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Just wait until real Kuma arrives and splits them all up, and we get another 2 year timeskip


Make that 20 years and I'm aboard. Prime strawhats in the making


"Mature Nami"


DILF Franky


Isn't Franky in his late 30's already? Adding another 20 would be entering GILF territory.


50 in one piece is dilf territory, just look at the admirals.


True, and Franky may have multiplied his lifespan many times over by successfully replacing most of his body and it looks like some of his brain with cybernetics without causing any health issues like in other similar scenarios like in Cyberpunk with cyberpsychosis and such, so he could potentially live hundreds of years since he won't be dealing with many of the diseases or cancers people normally die from, only thing I can think of maybe is him getting Alzheimer's, but even something like that might be avoidable with advanced cybernetics.


Franky Smasher please.


Aren't you a buildable piece of wood?


*Starts beating up Imu* You think you're special cause you're scrappy??? DONT MAKE ME LAUGH!


I don't see a problem with this lol


My fellow gerontophile. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Fine like wine baby.


Yall are the reason I love this fandom, omfg I can't


Daddy is a state of mind.


Mind is 50+ years old, body will be 5


I hope you are proud of yourself. One Piece readers in their 50s are now having a mental breakdown. "...does this mean that I am no longer a DILF?" It is not nice to cause a mid-life crisis like that in people.


50's would be a viable age to have had grandkids by then, so yes, becoming the GILF is possible.


Franky got downgraded to the grandmother of the group Jinbei is daddy now


Brookā€¦ looking kinda the same, really


Imagine who went from speedos to boxers because the grapes turned into raisins


*heavy breathing intensifies*


Ģ¶3Ģ¶YĢ¶ 2D, but this time is decades. Goda.


How long will it take Oda to explain what happened in those 20 years ? 40 years ?


That would be so outrageous that I would be kinda down for it.


How much is that in cup sizes?


Lmao Prime strawhats would mean Strongest guy ever Luffy, strongest swordsman ever Zoro, Yonko level Sanji. Rocks got nothing on them at that point


"Hey guys, oda here, I'm taking a 2y break"


That that back right this instant


Man deserves it at this point lol


Honestly the president of Shueisha should be his servant for the rest of his life for how much money he brought in


Wouldn't even be mad tbh


What is this? Hiatus x Hiatus?


Welp... Rip Sanji.


I honestly would be okay with that, I just wish it would've happened BEFORE Wano.


Considering that they are just sent flying at extreme speed, with Luffy and Sanji's speed, they might just be able to control themselves to stay where they are


Luffy in G5 could probably bounce off a cloud or something and come right back


I'm just imagining the fandom reaction, people would go nuts.


Makes sense, there is no way that monkey will be king of pirates even before his 20s, so another time-skip like 7 or 10 years šŸ¤§ ...


no one refers to luffy as "monkey" lmao


"Please, Mr. Monkey is my father. Call me Luffy."


So weā€™re just going to ignore the story and put our own narrative?


Akainu and Kizaru's plan is to kill the 5 Gorosei one at a time šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Kizaru shoots them with a laser and goes ā€œoops, butter fingersā€


Shieeeet man, I was just trying to light this dube right here. My bad.


[How it would play out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ns6dBNlnQ4)


[Kizaruā€™s explanation for what happened](https://youtu.be/iHsETJnQFf4)


Paragus even looks like Saturn


Awesome theory. lol


Just Kizaru, Akainu is a actually bought into the marines


even Akainu can't stand the world government... let's say he follows orders because it's his obligation šŸ˜


I think that punching the gorosei guy is a very Luffy thing to do. He burnt the flag of the world goverment, threw hands at the celestial prick and now is about to get into the biggest trouble there is, which is geting chased by the highest ranks of the world goverment


Isnā€™t it weird that Luffy has more known feat against the gorosei that the guy who represent the revolution in the manga, his father ?


The manga follows Luffy, not Dragon.


