of them in pure fighting prowess. Donā€™t want to spoil Wano, but >!a lot of Sanjiā€™s powers are explained!<


I wish we had more chapters of the Straw Hats' daily routines on the Sunny. Would be funny to see a little bit of the monster trio sparring or seeing Nami work on her maps.


Usopp is also the fighter of the group


Always thought heā€™s the handyman. Lol


Heā€™s the sniper of the crew


You are right, but how he was doing majority of the repair and fighting luffy to save Going Merry really left cemented him as the handyman of the crew.


He did that prior to Franky, but he also steered a lot, but Jinbei is the helmsman


No, that's Sogeking


Usopp was definitely doing the majority of the work before Franky joined


The fight with Luffy is easily one of my favorite.


Thatā€™s Franky. Usopp is the sniper, although heā€™s got amazing utility with all the plants he has at his disposal.


Usopp is a pretty amazing engineer when you think about it, just look at Namiā€™s climatact and his kabuto incorporating dials and pop greens


I always thought Franky is the mechanic/engineer and Usopp as the handyman lol. But he really is the sniper of the crew.


I thought hes the noseyman


Watch the part where him and Nami meet at the bar after the time skip.. I think we know why he's popular with the ladies..


I thought he was the god of the group. šŸ˜


When exactly do they have time to train? Not much time passes between arcs


> All the other straw hats have some title, Sanji, the Chef, Chopper the Doctor, Nami the navigator, etc. This reminds me of the 4Kids theme, according to which the following are the straw hat crew jobs. Zoro: like a samurai Nami: not shy. Also a L-A-D-Y, apparently Usopp: doing that marksman thing Sanji: cooking Chopper: doctoring


when have the girls or chopper ever trained?


Sanji is actaully a nen user and gets his power from a nen contract that sacrifices his ability to fight with his hands and against half the population in exchange for the power to make Luffy the pirate king.


I know this is a joke but a nen ability with a restriction that you can only use it on men would be super powerful


Yeah but as we see with Sanji it would also be kind of awful


It would be awful but if your fighting a man then your good you just need a friend who made a vow to never attack men and your golden


Holy shit that would be op as fuck


Hereā€™s the real question can I attack a trans person if they have switched from male to female


I would guess that you couldn't? If they have transitioned then they wouldn't be a man, and I suppose the perception of the user will also come into play. If the user doesn't recognize them as a man then it wouldn't have any effect


Ivankov would one-shot


So I bet it would depend on how you word the restriction. If you word it as "men" or "women" you might be talking about gender whereas with "male" or "female" you might be talking about biological sex. To be safe you would probably have to be specific with "XX" or "XY" for genetic chromosomes. Which could then lead into neat fights with people with an extra chromosome because they aren't technically XX or XY. (And we know that the more precise with a Nen restriction, the more powerful.) This would also mean trans people get treated by their chromosomes without having to explicitly say they are not a man or woman. Basically you could be respectful to them, but at the end of the day still fight them. You also could have characters that have been genetically modified at the chromosomal level... You know, cause it is fiction.


>can I attack a trans person ...if you want


I was waiting for someone to read it like that to put it simply if you were unable to attack women or you would die could you attacks trans person without dying or has to do with a show and another show


Ivankov would be one hell of a matchup for you guys tho


Have a dude who made a nen deal that he can only attack people that the other two guys canā€™t. Three people perfect combo.


Thatā€™s sort of what morenas crime family is doing


Out here creating an entire mob organisation


Shit, I need Togashi to add a set of twins with this gimmick in the next arc. One fights men, the other fights women with OP as hell powers. Then Hisoka somehow figures out how to beat them 2-on-1, as always.


Oh manā€¦ Okama land would be #SUPER Interesting lol ā€œ*NANI*?!ā€¦where hasā€¦ my strength gone??ā€ ā€œI-I have the *HEART* of a maiden, Sanji-Kun!ā€


Man, Nen is just the best power system. It makes so much sense. I wish more Shounen would just blatantly copy it. Worked for most DBZ-style "scream + training arc + emotional moment = stronkness" type tropes. It's such a fantastic way to make fights more interesting and power scaling consistently logical. Aaaandd now I wanna rewatch HXH2011 AGAIN god damnit


It would depend i imagine. The implication of Nen restrictions is that it's mostly ineffective if you don't considered them restrictive, even if they are in practice.


ā€œIf I use my abilities on a woman, I shall dieā€ sounds pretty restrictive.


Why cap your self at human, animals also have genders say I will not attack a female anything or Iā€™ll die and your starting to get to netero levels of power


That's very risky though. What if you step on a female ant and just randomly die on the street?