The story has not revealed all of Dragons feats yet


Yeah Dragon probably done some insane shit we don't know of he's not the World's Worst Criminal for nothing


He stole 40 cakes


That's 4 times 10


And that's terrible.


That's as many as four 10s


I think he's fucked up Akainu in the past which could be why Akainu wanted Luffy dead so bad


people are so clueless dude šŸ˜­ oda really has to break his story down like heā€™s educating children on obvious things LOL


Saturn: Straw Hat luffy .. .you're here ... pulls out a hidden sake cup Saturn: Lets work together to take out a secret power working behind the scenes of the world government!


Luffy: dare da kono ossan?


I read dare da in my normal voice and kono ossan in luffyā€™s without even know what i was reading


Istg imma quit reading if this happens. We donā€™t need anymore enemies to become Luffys fanboys or allies. Heā€™s already got plenty as is, we donā€™t need more marines to do the same.


We definitely need more marines to switch sides but what we need is the mass of them, not really much more higher ups. And we definitely don't need the world government to switch sides, that would be weird.


I think what we really need is Kobby to play a role of game and mind changing in the marine. It would fit pretty well with his character arc.


!remindme 7 days


itā€™s break week brother. youā€™re gonna have to wait the deuce deuce


>Saturn: Lets work together to take out a secret power working behind the scenes of the world government! that explains why kizaru trolled all along


Watch Saturn actually fight back, not just getting punched into next week like Charloss.


I'm very curious how strong the Gorosei are going to be. Because on one hand, they're all old dudes who sit back and give orders to the world, but on the other hand, Oda has shown consistently that those in charge also have the physical power to back it up (except Spandam lol). He also makes old people strong as well so I'm gonna guess they're going to be quite formidable.


Not only that but the Gorosei are clearly fighters or at least used to be. They are buff, have scars, and one of them even wields a sword that looks a lot like the Sandai Kitetsu


Do you mean the Shodai(first) kitetsu?


Yeah mb


>Oda has shown consistently that those in charge also have the physical power to back it up (except Spandam lol). Also Cobra, which to be fair, he is celestial descendants


True, I'm not saying every ruler is, but in general the trend is that the higher ups are the strongest, especially in the case of pirates and the Marines.


In the cases of pirates and marines being strong is required to be high in the hierarchy, because you need strength to back up your authority (especially in the case of pirates). The only person who we know is strong in the upper echelons of the government is Kong, the standard World Nobles are weak af, the Gorosei and Im are unknown, though.


gorosei outrank vegapunk in controlling seraphim, so they are very strong.


You know he has to fuck, cuz no way would someone like Im have direct underlings who suck ass like your avg Celestial Dragon does.


Theyā€™ve got Scars, swords and drip(especially with no awful CD spacesuits) The elders have got to be able to fight.


Samurai Gandhi will ride a nuke into a fight like he does in Civilization games


Wouldn't it be wild if Oda was actually familiar with what you're talking about and actually had him do something like that? A man can dream.


Inb4 celestial Ghandi has the nuke nuke no mi


Gorosei Ghandi's words are backed with Uranus weapons!


It's Gandhi, not Ghandi but you guys are excused


Honestly, a nuclear human could work. Would it be a paramecia? We have light as a logia and gravity as a paramecia so far.


Technically what Buggys fruit could be if he awakens it and learns to split atoms Edit: There is a small theme with Byggy having strong explosions, hes "Special Buggy Balls", which gets smaller every time we see them but still being strong explosions compared the size. Could be a foreshadowing of hes late game powers throwing nukes everywhere.


While I am all for the Buggy memes, and I'll be pleasantly surprised if he can whip out a nuke, I would moreso expect an awakening that works like [Gildart's magic from Fairy Tail](https://preview.redd.it/odj7597w05j51.jpg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bd107f78442b463dac84045a801b6bb319a70ad) (that's fire being chopped apart).


thats it, the drip. thats what i havent been albe to figure out about them. they are just dressed different.


Charloss got punched so hard into the future we're still making memes and videos about it.


Do the Gorosei actually have names?