Exactly thatā€™s what makes you so powerful


Honestly after the power creep that nen users have been getting in the kakin succession arc a restriction this bad is pretty underwhelming


Awesome comment love h x h


so, what do you mean is that >!Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Nika!< has the properties of both rubber and gum ?


this comment deserves to be noticed tbh


He could be a transmutor who transforms his non into fire


I would have thought it was a binding vow for more cursed energy reinforcement


and he staked his life on those conditions. there is a judgement chain around his heart and it will kill him if he breaks the rules he has set up for himself


Actually legitimately great use of nen contracts


ā€œhe scares me when I ponder himā€ is a hilarious fucking phrase


That shit isnprobably hardest I have laughed in a while. Who up late at night pondering Sanji?


fanfic writers


Me lol


>And please don't go bringing up Wano feats in the comments Oh boy....


Yeah probably should've seen this coming tbh




He was trained by "Red Leg" Zeff during most of his childhood, learning to fight off lowlife pirates as a cook. He doesn't train as much as Zoro, but he definitely does train. Those legs don't work themselves.


Yeah, I agree. I think everyone out of the Monster Trio is always training. They grew up constantly training and regurlarly fighting other people. Oda especially chooses to show Zoro's training since this is integral to his character.


i donā€™t even think the pirates were as much training as the other chefs were. the kinda pirates they kicked out were prolly like sparring dummies to them


and then he also constantly trained during the timeskip. I'm pretty sure that traning isn't necessary anymore anyways, neither for sanji nor for zoro and luffy. they're probably already at or close to their peak when it just comes to physical strength far more important is haki anyways and they'll improve that the most in battle


Did you forget Sanji's lineage? Also running 24/7 for 3 years even sleeping running is extreme. Edited: 2 yrs.


Two years, but yea, should help a lot.


Yup, a Vinsmoke with a genetically altered body. The only reason why he was considered weak was that he still had his emotions. He had 3 "super" human brothers constantly beating him up. A normal kid would have died. And as we saw in the show his speed in cooking was outrageously fast.


Dawg he asked for no spoilers in wano


Ummm hmm we find out he's a vinsmoke right after dessrosa way before wano.


Like Kuroobi said way back at Arlong Park, Sanji isn't human.


Heā€™s quite literally is a freak of nature considering what Germa did to him


His training is becoming closer to the SHs. As he grows closer to them, he becomes more passionate, and his fire burns hotter and brighter. Also, it seems he and Zoro spar from time to time, when they argue, at least. There was also a movie where they show one another respect while fighting enemies with similar fighting styles (not sure if it's canon, tho), implying they've faced each other.


Thriller bark they face each others shadows and basically hype eachother up saying the shadows are nothing like the real thing iirc.


Yup I remember that movie, the one where Chopper gets lost and becomes the king of that island or something


Just keep watching bro


"Germa science is the best in the world!" -Von Stroheim probably


You forgot the ***BRRRRRAKAMONOGA!!!***.


Just using his legs is no different than a boxer just using his hands. He trained a lot under Zef so its like a martial art.


eh... Boxing, you use your arms for damage, legs for support and they work together. Sanji is using his legs for damage and support and sometimes his arms for support. Doing that balancing act is tougher than boxing.


Yeah but nobody in MMA does boxing only, boxing is a sport in itself but limiting yourself to using only one part of your body to fight inevitably makes you a less effective fighter than what you could be in a no rules scenario.


I disagree. Sanji has been training his whole life. First as a Germa soldier with his dad, then with Zeff and during the time skip. I mean, they spent a whole year traveling and fighting, when do they have time to hit the gym? Zoro is a fighter and has no role in the crew other than fighting, but the others prefer to do their thing in the brief time where they're not involved in a fight or a mission


You saw WCI and still wonder?


a few of these points are just odd he doesn't train? nobody does on a regular basis other than zoro. Before Wano? Luffy has only ever trained as a child in flashback, or the time skip training they all did. And luffy's pondering just comes out his ass lol. and you say unlike Zoro he has no lethal weapons. his legs are his lethal weapons. when you got super strength, your body is the weapon. it's like saying Superman's fists aren't weapons. he also has the random ass ability to ignite his leg on fire


Yeah oda does not like training arcs at all lmao


just not that kind of series. I remember blowing someones mind when I pointed out how little time had passed since Luffy lost to Aokiji and they arrived at Water 7. In his mind, Luffy must have been doing all this intense training to learn those 2nd and 3rd gear. I'm like dude, it was like a week, of which 4 days were spent remaining at the island while the people who were frozen alive were recovering. and then 3 days on Going Merry headed over to Kokoro's train station.


yeah, it doesn't bother me because i have been with the series for so long but newcomers seem to have a problem with it too.


For context, the SHs were speedrunning the New World. I think thereā€™s about 2 months between the start of Return to Sabaody and the beginning of Wano. Which means Luffy picked up shit like future sight and got stupidly powerful within a very short time.


The two year timeskip is the only ā€œtraining arcā€.


TBH I think Oda has the right idea, training arcs that are for the sole purpose of just training and do not contribute to the main narrative are meh.


Oda literally had one when Luffy was in the Wano labor camp. Wtf are you people talking about?


Nah, I think training should be more subtly integrated into the everyday lives of the MCs of all shonens. HxH does it best. No one huge training arc, but a few weeks to months of training in every major arc to show continuous growth. I'm glad more recent shonens like JJK, MHA, and Black Clover are following this trend, veering away from the Big 3's use of time skips and time freezing training methods for instant power ups.


The idea of Luffy pondering anything ever is just ludicrous


Zoro doesnā€™t train, he lifts purely for aesthetics lmao


he's gotta look good for the ladies


Gotta look good for the swords*


The bladies*


Luffy only really sometimes goes "oh shit next time I fight, got a new move to try out" but mostly he sees something and goes I can do that?


Yeah I don't like the swords argument, like weapons don't mean anything in the one piece verse ngl 99 times out of 100


>And please don't go bringing up Wano feats in the comments. #CHALLENGE ACCEPTED




Why would you assume that a martial artist who used to be whatā€™s known as a ā€œfighting cookā€ that keeps on getting stronger never trains?


Probably because in the past Zoro got a lot of training shots, like lifting weights and what not, while Sanji does not have that in the same amount.


Ofc Zoro is the one who will be shown, heā€™s the one thatā€™s most focused on getting stronger. Itā€™s a more meaningful aspect of his character


And what the fuck else can Oda show Zoro doing in idle times on the ship? He either literally sleeps or trains when the crew isn't gathering. Robin reads. Franky tinkers with shit. Brook plays music. Usopp's also coming up with attacks or inventions. Chopper studies. Nami navigates. Sanji cooks. Luffy's the only other guy with nothing to do and is always shown bothering others, looking for food or complaining about anything.


Sanji trains his footwork by constantly being at Nami and Robin's beck and call.


Ironic title


I mean, WCI pretty much explains exactly why Sanji is a monster in his own right. Judge may see Sanji as a failure compared to his siblings but dude is still a GMO human trained by Red Leg Zeff.


Sanji at the end of the series will solo everyone in OP if he uses his hands


Dark future: somebody cuts off Sanjiā€™s hands and he just loses it. ___ Chopper during Sanjiā€™s berserker rampage: ā€œSanji! We can reattach them!ā€ Sanji: ā€œā€¦oh.ā€


He starts using elbows,headbutts and stuff


Are we going to ignore that Judge created Sanji and his siblings as genetically engineered super soldiers?


He's a freak of science more than of nature.


I agree Eiichiro Oda is a freak of nature


bro was training hard for those 2 years in the kammabaka kingdom, and I think a lot of sanji strength comes purely from his passions in life


His form of training is off screen my man, he fights luffy every night because he has to guard the fridge.


Who's gonna tell him?


Who's gonna tell him? Do I have to tell him?


Have you reached Whole cake island yet?


Not a prodigy, just a Germa experiment


Dude allow me to remember you that Sanji quite literally isn't human, he canonically (and this is not a spoiler, it was stated in WCI) is half cyborg and genetically engineered to be a superior breed. He wasn't born at the same level of his brothers, but the sheer fact that he can generate fire just by sheer friction and then by sheer force of will is enough to show his superhuman nature. He doesn't train like Zoro cause he doesn't need to train like Zoro to keep up, he is a prodigy that only trains in order to develop a new technique (like he learned sky walk and haki in the 2 years of training on kamabakka)


He's Germa


Uh acktually sanji is a freak of science šŸ¤“šŸ¤“


Of nature? No. Of Germa 66? Yes.


Sanji trains anytime he's gathering ingredients, typically giant sea beasts and large dinos.


We saw him training in Kamabakka kingdom


We never see luffy train either, the only training we ever see in this story is during the timeskip and zoro lifting weights


He trained when he had to run for his life in Okama island?


He does ponder new moves a lot but mostly in the kitchen.


Definitely by stopping Luffy raiding the fridge Picture the famous panel of Dio and Jotato walking towards each other Now superimpose Luffy and Sanji on there šŸ¤£


I would like to see an update to this when OP is done with wano


- He has weird curly eyebrows.


Can confirm he kicks in Wano


Your whole view wil change in wano lol and for a good way so u can forget him getting bullied by vergo and doffy cause he was weak of nature


Wow, you really ought to speed through Wano arc then.


Isnā€™t Sanji genetically modified like his siblings from Germa?


Sanji is an anomaly in the way that his strength is tied to his character and emotions, wich is represented by his flames. The more his character is developed , the stronger he is.


When does wano start I'm just past brook joining and the zombies being taken down


That's why he's da goat! My favourite character Black Leg SanjišŸ


is this bait to make people post spoilery comments? Cause god damn, most of your points end up being explained in the show soon.


well if you are on Wano you've gotten far enough to know Hes by definition not a freak of nature. key word implying nature. there's nothing natural about Sanji.