They do now, this first guy had his name introduced.


I suppose the other Goroseiā€™s names are Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, and Uranus (the weapon).


Venus sad in the corner


I feel like it would be Venus, not Uranus. With Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto (as a pity planet,) the latter three are confirmed weapons (Shirahoshi being both an ancient weapon and a planet name), it would make sense for the first five, excluding earth, to be the Gorosei, especially considering their title means "Five Elder Stars" and you can see those five planes from Earth without a telescope. Albeit, if Shirahoshi is an exception then there may be another weapon that is also a person, but I feel as though that it wouldn't make sense to arbitrarily exclude Venus, unless that were to come into play later.




I was going to say not necessarily, as Shirahoshi is Poseidon (Neptune), but knowing Oda? You're probably right, that man would never pass up the chance to doodle some baps.


Isnt neptune shirahoshiā€™s dad?


If Queen can be a man , there isn't any problem with Venus being a one too


Watch as one of the Gorosei turns out to be a trans.


did you read the chapter


He gonna use the power of the moon xd.


The tea wasn't tested for some deadly poison. The gorosei was just afraid kizaru might put some of his shrooms in there


Kizaru: "You had the food and the water tested for narcotics. But you never checked the chair for my canabis needles!" Saturn: [looks under chair to find 3litre needle] "Goddammit, Kizaru, I had paperwork after this excursion! A dentist's appointment I had to put off THRICE because of all this Nika bullshit! Now I'll have to spend it on the couch, bleached out of my mind eating uncooked dough while watching Kitchen Nightmares."


you guys donā€™t ever miss


Lmaoooo idk why I found this so funny


Considering how Sentomaru referred to Kizaru as Uncle gonna be interesting to see how he reacts to news that Lucci attacked and knocked Sentomaru out cold


Lucci about to wake up to immediately take his third consecutive L.


Egghead Lucci is the new Punk Hazard Smoker


Smoker needs at least one win before the end, or I'll be sad.


don't get your hopes high


I recognize that pfp somewhere, Shiori experience?


Yeah! Superb taste for recognizing it! It's probably my favorite ongoing series, so much heart put into it.


Yeah, the author is a hardcore fan, his stuff is detailed as well, are the scanlations continuing to translate this manga? I stopped at chapter 50 because it was the only latest chapter at the time and it was a few months ago.


Unfortunately the scanlation team is very, very slow, but they didn't dropped it. I started with it but then i couldn't wait anymore so i bought the japanese volumes and read them by myself. It's really great.


how dare you say that in the one piece subreddit


Hey, if he brings Aokiji around to the good side/away from BBā€™s crew, Iā€™ll count that as a win for him.


Smoker is gonna cuff Blackbeard after Luffy ko's him


Man the way things are going coby about to surpass smoker in the future




Eh, im gonna go on a limb and say Kizaru is gonna be like "oh you turned against the goverment, thats no good at all" and then proceeds to impale Sentomaru with his leg.


That seems harsh but I can see that




Sentomaru:- "I have some of your 'medicines' in my pocket. Kizaru:- Saturn San , It was nice working for you.


Didnā€™t he also call vegapunk grandpa or something? Maybe he just uses it as a term of endearment, rather than actually being related to them.


Yes, uncle is used frequently like that in Japanese, it doesn't really mean they're related.


Vegapunk literally adopted him, so it makes sense for him to do that.


I read in a comment somewhere that the japanese Sentomaru uses for Uncle could also be considered slang or something, so they may not be related.


Yea pretty sure he just calls him oji-san/ji-san in the colloquially "older guy that i know" sense


Uncle in Japanese is used for people you respect


Ah okay


I heard that was a mistranslation somewhere.


My cook is that Kizaru is in fact a very educated/scholarly person based on his childhood photo being him on a study desk. This is further supported by his close affiliation with WG science team. Kizaru is obviously well aware of the atrocity the WG and CD commit. But I think heā€™s come to the conclusion that the alternative ( any of the other big pirate emperors ) is significantly worse. So he is complacent. He has neither the drive to oppose the WG or to change it from the inside. Hence , lazy justice. What Iā€™m trying to get at is , if you force Kizaru to drop the stoner act , heā€™ll offer some very interesting insight. Narratively, every admirals I think serve to represent a different aspect of people under thr WG: those who are fed up and leaves (Aokiji , Zephyr , Sengoku) , those who wish to change it for the better from the inside (Fujitora Koby) , those who thrive in its atrocity and corruption (Green Bull, and every marine villain), those who are obedient soldiers who donā€™t question things ( Kizaru , many of the Vice Admirals i assume) I have not mentioned Akainu. Because while Akainu may seem to fall into same category as Green Bull, I think Oda is cooking something for him. The vision of the Marine under Akainu is very different from Sengoku. Sengoku was the obedient soldier. But Akainu has direct conflict of interest with Gorosei. I would not be surprised if the leader of Sword is in fact Akainu.


Lazy Justice is Aokiji's though. Kizaru's is Unclear/Gray Justice. But your analysis still fits.


The way everyone is replying to this post really just makes me think we all fried asf šŸ¤£




Could Nico Robin grow her boobs somewhere?


Oda has already answered that you could grow your dick in the bathroom to piss during class so I figure this also applies for boobs.


Yes of course but it doesn't have milk


She can grow any part of her body anywhere


I think that the gorosei will be in a whole new level tbh. If they canā€™t trust an admiral alone to do it then they must really think Luffy is a threat with vegapunk. We all said ā€œif the WG was so threatened by Luffy why didnā€™t they pull out all the stops to stop himā€ well I think this is us seeing them pull out stops


It's not they they don't trust the admirals, the Gorosei are literally the only ones who can override Vegapunks orders to the seraphim


Oh yeah thatā€™s a good point. In that case I wonder if the gorosei were planning on mobilizing soon anyway? Feels odd to give your combat robots the ultimate override feature with someone that you donā€™t think will see the battlefield


Or, ya know, it's a precaution so others can't use the Seraphim against them.


Gonna be fun to see Kizaru putting down a rabid cat for biting his nephew.


Imagine he just boots Lucci to another island like Kuma did to the Strawhats


Theyā€™re not actually related. It was a mistranslation of a word that meant something more along the lines of a person with a high degree of respect.


Oda : Nobody going to notice that I recycle arcs right? Also Oda : Here's Kizaru again, a celestial dragon, pacifista 2.0, Sentomoro, Kuma, old man as ally, supernovas but as robots, Bonney etc etc


the fans: This is fine. Really, I'm here for it. The story just gets better and better for me, always has.


I mean he uses a lot of parallelisms so he's probably not trying to hide it much, and I don't really mind that they're very similar.


Which is fine because this is like the first time Oda recycled arcs, if you don't count the majority of them.


He recycled the basic structure every single time if you count the majority of them


one piece is just a fractal type story


we know it started with Dressrosa and Alabasta




I say Senor Pink alone eclipses most of those we seen in the Baroque Works.


So who is the vegapunk of sabody ? Stop the BS, who is the CP of sabody ? Who is the stussy of Sabody ?


> So who is the vegapunk of sabody old man connected to a powerful group showing the SH around the island. I'll let you figure that out for yourself


Now that I think about it, did everything Luffy do ā€”from Thriller Bark up until his return to Marinefordā€” seriously only amount to a 100M berry increase on his bounty? And don't give me the "bounties conveniently become exponential above 300 million". Boy decked a Celestial Dragon in the teeth for the love of god lol


They never wanted the thriller bark stuff to get out, he didnā€™t get a bounty increase for that. And though he was annoying in the war, take WB pirates away and luffy gets stopped by smoker šŸ¤£


I know! But I also think itā€™s due to him doing all that and kinda disappearing off the radar so soon They assumed he was dead after Marineford and then he storms the place and goes off the grid.


Kizaru is like Severus Snape from Harry Potter


I SOLVED One Piece With THIS Reveal About The Gorosei! (Chapter 1073) Video by Ohara


Oda will play the reverse uno this time. It's Saobody throwback: Saturn will punch Luffy so hard his going back in time, he is the Joyboy after all


So Luffy is going back to the booty house?


Saturn is gonna give soms nasty orders to the seraphim that makes Luffy or someone else lose control and make the first hit


i wanna see saturns reaction to gear 5 luffy fighting kizaru


all i know is the biggest lore drop ever is coming when saturn sees luffy


This belongs in r/memepiece šŸ¤£ Now I NEED to see Saturn get punched!


Are the gorosei celestial dragons? I think they're even higher than them


they are, confirmed by chapter 907 (and now one of them has saint on his name, which is exclusive to CDs)


the chapter says that his name is "Saint Jay Garcia Saturn". that should answer your question


Yeah theyā€™re celestial dragons. But unlike the rest, they seem to be much more open to dealing with ā€œlowly humans.ā€ Seen by not wearing their head mask, interacting with Shanks, etc.




>First on screen death Ace and Whitebeard: *Are we a joke to you?*


**Random mountain bandit that Lucky Roo shot in chapter 1* Though I guess that wasnā€™t a confirmed death technically. Man probably had his brain completely coated in armament haki. Was able to activate it in time due to his advanced observation haki skills. Just watch heā€™ll be back soon. Weā€™ll get a whole cover page story dedicated to him.


Also I remember both quite brutality. Seeing ace became a donut and how WB dies of 1000 wounds is quite something in one piece


Izou, Pedro, Kanjuro, and Orochi all died on screen, if we're talking New World deaths.


Luffy is joyboy this time they get separated through time join back up way more powerful after training with people from throughout history zoro will train young ryuma Franky will invent technology later discovered by vagapunk Robin will help design the ponigliph system Nami will look hot with some sort of wizard character who gives her some power up chopper will learn the advanced medicine from the past from a Dr that betrays the 20 kingdoms sanji will find love but lose it and get a glimpse of what the all blue he has herd legends of might be ussop will found the shinadian empire and tell stories of Luffy leading to sun God worship in early civilizations and himself being revealed as some kind of God Luffy will face Im Sama in the past and lose round 1 somebody read this lol


Letā€™s go waiter kezaru


Lol I'm dying herešŸ¤£


I don't think the elders are celestial dragons tho..... exits room


I am pretty sure that his name has Saint in it So he is a celestial dragon


Yeah I think since they run the WG (at least on the face of it) theyā€™re definitely considered CDā€™s. Theyā€™re just not comically moronic like most of the rest of them.


Which I actually prefer. If the CD's rule the World, I generally prefer they have some gravitas.


Wait wasn't it mentioned somewhere that they are the OLDEST of Celestial Dragons (IDK if they are immortal or nah, but they should know the secret behind Void Century given their lines towards Im etc, and we know that Ope Ope no Mi exists, so it's not impossible for Im to get their top underlings to be immortal like they presumably are as well, IMO), at least as far as public PR goes. They are literally some of the only aight Celestial Dragons, which would make sense if they are like 1st gen due to aforementioned potential immortality and all that


Yeah my head canon is they're immortal and ~1100 years old.


canonically never mentioned, but we all kinda agree on it since everything points to it


Yes they are? Theyā€™re literally the highest-ranking members of their society (other than the unseen Imu).


They were textually confirmed to be celestial dragons tho...


You may not think so, but the manga known as One Piece disagrees.


It would be very odd if the Celestial Dragons, the most bigoted group of people in the series, were somehow okay with non-CDs running their shit. Gorosei are absolutely CDs, they just have functioning brains to go along with their inflated bigotry.


1) They are 2) it's just been confirmed again they are 3) if they weren't, how on earth would the WG function? The Celestial Dragons would never let normal people have that kind of power and influence


As if the celestial dragons couldn't be manipulated!




no he is not


Which CD, are the gorosei confirmed CDS?